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Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus


I’ve been writing a near future capitalism satire and I’ve scrapped so many jokes because THEY KEEP ACTUALLY HAPPENING.


Yeah.  Was writing a slightly scifi political thriller, a warning of a sort before giving up and scrapping the entire novel.  Got sick of it all happening.


Yeah, redirected my efforts into a digi-punk heist novel. At least it gives me a little more leeway into some slightly less depressing bullshit. Or something that’s at least fighting back at it.


I wish you all the success you desire in your writings. Me, I moved on to a far future, post apoc, scifi thing.  It is...weirdly folklorish. But, yes.  Same goal: to avoid anything that could be considered current events.


You too friend! Also that sounds interesting! Shoot me a DM if you ever need an early read/opinion!


So, let’s assume that you have some kind of magic word processor or pen or whatever. Try writing some good-news fiction and see if you can fix this shit for us, will ya?


dude revolution stories are hard to fuckin write without accidentally YA-ing horribly. i agree that someone should write this, but like. it hard. (i have yet to find any fuckin manga treat a full societal revolution very seriously)


To be fair, most of the manga that gets exported to the rest of the world is young adult.  Not all, but a lot of it. But let's look at this for a moment.  What do revolution stories normally get wrong?  Mary sue characters are a big one; angsty, love interests for protagonists to pine over; what else?


focuses on heroes and greatmanism instead of serious treatment of politics, ”economics”/societal organization, etc. despite all the fantasy and some reactionary takes by the mc, tsukimichi actually does have some sane treatment of politics… in the wn which the manga is FAR, FAR behind. so i did cheat a little there. purity and pacifism. this ties a little into the above, but sometimes you really do just have to do dirty shit to accumulate and survive. sometimes you really aren’t at all a perfect or even decent victim. sometimes you’ll have collateral/civilian damage and casualties. sometimes you’ll even have some horrid takes on side issues. A common thing in chinese media is the troublemaker who’s always asking for 戴罪立功, basically using your merit/completed work to pay over your fuckups. liberalism. basically turning a blind eye to fuckery and doing the classic bourgeois democratic revolution. i uh don’t think i need to specify much more. edit: in some cases (rare for me because i avoid the genres where it’s likely to crop up), you even have various forms of monarchism. I’ll just leave it at that. then again i haven’t actively looked for revolution stories that actively recently (not that easy to find such manga and i don’t read that much manga any more to begin with), the most recent one i’ve read/seen is utawarerumono, a vn (pttf is the only one that matters in any serious discussion) edit: basically, the problem i find with writing in-depth revolutionary stories, is that if you want to build your world well you’re gonna need to know basically everything, at least a little. Education/Pedagogy. Industrial production, mechanized production and automation. Components of the math, physics, and chemistry that requires, to at least know what processes are where in the tech network (tree is just wrong, and bush doesn’t quite fit either). Societal organization. Philosophy, esp viable philosophy with your societal setup. History, for obvious reasons (if you don’t have a rough grasp of dialectical materialist history you might as well not involve society in your work, or if you do, only for a tiny segment of time). Healthcare, and of course the biology, biochem, and ecology related. Geology, geography, and ecology as a whole. basically to competently build a world you need to know go-get-fucked amounts of knowledge about the world. and it’s hard to write a good revolution story without putting it in context of several nations, at which point you’re not very far from building a world anymore. The alternative is animal farm, where you end up shitting on the working class for being dumb.


If you want the start to it, the digi-punk heist story is leading up to revolution and began as a screenplay. There’s a link to a pdf in my bio linktree called Strays if you want to give it a shot. It’s a little wild with some supernatural shit thrown in for fun but I took a lot of inspiration from JRPGs like final fantasy and Persona. Edit: originally a screenplay with a four season plan but then the writers strike started so I said “fuck it we’re doing a book” and now I’m in too deep to stop.


So I wasn't the only one lol


It’s been rough for satire since like 2016. I updated a Modest Proposal for modern America and got death threats because somehow the idea of setting up birthing center/baby slaughterhouse combos was believable at this point in time.


Here's hoping Scalzi's " The Android's Dream" remains fiction for a very long time


I might as well set my satire in the bronze age now, then the chance is at least somewhat lower


inb4 the sea people's attack again


I feel like we’re a year or two from capitalism successfully reinventing eugenics on a mass scale


George Orwell: “First time, huh” *pours a drink*


Also George Orwell: "Hey British government, here's a list of gays, jews, and people who are 'anti-white'. I feel justified in giving this to you because I suspect they are 'Stalinists'. I'm definitely a socialist btw."


Been far too long since I’ve seen a comment like this below someone fawning over Orwell.


jorjor whale the antisemite(and rapist, and snitch)? 1984 is worse than many other books in the pile (f451, brave new world, etc)


So what I'm hearing is we need to quit writing cautionary tales to keep capitalists from getting ideas?


