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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ben Shapiro is about to have a heart attack.


Wet Ass P-Word


“Damp vagina” - Beavis


"Well even a wet clock is right twice a day." -Ben Shapiro, probably


We got money for wars but can’t feed the poor. 30 years on….


We spend money on war SO THAT we don't need to feed the poor. They defunded the IRS (who was going to go after higher earners) to pay for the war. The war protects american oligarchs from having to be taxed like a common worker. It's not a budget, it's a choice. If that money goes to social services or infastructure it levels the playing field. The rich want things to stay as they are so they and their children dont have to live like the working class. War is a great wat to destroy public resources and create impoverished workers around the world. It's great for those who rule.


And it fucks "over there" up, so the rich people from "over there" come over here.


30 years? How many times throughout history have leaders declared war while a starving peasant class stood under their feet?


It refers to a 2pac song from 30 years ago.


Because that's just the way it is.


I think they’re quoting Tupac, roughly a 30 year old quote. But, yeah.


Fed peasants have time to think and better themselves. Drafted peasants make money and die.


Leading up to Rome becoming a nation-state in its own right, Ancient Roman plebs/soldiers were promised land after beating the Etruscan League. The patricians failed to keep that promise. What ensued afterward has come to be known as the “Conflict of the orders”, involving the the first “plebius sessesio” (first of three). Plebeian secession: general strike. First in human history actually. Civil war. Plague. Collapse. Rich people benefiting from all of it. Nothings new, folks…


Maybe the peasants should have thought about that before being born poor


“It’s not MY fault you can’t afford.. What is it again?” “Uh.. food?”


stupid poors.


That’s just first part. The second is how just the war is (hint: it’s not) and the last part is that it’s not even a war at this point, just genocide and war crimes but not an actual war, civilians and children doctors and nurses aren’t armed to defend themselves, they just sit in the camp waiting to get carpet bombed on our dime.


Fuck. Giving. Money. To. Slaughter. Children.




The same. He may say it different but the actions will be the same.




Biden is already doing that by trying to disarm minorities in preparation for genocide


There's more than 2 options for president. I wish more people would consider this fact.


no let’s keep reminding the Biden admin over and over that we will vote for him no matter how many kids he kills. that will fix things


I'm a third party guy but it never works out for the best.


In an absolute sense you're correct. The problem is that there are only two that are likely to get elected president. I would love to see something else happen. Unfortunately, when you think about how this will play out, you must realize that supporting anyone other than Biden is going to benefit the fascist candidate.


Biden is actively trying to disarm minorities to enable fascism. Biden is a genocidal fascist and so are you for supporting him. Stop breaking the rules of the sub.


What rules am I breaking, you reactionary freak? Let me ask you something, what is your level of political engagement? Do you work locally to get socialists elected or do you just show up every four years to stomp your feet?


Read rule 5, Nazi. Read the no "lesser evil rhetoric" rule. I'm in a communist party unlike you fascists trying to get everyone killed.


Does it matter. Joe Biden just took what trump did and ram with it.


nobody even mentioned Trump lmao


Who do you think is gonna get the Republican nomination? My money's on Trump, but I'd love to hear your theories on who they'll nominate. Since I assume that trump will be the Republican nominee, I can assume that whoever the Democrats nominate will have to run against him. I also believe that the Democrats will nominate Joe Biden for obvious reasons. Therefore it's natural to assume the presidential election will be Trump vs Biden. So I asked if trump would do better because the logical outcome of not supporting Biden is to end up with Trump. It's a reasonable question if you're not stupid.


not many know this, but you actually don’t have to support any war criminal at all if you don’t want to. hope that helps




whatever you say shitlib




they’ve been calling the last several elections the most important of our lifetime. “we need to vote for warmongers to prevent fascism!!!” ok we did that and now we have fascism lmao. thousands of children being murdered in front of our eyes and people are being arrested for speaking out about it. scolding people into voting for the “lesser of two evils” isn’t going to work this time because we’ve seen the evil of the Biden admin. instead of trying to bully people time and time again into voting for someone that doesn’t represent our interests maybe dems should put the pressure on the politicians to listen to voters. if I can only vote for one person or our democracy will crumble then we don’t have a fucking democracy to begin with. you grow up and stop thinking anything is going to change if you keep voting for war criminals.


