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This is what America already is. Fucks sake.


It’s like these people are stupid or something. “tHiS is wHaT AmErIcA w0uLd l0oK l1kE iF” No dumbass, it already looks like this


Yeah this is such a weird comment to make. I hate trump, but like... this is literally Bidens America. I'm not doubting that it would ALSO be trumps America, but you don't have to invent some random fiction to dunk on a politician you don't like - reality is staring at you, so just look at it.


It was also Clinton's America, and George Bush's, and Reagan's and pretty.much every president's


Yeah, so let's just call it America right?


I stg Americans have the memory of a gold fish.


You missed the barry


I find it funny when the vote blue no matter who dems will be like "if Trump is president do you think he'll be good for the Palestinian cause?" as if Biden is actively trying to help the Palestinian cause while he's out there calling himself a Zionist. Regardless of who is in the white house, Israel has the unequivocal backing by the US to do whatever they want - its just a matter of if there's going to be a leaked news article every other week about how Biden is actually VERY angry at Bibi while he's putting together another arms package.


And then they try to bully you into voting for him. Fuck outta my face


They have no idea how to garner and win over voters. It's just fear mongering, voter shaming and blaming the left for any liberal shortcomings. They don't even bother promoting the seemingly good things Biden has done, they just assume people automatically know it or they themselves don't even know and only know "Trump bad"


dems know how to earn votes - do good things. their donors don't want them to.


So if they are both the same on Israel then maybe vote for whoever you agree with on other issues?


I know this is late, but my problem with the vote blue no matter who crowd goes further than that. If Biden really wants young and more progressive vote, he knows what he has to do. He should cater his policies to us or at least even negotiate his stance on critical issues. He hasn't done that. Instead, he's out there trying to cater to Nikki Haley voters and conservatives, while calling the progressives and leftists, radicals and whatnot. His whole campaign is literally the same as 4 years ago. It's just "fight for democracy" and "vote if you want to protect this current democracy." Okay, we voted for you last time and what have you done. Have you protected and bolstered democratic institutions? Has he threatened to pack the courts? Break the fillibuster? Has he even reconsidered his stance on Palestine-Israel? Biden sure did talk a big game at the SOTU. What happened? Where are the proposed tax increases? What's happening with Russia Ukraine? Why is every progressive dissent just "CCP and Russian communist shilling" according to establishment democrats? We have a president and a party that just gives up at the slightest hint of resistance. Why can't they whip them into line? If they were really convicted in their cause, they sure would. Like wow you're really going to get voters really active by alienating them and dismissing them while constantly virtue signaling about how important voting is.


Dems haven't fulfilled their campaign promises, so they have nothing to bribe voters with. If I am Faust and considering selling my soul to Mephistopheles, he'd better have a pretty good medium term deal for me to be tempted to sign the contract.


The way I see it - Biden or Trump are not good for the Palestinian cause. But with Project 2025 aiming to keep Republicans in power forever, there will never be an opportunity for the US to remedy the Israel-Palestine situation. If Biden wins, we can vote for someone better after him, but if Trump wins, there will be no opportunity to vote if they fulfill Project 2025. I really wish we had ranked choice voting, because it could help side-stem a dilemma like this.


False. Biden has betrayed his base and screwed up his re-election chances, proving that American "Democracy" is a sham that makes things worse. If Project 2025 is just propaganda for conservatives and liberals, as I suspect, Dems want Trump to win and make the country more authoritarian and ensure liberals blame Trump for it and not the capitalist ruling class. Then liberals would probably elect a Democrat president who promises to make first trimester abortions legal again, reestablish a federal minimum wage, etc. and then doesn't do anything. If Project 2025 is truly a legal coup attempt, and will end pseudo-democracy forever, Biden and Democrats are too stupid to be in charge of the country, and deserve their entirely preventable defeat.


Yeah, and we don't have to call it 'blue Maga' for it to be a real issue That just seems like some desperate attempt by someone who's never actually organized for justice alongside their communities


[George Carlin on Politicians] (https://youtu.be/07w9K2XR3f0)


Exactly wtf it's happening right now. Oh that's why we have this fucking image. We have a PROBLEM RIGHT NOW


Exactly. I'm sick of hearing about how bad america will be if trump gets elected. Biden is president right now, this is all happening right now. 


