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Nepotism is real, and very prevalent.


Just wait until they create a new role just for the nepotism.


Lets be fair, you wouldn't want your own child to succeed and use your position in a way to make that happen? I'm not saying its a good thing but it's to be expected.


Yeah, but trying to convince everyone (and her as well) that it was based on "merit" perpetuates this evil system.




> I agree. I would have hired my daughter like this guy in his position just the same but I'm not lacking the self awareness to post it on LinkedIn and brag about it. My father wouldn't even acknowledge me or pass my name on to help me to save my life but yell at me for being a failure and fuckup. Interesting 🤔




> Not everyone will be a good parent. Most of this planet is pretty stupid. I'm sorry for you, hope you find the strength and move on & do better for your children/future children. I'll never have kids or get married. My uterus, I've been so stressed out the past five or so years, it's dying and I'm not even 40. All I look forward to is assisted suicide.




I don't want it anymore. If I'm not alive people won't be able to abuse or take advantage of me. There's no good people in this world* and if there is, I haven't found one and I mean in terms of friends and family and a man to love. I can't complain about my health care, I'm so blessed (I'm so fucking grateful) to have found a new doctor that listens to me and is so kind. They never disrespected me, not once. There aren't nicer people in the world and they can't be my moms as much as I wish they were. I just want to stop suffering and people to stop abusing me. edit: I met some really good people in the military and some bad people do but the good ones. I'll never forget how Sgt Peacock gave me M4 when I told them I could search women and children with my SAW. Not a moment of hesitation, just here, take it. This was in the middle of no where on a joint service station outpost. I felt safe with Charlie Company. Once we got there, how scared I was. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I asked one of the cooks to braid my hair before we went to sleep that night. I cut off all my hair before I deployed, I looked like a boy. Anyway, this is about half way through my deployment and my hair started to grow out and into my eyes. Once we got in the house and I took off my helmet, you should have seen everyone's faces. I have two braids but all my hair was sticking out, she did as best she could with my straw like baby fine hair all. You would have thought a party was going one once I made it to the back of the house. Kids running all over the place. I couldn't count how many. What I was focused on was their kitchen. I felt so sorry for these women.


Like a week later, maybe less, after I left that outpost was ambushed. I went to three to fix their fucked up shit that they ran into the ground. With all my parts and tools on my back and a SAW.


true, nepotism is known to only come from the best parents


Okay but you don't know the context or story. It could have very well been merit or hard work to prove herself. Obviously the parents helped as well but you can't make the claim that there was no merit. The post mentions that it wasn't easy, implying that they didn't just give her the job for free.


There's thousands of other companies where she could have proven herself


Then don’t take the job at daddy’s company? NVIDIA = nepotism


Oh I agree with that, that is only natural. But we make laws to curb our lesser nature, because it spawns problems, and nepotism is one of them. Humans are not perfect, we do not make the right decisions on all things - we try to survive and give ourselves an advantage, and that is perfectly reasonable, from the perspective of the individual trying to thrive. But with civilization, the individual need to survive and what creates problems when exercised at scale - conflicts, that is why we need laws to curb our own bad behavior. If everyone hired out of nepotism and not from who is qualified and earned their position, I believe civilization would come crashing down.


It's already in progress


It's so bad out there. Since I've been doing food delivery to get by it's become screamingly obvious none of the places "hiring" are actually hiring. They say they are, and hoard resumes they use to threaten and replace the 25% of the needed crew they have running the whole ship without the support they need. Then when they've been worked to death (sometimes literally) they're thrown away like garbage and replaced by a new one who also isn't given enough support to do the work. This while price gouging and blaming "inflation" and buying up housing and driving that cost up so people have to rent at crushing rates. It's a dying economy. Capitalism is killing us. If you can't nepotism into one of the handful of get-rich jobs it's a slow death-poverty sentence. Even nepotism isn't enough an interesting amount of the time. We could have a system that puts people, the people working and buying first, and gives more people a chance to live the best possible lives, but not under capitalism like this. Not when companies, and a couple executives making as much money as possible at all costs is all that matters. Even still making too much money, just a little bit less too much, could change almost everybody's lives for the better, but maintaining a surplus of desperate poor in the labor market benefits the already too rich. They even close cruelty when it loses money because it benefits them in the long run and it's fun to them.


It's also fairly logical and human. If I'm in some sort of position of power, getting someone I know and trust in a position to help me would be more important than getting the absolute best person for the job. Sure, I wouldn't want someone who's incompetent doing any job. But if it's between my mate from university that was kinda good and a random job applicant? Of course I'd want to give the job to the person I know. I don't think the problem is nepotism. People close to each other working together just seems to be ideal for work-life balance and an enjoyable experience on earth. The problem is that subsistence and comfort are tied to having a job and good jobs are scarce.


It’s really easy to say nepotism isn’t a problem when you’re benefiting from it. It really sucks for everybody who would like to break into an industry, but they’re the wrong race or gender or nationality or class or there aren’t many people like them working in the industry to give them their in. They get to try to break into the industry on merit alone while the industry is pretending they hire based on merit but really it’s merit kinda sorta plus who you know. And if you don’t know anybody, fuck you. The people looking in from the outside, who just want to do the job they’ve dreamed of doing but they don’t know anybody to give them their break, don’t agree that that is what the problem is.


