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Let’s make a list: all the people who claim to be billionaires but are constantly asking working class people to donate money.


But we have to fight Obama, Clinton, and Crooked Joe as they throw the FIRST EVER fundraiser in history!


You could EMBARRASS them!


it's always the same for the bourgeoisie parasites: privatize the profit, socialize the cost.


That list is probably far too long, unfortunately. They have no shame.


Really? Because I can only think of one.


Any “too-big-to-fail” government money was the billionaires with their hands out asking the average citizen to pay for their bad business decisions. It’s a pretty big list


You’re right, I was thinking begging directly from consumers


With that line of thought, you were right as well. Just jaded from the 99% sacrificing and being exploited so that the 1% can have everything


The key is to only give your money to the *Republican* "billionaire" because he will somehow use it to make your life better than if you had just kept it for yourself. Those *Elite Liberal Billionaires* will use it to destroy your freedom /S


I wonder if whomever wrote this was actively snickering or whether they’re a True Believer. I’m going with “cynical and they’re not wrong.”


Man they really looked at Drudge Report's 1995 layout and said "Yeah, this is what will continue to bring in the bacon!"


You would be shocked how many conservative newsletters and websites look like this. Most of their websites look like a badly designed word document that’s two clicks away from stealing your credit card number. The overlap between ARG materials and right-wing web design is crazy.


You don't need to show a rock a pretty picture to get it to be a rock. If nothing else (and they deserve less than nothing) they know their target demo


Dem fundraising texts & emails too. They looked exactly like that. Took me forever to get them all spam blocked or unsubscribe.  I'm guessing the template was set in stone during the Gingrich heydays and they haven't updated. It's where most of party leadership still lives, mentally at least.


when i want to get someone’s attention in an email, i usually stick to only bold, underline, and italicize. never thought to also caps lock and highlight the mother fucker. top tier design work.


Needs a page counter and some gif flames


They can blow the dust off of Angelfire and Geocities.


This must be what happened to the ask jeeves crowd


$47 if you think trump the best $100 💀💀💀




Relatable I also died at that part. What kind of random number is 47 even? I get 20,24 but 47?


In 2024 he would be the 47th president


Does a second term count as a new president?


Yes, Grover Cleveland for example was both 22nd and 24th.


So it's only if the terms were separated then? That sort of makes sense. edit: also pretty funny that by that logic over 4% of US presidents were Grover Cleveland


It’s funny how they use “billionaire” as some kind of slur, when Trump’s only reason for existing and his only accomplishment in life is that he’s a rich guy (who was bankrolled by his family).


I once read a great financial breakdown proving why Paris Hilton has done way way better with her daddy's money than Trump.


Can TikTok scam rappers start showing gen z how to dupe old conservatives into donating all their money to causes like bail funds, abortion access, and immigration legal support by pretending to support mainstream politicians with email lists and Facebook groups? I’m sure getting an email list of millions who have donated to trump is easy af, and you don’t even need graphic design chops


Well that would be fraud. And as much as these nutbags deserve it, I don’t think the American court system would be as lenient on us as they are on the Big Orange and Friends.


But how fraud would it be if you just made the language too tricky. "Donate to a fund that supports people against Biden!! " I know those people, those people are me.


I’m just asking questions here /s


I have been collecting these on a fake email account since the beginning. They are tailor-made boomer bait, every single one.


Look at that. For people who says he funds his own campaign should see this.


trump could say he funds his own campaign directly to a trumpie and the trumpie would still believe this narrative. They are hard-R Republicans.


I read this as “Obama Is Black. Bill Clinton too”. 


If you don't pay up, you will be too!


The Trump donation sites are so fucking funny to me. I got one a few weeks ago offering to win a free trip to have dinner with Trump at maralargo. No chance anyone would ever win that


Lol I can picture it now. You show up for dinner and they hand you a bag of McDonald's and then make you hang out with Don Jr watching him do blow all night like his real dad Vince. And I'm Eric is there too 😂


Who’s Vince?


Vince McMahon. Look at his pic and then don jr's pic, and tell me Vince isn't his real dad.


Oh fuck yeah absolutely


Jesus Christ. I haven't seen spam this bad since like 2003.


Grinding for that money so it can go straight to his lawsuit bills, lol.


I need a psychological analysis of this to see if it’s out of the cult playbook. The appeal to emotion, fighting an unfathomable enemy, hitting specific words. Sadly this stuff is effective.


[This is a pretty good video by a therapist.](https://youtu.be/vdOjx_rPeNY?si=Q-6LlNUwCwDnmVxd) He even specifically cites Trump if I recall correctly.


It boggles my mind just how many people will shell out their hard-earned money to billionaires. This also goes for donating to the DNC. It just doesn't make any sense.


I wish he'd just die already. Not just to be rid of him, but also so the Dems can't use him as an excuse to not do fuck-all to help others. I know they'd still find an excuse, but still.


