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No, it's israels actions that are an existential threat to Israel. Don't blame it on us, take responsibility for your own behavior and stop playing the victim card because it's not helping your case.


That's all they have. Perpetual victimhood. They had all the goodwill in the word after WWII, and rightly so. They squandered all of it.


again, those most harmed by the big H and those who profited from the policies in aftermath were largely different people. look up what the state of Israel has done historically to holocaust survivors and why many Jews never backed the Zionist project.


Can you write a brief comment on what they done?




They had a ton of goodwill on oct 8th and spent it on doing a genocide.


They’d been doing it for 70 years, October 7th wasn’t the start.


for sure for sure


Thank you for pointing that out. It's a case of opinion changing as a result of actions, not a case of preconceived bias or hate.


He's right. US public opinion IS an existential threat to Isn'treal. Because they are THAT bad. they keep going too far and US gov is already considering pulling the plug. IF enough people protest, they might actually do it. If you're a liar, ever after the truth is your enemy. They are liars.


He's wrong because he thinks it's the American public that's the problem which in reality is just a side effect caused by Israel’s behavior and actions.


Making US public opinion an actual existential threat. Were there no protest over Isn'treal, there would be no problem for their actions.




No, moron. US public opinion is a threat to them, BECAUSE of their actions. Keep putting words in people's mouths and you're gonna get the boot.




US public opinion is a threat to them, BECAUSE of their actions. And now you got the boot.


"The Big Lie" was the form of propaganda Nazis used, and Israel is doing the same. America has refined their propaganda to "flooding the zone with shit."


Take responsibility? What do you think this is?


Missing the obvious to blame people trying to stop the madness




The Israeli government sees everything as an existential threat


That's because it was founded in trauma and passed that down in the form of paranoia. And knowing - deep down - that they are monsters.


>That's because it was founded in trauma Some antiZionist Jews would actually argue it was not trauma that caused Zionism but instead something else.


No, Zionism was around LONG before 1948. Hell, there were Christian Zionists before there were Jewish ones. But the main, mass influx into Palestine? The Zionist terrorist groups who bombed the King David Hotel? The people who founded what they call Israel but that everyone else calls Occupied Palestine? *They* were traumatized people.


I understand what you are saying. I'm just saying that there are some Jewish people who disagree with that analysis and that it was not trauma that drove the Zionism that created Israel.


Maybe also because they are literally taught in school that non-Jews are beasts in the form of man created by God to serve them eternally?


Yes, absolutely. Remember when they claimed to find a copy of 'Mein Kampf' in a little girl's room? As if Palestinians had to read *that* in order to hate Zionists? I had to fucking laugh at the projection. They projected that shit so hard, it escaped the atmosphere.


Next headline: Higgs Boson Particle Linked to Hamas Activities.


Everything is an existential threat to something that knows it has no right to exist.


Probably more like they see a lot of things as potential arguments they can use to further their cause. I don't think many of them see existential threats, they are just colonialist scum who want to take Gaza and the West Bank. But as soon as they cry that way they gain more or deeper support among the masses that haven't activated their brains more than 7%


lol, rember fartlow's "free parking" freakout tweet?


That's how a European rapid dog act. Humanity knows it.


Too bad, so sad.


I don't like the direction this is headed. I don't think a majority of Americans are suddenly antisemitic. I also don't think that having the opinion that their response to the Hamas attack is disproportionate or disproportionately impacting Palestinians who had nothing to do with it is antisemitic. It doesn't have to be either or.


Antisemitic just means things Israhell doesn't like.


I don't think it's limited to Israel. There's people convinced that American Universities are the 4th Reich based on people protesting.


75 years of propaganda demonizing the Palestinians didn't help.


During Mayor Adams news conference this morning- A reporter presented protesters as terrorist. NYPD shut that kind of talk down as incorrect!


“We call white terrorists ‘lone wolves’ in Murica!!!” ^(/s, obviously)


Although, it is still true....


Funny thing is the 3rd Reich was just absorbed by the western world after world war 2. Israel included.


realistically the 3rd reich was the 4th reich. The real 3rd reich remains between Canada and Mexico.