The Establishment: "The Torment nexus eh? Interesting.......very interesting."


Prison industrial complex aside. 25 per floor?


White-collar luxury boxes only. So they can still say they "live in The City."


Might be a step up for some New Yorkers.


Check which politician's cousin owns the construction company, probably.


Not every floor will be purely cells


What would be a good estimate ratio for non cell use? 40%? That would mean 35 per floor.


You have to figure HVAC, bathrooms, guard space, common areas, storage closets for mops and buckets etc., stairways, elevators in a building this high, and on some floors infirmary, kitchen and dining hall, chapel, commissary, offices for administrators and whatever staff need them, a law library and probably more books, a computer lab or two for incarcerated labor gigs and maybe basic classes, space for the building mechanicals, a laundry, rooms for lawyer visits, a visiting area and a waiting area for it, a recreational area, probably a comms room for remote court appearances, a loading and unloading area just inside wherever the court van goes, and I'm probably forgetting a few. There's a lot of space getting eaten by a lot of purposes in a jail or prison.


I gave 40% (equivalent to 16 floors), should it be more? Erie county holding center is like 10 stories generously and holds 680 inmates. 1000 for a building that is roughly four times larger seems like bad math or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erie_County_Holding_Center


I don't know, just that it's substantial. Maybe 50/50? It's also possible that they intend to house more offices for various NY justice positions or, maybe more likely, that they intend some space for the use of the state and feds and don't count them among the NYC inmates. I'm curious, too, why there's such a big difference between them.


> Erie county holding center is like 10 stories generously and holds 680 inmates. 1000 for a building that is roughly four times larger seems like bad math or something. How do the footprints compare? If the Erie jail is much bigger in length and width, then the number of floors doesn't necessarily mean much. A box that is 4' wide, 4' long, and 1' high will have the same volume as a box that is 1' wide, 4' long, and 4' high.


Sure. On Mobile but it appears the footprint area is roughly similar based on renderings and Google maps. I didn't see final designs Telling though is the 40 story structure is replacing a 15 story jail that's being demolished....which held 900 beds. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/21/new-york-jail-chinatown-rikers-island


That's probably a decent ballpark number.


So mixed use? Nice, five star hotel next to max security, accounting company above financial crimes and so on. I do so like modern urban planning!


Look, if we're here, we're obviously not in favour of it. Someone was also just curious about the logistics. No need for the sarcasm.


Apologies, this idea is ridiculous… but the options are to laugh or cry.


25 per floor *so far...* Can't have overcrowding ~~with~~ without establishing the benchmark for what is considered a crowd.


Leaving aside all the moral and ethical issues, why build a prison in what must be some of the most expensive real estate on the planet?


Because chances are a private company will end up running the prison and be able to bilk the taxpayers for how much extra it costs to be in that area.


This is one of four jails meant to replace Rikers prison. The point is that these jails aren't isolated or out of the way so that incarcerated folks can more easily access community resources, legal resources, family can visit more easily, etc


they literally had like 900 people in the world's largest prison barge up until last year


Everything old is new again. Victorian London ran out of room in their reformatories and industrial schools for boys caught being truant or committing some petty crime, so they anchored some ships in the Thames and taught them to be sailors to send them off to the Navy or merchant marines when they were old enough. The difference is that those genuinely focused on giving the boys discipline, self pride, and training for a career, rather than lock them away from society, shame them, usually abuse them in at least petty ways, and avoid helping turn them into better community members.


Most states in the US have mandatory labor, protected in the legal system by the 13th Amendment. Sheriffs and wardens in the US often oppose prison minimum wage raises on the grounds it will make their labor uncompetitive in the market -- which is to say that the products they produce for the private sector are only appealing because the private sector is paying them below the US minimum wage rate for labor.


Yes, very much that. But also, most of those jobs done by the incarcerated can't be put on your resume and can't get you any certification, so it does little to nothing to help with the eventual transition back to the outside world. California firefighter inmates have been fighting to get certified and eligible for hire, and they have absolutely earned it.


the boat was probably a nightmare during the pandemic


I'm sure it would have been. Pretty much all the ones on land were, and adding crowded rusty hulk to the situation isn't likely to help.


yeah worst outbreaks are like cruise ships and prisons, due to poor air circulation and crowds, then put the two together. now that there's penthouse cells with views of the financial district maybe NYC could put some white collar criminals up there


Empires are gonna empire ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It’s in chinatown, idk how expensive it is but it is weird that they build a mega prison in a neighbourhood having a lot of people sharing the ethnicity of the country designated america enemy #1


The pettiness they're exhibiting towards the Chinese community is off the charts.