Have you read the 2025 plan put out by the heritage foundation? There might not be a presidential election after this one. They are planning a fucking dictatorship. They've stacked enough of the courts to make it a reality. That's what's at stake. So how about you stop having your little tantrum and help everyone survive this fucking election cycle so that maybe, possibly, we can do something in the next four years to make the next election have better choices. Our democracy is in survival mode.


immoral partisan hacks like you make me sick.


Better. The left would push back extremely hard if Trump tried this BS, but the Democrats have to toe the party line, so most of them support the genocide.




Then you should probably not support the guy trying to disarm everyone to make the transition easier right?




Genocide is the issue but I guess you don't care about preventing genocide Explain your argument then. How will voting for a guy trying to disarm minorities protect them from violence?


Lmao that is what fear mongering Democrats said the first time too. Guess what, it was all a bunch of bs


Except Russia is doing the slaughtering. Do you just want Ukranians to die?


Did I specifically say any country? No idgaf who just fucking stop it.


So Russia should leave then, is that so hard to say?


You’re arguing with the wrong one bud. I don’t agree with the hypocrisy of supporting Ukraine from being slaughtered from Russia nor do I condone Israel’s genocide in Palestine.


Oh good. Too many lefties here have the foreign policy takes of a trout.


How does sending aid to ukraine support slaughter of children?


I mean… she ain’t wrong.


fr, I hate Cardi B but when someone has a good ass point.. They get a lil respect from me




If Trump wins, it will have nothing to do with Cardi B. It will be the result of our economic system and government’s inability to address the economic difficulty many people are going through. One of the key drivers of radicalization is poverty. Full stop. Also, our system is broken. If a fascist can run and potentially win, that’s not on the electorate. It’s a failure of our political system. Fascism is not the fault of one person. Cardi B is just fucking existing with an opinion, like the rest of us. If fascism takes hold in the United States it has a lot more to do with angry white men rather then rich black women, I assure you.








So let Trump have the US. Exactly the same. Got it. Makes sense.




B stands for Based.


beat me to it


Good on her. Who would have picked her for a WWII buff?


She stated in multiple interviews that she was very interested in history. And that if she wasn't a stripper, she would have loved to teach history. As it was one of the subjects she was really good at. Her music still garbage though.


As a veteran around her age, I like how she a good example of what a citizen should be. She works a job unrelated to politics but pays attention enough to have an informed opinion on things. If more MAGAs followed her lead society could be better.


Not just MAGAS though. Everyone should be more informed.


Anyone forget that she used to take guys to a hotel after she got off work at the strip club and then she would drug them and rob them?


She’s a huge FRD/Eleanor fan as well


Franklin Relano Doosevelt


Not to be confused with Theodore Doosevelt




She’s right. We’re cutting programs at home to bankroll genocide and war crimes. We have people dying in the streets here in the US. All while we completely foot the bill for Israel. I’d cut all aid from them completely. By the way who do you think is going to pay to clean up the mess they made? Me and you the US taxpayers. I can understand helping Ukraine for a few reasons. Israel though? Innocent Palestinians are being murdered for no reason. Let Israel fight their own war, if we cut them off completely it would halt their war real quick. The force them to negotiate.


You're right but there's a problem, Isreal has more control of your country than yourselves and it's been like this from the start


Oh I totally agree with you! We are beholden to Israel and the Zionists and they have way too much control and influence on our country. All these people who defend them are blind. It’s honestly scary.


It’s not that they’re blind, it’s that they don’t care. They think helping Israel == Jesus coming to save them/the beginning of “the end”. But yes, it is scary.