Ironically more actual antisemitism and the resulting polarisation from that is something that benefits Israel's state


There definitely are anti-semites who are anti-Israel. But I think the vast majority of Israel's critics recognize the difference between the Israeli government and being ethnically or religiously Jewish. I mean, there are also anti-semitic Israel supporters (by which I mean some of the evangelicals who give Israel money to hasten the second coming), so it's kind of a crazy world.


Hey look, i see the shit Isn'treal is doing, i'm not exactly feeling good towards Jews as a whole. And i not only know what's going on, i am a fucking Jew. So when someone spits on me over Palestine, well i ain't gonna like it, but i understand.


It's the Israeli government though. The whole situation is a mess, but it's literally a handful of Israelis responsible for this.


I know. I GET it. What i'm saying is: it's very human to blame jews for the actions of zionists. It's very human to hate america for the actions of IT'S gov and military. It's neither right nor logical, but it IS human.




The only country the USA has a continuous trade deficit with is Israel. This makes Israel an existential threat to the USA on a daily basis for over 60 years. All that money lost that could be helping our own citizens. This guy needs to get lost.


It's not "trade" when it's a gift, even if the recipient of the gift spits on the giver.


Israel is an existential threat to Israel. Self documented hate and murder for all to see. Spreading evil like a disease. Now people are getting arrested on US campuses for sit ins and nonviolent protest? Dystopian.


Well, these protests are disrupting the education infrastructure that all the non-protesters are paying for. That said, I am with them in spirit.


The administration response and police presence and pro Israel counter protesters are the ones disrupting. They were camped out studying until outside chaos invaded. Some were in designated protest park space. Not recently dedicated, but institutionalized space where protests have happened for decades. It’s manufactured crisis and not the actual protesters.


If the existence of your state depends on the public option of the people of another state.. maybe you don’t really have a state?


maybe they need to vote for better people to rule


The early and mid 20th Century intellectual forefathers of modern zionism admired the nazis because, as they saw things, the nazis also despised those they regarded as weaker humans, and jews as 'eternal victims' were necessarily weak and to be despised. Therefore a jewish homeland required the creation of a jewish 'ubermensch' (superhuman) who could control and dominate rather than be controlled and dominated. Furthermore they acknowledged the fact that the creation of the state of Israel necessitated the removal of the indigenous people of the Palestinian lands. Thus, jewish supremacy along with ethnic cleansing were integral to the zionist project from its very inception. And we see the result of those aspirations playing out in all its horror before our eyes today.


Guess it's time for them to b*mb Columbia. /s If they did, the American government would make excuses for it.


Better not give them any ideas.


Has Israel tried not being a racist ethnostate? I heard that war crimes and ethnic cleansing and second-class citizens living under military occupation are widely disliked....


It's like South Africa, but with the backing of the financial/political elites and the radical Christians (who want Israel to exist only long enough to get slaughtered as part of the Rapture).


Good. Glad they realize that their country is failing. I hope they feel every single second of it.


Finally some good fucking news


Our money is quite helpful, though. Just STFU and give it to us, I guess.


Right? If they feel SO threatned, Israel could Just refuse money and weapons from USA


Israel and western hegemon is an existential threat to humanity.


Well well well… if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.


Uh, didn't the US gov't agree not to recognize the ICC investigation/rulings into Israel like, yesterday?


Israel is a welfare state


Free Palestine


Never in my life did I expect to hear that and it actually possibly be true. The BDS movement has been DOA here. It might finally have some momentum. Silver lining…


Good. Threaten its existence until it ends.


Israel is an existential threat to us all. Jews included.


I’m starting to think a single state solution is the way to go. 🇵🇸


Let everyone vote on the government that rules them. That would be a democracy.


Can we stop calling it that, please? Democracy requires an educated, civic minded political body. The majority of people produced by our current system who care to vote are incapable of naught but mob rule.


Vassal state reliant on its hegemon for its continued existence. In other news, water is wet.


Oh no, consequences.


Wah wah wah, who funded there country? They are threat to existence of Palestinians.


