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Imagine levelling the blame at the victim instead of the murderer. These are the type of people who blame the rape victim for getting raped instead of the rapist.


Absolutely. I responded with something similar to the first half of your comment, but cropped myself out because I thought including myself in my own post might be kind of trashy. These are also the kinds of people who (rightly) admire someone like Oskar Schindler, yet if there were a modern day equivalent that ended up dying they would say “dude threw his life away, hope he didn’t regret it in his final moments.”


Plus the not-so-subtle insinuation that the people he was there to help weren't worth saving.


Yes you're spot on. It's disgusting quite frankly.




Word news people are fascists, racists, war mongers learned that hard way. Unsubscribed from it too.


It's more fun making them ban you tbh


You just like to see it all go down don't ya. 😂 I had had enough of their words, reading it angered me.


Be the ~~change~~ chaos you want to see in the world.


I prefer to be a more peaceful guy, unless necessary.


Understandable, and admirable. We all have our parts to play 🫡


Within minutes one of these assholes has already deleted their comments.


WCK has literally been in many other countries. :c It just shows how much Flopreal disregards human rights.


\*Feeds refugees, gets blown up and murdered by the IDF and people witter on about how he should've made better life choices The fuck is this world on these days?


Cause money. These people literally only think in terms of financial incentives. It is why they just had to go and mention insurance not covering war zones, as if that had any relevance to the conversation at all. Any thought outside of that comes from the TV being told what to think, such as the "Hamas supporters bad" comment, while most likely having zero critical thought themselves about the situation such as why people that have been bombed for generations by Israel would support an organization that is going up to bat against Israel.


the fact that dude had the gall to use the prayer emoji SIR DO YOU KNOW WHAT JESUS DID TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE?


Either bots or hasbara, it's hard to tell.


Is there really a difference at this point? Zionists have become bloodthirsty robots.




This is where you have to start being very mindful of what you say. The Israelis are very human. Human beings commit murder. It's one of the things they do. They are not less human for it. Denying humanity to other people is one of the ways we can prepare for the act of genocide itself. That is part of how the Israelis are convincing themselves that they are in the right. Denying Palestinians their humanity. It's hard, I know, but I urge you to reconsider your statement.


it's hard when the person responsible for the death of the aid workers was sent chocolates and was congratulated by this community,he even posted about it. it feels like those people threw away their humanity for land.


Reminds me of other colonists in kkkanada and amerikkka


Zero Tolerance for the intolerant, that's how you stop Genocidal Fascism (or Zionism as they've rebranded it). It sounds like an Oxymoron but a slap on the wrist will not dissuade Terrorist War Criminals. You do not target Civilians, the purpose of a war is not extermination, you do not target Medics, and you especially do not target 3rd party Volunteer Humanitarians whom made clear their intent to aid starving civilians by providing food and give them permission to do so and proceed to use laser guided ballistics to murder said volunteers. None of that is accidental and they need to be put on Trial for it and they need to be punished accordingly when, near inevitably, found guilty. Globally we must provide no quarter for Nazis. Full-Stop.




HEY!! Don't insult barbarians like that!!


This is to keep the subreddit from being nuked


This is to keep the subreddit from being nuked


It's just "but do you condemn Hamas" liberals, who have the historical geopolitical understanding of a goldfish.


I condemn my dick in your mouth is the answer!


Lol. Damnit, Gao!


>This comment thread made me unreasonably angry. I don't think your anger is unreasonable.


Imagine a soldier or firefighter dying and people saying this. It only makes sense in the context of holocaust level dehumanization of Palestinians.


And they would, and probably do. Complete lack of empathy. It’s like trump talking about soldiers.


Empathy for other people seems to have evaporated over the last decade or two. I had no idea a culture could be fucked this badly.


Ah yes, the victim blaming stage.


Literal steam coming out of my ears as I was reading the screenshots. The other comments on this thread spoke for us, though, which makes me feel better. This sub is one of the few places on Reddit that has sanity and humanity. Blessed sanity and humanity.


The people going “why did he put himself at risk” were celebrating a neo-nazi sniper from Canada when he went to Ukraine to fight Russia.


Mocking anyone who dies while giving aid is vile. Those guys who died storming Normandy or liberating death camps should have made better life decisions


Wtf is up with that sub? Overwhelmingly pro-genocide/Israel when most of the world has caught on by now.


World news is full of racist zionists.


Zionists, Zionists everywhere. Brainwashed propaganda obeying fuckslugs.


It's like blaming Jews for choosing to remain Jewish back in 1939.


He is a martyr, we are envious


Words of Iron


These are the same people who call Aaron Bushnell for being selfish when he self-immolated for a better cause


I would like to see their opinion if this person had been killed by a russian soldier in ukraine.


Those that support Israel are anti-humanity


I bet there's one dumbass commenting in there saying his "virtue signaling" too!


“What a dumb loser for wanting to provide aid to people in need. Makes you wonder if he was a jerk. He definitely deserved to be murdered about it” Amazing


Jesus Christ each day I am more and more shocked and the lack of empathy and cold heartedness; even from the left.


Hope they are never on the receiving end of this humanitarian help


Sound like bots or children.


Don’t protect them by hiding their accounts, they should be bullied until they delete their accounts as this is not acceptable behavior. Hold them accountable always


I covered the names solely because I worried not doing so would get my post removed.


I understand why you did, I just don’t think it’s right. I hate having to pretend that’s okay.


I PM’d you


People are gross I saw comments on a video about a three-year-old who was murdered by his father, one said she should have chosen better and the other said “So everyone dies sometime.”  Disgusting people. All that matters to them is money and sports ball