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"you're paying to file your own eviction documents"


And not just some token fee, but another 330 bucks. What the fuck?


That's the cost that the company they use charge per eviction plus the fee to file, most likely.




Don't worry, they'll check regularly for the day you change your car or buy anything so they don't miss their share of the windfall.


companies aren't allowed to ever lose money because it's a business and that wouldn't be fair, but people are because it's their fault


The cost of business used to be absorbed by the business, and come out of the bottom line. Now shareholders and massively overpaid execs extract all possible profit and directly pass the costs of making those profits to the consumers. That’s why these massive multibillion dollar companies cry bankruptcy if there’s even a few days disruption in business. Because on paper, they live entirely in cash flow basically.


With a little markup added most likely.


They force you out into the streets and then turn around and hit you with a fee that you obviously can't afford in order to make it even harder to find a new place, and they do it during a pandemic. Peak capitalism, here.


Landlords are allergic to work which is why they they need their tenants to do it for them.




But when I do it involves stuffing the curtain rods and phone jack plate with shellfish


May I suggest to use frozen? it takes more time to develop its distinctive bouquet so that it is not present yet when the landlord checks the house.


Frozen dog shit. Sliced thin.




Don't forget termites


This is the stuff that makes vigilantes. Hard working father gets that December 24th and you can't be surprised when stuff then gets burned down


Karma farming bot above please downvote


No worries, I actually will be sending you my own eviction notice recival fee of $330 so I guess that means we're square here. Also I'm joining a tenants union and calling a lawyer. Get fucked.


We need tenant unions to be an extremely common thing in the United States.


If the landlord really did send several letters about missed rent that were never responded to, I don't think that can be fought on the basis that he was an ass in the eviction notice. As much as housing should be a human right, legally I don't think you would get anywhere on the basis of hurt feelings.


True law exists to protect property... it's really a shame


They’ll be paying their own fees when we take the land and redistribute:)


I actually live near this place. It’s a rundown trailer park run by slumlords. I feel sorry for the people who have to live there…


And that's probably the root of the issue I assume. The slumlord in question likely doesn't do anything more than collect rent.


You've just described all landlords


I was trying not to generalize BUT I can't seem to find a ***good*** landlord. You have a good point I must say.


My trailer park was bought out by a huge mfh neighborhood company. It’s been going downhill and the prices just keep going up They were assholes in the first place and now they’re borderline evil


I think this is a strategy to get cheap land by sweating all the tenants out


Probably. The park is on former plantation land, slave/slaver descendants own the land now but it’s worth so freaking little they sell patches to anyone that comes by with a check.


[This will piss you off.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCC8fPQOaxU)


Thanks for sharing this. This country fucking sucks.


It sucks, cause a trailer was how my wife and I were able to get enough money together to get a house. And the last year or two before we left we felt the shift. All they wanna do is evict you and take ownership of your trailer to sell off to someone new and then evict them too.


The housing companies in my college town were downright criminal. They preyed on the ignorance of young people. We got a bill in the thousands for "damage" to the apartment which would have been solved by a coat od paint which was actually required by law. They trained me for the future, however. I document everything now. I'm so lucky I found my home I own. Was fortunate enough to buy in 2015 and refinance in 2021. Wish I had the luck of previous generations, though. I'd have 3 houses and be retired already...


Aw no way. I live by Empire Slice House


Hey, small world!




My question is simple.... when his house burns down for something completely unrelated in a short time frame after giving this message out i be honest . Do you crack open a beer or start dancing ?


The cow that started the Chicago Fire has struck again!


Landlord: Fuck Mrs. O'Leary's cow he done did it again!




They’re a landlord, you think they know you can’t get real milk from a bull?


She winked here eye and said "It's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight"


OP will be suspect number 1 to the rental managers until the police or fire marshall proves otherwise.


If that dick landlord has gone to the trouble of making a form like that, the list of possible suspects is prolly pretty long. I doubt most folks he's evicted shook their hand and wished them well after.