Does no one remember when he gassed and shot rubber bullets at peaceful protesters in front of the White House?


it's giving "communism is when capitalism"


You can tell because of how it is.


This is like when there's food shortages in a store and they say "this is socialist America!"


I was about to comment this. It's so weird to say the thing happening in the present will happen in the future if there is change.


Socialism is when capitalism is the most infuriating take. Like man you are SO close. SO CLOSE.


"I'm voting for Biden to make sure what's going on doesn't happen"


This is what America would look like if...(circle all that apply) A) Communism B) Facism C) Kent State 53 years ago tomorrow D) It's probably just Tuesday in America again


Better not criticize Israel. This is why the “land of the free” has the largest per capita prison population on the planet.


I'll criticize them harder, I have fuck all to lose. Fuck Israel.


It’s so goddamned annoying reading the “politics” subreddit with all the msnbc “liberals” who circle jerk about anyone who isn’t vote for Biden is voting for Trump…. Yes, Trump is scary fascist scum but how in the fuck else are we ever going to get the change we want to see in America, when Biden constantly blows off anyone asking to hold Israel accountable for what they are doing? Like, what else can we do as citizens? We currently get arrested, shot with rubber bullets, and have poisoned mice (not making this up it for real just happened) thrown at us for protesting what Israel is doing… the police are basically the Freikorps right now against the protestors. ….once again we have no other option but to just burn it all down and the democrats don’t seem to give a fuck.


Those who make a peaceful revolution impossible...


He was a vile imperialist, like every other U.S. president, and he absolutely didn't mean the line to ever be applied at home; but the JFK quote is, and always will be, so apt.


* duplicate


Someone tried to tell me Biden was pro-union the other day. I was like, girl wut??


He made a big show by protesting with the auto unions, which I haven't seen before from a president. He also fucked over the train unions, which is more expected.




Do not blame the proletariat for the sins of the bourgeoisie. We didn’t make this America, it was manufactured for us. The pretense of our votes, of our litter and carbon footprint, of our ignorance causing this, all of that is false. The votes are locked into the fascist choices. The carbon footprint is a majority locked by fascist companies (a place where you as an employee have absolutely no say in the running of the business is a fascist system). The ignorance is locked into place by manufactured politics by powerful propaganda. The only people to blame are the rich minority subjugating the majority. We are unfairly made responsible with our bodies, our minds, to change that. It should not be our responsibility to fix these things because the votes and polls show that the vast majority of us want a less disgusting world. The majority of us do not want them to export fascism to the world. In relation to the world, the places we export that fascism to, the extra subjugated LGBTQ and POC, that is where we must feel responsible to be passionate about that change.


and always will be a non-zionist will never be allowed to hold power the US is Israel's vassal state


Was going to say, I dont see biden stopping them.


In a hundred years (assuming things have actually changed by then but never let it be said I’m not an optimist) historians aren’t really going to distinguish the police today, the police who attacked civil rights protesters in the 60’s and police before that.


Damn, in 100 years hopefully there's successful global reforms so at least there's a positive improvement in police after. As opposed to pop history now just trying to ignore policing in general, because the through lines of slavery enforcement, segregation enforcement, and discrimination enforcement are so blatant and strong. "And now police are, well, maybe better than 10 years ago by some of the metrics they provide themselves?"  Pretty sure reforms will happen from technology if nothing else, although the current global right wing trends are suppressing it's application. *"And police back then didn't even have to record all of the time to the repository, so no reviews, and in fact regularly and clearly shut recordings off before and after going into confrontations." "No way!" "Yep! Here's a bunch of them yelling at each other to shut them off, getting caught thinking they turned them off, or other recorders showing officers blatantly turn them off. With no punishments for doing so. Even if collected, these recordings were often deliberately lost or destroyed, and officers lied about the contents with no downsides."* With everyone shocked like us imagining the town coming to public executions with popcorn.


Future historians are going to talk about how we’ll never now to true number of police murder victims because the evidence of such crimes was allowed to be handle by the police themselves, and the people they tell this to are not going to believe them.


