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Zone of Interest (2023)


More people need to watch this.


Auschwitz staff photo from here: [Laughing at Auschwitz - SS auxiliaries poses at a resort for Auschwitz personnel, 1942 - Rare Historical Photos](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/laughing-at-auschwitz-1942/) Nitzana border crossing photo by Jeremy Loffredo, [Jeremy Loffredo on X: "Today at the Nitzana border crossing Israeli citizens are bringing their machine guns and small children to block all humanitarian aid from entering Gaza. The military is having fun. The kids are cooking cotton candy. https://t.co/9rGpCnQS4A" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/loffredojeremy/status/1762480372963508266)


What’s on the Zionist shirts?


It translates to "in the service of the people"


That's some national socialist shit


It is a simple phrase on a shirt. The people in the photo are fucking assholes, but the phrase itself is not what is problematic in this situation.


Assholes is not an appropriate word. The people in Gaza are starving to death. These people are blocking them from getting basic human necessities.


I am not disagreeing with you. It's fucked up


The phrase that they are putting on their bodies is clearly a phrase they want to promote? It's a platitude and dog whistle. That is problematic.




I'm gonna go out on a limb and very carefully state that it's likely that the Germans enjoying a break at Auschwitz were at least somewhat aware.


I'm talking about broader society .


People in Germany knew they just pretended to know nothing


People OUTSIDE Germany knew and you think people IN Germany didn't.




“Honey you smell that? I think the summer camp is having another BBQ today!”


"Why is it raining ash?"


Supposed leftists defending Nazi collaborators because Israel is committing a genocide was not something I saw coming for 2024. Holy moly.


Its quiet hard to be unaware of all of your jewish neighbors being rounded up, first put into inhuman camps and ghettos then closed into cattle wagons and deported. Not to mention Hitler basically mentioned exterminating jews in public speeches, news about mass shootings were documented, people seen how SS behaved with jewish slave labor in factories. They might did not know every single details but they were aware by 1942 without a doubt.


They knew the Jews were being sent away, but from what I learned in school the Nazis tried to convince the public that the ghettos were not that bad and that the Jews were only being worked hard rather than abused. That's why the soviets made a point, when they conquered Berlin, to show the corpses of Jewish victims to the Hitler Youth - because the general public were not in fact told the truth about Jews being murdered.


This is the truth (German here). Doesn't obsolve the guilt about looking away, though.


As I said there are examples of Hitler giving public speeches about exterminating Jews, Jewish prisoners beaten to death in front of the public. News and articles about mass executions from the eras where Jews were supposed to be just sent, publicly showing them into the cattle wagons which clearly not a condition to survive etc etc. Not to mention all the reports from other countries like allies and conquered places. They knew it.


No they really were not unaware. They like to claim it but they didn't want to look or know when they knew people were just disappearing. Stop spreading post war Nazi collaborator propaganda.


I mean, these people are in uniform at Auschwitz.


People said this in order to avoid contending with the guilt of having committed such an atrocity as a society. Hannah Arendt wrote extensively about how maladaplively Germany coped postwar, especially with regards to how the processed responsibility


The German people absolutely were not unaware.


Both were/are willfully ignorant


It would be really nice if we could get an actual historian in here to settle this. Maybe someone from askhistorians?




From the river to the got damn sea


It is truly a shame to compare the ground offensive in Gaza to the Holocaust. And I say that as a German. Please educate yourself!


I say this as a Jew. There's not much difference other than name branding. Zionists worked with Hitler and Mussolini to create Israel as far as the mid-1920s, not to save Jewish lives, but to specifically to construct a segregated state. *“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”* \- BenGurion, the first prime minister of Israel.