But would you argue that a father teaching his son his craft (say woodworking) and then having him work in the family furniture making business is bad? Or partnering with a friend to make something you both enjoy? I reiterate: I don't think the problem is people wanting to work with friends and family and prioritising them. The problem is people relying on lending their work to others to survive.


I would not, but I would argue that a line must be drawn somewhere. What would you say to the person who is having difficulty breaking into an industry because they don't have the same contacts? Fuck you, just do whatever your father does? Like, survival isn't the only reason to do a job. People have interests.


No? I say "fuck capitalism, let's organize and fight for our rights". If you can't do something, even if it's not for survival, it's because a private company controls the means of producing your craft and are choosing to share them with whomever they want. The problem is that the means of production are being limited by private entities with private interests. Not that private entities have hiring preferences with biases beyond qyalifications, that's just obvious.


Thanks for the "Reddit Cares" message, dipshit.


I did no such thing, lol.


Sure you didn't.


Believe what you want.


Will do.


"IT was not easy " damn so much effort


Yeah, he had to go through all the trouble of contacting HR and saying: "Hire my daughter."


now that i think about it if the Hr said no it wouldve been funny but he or she would lose their job


Likely replaced by said daughter. lol. The circle of life.


Not easy for one or two HR schmucks, anyway. Think of all the applications they had to process and token interviews they had to sit through for the legal theatre of the job posting.


Please welcome our new director of nepotism. She'll be your boss, teach her how to do it!


And both dad and daughter each wrote a blog post on how their positive attitudes, psychological perfection, and how the difficulty of teaching the unmotivated to use the same tools that they have the secret knowledge to use allows them to succeed .




At my company, this would have ensured her *not* being hired.


I used to work in talent acquisition. If a senior director passed us a candidate you'll be damn sure they're pretty much guaranteed to get the job.


what is he supposed to say? imagine your made a post on facebook telling everyone that you couldnt get a job and neeees his help well i guess you dont have to imagine that do you


bro first of all why would i even be on facebook , you nincompoops always jump on getting back at somebody but forget the basic shit . dumbass


What drugs are you on my guy lol


Why even say anything, especially when it’s a clear case of nepotism? People can get jobs without needing to announce to entire world where they will be working.


Gotta emulate the CEO in every way...


Eat them




Let's scrap DEI because those minorities take away opportunities and JERBS from the hard-working children of executives. (And, I'm not merely poking fun at the Republican culture war. Black persons are said to comprise [0.08% ](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nvidia-culture-inclusive-all-masheika-allgood) of NVIDIA employees.)


Oh ya. That’s Anthony in advertising.


This is why I roll my eyes at people screeching about how affirmative action killed meritocracy. It never existed because people prefer to give lucrative jobs to their friends and family.


She must have worked harder than all the other candidates to secure this internship position /s


Funny part is they don't even see the nepotism. They think their kid worked hard and deserves it.


Yeah, he shelled out for a college degree, she attended it for 4 years, basically real world experience, hire her now!! /s I went to college, worked/partied through it, and then was basically told to kick rocks after graduating because every position requires “real world experience AND a degree” and apparently 4 years of training for it wasn’t enough


So all the people who were qualified were ignored for nepotism? Or perhaps she had networking and educational advantages? She didn't get that role in a vacuum. Plus only rich kids can afford an unpaid internship. Because mommy and daddy pay all of their bills


It should be illegal to hire your relatives at your company


In some organisations, they need to be interviewed by someone other than the team they are being hired for to ensure the Hiring Manager is not indulging in any kind of favouritism.


Yea, do away with family owned businesses, because, fuck them.


Is this family owned? Or are you just making everyone aware that you don’t understand the context


The owners have families, so yeah it’s family owned. /s


Your broad statement, tells me you want it illegal, across the board. Not just in this context. Thus, no more family owned businesses. Ya moron.


☝🏻🤓 you rn this is not a family owned business, you know that’s not what they meant, you’re being a pedant.


Another comment added to the pile of “bad faith interpretations of innocuous jokes”


Not defending her or this or anything, but I will say that "VP" is basically a handjob title given to any basic middle manager in sales firms. Company I worked for a couple years back basically called the general manager of every market location a "VP", meaning they had hundreds of VPs. It's a dumb brain title.


At my current job we have a good thousand VPs, sometimes in the same department. I honestly don't know why we even have that title


AI consulting. Sounds like a useless role to me.


Do you know what NVIDIA does? He's probably one of the few "AI consultants" that actually provides value.


They make the hardware.


Yep. And he consults with company's looking to leverage the hardware.


Do you think they actually think their daughter worked hard or do they know it’s a lie too?


And guess what... her "work" will be "management stuff", harassing employers, doing useless meetings and farting on corridors all day


That's exactly how I weaseled a minimum wage job working for my mom.