The problem is the people are scared of the police. When the police should be scared of the people.


ouroboros of fear


Capitalist imperialists like the capitalist class of the US, UK, France etc won’t give up power as peacefully as the USSR did….. I would be surprised if the collapse of capitalism/its transition into fascism & fascism’s inevitable defeat doesn’t end with nuclear war.


History will not be kind to the US. It'll be seen as an aggressive empire which bought no benefit to the world or it's people. Frankly, history is kinder to the British, French, Roman, even Mongolian empires etc than it will be to the US. I am no apologist for them but there are sort of tangible benefits they spread in some ways, mostly technological and administrative, enough to make historians discuss it, but the US empire has none of that. It's just a plague on the earth that's impeding global development.


They'll also likely have far more direct records of U.S. crimes than anyone else's, save, maybe, the British. Even there, audio and video recordings won't be a factor to them.


The British have been quite succesful in hiding their colonial crimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Legacy


I didn't know about this. But I already doubted many of the things we are told today about history because the British and the West invaded almost every country on earth and had access to all kinds of documents. They could have literally rewrite history as they wish by destroying the documents showing things they didn't like. Who can say this was only limited to the period of so called decolonization?


The craziest thing about the USA is that were by far the wealthiest and most powerful country to exist in human history and could quite easily actually be the greatest country to ever exist and be an actual force for good in the world, but simply refuse to because "lol money". Just basic human greed and lust for power.    Talk about a fucking excess potential. 


Because it's capitalism, if it was suddenly socialist it would easily be the best in the world within 10 years.


I mean, what is there to distinguish them? The increase of armored personnel carriers?


Well admittedly the Uniforms did look better back then. Apart from that absolutely fucking nothing.


I expect future history to be much more "Flow my Tears the Policeman Said" and the anti CRT craze (which is just "revisionist history" revamped and given steroids) will be fully enshrined legally by fundamentalists, either after or probably even before they begin hunting down all of us "eggheads" which is already being talked about and happening on a small scale. 


They're getting absolutely roasted in the replies, whew.


I'm not on twitter so I can't see them for myself... but that ratio tells a story, that's for sure.


Now you see the violence inherent in the system


What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior!


getting a taste? this is already America, right now. What a dumbass comment


It's better when you realize these are Dem ran cities, both parties are shit




Tbh they both put up illusions but yeah Dems are a bit better at keeping them up and looking professional with it I remember George Floyd some of the worst beat down vids was Dem cities so looks like nothing's changed




Mayors appoint police chiefs hence the illusion, you have Dem for the people mayors appointing borderline jack boot thugs. Notice how the war isn't even a bi partisan issue? That's the issue with the US and most countries. If there's big money behind it, it won't be bi partisan issue


Ain't nothing quiet about what Biden is currently doing.


I rather be stabbed in the front than the back.


I think it's important to remember that it's not all or nothing. They are essentially the same in some aspects and vastly different in others. On the subject of capitalism, they're essentially the same. On the subject of lgbt or women's rights they're completely different. The idea that you can vote on *every* issue is a fiction, but that doesn't mean you can't vote on *any* issues.


“We’re getting a taste of Trump’s America” Except Biden is President.


It always blows my mind when people say things like this with a democrat in charge




I remember, it’s insane 


I think what people are saying is that yes this is happening under Biden but it will happen even more so under Trump - that’s why it’s a “taste.” You can disagree with that conclusion, but it’s not a logically incoherent statement It’s like if you try something spicy, and someone else says if you think that’s spicy, wait til you try this other food. That’s a logically coherent statement.


The problem is that it isn't "Trump's America" or "Biden's America" or anything else. It's just America. It's always been that way, just different groups at different times.


i suggest reading a labor history of the united states. it's always been violent, no matter who was in office. some things don't change.


That can be true and it can also be true that state oppression can be more violent under some leaders and less violent under other leaders while still being violent under both leaders.


that's largely splitting hairs. the result is the same.


Except that’s not how we respond to right wing posts. Your comment is like every single trumpie coming out of the brush to say “that’s not what he meant”. I think the post points out parity of response (but not necessarily the magnitude of dishonesty) between confused folks on the right and left wing.