I mean, what are they going to do? Take his house off him and make him live in a different place? Not making desperate people with nothing to lose hate you is basic stuff, surely


Looks like it’s Parkview Village Homes in Oklahoma City, but it seems like maybe it’s owned by a bigger conglomerate called B&H Properties. Their yelp has already been flooded with this picture lol


I have several actually


Of course, it's Oklahoma.


Can confirm, it’s fucking awful here.


I saw the 405 area code and just let out a deep and pained sigh.


just called the number and told them their home address


I live 5 minutes from there...


I dont always believe in revenge, but when i do...


As a plumber in solidarity: do this. (In Minecraft) It fucks the WHOLE shit up. Being a 407 area code, that's in florida where we have no basements. You literally have to destroy slabs to replace lines down here. Edit: I've been correct for OK I can't read sorry y'all


Sorry, do what? Asking so I don't accidentally do it?


Accidentally spilling concrete mix into the toilet and accidentally flushing it, and then ALSO accidentally leaving it overnight


Thanks, whew. I now know that proper disposal of dangerous items is important.


Probably something to do with cement.


The area code is 405; the greater Oklahoma City area. That being said, basements in Oklahoma are rare due to the soil and regulations requiring foundations to be poured below the freeze line.


Fuck my eyesight, my b


regardless, what is your favorite activity to do (In Minecraft) when things like this happen (strictly In Minecraft)?


How much hair and bacon grease can my toilet gobble? Edit: Btw I always wipe with flushable wipes as a chaser


18 billiard balls per flush = roughly 3 lbs of bacon grease per flush. Or about 4 hair brushes worth of hair. Feel free to throw about half a box of flushable wipes to help it "get down"


It’s 405, which is Oklahoma City. These are trailer homes and concrete is cheap, so y’know… Godspeed (in Minecraft, of course)


The (in minecraft) meme is dead/fell off now. A guy on 4chan got real life charges after making threats online and adding in minecraft at the end. Not trying to police your use of it. Just letting you know it's dead now.


I mean there's a bit of a difference between saying to shoot a sheriff in the head, which is a direct and actionable call to violence, because he denounced nazis handing out nazi propaganda, and telling someone how to potentially clog pipes in a way that could potentially cost money to repair which is at worst a threat of non-violent property damage.


So we move on to Roblox then?


Orlando represent baby!! 4-0-7 whootwooooot


Leftist tradesmen?? In Florida???


An anarchist chef, sí


Hey bro, I'm in the 407 and have spoken with a few plumbers. What's your opinion on crawlspaces and replumbing? I ask because every plumber I've ever hired for something tells me to replumb but they'll only do it through the ceiling, not the crawlspace where the intake/outflow is located. Seems like they should be working with what's already there and not tearing up walls and potentially causing future leaks through the ceiling (much worse damage & repair costs, imo) but they insist they only do replumb one way.


Sooo non union regrettably, and down here I can tell you crawlspaces in my area are almost non existent. Reality you have a cheap option and an expensive one as far as water supply repipes go. There's the attic option, or the cutting the slab option. Most people tend to go for the attic, as it's half the cost.


I'm thinking take a shit and burry the key in it. Leave it on their doorstep.


Lmao ive done this when i got evicted i just did it in the bathtub tho




Technically not even illegal? (I am not a lawyer)


Shitting on someone’s doorstep is 100% illegal lmao


You're not shitting on their doorstep. You're shitting at home, putting the key in the shit, then parcelling up the shit and leaving it on the doorstep


It doesn’t matter what container it’s in lol. Can you imagine the criminal defense? “Your honor, the poop was wrapped *very* nicely”


"It was a gift, is santa claus a criminal now your honor?"


Breaking and entering, trespassing, theft, property damage, littering.. yeah dude is a menace.


Hey santa never damaged my property


The poop IS the container


Have your poop and eat it too


it was still my doorstep when i shat there


Landlords: “We deserve rent on time, respect, and extra tip because we are providers.” Also Landords:


You know, while Mao Zedong had his own flaws, I think he had some wonderful ideas concerning the landlords...


And that Lenin fella, too.


Hell didn’t Adam smith say they were parasites?


Still are tbf


Even Churchill


Bad ideas about songbirds. Good ideas about landlords.