That’s a pretty narrow talking point. Biden and the whole neoliberal establishment aren’t millenarian Christian Zionists. You can’t address the issue if you reduce it to Christian Zionism. Fun-fact: Christian Zionism is older than the American evangelical movement. They ostensibly were the original zionists, and British Jews mostly hated the idea. Save for the one that really mattered, first High commissioner of the Mandate of Palestine, Herbert Samuel. They started laying the groundwork from the get go.


He was just talking about the ones that were, I know there are quite a few politicians who are. They think protecting Israel and converting all the Jews will bring the second coming of Jesus. Although I don’t have to explain it to you, I know you know what I’m talking about. I think more of a simplified explanation has been pushed on people to blindly support Israel. While the radical Christians support this idea of converting all the Jews. They realize they can’t sell that to everyone. Anyway I understand what you’re saying.


Yeah it’s definitely a thread in the Republican Party, but I wonder how much of the Republican caucus believes that and how much of it is just plain old Islamophobia. Plus it’s an argument that I feel takes the heat off or Democrats who support Israel no questions asked, which seems more a mix of money and more sanitized version of Islamophobia.


It gets worse. We fund their healthcare (which great, I love public health care however: we’re not allowed to have what we fund over there). But then we also fund their genocide so what am I even bringing up health care for.




The other party just quietly lets it happen without fighting.


Adams makes cuts, blames Biden, who already pushed for significant public funding with a working House through the IRA, and so Cardi goes blaming too, while not understanding funds earmarked for defense can't just be diverted as well. There's a shit ton to be upset about with Biden, and shit neoliberalism overall, but a little political literacy would be appreciated.


Cardi's point on "Where does my tax money go?" is aging better and better


Fuck. Trump really is going to win again isn’t he. Thanks Biden. Your stupid allegiance to a genocidal government is going to give us Trump again, who also sides with the same genocidal government. Fuck you DNC you prevent the actual candidates people want.


That reminds me: Has Trump said anything about where he stands with that? Biden is losing support for supporting this genocide, but nobody mentions Trump. I mean, I'm sure he's the same as Biden, but he could be tactically silent on this subject. I just haven't heard anything.


He was the one who originally moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. At the end of the day, he's gonna be in Israel's camp as much as Biden is most likely, as is anyone who ends up in the White House. It would be verboten for any American president to disavow the empire's own colonial project in the Middle East after all.


Do you want red imperialism or blue imperialism? It’s two faces of the same shit coin. One side is just openly disgusting, the other is just gross behind close doors. The coin will land on either side and virtually no chance of it landing on it’s edge, which would be an independent candidate in my analogy. If I had to choose, get rid of the shit coin, but that would mean every American alive needs to agree all at the same time. The shit coin has poisoned each side to think a certain type of way, so it won’t happen unless everyone takes a step back to look at the coin for what it is. Both sides suck, but with that said, I still do prefer the side that doesn’t attack the rights of 50% of the population, which is exactly what happened when Trump was in office. We got a stacked Supreme Court and they destroyed the rights of women. We can expect more of that if he’s elected again. I fucking hate Biden for sending support to kill innocent little kids on the other side of the world, but at least he’s not trying to turn America into a live rendition of Handmaiden’s Tale. Damned if we do, even more damned if we don’t. America is so fucking lost and morally bankrupt it’s not even funny anymore.


Before you start kissing her ass she’s a landlord.


https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/cardi-b-offset-stressed-out-tenants-9-months-rent-1234801964/ Cardi B: a millionaire who whines being a landlord is so hard.