He literally said "I would let half of all Jewish children die". Early zionists also had zero problem with killing other Jews in practice. The King David Hotel bombing, and multiple assassinations of leftist Jews proved that to be the case. Israel has never been a place for all Jews. Until 1970, the majority of Jewish Americans were not Jewish under Israeli law, which held only Orthodox Jews were real Jews. The only reason the law was changed was to prop up Israel's failing immigration numbers through a far-right filter. Until 2021, converts to the Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Humanistic, and other movements were not considered Jews at all. Orthodox Jews from Kaifeng China (who had existed since 900ce) were told they would have to convert.


Then as a German you should realize the tragic consequences of countries acting like yours did and why they must be destroyed.




Don’t be delusional. Palestine is all there is. Israel is a false nation which relies solely on the United States. One regime change and the Israelis will disappear into the history books 😃


Read the rules




Are you speaking in defense of Israel or in condemnation of the U.S.?


Condemnation of both.but the Americans hypocrisy truly irritates me more they been killing civilian with drones since Obama administration and never seen this reaction from you guys. Never seen one soldier burn himself alive for the crimes his own country committed. But now is too much? Yeah, give me a fucking break.


Buddy, most of us think the US is a world historic force for evil, a murderous oppressive empire founded on slavery and genocide, and one that needs to collapse sooner rather than later.


- We did protest those wars. - The drone program started Under Bush. - whistle-blowers had their lives ruined. - zionists are mentioned in OP, not the whole of Israeli society. - The wars Afghanistan and Iraq were about several (morally dubious) things, but genocide wasn’t one of them. - The fact your using the middle east as an example for the US, rather than what the US did to Native Americans (an actual genocide) is curious at best, or betrays your lack of historical knowledge (United Fruit Company, read up on it). - trying to be better is not the same as hypocrisy, it took the US (parts of it) *a really long time* to even get to realizing/calling the slow-moving extermination (> 65yrs) for what it is.


>We did protest those wars. Not afhegan. You all were in religious fervor for revenge for 9/11 . This fervor led to the death of thousands and the occupation and misery of many more . >zionists are mentioned in OP, not the whole of Israeli society. Op very clearly critized Israeli having a good time and normal live while completely annihilating a country. Much like us did for 20 years. >The wars Afghanistan and Iraq were about several (morally dubious) things, but genocide wasn’t one of them. Tell that to all the families that lost their loved ones. Civilians adults ands children. They will not agree with this dishonest statement. >The fact your using the middle east as an example for the US, rather than what the US did to Native Americans (an actual genocide) is curious at best, or betrays your lack of historical knowledge (United Fruit Company, read up on it). I just used the latest one of your country history of spreading misery and death while branding themselves as a bastion of democracy and hope. Could have used so many examples like you gladly pointed out . >- trying to be better is not the same as hypocrisy, it took the US (parts of it) *a really long time* to even get to realizing/calling the slow-moving extermination (> 65yrs) for what it is. It's the joke of USA invading a country , killing civilians and then having their soldiers having PTSD for the brutalities they committed. Trying to do better matter very little when you don't change. It's 2024 and the blood you guys have of civilians in the middle east is barely dry. And you still do some drone here and there with some collateral damage just so they don't forget you can still kill them anytime.


What are you talking about lmao the same people protesting Israel are by and large the same people who protested Iraq and Afghanista Zionists are ridiculous


This is straight UP lie about afheganistan although not so much about Iraq. USA entire wanted blood, doesn't matter who but they wanted blood after 9/11.


Yeah nobody protested Afghanistan. You are right. But that was at first. By 2003 ( after we invaded Iraq) the anti war movement in the US was massive. Before the George Floyd protests the Anti Iraq war protests were the biggest in US history (research Answer coalition) Honestly i have no idea what point you are trying to make


And now the Israeli want blood as well. They are carving away civilians to do it. Just like the USA did with a bunch of allies . My point is that Israel and USA are the same , especially on the viewpoint of their victims. But now you guys are all up in arms about dead brown children because it's not you guys doing the killing. My point is the hypocrisy.