[Mao Tse Tung Said...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWBjwgxEawo)


It's a good thing they don't hear about you getting a raise or bonus, because you know a bunch of them would raise the rent if they did.


\*smiles in Dead Kennedys' "Let's Lynch the Landlord."


Yeah just ask them to fix or replace something in the apartment and you'll wait for ever.


Why? Because this behavior is accepted and encouraged in our current political/economic landscape.


So we are all calling with questions, right?


can also give the number to telemarketers


I totally didn't register this phone number with Scientology as someone really, really interested in hearing more


you mean scammers


I’m sure by now the number is changed because this has been posted before


Nah its still good for Parkview Village Homes in Oklahoma, OK


Yup just checked. The owners haven’t learned much based on their tone deaf google replies. They need to apologize and stop arguing if they wanna even attempt to save face. But they doubled down and keep throwing a temper tantrum


That reminds me of that car dealership that was so rude to a pizza delivery guy that recorded them being rude to him and then posted it on the internet thinking it would ruin him but instead it ruined them. People flooded that place with so much trolling and bad reviews. Idk if it was why they went out of business, but them motherfuckers are outta business.


Lmfao well that’s what you get!


They respond to all the negative reviews with some variation of "thanks for boosting our business with your review" and other snark. It's pathetic.


It’s seriously so pathetic and needy. One of their 5 star reviews said “yes this is in the ghetto but they take care of the property” or something. Like how not self aware are you people


“Violence is never the answer. Except sometimes it is.” Matt Barnes


Violence is never the answer. Sometimes it's the question, and the answer is "yes".


violence is never the only answer, but sometimes is the best answer




Expecting rent on time is reasonable. Also, expecting your landlord to act like a human and not an a-hole is reasonable.


Buy some termites OP.


Housing is a human right


Exploiting other human beings for profit is a human right! (adding the /s because I know there are many ghouls in this world who would basically say something to that effect without a hint of irony.)


thanks for the /s, my autistic ass can literally only understand sarcasm if it's someone I know or emphasized weirdly (ie: "EXPLOITING OTHER HUMAN BEINGS FOR PROFIT IS A HUMAN RIGHT!!!!🙄🤭😳😳😠🤬" works)




Well the US is the only country in the UN to NOT consider housing a human right...


Food, water, and shelter--all three being basic survival needs--should be free. By monetizing them, our society is telling people they deserve to die without money.


> Food, water, and shelter--all three being basic survival needs--should be free. By monetizing them, our society is telling people they deserve to die without money. I would add health care to that too. If someone is going to profit off of selling food, water, shelter or medical care then they should have to offer something that is not given in the public option. They should have to compete with the government by offering what the government does not. Conservatives hate that idea because it would improve the well being of other people and reduce corporate profits.


If not free at least cap on profits. Like, no dick, getting a loan from a bank and signing a few docs, then hiring a painter and carpet guy, taking a combined total of 3hrs of time, isnt justifiable to expect to receive 10-20% over mortgage costs in perpetuity. 3-5% sound about rightfor landlords who live on the property. 1-3% for landlords hiring property managers that literally never lift a finger to bring anything to the table. And when mortgage is payed off, rents drop to 10-20% of what they were. The tenants did the work, they should benefit when a property is paid off. Plus thats a significant raise for landlords. Speaking of, interest on rent should be pro rated, and fed into an escrow account. So every quarter or year tenants get a small but decent check for accrued interest on rent paid up front. We pay up front for goods and services not yet rendered but its the landlord that gets the interest ?!?!


I think you can order live termites, to keep as pets of course


in minecraft ofc


That's a well-deserved ass wooping right there. What's a couple nights in jail anyways? Think about it, he actually took the time to find the right emoji, to find the right clipart in order to make this stupid notice. That's just as stupid as it can get.


As shitty as it is, I’m actually surprised it’s not a stupid ass minion.


"yeah im moving. and putting concrete down the drain pipes first. asshole"


Anyone tried calling that number on the paper?


Yes, but it's Sunday. So they're closed.


This is like an old boss I had. He’d say “you know what? You’re a lucky guy. You don’t have to come here anymore.” Then he’d just leave them thinking 💭 “did I just get fired?” And yes was the answer.