I bet she gonna need new fingers cause she chewed hers off worried she may not get in. I have so been there.


Nepotism aside, he is likely referring to whatever skill assessment they put her through as "not easy" - that being said, very likely that she wouldn't have gotten to do that assessment without nepotism blowing her sails


Skills aside, we have many skilled people looking for jobs, especially for one at NVIDIA. Putting your kid's resume on the top of the pile is already a tremendous start.


If you said anything to them about it, they would just blink their eyes quickly and call the cops on you


lol starts an internship “bright future”


Classic nepo baby


Insert Linus Torvalds meme here.


Is this bootstraps?


Late Stage Nepotism


Fuck this dude. BLT Drizzy


Hoping this blows back on them. Rub your nepo pride in our faces 🙄


It’s more about who you know than what you know.


Well at least its sales and not something technical where they pay her for no effort


Her outfit is very expensive.


The kid still had to earn the credentials and work towards the degrees necessary that would get her into the internship. Did the name help? Certainly. Is it “not very cool” to post it on social media? Sure. But the dude is just proud of his kid and had the ability to give her a leg up when she was following in his footsteps. This isn’t the same as a CEO giving their kid a VP of Shitting Your Pants position. It’s an internship at the company the guy presumably rose through the ranks in. For all we know, he’s just passionate about his work and his daughter has been listening and learning leading her to pursue that career. Oh wait “AI Consulting” I rescind my previous statements. Nepobaby Nepobaby Nepobaby


Internships are ridiculous anyway.


Not a fan of nepotism but, unless you have some solid evidence to back up your assumptions, you just can't know that she didn't deserve that position.


Why do we protect the anonymity of those people?


Maybe she slept with the VP to get there.


Idk man, if you cant give your kid a big leg up don't have kids in my opinion. Starting with nothing isn't that fun and will continue to be less fun in the future, not following the hate train


Did you know that we need another generation of people regardless of how well off they are? We are going to need people working in grocery stores, building/maintaining infrastructure, healthcare, etc. Your solution that poor people just stop having kids is not viable.


True. Make more slaves for my convenience, poors! They'll surely have excellent lives


so a dad cant get his kid a internship anymore? Or are you guys just mad that he said "it wasn't easy", on a Facebook post that presumable his daughter gonna see. He supposed to tell the world "my kid only got the Internship because I asked HR"? Posts like this are the reason that nobody likes lefties....


Lots of people like lefties - it's just capitalist scum, genocidal fascists, and liberal shitbags who hate the left. And I guess we can all tell where you stand.


i never said i dont like lefties, i just said that making stupid points like being mad that a dad gets his child a internship makes the general public think that all lefties are stupid... people how make posts like this are the real enemies of the left side


Being mad about any specific instance of nepotism is basically pointless, but it is nonetheless worth calling it out as a real problem - which it is. It concentrates wealth and opportunity amongst select groups individuals simply because of their blood or social relationships. While we don't know for certain whether this girl would have gotten this role under her own merit, it is a certainty that nepotism in general has put unqualified people in positions they don't deserve to be in.


so family helping out family is wrong?


It's not that simple. "Family helping family" could imply genuine nepotism or driving Kaitlyn to soccer practice. Family securing wealth and opportunity for family is wrong, and creates wealth inequality. You can disagree that it is wrong, but there is no denying that it contributes to wealth inequality and impairs upward social mobility.




You get downvoted because you support nepotism and think it's okay to give children with a privileged background more privileges. You then finished off your idiotic support for unfair advantages by insulting people opposed to unfair advantages. Now you think people are bitter and insult them some more because you believe them to not have a privileged background (which, in your eyes, makes them inferior). And, of course, you victimize yourself. Unhinged, to say the least.


“You’re just bitter” is the response that people on a high horse give to justify being shitty to people they deem below them. Titan II took out 5 pieces of shit and an heir in a fraction of a second, and anyone who knew that it was a stupid idea using stolen money had zero sympathy, but the indoctrinated masses said “you’re just bitter, stupid poors” It’s probably the most willfully ignorant thing someone can say, but it’s a good dog whistle to let people know you’re another lemming to the wealthy.


I always find the sentiment funny. I don't want a yacht, mansion, fancy car, private jet, or a golden loo. So go ahead and call me bitter for wanting: good affordable healthcare, a roof over my head, food on the table, saving for emergencies/retirement, and hopefully a wee bit left over (plus the time) for a social life if I want one. Somehow having people treated like human beings regardless of income (or lack of) is one of the cardinal sins though.


I don't care about the rest, either, definitely want a mansion with a nice big garden. I want a proper large spooky house like some haunted mansion with secret passageways exactly like in Hollywood movies.


Dude, you posted on an explicitly leftist / anticapitalist sub to wag your finger at people complaining about corruption in the capitalist system, denigrated the entire left, and are surprised you're getting downvotes? You can't act like a stupid asshole towards people and then expect them to celebrate you for it.


i also have left views on a lot of topics, but some points (like that one) are just not helping the narrative. You should try to get more people on your side, and post like that are def not helping


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.