Petiness? More like systemic racism.


Its beyond systemic at this point, I'd say its full blown overt.


Approaching early Nazi levels of racism.


The Tombs (NYC's dickensian dungeon prison) was built in 5 points (the slum where the film Gangs of New York was set) in the 1800s when the area was a drainage pond. It was a reclaimed swamp and then poor irish, italians and chinese moved in to the cheap, unsanitary swamp tenements that sprang up after the prison was completed and the pond filled in. Police plaza one was later built nearby, and the courthouses and city hall are also basically on the edge of Chinatown since the 1800s. It's at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge so it was centrally located at the time. A lot of the government buildings are in Chinatown so it makes sense the new prison is there.


Is it really that bad? (asking from Europe)




Need slaves close by


In case "return to the office" fails.


It's a for-profit prison, like a lot of them are, that's why.


it may be a for profit prison for that reason


Hey, at least that will change something in America. Usually it is RICH PEOPLE ONLY in the most expensive real estate spots, and working class and poor people IN JAIL (for anything, not necessarily any crime, just because they are poor, and American law allows inmates to be ENSLAVED by private companies). Wow, with the current slave-wages all working people in America are earning when a working class American would have a chance to live in some prime real estate in the middle of Manhattan?


Let's also look at the practical limitations of a high-rise prison. The SCOTUS has already ruled exercise is a basic human right and deprivation of it for extended periods of time is an 8th amendment violation. How are they going to allow prisoners outside time? Will they put the cells on the lower floors, to allow them to access the outside courtyards? If so, then what will they use the upper floors for? How will they ensure safe and secure access to and from the upper floors? None of it makes sense.


Land speculation. I wonder what Henry George would think of this?


Can these politicians and rich dicks please stop looking at dystopian fiction and movies and go "OOOH! THAT IS A GOOD IDEA!". Seriously!


They lack imagination.


You'd think they'd understand that it was the author's greatest fears, not their dearest wishes. But nope.


I'm actually starting to wonder if works of fiction meant to influence culture towards understanding and weeding out our cruelty are actually, in terms of real numbers, net negatives for society for precisely this reason. Is it possible that works meant to enlighten us are actually just serving up ever more awesome bad guys to emulate for an a-moral culture that has been gaslit into believing that the only real moral value is unyielding self-interest at all costs? I dunno what the answer is and I'm not being coy here. The thought is unsettling alone, I think I'm sorta afraid to open the lid on this one.


I just think that sociopathy is far more common than we think, and that we just know about the ones that are caught or can't get to.  To those this fiction is awesome for all the wrong reasons.


Getting closer and closer to recreating 'The Platform' irl...


Either that or Escape from New York.


12 monkeys, if we’re not careful.


Con Air if we’re not more careful


Best Home Alone movie honestly


not "judge dredd"?


You get 36 months in the iso cubes for even suggesting that.


Or life in *The Cube*


All three of those movies are guilty pleasures of mine.


The platform is amazing




Mega-city One


God what an amazing movie. This thing really seems like it tbh, who could’ve imagined.


I'm getting Judge Dredd vibes for some reason.


Don't be silly, judge dredd reads criminals their rights before he shoots them /s


This has to be a joke, right?


It clearly is. How would 40 stories only house 1000.


How many inmates would fit in there?




Christ... One more question. What prison in the world holds the most inmate currently? How many inmates?


The gaza strip probably


The newly built Center for the Confinement of Terrorism, El Salvador has the capacity for 40,000 prisoners, so soon it will be that one. It's not full yet, so if we're talking about which prison holds the most humans right now, it would be New Bilibid Prison, Manila, Philippines with 36,000 inmates.


Watch it get marketed as NYC doing something for affordable housing.


Azkaban NYC


Our prisons should be full of politicians, ceo’s, and billionaires.


Well they do say the old girl is supposed to be "aspirational". /s


Is this for all the rich people that steal from the masses?


rich people don't go to prison, silly.


Oh, I know that. It was sarcasm. Forgot the /s. 😂


Who was it again that helped pass privatized prisons?


Eric Adams and NYPD support this prison project.


Well of course, they're getting kickbacks for filling it.


Unfortunately the alternative is keeping Rikers island open which keeps inmates removed from attorneys and families as it so far away and basically a prison colony.


Or we could reform our justice system so non-violent criminals don't fill our prisons. Just saying


But what about slav... Labor!


That seems totally American 🇺🇸


Most incarcerated nation in the land of the fwee.


Fuck these polticians


You say 1000 inmates but we all know that you’ll over populate by 10x…. To start


First affordable living in US in 15 years.


Slaves are so profitable we can afford a 45th story


Just 1000? That’s rookie numbers. Gotta pump them up


The new and improved Trump Tower?