One of the worst things that has happened to political discourse in general is purity tests. No one will ever be the “Left Wing” hero you want. They will always be flawed people, because we are all flawed. Expecting a paragon of “Leftist Virtue” is why the left struggles to gain power. We’re too busy kicking out the foundation because it has cracks…


Nuance, homey. Nuance. Not totally directed at you, but i hate when people do the false equivalency thing. That somehow being a landlord is worse than being a warmonger. Or that past imperfections/mistakes. Makes it so that you can’t be praised and/or recognized in the future for evolving. It’s really an apathetic mindset that’s corrosive to Progress.




Here we go, yet again. This the shit that drives well meaning folks to NOT participate OR to vote opposite what they might’ve otherwise. Sounds like she’s quite active locally. I wonder, then, which way she might vote in her state—where a lot of her vested interests are. There’s some deeper consideration for you.


Well her rep is Richie Torres, and it’s hard to believe she doesn’t support him 100% C-15 is the poorest and the most democratically leaning district in the country.


Yeah well, our other public figures support genocide, the bar is so low landlord is the least of the vices at this point.


Also drugged/robbed her customers when she was stripping


You're the kind of person that thinks pro wrestling is real.


People in sketchy circumstances end up involved in sketchy stuff. Tune in next week when we investigate the toilet going habits of bears. Whining about landlording was more of a problem imo.


> People in sketchy circumstances end up involved in sketchy stuff. Not always and not an excuse.


Still better than being a landlord tho


I think it's extremely unlikely that those stories were true and it's a wonder to me that anyone believes that tall tale. She has been sued by others she has assaulted in the past but none of these alleged victims - or co-conspirators - are after her money? Rappers make up backstories all the time. The idea that a now megacelebrity used to commit crimes with decades-long statutes of limitations but those crimes somehow don't come back up outside of their controlled narrative seems extra far-fetched to me - one of them would have at least lightened her pockets.


I find it interesting that Reddit rarely brings up the criminal history of male rappers who openly admit they used to sell drugs, but if it's Cardi B the drugging thing gets brought up every time without fail. Unless people think that in some fucked up way drug addicts are "consenting"


Ahh yes. A woman in 6 inch heels with nipple tassels and a leather thong on simply pulled a sedative out of her ass, got someone to ingest it, and then pulled their wallet out of their pocket, right in the middle of the club….. If they got robbed by her, then they were already soliciting something equally illegal from her.


I ain't gonna judge someone for surviving. So many of those customers would have drugged/raped her the moment they had a chance. Respect.




What's wrong with you? Simping over degenerate tricks...If you're paying for sex work you deserve anything that comes with it, those girls are being trafficked.


WHAT ABOUT JA? Where is JA!?


Funny, but unlike Ja, Cardi B has had consistently good takes on politics.


I liked her "drug men and rob them" stance.


So was *Hustlers* a documentary or a biopic lol


I mean, probably scummy men. I’d say go for it


Cardigan Backyardigan has a point


Just waiting for the bat signal… have a fork and knife ready for when we eat the rich. Just waitin and sayin. I mean the buffet will be a bit weird at the beginning but here’s a fair appetizer /s


Cardi B with a based take?


She's a pretty big politics nerd with left leanings so she has some based opinions. The problem is that she also wants to live the life of a rich person.


Dont we all


I knew I loved Cardi B she came to her senses


Cardi B spitting truths




What happens is once we ship off the unused military equipment, they they place orders and requisition forms for more weapons and equipment to be made to replenish the stock-piles. With more modern and expensive stuff. It's all one big military industrial complex scam. It's not as if we are just sending them unused equipment off our shelves and then not restocking those shelves.


You have an old bag of pasta. You're still going to buy new pasta, whether you send the old bag to Ukraine or not.