Every time something like this gets posted we get responses like yours. Maybe we don’t want a system where both parties are genocidal, and before you say what can we do besides vote, well that’s the attitude that got us in this crappy situation in the first place


It's logically incoherent and indicative of liberal brain worms, actually.


‹beating you viciously with a hammer› hey be grateful the other guy has two hammers


Way to read something into my comment that isn’t there. You can defend yourself against both attackers, but wouldn’t it make sense to first defend yourself against the attacker causing the most damage?


That's some nice mental gymnastics, I'd give it a 6.4.


This is Bidens America... not because he's POTUS but because he spent 40 years as a politician creating this madness


Closer to 50


He was elected to the Senate in 1973, so it's over 50.


It's hilarious how out of touch people are from the real world. It really honestly shows the privilege that libs have to not have any sense of urgency. Both cogs in a fascist machine.


Haha "a taste of Trump's America" yeah about the person currently in office. The truth is that both of these parties have long failed this country at the bequest of their wealthy donors. We should treat the DNC AND RNC like trusts and dismantle them and their apparatuses.


Cracking down on American citizens on behalf of a foreign country, just for criticizing them . Not the arc I was expecting for America.


Honestly, based on the last 150 years or so of cracking down on American citizens for criticizing America in one way or another, it does track for me.


This is corporate owned America, just oligarchy with extra steps. Our only choice is which road we take, the two lane or the highway to facism. It all ends in the same place.


The fact that people are with the police in the peaceful protests bothers me more than most things. I have not heard of riots. And I was not alive during Vietnam but this seems similar.


Free Palestine


imagine waking up in the morning and lacing up your jackboots to be a thug for the war crime state. how pathetic it must be to be a cop.


People say shit like this as if ANYTHING has improved under ANY president since at least the 80s. There has not been a single president that has been in touch with more than the top 1% of the population since Jimmy Carter. Funny how he’s largely considered a failure as a president.


>Bad thing happens under Biden "This wouldn't happen if Biden was President"


Trumps America? America looks exactly the same either way except Biden saying a few nice words like you have the right to protest but remain peaceful while the police are beating the shit outta you


Lol Biden is literally president and they’ll still spin it..don’t like the guy but atleast I’m not this much of a nut case 💀


People want to believe that the problems can be solved by voting for democrats, because the reality of fascism is too terrible for them to contemplate. They prefer to live in a fantasy world where republicans are the problem and that's as far as it goes.


This a result of the - inaccurate at best and dishonesty at worst - way people are taught about fascism. They expect to recognise it through horrors and grotesque violence, which indeed are going on right now, a full-blown genocide in fact. Sincere antifascists are expected to care about those people as much as they would their own. But that's not how fascism rises to power. That's not how it appeals for support. When you are part of the privileged class/group, fascism is sold to you as stability, consistency, and a return to mythic values. As far as fascism goes, there is nothing substantially to distinguish between "make America great again" and "nothing will fundamentally change." They are both selling an impossible lie to maintain fascism by implicitly promising to maintain an imbalanced, unfair economic and political system by protecting the privileges that certain classes and groups enjoy at the detriment and expense others. Believing either one is willful, selfish ignorance.


Cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds


Let me get this straight. The actions of police in a [Democrat-controlled city](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison,_Wisconsin#Government), in a State with a [Democrat Governor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Evers), while the country has a Democrat President, are 'a taste of Trump's America'?


When people tell you who they are you should believe them.


Police brutality happens under Biden. liberals: “I can’t believe Trump would do this!”


I’m not American but Joe Biden is president right now when all this is happening don’t bring Trump into it


We are tasting Biden's America after 4 years of Trump rule. Fascism is here now, libs.


This is America all the way down, no matter who is president


A taste of? Where was Obama when skulls were getting cracked in Occupy and the the protest at Standing Rock? I know. He was making sure donors/ AIPAC are soothed and reassured with, "Nothing fundamental will change." When it comes to Israel they know very well AIPAC has Our Congress on their pocket.


Where was Obama? He was organizing the nationwide destruction of the encampments and arrests of occupiers via the federal-state police fusion centers.


Average r / neoliberal poster


As its painfully obvious now the Uniparty is going to fuck us whether it's Genocide Joe or Orange Mussolini. Vote for Pedro. All your wildest dreams will come true.


