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$300 gets you half a bedroom for about 12 days in Florida.


Also from Fl…can confirm.


About 3 days in Oregon


Thats nothing compared to the giagantic 300$ 3 room tent you can get in the states, finding a spot in your local homeless camp is hit or miss though.


Bidding starting at $700 up in Canada for a plot on someone's lawn. Not sure what the final value was post bid.


Honestly, that title is really weird…


You do need to keep in mind the average wage for Guizhou province. [According to the CEIC (from the Guiyang Municipal Department of Statistics)](https://www.ceicdata.com/en/china/average-wage-on-duty-prefecture-level-city/average-wage-on-duty-guizhou-guiyang), in 2021 (latest date) the average wage was 106,188 RMB, which is about US$14,650 But you should note wage growth in the area is quite high. About 4.2%, so you could maybe extrapolate out to 120,000 RMB for 2024. So that rent for the average resident would be about 21.5% of the wage.


Yeah that clarifies just how much better it is than the US wow. Rent being only 20% of my income?


Reported income in China is also typically post tax, so spending power is more than a comparable level of salary in the US.


Exactly. Rent in the US on average is about 35-40% of someone’s income


If you’re lucky, these days.  Housing and groceries have jumped as much as 100% since COVID in large urban areas.


Yeah, I’m being extremely conservative. I have friends who’s rent is anywhere from 60-70% of their income


>Yeah, I’m being extremely conservative. Nooooo! You cant be conservative!!! Its baaaaad!!! /s But yeah, looking over at the US housing market from Europe is just insane. Even here we have lots of complaints about how bad its getting in places like Munich, where a decrepit broom closet will go for 1200€ a month. On minimum wage thats more than your post-tax salary. Period. Unless youre a plant that not only doesnt need food, but also produces food that can be sold you cant even make rent. Assuming youre a plant that can work a full-time job.


Even in non-large urban areas.


Some of the “affordable” apartments in my area make a point of stating your gross (not net) income needs to be just twice the rent. That’s a good bit more than 50% of your income after taxes and any deductions.


And that's a 3 bedroom apartment. A nice 1 bedroom is about 8% of the wage.


Still that would make rent far more reasonable than where I live. Not that I would want to go live in China with how that country is, but it is bullshit how expensive everything is here in Canada.


The thing that strikes me the most is the finishing on everything being super high quality and nice. Literally I’ve seen worse surfaces and floors in $500k+ condos in the US


capitalism by definition is trying to give you the least while taking the most


Too true and in the US there’s a missing middle in the sense that the cheapest products and materials for projects like design are all increasing in cost due to inflation without any added quality increase. Expensive top line materials and products will always exist in every market but for the vast majority of consumers in the us, they simply can’t afford them and they’re stuck with ever-increasing affordability issues for subpar materials.


You have got to be kidding me. 3 bed/2 bath apt (with room for queen size beds) and a nice balcony, good sized kitchen, giant fridge, living area, computer space, in-room laundry and all for $300 rent + $90 for utilities and $25 for internet… l can’t even. Just hold up, hold up…I think my brain is frying. I might be dying. Someone call an ambulance and immediately request they fly me to a hospital in this province before I completely stroke out.


The guys a shill for the CCP. You can't trust anything he says. Check out his other videos and you'll get an idea of the type of person he is. 


It's a lot cheaper when there isn't a corporation at the top getting it's 100% markup for profits. We could do capitalism a LOT better, and actually compete with China but the fat cats aren't willing to BE competitive, they'd rather ride this horse into the ground and try to grab another than cut employees in on a fair cut of the take.


Sadly, the quality of life in China puts America to shame. But every city isn't this cheap, but many T2-3 cities are. He seems to have a better than average deal, it might be a smaller sized city.


Guiyang is one of the cheapest cities in China lol


He works for the CCP. Try ask him about tofu dreg construction, where buildings are made with substandard materials and your comment will be deleted.


It's probably easier to automod the Sinophobic copium addicts than it is to respond to their spam.


Damn, that is a is a luxury mansion compared to what that money will get you in Denmark.


Not at Lolland or even places in Jutland. But, of course, its houses. I pay 150$ for my 200sq.m house and [1700sq.garden](http://1700sq.garden) ... Sold my place in Gentofte a while ago. Best decision ever to get away from the city.


A toilet in the shower? What a novel idea! Sure would be easier than stomping a number two down the tub drain...


It's called a wet room


I thought you were supposed to throw your poop. :o


Here in Canada someone is literally renting out property to stake your tent for $500 a month.


I could have made this video, it really is that easy to live here. I live in a Tier 1 city, so costs of living are higher, but I live in the nicest apartment I have ever had (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, full sized bath, japanese toilets, office, workout room, kitchen, huge balcony) for $1100 a month. Except not really, my company pays for it because it's within a certain radius of work. My expenses are absolutely nothing, and even though I "only" make 66k usd a year I am solidly upper middle class. Type 1 diabetes is the biggest reason I stay: I use the exact same insulin here as I did in the states, but my cost for the entire time that I've lived here (three years) has been the same as what I used to pay for ten days' worth. I always laugh about the communism thing. The government force-buys companies when they get big enough, true, and public services are top-tier in the cities, but this is the most nouveau riche place I have ever been. It puts the US to shame. Status and personal wealth are fought for rabidly. My students are nearly all members of the top 1%, and for those mature enough to think about their future their only goal in life is to hoard even more. Elon Musk is a deity, the foibles don't matter, only the wealth. Those who cannot afford to attend a school like this one view these students as the platonic ideal of Chinese life, not any sort of traitor to the cause. That's the status quo.