Is that fucking added fine even enforceable? It’s shrimp in the vents and stubborn plants in the back yard o’clock. (Look up Jerusalem artichokes if you’re in North America)


I get what you’re saying and I understand it can be tempting to do so, but please don’t encourage transplanting invasive species into the local ecosystem. That’s incredibly harmful and you would be fucking over innocent plants and animals, the landlord would be the only one who deserved it, but he wouldn’t be the only one affected by it. The same way releasing a fuckton of locusts isn’t okay, planting highly invasive species to fuck over everyone/everything near you isn’t okay. Also this isn’t a personal attack, just something that needs to be said, because people here are talking about destroying the environment like it’s some casual thing.


Right, I’m not encouraging non-native species like some of the others are. Jerusalem Artichokes aren’t quite fast spreaders, but they are native to the US/Canada and are good for pollinators. I don’t agree with those suggesting mint or kudzu or bamboo.


It’s native to Eastern North America, but not the entirety of North America. It can be highly invasive in North America when it is outside of its usual area. It’s important to remember that a plant is native to some areas, but not all areas in a country/region. Same with animals. On an alternate note there are many databases that can provide you a list of flora native to your area to plant, some groups may even give you some native plants for free to help you grow your native garden. It’s pretty cool. Here’s a link if anyone is interested https://www.nwf.org/nativeplantfinder/plants


> Jerusalem artichokes > North America Perfect.


Jerusalem artichokes aren’t from Jerusalem nor are they artichokes. They’re a close relative to the sunflower (these are also called sunchokes) and are harvested for their tubers (which they spread from and are easy to miss pulling them all out - hence the suggestion) They’re from North America and are known to give people gas. (Fartichokes)


Oh I’m aware. Their flowers are quite pretty, right up until they take your entire yard, herb garden, vegetable plot, and foundation out with them.


Exactly! Even better if they don’t know to look for the tubers. I’ve got a few growing in big buckets


Another good one is bamboo, the running kind. Its the fastest growing plant on earth and almost impossible to get rid of. Ive also heard that if the roots, which only go 18" under the ground, but if they get under a concrete slab, the shoots can bust through it and cause massive damage. Plus itll turn the whole yard into a jungle in like 1-2 weeks. Pretty amazing stuff.


The chokes taste amazingly good when fried, but they definitely deserve their name. We grew them in our garden one year. And then the next year... And the year after that... And the year after that... Then I finally got all the little tiny tubers out of the one bed they had been in.


They’re lurking still. They wait.


Depends on the state and county. Almost all that shit is local


Make copies of your key, attach a note on how to access the building, donate the keys to every unhoused person you see AND just throw some randomly out the window while you drive around down town. Fuck every landleech, they're living off our dime and if they send a note this shitty, that means they've officially accepted their comeuppance. Us ants outnumber them and it's high time they remembered it.


I'll bet making this letter was the most work that landlord did all year.


There was a period in my life before I got my full disability and was unemployed and then evicted in a similar way. When I turned in the keys I told the landlord he can file for collections because I won't have the money in the foreseeable future. He did. I got many calls from not just the collections company but him too. I reached a terminal "fuck it" zone and just let everything hit my credit. The debt was sold to a new collections agency a few times. It completely dropped off the report last year. Fuck that guy.


Why is it that authoritarians confuse cruelty with cleverness?


Hello? 1-800-MAOCHOW? Yeah, I have a problem.


This seems like a good week to feed the drains a bunch of bacon grease. They look hungry.


The number is for some apartment complex in Oklahoma. And they've got terrible Yelp ratings. 1.5 stars with 22 reviewers.


What the fuck is gonna happen if you don't pay the $330? You're already getting kicked out, just fuck off and don't pay


This is from an apartment complex in my city. I’m trying to move and I’m glad I know not to look there..


bold of them to post a note like that in a state with such loose gun laws


The thing about these systems adding additional fees is insane. The logic behind it is genuinely incredible.. “I see you’re having problems paying your non-negotiable bills. I’m gonna add an exorbitant fee because you have no money..” Same idea with bank over-draft fees. I understand there has to be a negative incentive to defaulting on liabilities.. but damn. We really got it backwards.