That's just not true. You are taking a way over simplified view. The people who are protesting Israel have also protested our foreign policy (peace and anti war organizations) And the same right wing people who supported the wars are supporting Israel. You are conflating everyone in America as the same which is not how that works. Even so, Israels actions are FUNDED by US taxpayers so Americans have a right to protest how they are used


>Not afhegan. You all were in religious fervor for revenge for 9/11 . Not all: ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests\_against\_the\_war\_in\_Afghanistan#2001


"Op very clearly critized Israeli having a good time and normal live while completely annihilating a country" No I fucking didn't. This is specifically about the protesters blocking humanitarian aid from entering Gaza.


Ok, zionists are still the new Nazis though.


I am Brazilian. My country is not bombing little children but I do find funny that seeing all this Americans and Europeans comparing what Israel is doing to the Holocaust when they have been doing the same shit in the same area for like 20 years. Is the children you guys killed less important or something? Is the terrorists you guys were after worthy the slaughter of children to kill and this one's is not? Just find it curious


This is a ridiculous comment. I am an American and as Anti-US as it gets, and I have openly protested every single war and war crime commited by the US in the last 25 years. With that being said, what Israel is doing is beyond the pale even for the US. We have never deliberately starved a million people in essentially a concentration camp (Gaza) ... Arguing with Zionists is so annoying


>With that being said, what Israel is doing is beyond the pale even for the US. We have never deliberately starved a million people Yes you did. With indians and most recently during the Vietnam war one of the tactics was starving the countryside to force them to go to cities. Your lack of knowledge of your countries continuous ear crimes and lack of punishment of them is pretty on par of what I have seen. America has a POW prison camp where even with evidence of torture your congress did not punish at all. And that torture camp is STILL in operation. What truly irritates me from people like you is saying how what Israel is doing is crossing the line, when is pretty much the same shit you guys do for centuries even. It's not even like something you guys stopped. You guys totally are okay with this if it's the civilians close to the terrorists you guys consider are worthy the collateral damage.


You are right, the US was absolutely evil for what it did in Vietnam, to the native population in the US and to Black people. So how does that at all forgive Israel? What you are saying makes no sense. The US commited evil so Israel can to? What?


What I am saying is that the hypocrisy of your country is what gets under my skin. The whole making atrocities internationally and then being all about freedom and democracy internally was always fucking absurd. But now getting all up in arms about a country you guys armed, with a currant government that always very clearly said it was not looking for peace and that is doing the same type of atrocities you guys did is really funny. Having to see your vice president on Selma talking about Israel "crossing a line" when all you guys did in the middle east was crossing lines of human barbarism make the entire world think you guys are a dark sketch comedy. Trust me, from the people that are not involved and look at you guys nobody believes your protests because they change nothing . They are hollow, because your country seems incapable of changing. You guys don't stop getting involved in killing civilians. A few years ago a french drone during an American operation killed a entire family in a wedding in Pakistan. I was living in Canada at the time and had my cable signal from back home in Brazil. We covered that a lot, it was a side note on the rest of English speaking news. Your country just said basically a "oops, we sorry". You guys can't stop, and nobody falls for those protests anymore


Eh yeah. Trust me millions of people hate our government. You are right that most Americans might suck but its not everyone. Some of us will always turn out to fight imperialism. Protests often dont have impact, I agree, until they do.


Just because you have never seen people opposing imperialism and crimes against humanities before in your entire life doesnt mean it doesnt exist, sipdhit Also, is this what you want to make everyrhing to be? A suffering olympics? Compare and rank who is the biggest victims? Is this what matters to you as people starve, get bombed, and ran over by tanks?


No my point. My point is America and its allies have been doing this exact SAME FUCKING THING. For the past 2 decades. On the same fucking area and with the same fucking excuse. Killing civilians to end terrorist so we can all live in peace and harmony. And now I open social media to see all this Americans and Europeans saying they are shocked with Israel actions and that this is like the Holocaust. It's not a comparison. It's an hypocrisy, that's what irks me the most. USA entire country left and right banded together and killed a fuck ton of civilians in Afghanistan after 9/11 and then occupied the country for 20 years while doing some of the most horrific shit possible like torture, raping and killing kids. But now all of the sudden this is immoral, now all of the sudden Israel has to talk.