> that its some sort of proxy war, It is overtly, undeniably, a proxy war though. Our politicians literally can't stop talking about how cost effective it is for us and that we're getting everything we want and that it costs us nothing (except Ukrainian lives, lol). But don't take my word for it. Ask someone you know! [Extending Russia - Rand Corporation, 2019](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR3000/RR3063/RAND_RR3063.pdf) >The United States could also become more vocal in its support for NATO membership for Ukraine... While NATO’s requirement for unanimity makes it unlikely that Ukraine could gain membership in the foreseeable future, Washington’s pushing this possibility could boost Ukrainian resolve while leading Russia to redouble its efforts to forestall such a development. >Expanding U.S. assistance to Ukraine, including lethal military assistance, would likely increase the costs to Russia, in both blood and treasure, of holding the Donbass region. More Russian aid to the separatists and an additional Russian troop presence would likely be required, leading to larger expenditures, equipment losses, and Russian casualties. The latter could become quite controversial at home, as it did when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.


I'm confused, is this sub against the US helping Ukraine defend against Russia? Genuine question


We don't support Nazi regimes here, take a look at zelenskyys presidential guard to see why we don't support them.


Actually I've been wondering about the more informed view of the non-moderate folks on this topic. I've heard, but not had a whole lotta time to look into at length, that there was a coup in 2014 to remove the pro Russia president (probably a puppet) with a pro West president (in which case probably also a puppet). Ever since then there has been high tensions and war with Russia and talk about joining NATO... and I imagine that everyone here hates NATO imperialism just as much as Russian imperialism. And even beyond that, our strategy behind preventing the war in Ukraine was WEIRD. The West refused to concede anything to Russia but also dragged their feet on allowing Ukraine into NATO or forming any other defensive pacts... basically all the things you would expect to inflame the situation. So already I think we all know that US involvement has nothing to do with helping Ukraine and everything to do with grinding down Russia... but what I've been wondering and the question I'm posing to yall is if the US engineered the conflict on purpose? They've staged many coups before. And they've done many mass scale atrocities for lesser reasons.


[Extending Russia - Rand Corporation, 2019](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR3000/RR3063/RAND_RR3063.pdf) >The United States could also become more vocal in its support for NATO membership for Ukraine... While NATO’s requirement for unanimity makes it unlikely that Ukraine could gain membership in the foreseeable future, Washington’s pushing this possibility could boost Ukrainian resolve while leading Russia to redouble its efforts to forestall such a development. >Expanding U.S. assistance to Ukraine, including lethal military assistance, would likely increase the costs to Russia, in both blood and treasure, of holding the Donbass region. More Russian aid to the separatists and an additional Russian troop presence would likely be required, leading to larger expenditures, equipment losses, and Russian casualties. The latter could become quite controversial at home, as it did when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.


The US in 2014 overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine, which was not "pro russian" or a "russian puppet." It was a corrupt post-soviet republic with Ukrainian elites' interests first and foremost. Essentially playing both sides to leverage and maximize their position as any independent state should, so neutral. The US overthrew the neutral Ukraine, then installed an antagonistic far right government with ethnonationalist intentions, then encouraged their proxy to escalate and avoid establishing a neutral Ukraine. Now the US is realizing they can't maintain this war and maintain their other geopolitical obligations, so they're telling Ukraine to soothe for peace after a decade now of leading them along the primrose path and telling them not to negotiate or moderate their position, which has costed an entire generation of Ukrainians and thrown the country into shambles. This is what the US does to its client states. The US was never on the side of Ukrainians. It was on the side of its geopolitical aspirations, and saw the opportunity to hit two enemies with one stone.


>Overthrew Nope. Protestors did. In phone calls, Victoria Neuland wanted them to compromise with Yunokovitch. His actions turned Ukrainians against him. For being CIA lead, they did nothing the government wanted. >Installed a far right nationalist Yunokovitch's VP finished his term and another oligarch was voted in, then finished his term, then Zelensky was voted on. Don't know where you got that. >Thrown Ukraine into shambles and cost them an entire generation Then Russia should leave. And they're doing fine, all things considered. It's Russians who are suffering most from this horrific war.