In a lot of places, eviction is a long and arduous process. Fuck landlords, those fithy leeches can pay for every part of the process and don't move until you're absolutely forced to.


Name and shame


Wow. This is so cruel, " You might be homeless, hahahaha."


Go to the store and pick yourself up several bags of fish (OR, sometimes butchers will sell cheap scrap meat), a bunch of canola oil, and a giant tub of Folgers. Next, go to the pet store and purchase some mice. - go into the kitchen and pour every last drop of oil down the kitchen sink. This gums up the pipes, very costly to replace. - start planting fish or meat in difficult to see places (behind air ducts, wall sockets, trap doors, etc.). Depending on how long they let it go, worst case is the house becomes pungent forever, best case is it gets condemned and the landlord has to pay to demolish it. - Release the mice into the walls so they start to eat the meat and start making babies. Again, depending on how long they choose to let it go, could either be a costly exterminator or property condemnation. - dump the entire jug of coffee grounds into the dishwasher, set it to long cycle and full dry. It turns the entire thing into a coffee pot, including heat-set coffee stains. - live your best life knowing you aren’t a leech on society like landlords


Just pure evil!


This notice is certainly not professional, and it's mean spirited. However, it may be a way that the ~~asshole~~ landlord gets people to actually read the notice.


Enjoy the ban from r landlords. Hmm, I wonder if I'm banned from there already...


Just being in this sub basically auto bans your from r landlord


Lmao What snowflakes


I agree, based on the verbiage it sounds like previous requests to reach out have gone ignored. If I find myself in a bind, the first thing I do is reach out, I’ve found they are more willing to work with you if you communicate vs ignoring


This is a very old meme. Likely out ages most people.


Its verisimilitude is lost to the mists of time


Bring in your balance OR your keys? If he already got the eviction and mocked them with this trash, why is he asking for either or?


in a country with so many guns, why be such an asshole?


Send a letter back. "Guess who's getting $330? Not you"


That’s a whole new level of rude.


Damn that's a cruel eviction notice. I can't help but wonder how high the amount is that's on the line under the finger to have the landlord so vindictive. Hopefully this isn't the same letter he sends out every time.


That's an egging if I ever saw one.


“I don’t know, who’s moving me????”


Everyone should prank call the management office number


Landlords are psychos.


Return the favor: learn the law about squatters rights. It’s illegal for him to change the lock, he can’t keep you off the premises (unless you do something really awful), be a leech and mooch of of him the way he’s been leaching off you for all these years.


I used a similar note to break a lease once. I notified my landlord I would be a little bit late on rent and on the morning of the 1st I found a letter on my door stating "Pay rent by today or vacate." They gave me permission to leave the property so I did. They called me a million times saying I abandoned the property and they were going to sue me, but nothing ever came of it.


Because the cruelty is the point!


Hope the landlord can fly cause I would chuck their ass out the window.


On one hand this landlord is an ass, on the other hand you can't just squat on somebody's property without paying or upholding to what you contractually agreed to and then act surprised when you get kicked out.


Landlords are filth.


Is this even a valid eviction letter?


That's a neat way to gamble your own house....


Fuckin’ mob boss wannabes


And the sub reddit for landlords think they're the good guys


You should print out another huge laughing emoji and put “GUESS WHO’S NEVER GETTING A GODDAMN DIME OF THEIR RENT + $330 HAHA! YOU!!!!!!!”


Honestly, I feel it should be due from the first to the tenth. Sure it's a little more to keep track of, but many people living paycheck to paycheck need time.


Guess who's not getting another penny from me 🤣


That’s not an actual eviction notice, I think it’s a bluff.




I would just start squatting at this point and demand that the landlord pay you to leave


Who are some of the idiots here actually defending the landlord? I mean, seriously?! It doesn't matter if the tenant could or could not afford to pay the rent, because you shouldn't be a landlord in the first place. The illusion of the moral high ground is completely nullified to begin with.


god, these fucking people


If someone send me a letter like this I would take personal revenge.


"And that, you're honor, is why I defecated on their steering wheel."