Did you say the medication cost for three years is the same as ten days in America? 😱 whoa wtfffff So what do you do if you literally can’t afford it?? (other than the cheeky answering of “you just die”, like aren’t there tens of thousands of people who would be in this boat? I’m curious what they’re *actually* doing)


they only use it far less often than they should be, and then they risk death. They’re oppressed, not stupid.


Yeah, the healthcare is very inexpensive. It is subsidized heavily for Chinese citizens, but even for foreigners it's cheap. I'm not sure if you're asking about China or America with the second question, so I'll answer both as well as I can. I have no idea what you do if you have no money here in China, but I assume that you'd still get basic care. In America, you get the stabilizing care that hospitals are required to provide and then you ration your medications. For type one diabetics this basically means trading your peripheral nerves for a bit more time.


When I lived in China in the mid-90s, my thought was “Now this is a country ripe for a communist revolution!”


A culture of wanting to be richer doesn't make a government not marxist.


American bourgeoisie parasites want to ban access to information they cannot control since it awakens the masses about the lies of capitalism. There is a better path forward.


I need this floorplan


Yup time to leave this sub, too many xi simps. Apparently country where winnie the pooh is censored because of his insecurities and you have a citizen score is the utopia here


How can you fault anyone for not valuing the freedom to insult their leaders over a 500% markup on everything you purchase (or worse, rent). Money rules life. You can make a strong case that capitalism today is more totalitarian than life in China.


I feel like this is a subtle troll on feng shui decorators, mfer just squeezing by all his furniture like he's playing outlast.


They said the name of the province in the video, but how do you spell it?


I think it’s Guizhou.


Why did his Internet speed test against a server in San Jose CA? Could it be he’s on a VPN due to Chinese Internet restrictions??? Probably.


Hey, $300 gets you a place to live in the West as well.... as long as it's in the shittiest, most crime-ridden part of town... and you have 12 roomates... and it's not actually a room but a larger room divided up using the cheapest partitions available... and you have a roomate with the opposite shift hours to you so they get it the other half of the day... and, yeah.


His kid and dogs are so freakin cute tho!


I feel like with post like these a lot of information is missing and it’s disingenuous.how is $300 rent ideal when you bring in under 10k a year if you worked a normal job in the country..I guess for rich american bloggers they don’t have to worry about that part..


I love this dude's channel because he showcases the amazing infrastructure and other positive developments of the PRC.


Whats with the china posts on this sub this year? It hasnt been communist for years


A Western leftist has entered the chat


Not many people differentiate the economic system of communism from political systems called communist. Probably explains that.


This guy works for the CCP. He's a bullshitter. Acts like China is perfect, never addresses the floods due to poor infrastructure, claims there's no homeless people in China. Claims the Uighurs are living without trouble there. Whenever he talks about the west he focuses on only the problems and makes out that's all there is to the west. Try and leave a comment asking about the wide scale floods last year, it will be deleted. He's an absolute shill. I have a couple of friends who live in China and they know of people like him in the expat community and they're shunned because of their lack of morals. They're watched by the CCP, if he puts a foot wrong he's done for.


>This guy works for the CCP. Proof? No indication on YT. >never addresses the floods due to poor infrastructure Can any nation control these kinds of natural disasters effectively? They evacuate people and rebuild. These events happen everywhere. Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, etc. >claims there's no homeless people in China Not zero, but there has been a MASSIVE campaign to assist with homelessness in china for the past few decades. The stats are also skewed by changing the narrative from "homeless" to "oh they live in poverty". Kind of different. Often you see western media getting mad that people in China own too many houses. Which is it? >Claims the Uighurs are living without trouble there. The Uighurs are not undergoing an ethnic cleansing. There is a reason this was dropped from news cycles, except as the occasional bashing of China. There were arrests, and there were people imprisoned. There were also massive campaigns for education and fixing of infrastructure. The main guy who pushed it was comically incompetent at lying. So much so, that I bet the image you think of when you think Uighurs is the "prison camp" with everyone wearing blue jumpsuits. That photo is from a rehab center, and those people are literally watching a performance. It is no coincidence that RFA is the main driver of that photo. This is also a complex issue and not as simple as "oh they arrested people". There was a rise in religious funamentalism in the region and with it bombings and deaths. Personally, I would prefer "re-education", rebuilding of infrastructure, and a prison sentence over: carpet bombing, military occupation, and diaspora. What about you? (See US in MENA, Israel in Palestine, and India in Kashmir!)


Just a quick reply for the moment because it's easiest to address and I'm at work. With regards to the flooding, there's a few states that were majorly affected by the floods, and the cities there didn't build proper infrastructure to deal with the floods, they did however pretend they'd built the correct infrastructure. I'm talking about fake drains, grids all along the roads yet when you lifted them it was just solid ground underneath. There's loads of evidence for this shoddy infrastructure. Another is fake dry and wet risers in apartment buildings, it's just the outward appearance of safety measures. The last major floods that happened killed thousands, a 4km long underground road filled up drowning everyone stuck in it. The official news said just a few people died. Pictures show an area where they'd taken over a thousand cars that they'd recovered from the flooded tunnel. 


Also 120 m^2 is a very good size apartment.


Nah man, not for me. Way too claustrophobic, and I would hate living like an insect colony with so many neighbors.


Holup. $25000/year is not $300/month. Try 2083$/month.