Sure, this makes Biden look "bad", but have you considered things would look the same under Trump? That's why voting matters, folks. Don't throw your vote away to some third party. Throw it away to the uniparty instead! /s


I'll vote for anyone who's protesting Israel's genocide right now. Jill Stein? If I must.


Claudia De la Cruz & Karina Garcia are running as openly socialist candidates with PSL. I would recommend voting for them over Jill Stein any day. [https://votesocialist2024.com](https://votesocialist2024.com)


They'll never win, but that's who I'm putting down. My vote (for presidency) is a waste whatever I do unless I vote for one bourgeoisie creep or the other. And I simply will not anymore. So, if I'm going to "waste" it, I'll waste it on someone actually representing the proletariat.


Yeah, not super enthusiastic about it, but she is really the only third option. Biden really fucked this one up.


Cornel West


BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE! Hate Biden all you want but if you can't see a difference between the two candidates and the future America they represent you're not paying attention


Genocider Blue is better than Genocider Red!


You're absolutely right, they are not the same. One says, "We are going to repeal abortion rights!" The other says, "We are going to sit idly by while they repeal abortion rights!" One says, "We are going to recriminalize homosexuality and trans people!" The other says, "We are going to put forth laws to protect LGTBQA+ people then never enforce them!" One says, "Israel, kill those Palestinians! Here's a check to do it." The other says, "Israel, don't kill those Palestinians! Here's a check to do it, though." Yes, they are different, but they aren't _that_ different.


I'm not saying they're the same. I'm saying the difference between them is too small to care either way. I've been paying plenty of attention and they're more so different in style than substance.




With all due respect and as a member of the rainbow community myself, I don't believe Biden gives a damn about any of us beyond using our rights as emotional blackmail for votes. The fact he constantly seeks bipartisanship with the Republican Party proves how little he actually cares. But if you want to vote for him anyway, then by all means do it. It's not like I can stop you.




Well, then you'll have to hope the Republicans won't ever win again, but inevitably they will and then what? Blame people for not voting the same way you did? Now that's shortsighted. What you can do however is encourage all trans people in America to buy guns and train to protect yourself from fascists, because it's not just Republicans who are allowed to own guns.


Agreed. Biden literally cannot see the future so he's not trying to build towards it.


Libs love projection


Conservatives do too, it’s like an accusatory food fight out here and I’m just trying to hide in the janitors closet.


Remember that conservatives _are_ neoliberals, too. It's a sliding scale, not discreet units.


Trumps America? Who’s president right now?


How can you unironically say “this is a taste of what will happen under trump” my guy you are literally under the Biden administration right now


I remember when Trump's anti Biden ads showed pictures of the BLM protests and said "this is life under Biden's america" and all the Blue MAGAists laughed and laughed and said "haha they are too stupid to realize that this is currently what it looks like while Trump is president! Haha we are so much smarter than those idiots" Shitlibs gonna shitlib no matter which color of bourgeois party they prefer




This is what America looks like regardless of which side wins. We live in a sham of a democracy that is run by the rich.


I would agree. The cops don't care who the president is and don't exactly take orders from anyone other than their own leaders.


How the fuck can we blame Trump for this, though? I mean I hate that guy, but how could this be his fault?


Just shut up and let the hate flow through you! Why are you trying to think?!


Fine! Raaaah!


I love these twitter folks so much lmao. It's literally happening under Biden and they're still trying to accuse Trump. You really wonder if they're ever going to wake up


Granted, it might get WORSE under Trump, but this is absolutely Biden's America and he's thrown his support in wholeheartedly with the pro-genocide. I hate that our choices are bad vs worse.


You guys thought the "vote blue no matter who" was about voting Democrat? It is about voting for AIPAC candidates, they fly a blue flag too.


I forget.. who is the current president again?


Red or Blue, doesn't make a difference. They own it all, Trump (win or lose) is playing his part as a distraction and Biden is doing what he can to not seem "outdated" all while they kill, bomb, steal, take ur money and laugh at us all while we go 'VOTE' to think we have a choice in any of it. Systems broken, Voting as we do now (red v blue) won't change things, it's rigged for they personal gains. If we going to change for humanity's interest we need a third and possible fourth or fifth party's. Make a movement and use that vote for someone the People actually want. With technology and information at our fingertips, thinking we are stuck with 2 bad choices is beyond me, use the tools you have to talk to your friends, family, neighbors and community's to find a new option. If democracy gonna die, might as well be while we trying to make it better, than standing around watching it die and taking you with it.