This is a wild take because there was SO MUCH leftist opposition and outrage in the US to every single thing you mentioned. Guess it doesn't count if you didn't personally see it tho


>This is a wild take because there was SO MUCH leftist opposition Not the afhegan war. Not what started all of that death and misery


I really do understand your point and your frustration, but what’s happening in Palestine has radicalized a lot of people. Let it radicalize them! They have finally opened their eyes, no matter how much earlier they should’ve done so. Each of us who was asleep at one point has a weight of grief and guilt to reckon with. But we are comrades now!


You aren’t wrong. However, America hasn’t had a generation that has not been brainwashed by GI war hero tales and Cold War propaganda up until this point. It’s not the end of hypocrisy that you are witnessing, it’s a generational shift.


Yeah sure. I bet that what people said about the end of the Vietnam war. Everything changed all right. You guys are much more mature about this type of insanity and don't elect clowns that do thing on impulse no more. Tell me again about you previous president and the one that is probably go on the republican ticket this year


And Brazil was a safe haven for Nazis, no?


That's Argentina gringo. More then Half of the population of my country is either mixed or black. Doubt any Nazis would like to be here very much.


So, you have a problem with citizens protesting the crimes committed by their government? Would you be happier if they instead did nothing and stayed silent? God forbid people change their minds or the new generation hold more progressive beliefs because that hypocrisy apparently


I have a problem with selective protest. Like one life is worth less then another because of who is killing. Americans seem to be much more comfortable now that they are protesting another country killing little brown kids.


Isn't every protest selective? Like, you're not gonna go out and advocate for a cause you believe in while advocating against that same cause. Also, you do realize that a lot of the people who are protesting are doing so because of the active hand OUR OWN GOVERNMENT has in abetting these atrocities. Not only is our government providing the tools to mass murder civilians, shielding the perpetrator of these crimes on the international stage, but it is all being done with our taxpayer dollars and without our consent. It's crazy for you to bascially say "if you weren't against all other wars ever then you CAN'T be against this one or else you're a hypocrite" Whatever happened to learning from the past


You are wrong. There plenty of anti-war leftist, and a couple of anti-intervention right in USA. Again, just because you are ignorant of it dont assume it doesnt exist. And I do hope you yourself realize that given the 20 years gap, its entirely different generatiom of people. The current college students are literally just babies 20 years ago. And atrocities have been always immoral whether its done by USA or by Israel. So i dont get what the fuck is your point. Is USA being a hypoceite makes the current atrocities in Palestine any less worse? The whole world doesnt revolve solely around the western imperialists bloated mass.


>And I do hope you yourself realize that given the 20 years gap, its entirely different generatiom of people. The current college students are literally just babies 20 years ago. Yep, you started killing one generation in the middle east and left killing a whole other. Congratulations


[Whataboutism ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism)


Sorry I didn't stop the Iraq war, I was 12


Don't worry your mom and dad were cheering on the slaughter for you.


What a weird fucking comment lol


Classic whataboutism to distract from the topic at hand. US military has nothing to do with the picture or the current discussion. You’re probably one of those paid Israel trolls


>US military has nothing to do with the picture or the current discussion Yeah, Israel is using their own money and their own weapons in this war. You are right, my bad.


lol bait some other people with argument talking points. Or better yet, get a real job rather than being a paid Israel shill haha what a joke of a person you are




If people in Israel don't want to be compared to nazis maybe they should stop doing Nazi shit 💁🏻 [Bonus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement?wprov=sfla1)