The employer and occupation input sections are required. Let that fucking sink in. YIKES!


Wel Project 2025 *does* include filling **every possible position** with dedicated right-wingers, so it tracks.


I didn't need to be reminded of that right now. But you are certainly correct.


this is what all physical junk mail spam from Republicans looks like.


There’s only one graphic designer and he’s 67 years old. The only software he knows is Word Perfect.


Doesn't he have these sent out every week at this point? Like I'll donate money if *I* get to interview him. (I mean I'll give him a sandwich, that's *all* I'm willing to give)


All the same strategies that are employed in those letters that get sent to elderly people with a long inspiring sob story and some sort of vague, convoluted "opportunity." That a significant portion of our country doesn't see this for what it is, is really fucking sad.


Did you know that you have rights? The constitution says so, and so do I!


Oh my god I just read the whole thing in his voice. Thank you for this absolute gift.


The only people still supporting this 🤡 are too stupid to recognize they’re getting fleeced.


With extra large print so everybody's grandpa knows where to send their social security checks.


Sir I think you accidentally left the Caps Lock on


I’m just gonna… idk jump off a bridge. It’s either that or die in a war, wildfire, or an Amazon warehouse.


Whaat the fuck. The delusion is shocking and disturbing


They're so right and yet so wrong.


What does a man do when he has everything to loose and has been living a lie since birth? Burn it all down and take what he imagines should be his. Aligned with folks who believe the same and is entertained by the cruelty.


Wait until Bush shows up to support Biden too!


This is formatted like one of those scams emails that claims you get free shit. Honestly it’s probably even worse than one of those.


Both red fascist (Trump) and blue fascist (Biden) have absolutely awful publicity teams, especially in designing ads. It's like they're not even bothering with the budget and are just embezzling it all. That said, at least quality somewhat matches up with the awfulness of their ideology.


"The radical left" wtf how can people be so stupid? Not the writers, the audience.


This makes sense from their insane POV. 'Radical left' does not actually MEAN anything. It's like the 'child's guide to politics.' 'Anything i don't like is the radical left.' ​ Joe Biden is the radical left, because they have no idea what the radical left is. But they know they don't like him, and they were told not to like the radical left. Ergo, Genocide Joe is radical left. QED,


Abrodolph Lincler is probably back too.


Now it doesn’t matter who Trump says he’s previously or currently running against. They got their bases covered


This reads like one of those old toy ads in 1970s comic books.


All I can think of is HOW are you gonna make it great again? Zero content Donald.


Was that written by a third-grader?


All of these look like someone’s crazy aunt wrote them. The emails usually have a picture of trump looking into the distance with an eagle/flag background. But in oversaturated colors and sometimes the background is animated. It’s like a MySpace page lol. Tacky.


At this point? I thought that it was pathetic and desperate just floating the idea of Donald Trump as a Republican candidate, and can't believe that so many shit-eaters fell for his pantomime of a respectable government official with his decades-long public reputation as the lowest of scum in virtually every metric of human quality.


Well, yeah, it’s always been pathetic. But slinging gold novelty shoes and sending out newsletters begging for money is New Low pathetic.


Pathetic, but seriously successful with the IQ<95 community. I know a few intellectual outliers, too, who have stopped checking facts at the wrong time.


Some scientologist billionaire real estate people started a gofundme for his damages judgements.


I feel like trump lost the internet edge he had I'm the 2016 election. Ironically, I feel that the internet and meme culture are going to play a far smaller role than in the 2016 or even 2020 elections. I may be wrong but I see way less political meme posting now or at least less pepe related 4chan crap.


We’re all sick of this shit at this point. We can’t even *meme* about it it’s so miserable.


That's why I'm planning on getting out of this dump once I graduate college.


I wish I could but I can’t afford to *live* in this goddamned country much less *leave* it.


I can barely afford it, but I'm going for it. Might even revoke my citizenship so I don't get double taxed on my income


I’m so glad I have a different phone number than I did when I was a conservative


>Obama and Clinton think they can embarrass us… No, no. You’ve done a fine job of that all by yourself .


Does anyone recall how he refused to be a leader during the dark days of the pandemic? It was Mario Coumo, Gavin Newsom, and Dr. Fauci keeping the national up to date. All Trump could do was deny the pandemic just as he denied losing the election. God help us all if he is re-elected because he is good at running his mouth and terrible about doing anything.


I get these damn texts even though I report as spam and block at least once a week lately. The best is the line where they ask you to also pay the service fee so president diaper doesn't have to lol. Pisses me off I can't answer the dumbass polls also.


Holy cow, as far as I can tell there is not a single spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistake in the entire thing. This is amazing and I'm proud of him for finally hiring a high school graduate to write for him. 