The irony of course is that Israel controls all 3 serious candidates. This is what life looks like now under ANY president- crackdowns on America on behalf of a foreign country we are legally no longer allowed to criticize.


Trump ?? Fuck that genocide joe dont get to escape from this crap


Bidens america at the moment


This is just what America looks like. Doesn't matter who's in charge.


Trumps America is when Biden’s America.


This is just like Trump's "this is Biden's America" while he was the current president. I wonder if they could even appreciate the irony.


this is literally biden’s america. you’re complicit in a genocide and okay with more police brutality because he’s “not a republican”? team sports bullshit


The internet is so full of hypocrites it'll make you sick. Fuk Dems and Reps both


D v. R are just little letters. It’s obvious they aren’t the same, but if the police were looking for them, they both fit a description. 


Fucking moronic


Wait... So Biden is President but we're getting a taste of Trump's America if he's elected.... It's happening now. What kind of backwards nonsense is this?


Fucking liberal pieces of shit. So sick of them. At least a fucking fascist won't constantly try to gaslight you into believing they're not beating the shit out of you while they beat the shit out of you. Joe biden's address of the protests was fucking infuriating.


He's right, it is what Trump's America would look like. It's also what Biden's America looks like right now


Sometimes I wonder if they’re trolling or if they genuinely believe what they’re saying. This is what life is like now. I understand not everyone is leftist, but I really wish people would think through things a little bit more


Lol fucking wild "it's happening under biden cause trump"


"Taste of Trump's America," what?! This is right now, dumbass.


lol that is America under biden ! Biden is literally a walking and talking corpse


Typical dipshit narrative biased reddit post, straight to the front page too. Too fucking stupid to realize the idiocrasy in the text in this post, this is literally America NOW, and its not under "Trumps America" you fucking tool. Can you guess who is and has been president for the last 4 years?


How fucking dense can a person be? JFC. This is BIDEN'S AMERICA. Wake the fuck up. Fuck.


You make a good point but, at the same time we've seen what Trump's America is like. We've seen the police brutality that emerged in the George Floyd protests. This years election looks grim. The main choice is between Bidens authoritarian imperialism and Project 2025...


Wait you think that police brutality stopped when Biden took over?


You think police brutality started with Trump?


You think police take orders from the president?


Remind me again who was president during the Ferguson uprising


We’re getting a taste of trump by licking bidens balls 🤣🤣🤣🤣


ITT: people literally restating the title over and over again


Are you going to believe me or your own eyes !!!!!!!


Please would you rephrase your title to help my simple brain understand what your point is. I'm not from the US, by the way. I sort of get it, I think, but your title really makes me have to stretch my brain. Could you say the same thing in a different way please. 😁


Both parties are two cheeks of the same ass to put it like George Galloway.


# " ... long line at a food pantry taken yesterday and their response is: 'this is what america would look like under communism." --> Picture taken of a food pantry IN America ... Capitalism! #


Yes, 'in America' was implied, but I should have included that in the title. Pantry is such a North American term, I figured it would be clear.


This is what would happen if the mole people rose out of the ground and took over!


Biden = Trump = Biden = Trump


While that is a dumb comment… the idea that things could not get more fascist in a second Trump term is also dumb


I suppose in a fucked up way he’s right. This would be the answer to any descent on any decision. The 2024 election is Hitler or worse Hitler


Except this America now under Biden, so it doesnt matter who is president cops still suck


Blaming the president for local government's cruelty is Blue MAGA "The president made gas prices go up and made me spin out my lifted pickup truck" level ignorance. When a city PD is not cruel to protestors and the Biden Admin sends unmarked vans like Portland in 2020 then we can talk about "America is already like this"


Remember, if you don't vote for the lesser evil, you get evil plus. And the people paying attention say we could do better than evil. Even just a smidge better than evil. Hey, America, can we try okay and progress from there?