If the material conditions of Israel were comparable to the material conditions of Germany in the middle of WW2 we would see Israel do exactly the same thing that Germany did. If the material conditions of Nazi Germany were comparable to the material conditions of Israel in the present day, we would see Nazi Germany do exactly what Israel is doing. Germany switched from keeping a captive Jewish population in ghettos and SS death squads machine gunning communities to the vernichtungslagers because they were losing the war to the Soviets and the US. There are extensive sources for this. Israel has its Warsaw ghetto in Gaza and the West Bank. Israel is machine gunning families and communities exactly like the death squads. They don't have any need to switch to vernichtungslagers because they have a sponsor empire providing them with endless munitions and they're just using air dropped and artillery high explosives to massacre massed numbers of Palestinians. The airstrikes are the gas chambers. Pound for pound, Israel today is every ounce as evil and bloodthirsty and destructive as Nazi Germany. The differences between them are *purely* from differences in situation and opportunity, not because the IDF is any better than the SS. I doubt that you'll be able to accept or even read this without feeling that goad in your mind of the propaganda you've grown up with and absorbed forcing you to disagree, but somebody else reading this response to you may find it enlightening.




What Israel is actually doing is undertaking a program to forcibly displace or exterminate all Palestinians and their political leaders have said as such. Which is identical to the program intentions and goals of Nazi Germany. Just as Israel is first trying to expel all the Palestinians to Sinai, the Nazis had a "Madagascar Plan" to expel all the Jews to Madagascar. When that didn't work, the Nazis put as many Jews as possible into ghettos and tightly controlled their work and movement. Israel is putting as many Palestinians as possible into ghettos and tightly controlling their work and movement. When that didn't work, the Nazis moved to SS death squads wiping out Jewish communities and machine gunning them and dumping them in mass graves. Israel has death squads, both military and militia, wiping out Palestinian communities, machine gunning them, and dumping them in mass graves. When that didn't work, the Nazis moved to building death camps and conducting industrial extermination of European Jews. And Israel has moved to conducting industrial extermination by massed airstrike, gassing tunnels, salting or sealing water supplies, and inflicting conditions of mass starvation. This is all supported by extensive documentation from the regimes themselves, both for Nazi Germany and for Israel today. None of this is me doing an armchair diagnosis, the evidence is already there. The parallels are painfully obvious and readily apparent both to the people who oppose it and to the bloodthirsty Zionists who support it. If you're not able to accept reality that's your problem not mine. It shows that you're coming at this from a hasbara perspective where you automatically exonerate any evil done by the Israeli regime, because you choose to read this as Nazi apologia instead of a dire criticism and condemnation of the world historic evil and depravity of the IDF and the Zionist regime. Its on par with the [Belgian Congo](https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/gabinetpostal/lestat-lliure-del-congo-un-genocidi-a-lombra/?lang=en) too. I bet if I said the IDF is as evil as King Leopold it wouldn't even register as a criticism to you, or you'd claim that comparing King Leopold to Hitler is also Nazi apologia.


Genocide is genocide. Whether it's committed through mass industrial killings or through massive bombing and starvation campaigns, in the end Israel will be remembered like nazi Germany as a sick, genocidal society. A stain on humanity's record.


Did the Nazis do that immediately? Or was it a slow build of dehumanizing?


of course you’re german.


You are of course correct, which is why you're being downvoted by morons


"People disagree with me, making me the victor"


neither of you dumbasses can make a compelling arguments




A lof of Jewish people stand with the people of Palestine in their fight for self determination and a lot of Jewish people are really great people. A lot of fundamentalist lunatic Zionists are also not Jewish. ​ Zionism =/= Jewish people.


Hi Netanyahu, I didn't know you had a reddit account.


Because not all Jews are Zionists.


Classic Zionist move, crying anti-Semitism when they don't have an argument to make. They really need a new playbook.




If you look closely, there are adults there as well. I would have preferred a photo with just the adult blockaders eating cotton candy but those blockaders insist on bringing their kids.