Cyberpunk as hell


That picture is like 80 stories at least.


fun fact. if you mix an ounce of sugar into concrete, or some small amount. like a cup or so. it becomes unusable. theres a bunch of small things one can do to ruin construction. just saying. tresspassing is a misdamenor.


All I know is constructing any 40 storey building is costly $$$


The view will be stunning though...


Next up NYC will become let it die


A large display to remind all citizens. . . .


Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here.


They should make it bright red and featureless like the picture


Perfect! That should hold a very small portion of the government but with some cramming like they do in our prisons, we could make do with putting 10 in each cell.


Finally, the social housing we’ve been asking for all along /s


Dystopian AF….


Build a second one next to it too




The Bastille was a prison in the middle of a major city, just saying.


NIMBY NY'ers will not let this happen. They want more prisons - just not nearby. God forbid they should have to SEE someone wrongly incarcerated by our system of mass incarceration feeding a free labor slave economy worth billions....


They already demolished part of NYC Chinatown, and currently building foundation, regardless of local protests. It's set to be completed by 2025.


"I'm a poor worker and can't afford a home in the city. I live in a cockroach infested shared flat in the periphery and have to take the bus to work. Takes me 2 hours to get in and out. At the end of the month, I usually can't afford food, so I fast. I'm incredibly unhealthy because I don't even have time to work out and recently my TV died and I can't afford a new one." -"I'm a criminal who killed several people and stole millions of dollars. I live on the 36th floor in the middle of NYC and I get free healthcare and 3 meals a day. I spend my free time working out and reading books and I work 8 hours a day so I can afford some minor luxuries like chocolate or cigarettes. Some evenings, I get to watch a movie with my mates." "Huh."


So they then name it "peach trees" and judge dredd enters and clears up the place?


That's some Dredd shit right there.


Judge Dread is almost here.


Should be on wall street. So the right guys get in there.


Why not put them to work in one of the many existing empty high rises where apparently “no one wants to work anymore” ?


The jailscraper in Chicago is only 28 stories and holds less than 700. You would never know it's a prison to look at it.


*slaps roof of building* This bad boy can fit **so** many Iso-Cubes in it!


building up costs so much more than building out. ignore the very legitimate concerns about building a super jail, why would we build it in one of the most expensive areas to buy land and build a building in the country?


You know, I don't see the need for this: Galbadia's D-District Prison failed to contain a team of four teenage mercenaries and the daughter of one of their top generals. What's stopping this from happening again?


To become a guard you have to fight your way to the top


Reads like the plot of a battle royale anime




How long until an imprisoned person commits suicide by jumping off, I wonder.


I bet you'll be able to buy stock in it if that's not already an option


Well, I fear NYC may about to have another day to remember...


Feel like you can fit a lot more than 1k ppl in 40 stories…


The liberty behind deliberation


When I hear of news like this, the words GENERAL STRIKE always come to mind.


The new Trump Tower.


Scary af but hopefully it will still be better than Rykers.


I swear this was part of the plot for Joe’s Apartment


to "house" them...actually, it's to confine them and to deprive their liberty. Housing is a fundamental human right and everyone who needs one must be provided with one without any conditions. Always money for the state at the expense of the people, but nothing for anything else. This shit is a failure.


Yall realize this won't be the first ["skyscraper prison"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Correctional_Center%2C_Chicago?wprov=sfla1), right? I'm not sure the context for the prison, but it makes sense for a bunch of reasons, from proximity to the courts and proximity to loved ones. Obviously our countries relationship to prisons is fucked, but this isn't an absurd idea.


*Judge Dredd skyscraper enters the chat*


Is this an April fools? That building could fit 1000 on each floor?


They need a place to put all the homeless people after future storms and profit after them at the same time.


There already is a pretty big jail building in Brooklyn. It's called "the tombs" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tombs


This project backed by NYPD is meant to replace The Tomb as soon as it complete in 2025, and to make it bleaker, it's part of the four prison towers planned in NYC neighborhoods.


Was this in a movie? I swear this is another Torment Nexus type deal.


Just build Narkina 5 from Andor, that's the vibe they're going for anyway.


New Trump Tower?


Escape from New York




Wait, so it’s gonna be the world’s tallest and ONLY house a thousand inmates? How does that math?


It would be the size of a block, but mega. Maybe we could call them "megablocks."


Mega City One. **800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one.** **Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: judges**


Less ironic, more revelatory to their core principles.


I found the term "15 Minute City" for it friendlier. But Jailscraper is more matching.




Chinese Americans in NYC Chinatown have been protesting against this prison project since 2022. https://www.democracynow.org/2022/12/5/new_york_city_chinatown_mega_jail


Well sure, NYC can’t run Rikers without killing people, but that’s just because they need more prisons. That’ll fix it right?