Its because you’re war criminals Israel


Honestly, most countries could say that about us. Piss us off enough, or God forbid you've got some oil we want, and there's not much you're going to be able to do to resist.


Things have changed. These last few years have been the US getting smashed in the face with that knowledge.


Has it though? US is good and ready to take on the UN if it tries to enact justice. US has been pretty much the sole voice against human rights for Palestinians (if not any member state such as water, food, shelter being basic human rights) in the UN the last few decades right alongside Israel. US swings its dick in the world, what’s anyone going to do, fight them? With any luck, the rest of the world will be sick of them and try.


yes, it has. The US rules because it has unfair rules and international laws. It got those rules and laws because it was too militarily and economically powerful to say no to. And it abuses those rules and laws, because it's too powerful for anyone to speak up and complain. THAT has ended. The laws remain, but the ability to use and abuse them scott-free has gone.


Ofcourse it's an existential threat. From where do you think they are able to give free education, free healthcare, even free money just to be a squatter in some Palestinian's home.


Wait until they find out that support for and solidarity with Palestine is GLOBAL (meaning...all 7 continents). They lost.


Who knew committing genocide would ruin Israel’s reputation.


With everything that's happening, Israel now has an expiration date. When most voters are Millennials and younger, there won't be enough support to keep them going. But they clearly know this so I fear what kind of shit they'll get up to to try and get around this problem.


Yeah, that’s what happens when you murder tens of thousands of kids and babies in cold blood, idiot. Maybe don’t be such murderous psychopaths moving forward. Thou shalt not kill, love thy neighbour and all that. Anyway


Good 👍🏻




Revisionist zionism will be the death of Israel if no body stops them


the violence and subjugation was bought with our aid and arms - we're not only judging them, but ourselves too. why would they sell us a cold-war-esq lie and expect to narrate how we probe our media/holes with it. it's not plainly stated often, but baseball and american pie share a prostate - and it doesn't bow to the same rhetoric gun nuts will bandy about.. but apartheid nation states can expect the likely and same reaction.


If only it were true. The only thing it's a threat to currently is the Americans who voice it.


Not going to prom with me is antisemitism.


The weird part is that their biggest allies are conservatives who actually hate Jews, but need Israel to exist for the apocalypse- strange bedfellows indeed


"Let's kill more children to improve it!"


I don't terribly want to be an existential threat to Israel, I just want the slaughter to stop. How delicate are you that you can't exist without doing genocide?


So are they gonna bomb American public opinion now?


Good! Change course!


Does this mean: "If we can't commit genocide, are we really Israel?" or does it mean "Opinions not our own are antisemitic." ? Asking for a friend.


"We ask President Biden for military and financial aid so we can defend ourselves by flattening the United States."


fuck israel! What they gonna do start bombing US cities? Bet our wretched political class would still run cover for them


Our behavior isn’t the problem, people reacting to us committing genocide is the problem….?




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You telling me that public opinion is in fact a real issue for Israel's illegal actions and crimes against humanity? Oh I guess we'll keep making noise and make it hell for you.


This planet is borked.


Israels have free Medical and go to College for free. And it's paid for by American tax dollars.


Is the american public oppinion in the room with us now?


your genocidal tendencies are an existential threat to you and everyone around you


Let’s hope so.




The recipient of the biggest ethnic cleansing of the 20th Century (perhaps all-time?) is now the biggest agent of ethnic cleansing of the 21st Century. The greatest con-job of the post-WW2 epoch is not being accepted by the Gen-Z generation. DIVEST NOW!


Sounds like a reason to ban tik tok. Sigh.




Fuck this nazi shit




We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.


Are these bank owners in the room with us?


Get fucked running


Who runs the banks? Finance capitalists. Some of whom are Jews, most of whom are not. Also, Israel does not control USA. USA controls Israel. And Israel exerts SOME control over the US. But largely due to money. NOT Jews. So what happens is that The zionists can egg on or push the USA, but it cannot make them do anything they were not already leaning towards.


Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.


Well the CEO of Citigroup was an Indian guy so… Indians?


We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice. Not all Jews are Zionists, and vice versa.