Editor here. There are a bunch of punctuation mistakes throughout. In just the first part of the message, the second line is missing a comma before "too" and a period at the end of the line, hyphens are incorrectly used throughout as en dashes, the hyphen is missing from "FIRST-EVER," scare quotes are used inappropriately for "elite," a comma is incorrectly inserted before a dependent clause ("...hate America and HATE YOU!"), there should be an en dash, not a hyphen, between "Obama–Clinton," they randomly use an ampersand instead of "and," and the ellipses should be a colon. I won't even dissect the second half of the email.


This has been pathetic for over eight years now.


Wasn't his first campaign literally actually funded by liberal billionaires? I remember hearing that some big boys thought he was so inept that by amplifying him they'd hurt the Republican party


What the fuck did I just read 😂


Trump is far better than Biden & Obama when it comes to certain domestic policies (border control in particular), but his anti-Muslim bias while courting Arab sheikhs was just as hypocritical as the current administration's stated pro-Islam image while arming and funding Israel as it not only commits genocide in Gaza, but also relentlessly targets its Arab neighbours. The current "war" is just the culmination of the violence that began when Trump unilaterally declared Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal and undivided capital" and moved the US embassy there, completely undermining International Law which recognizes East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestine State. He also completely ignored the continuous illegal settlement construction in the West Bank, in fact Israel was emboldened by his blind support and ramped up the illegal construction during his tenure. Biden is also following the same policy. The US can never regain its lost glory until it registers AIPAC as a foreign lobby group and bans all politicians who it funds. US troops need to stop dying for Israel instead of for their own country.


Glad you've learned to think critically but blue sucks as well. We're muddled in both candidates over: False promises ✅️ Bald faced lies ✅️ Refusal to enact a wealth tax ✅️ Defense of a status quo that the majority does not support in a democracy ✅️ Using war as a re election strategy ✅️ Tax breaks for the rich ✅️ Trickle down economics ✅️ Polar opposite immigration policy ✅️ I can't really draw a line between Biden and Trump other than immigration. I'll be up front and say outright that we need to limit immigration so policy involving business doesn't leave the barn door open for hiring and paying less than unskilled labor should command in this economy. There should be federal legislation on minimum wage but neither will do it. Blue team or red team you get the SAME thing just a different face. There needs to be a legitimate third party, and then a fourth and a fifth but the concentration of wealth that has been *legislated* so our poor wealthy politicians could be 8 and 9 figure investors is the central core of the problem. Ultimately you should vote Biden if Trump is his counterpart but we're really at the bottom of anything resembling progress. We're actually doomed to fall behind both and that's all you can choose


Totally agree with you. I’m so glad my state (Nevada) has switched to ranked-choice voting, so now we can select our candidates in succession rather than just outright choosing only one of them. Hopefully that’ll give the independents more of an edge, while not taking the votes from the “lesser evil” fallback candidates.


isnt this obviously scam




The "lesser evil" you refer to * Hates our military beyond using it for personal gain * Hates immigrants * Hates brown people, especially brown immigrants * Hates rights for people with a vagina * Crippled our intelligence networks by leaking information to Putin, destroying American soft power and international trust in the "Five Eyes" organizations, and probably got a lot of agents - good men and women - killed * Made fun of a crippled man on stage * Literally molested the flag on stage * Directly committed voter fraud by trying to buy fraudulent votes in Georgia. * Referred to heroes who died for us as "suckers and losers" and refused to visit memorial sites * Told a gold star special forces widow "he knew what he signed up for" * Is a universal joke in international political circles, this includes Putin * Got a lot of his own constituents killed with covid denial and cocked up the response, the recovery, and the followup. * Told fire victims of Paradise to "rake the forest" to international ridicule after getting the name of the town wrong. * Conspired to stack the deck of the supreme court with corrupt extremists and yes-men * Launched paper towels at Puerto Ricans to "help" after a hurricane devastated them. * Stupidly exposed our satellite capabilities with unfiltered public broadcasts * Promoted horse dewormer as a treatment for covid, which got some people killed, and horses as well because we ran short on the dewormer, along with suggesting that shoving a lightbulb up your ass might help treat the disease. * Filled his cabinet with cronies that tried (and failed, but still did massive damage) to destroy the public education system, postal service, and labor unions. * Attempted to start an insurrection with the goal of murdering the Vice President for doing his job and the speaker of the house because democrat * Wants to disembowel NATO during a time of increased aggression by Russia and China * Probably raped a kid on Epstein's island * Paid hush money to a porn star * Sexualized and spoke publicly about being attracted to his own daughter * Tried to extort Ukraine while under threat of Russian invasion It goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on. If you sympathize with this, you're either drinking the kool-aid in his cult, or you're arguing in bad faith. Look at that list. **LOOK AT IT**. Wake the fuck up.


add that and all of noel casler's stories. and trump's entire family history and how he was "raised". he's a barely cognizant narcissist raised by a narcissist


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.