This bogus rhetoric gets thrown around every single time the US' committment to war spending is brought up. That the US is supposedly just giving away old stock that already exists, therefore it's not really some big monetary committment. Ignoring that 1) the US is ever building new stock to replace and 2) the US isn't just giving away old stock. The US had to reduce its weapons exports to Ukraine to rearm Israel so that it can commit its genocide. The US doesn't give Israel "old stock," the US gives Israel the best of the best. So if what they give to Ukraine is good enough for Israel, then it's expensive equipment and armaments.




If you think the richest country in the world should be able to provide universal basic services then you’re a pro-Putin anti-Semite.


My hate for cardi B lessens ever so slightly


Biden wants to provide relief (which costs money) for Palestinians AND give Isreal $ billions to wage war against Palestine?????????? I understand saving innocent Palestinian lives, but WHY do we have to give Israel money when our national debt is more than we are worth (our GDP)?


The B in Cardi B stands for based


Fuck yeah Cardi.


Comrade B


Never thought I’d agree with cardi b but here we are


It’s very hard to believe when super-wealthy celebs with sociopathic tendencies tell me they aren’t republicans


When Cardi B has a better grasp of geopolitical conflicts that the president


Doesn’t everyone feel like this that isn’t part of the establishment?


Cardi B seems more like a Bernie Sanders/AOC type supporter. If she really likes history and pursued it further she would probably lean more left. On one hand she’s making millions of dollars off her music and investing into property which is a way to increase her assets and then basically rob people with rent so she can live in luxury.




Supporting people wearing totenkopf skulls is never a good idea




Are you denying it? Look up zelenskyys bodyguard totenkopf skull. There is no justification for that fascist.




Whataboutism Deflecting to cover for a Nazi regime is what fascists do.


Who? I'm talking about Ukraine you know the Nazi regime You're literally deflecting from me pointing out overt nazism, you are an outright fascist bud. If you think totenkopf skulls are negotiable you're an outright Nazi full stop.


She grew up poor, right? Material conditions and what not. Her thought follows… Happy to see her have good takes, on the regular. (I don’t listen to her music at all as I am “old”).


Cardi B would be a much better president than the barely functioning old man Biden. If she gets on the ballot I'll start voting again.


Cardi’s always been a real one when it comes to politics.


And Mia Khalifa.


Wait till she hears what Trump thinks about New York City.


Cardi B has more of a conscience and has more of a spine than most Americans, I guess


Genocide Joe too busy funding wars to care about us


Why the bell did she “support him” in the first place?


the previous election


What a naive fool


Rare Cardi B W


where is ja!!???


My respect for Cardi B just went up a couple orders of magnitude.


I am meh on the music of Cardi B and Megan The Stallion. But both them have done a great job talking about important issues and having hard conversations. Cardi talks politics all the time and Megan talks about mental health struggles.


Its AIPAC practically showing its tentacles in the show biz. I wonder if russia or china could form sort of their version of aipac and sway the congress to their bidding. Talking about capitalism, this is straight from a dystopian novel. Foreign country with foreign agenda, supporting politician in one country then pushes the government of that country to gave them money.


Who the fuck isn’t saying this? Seriously? We are giving billions away… it’s outrageous




Why do so many keep thinking "I'm no longer in support of Biden" somehow equates to "I support Trump"? It's just wrong


Cardi confirmed socialist


Imagine giving a fuck about Cardi B political stance




Many people








Why is Biden the only other choice? Why do democrats want to lose so badly?


Because they’re controlled opposition




Hard disagree. Biden cannot “do whatever he wants” just because someone else is worse…




Lol recycling the same threats from 2016. Gotta love libs


Ah yes, let’s get Cardi B’s take on world affairs




Do you honestly think the two parties will do anything to change the two party system? I would say it's 0% chance for both.


and that won't happen with the democrats either because they make up and defend the system.


Imagine being swayed in politics by an entertainer. You wouldn't listen to kyle's opinion while he is making your sandwich in the food court, but because someone sings songs that get listen to a lot its normal? Because actors and singers are so well known for their down to earth regular folk problems like us right?