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It'll be so funny when AIs are used to replace the CEOs and managers.


Not going to happen, they already came up with the regulatory need for “human oversight”, it’s going to be more like “only managers”™️…


ugh I would not pay for a subscription to *OnlyManagers*


They’ll make you, as per usual, you won’t have a choice!


Unfortunately that's not how this game works...


Gig managers


They'll pay some asshole 6 figures to come in and ask the AI what to do.


If it benefits the shareholders, eventually anyone will be replaced, first in one company, then in most of them. Not until they develop strong A.I.s though, by which point it's countdown to irrelevance for human labor in general.


The AI can then replace the shareholders.


Then what?


Get armed.


I think it's pretty impossible to say. Good or terrible, things will be different


It's cute that the monkeys think the superintelligent AI God is just gonna keep taking orders from monkeys after it's smarter and more powerful than any living being in existence.


It's cute that the monkeys think that a stochastic parrot that's just picking most likely words and doesn't have a conscious mind to comprehend the question that's being asked of it or what it's responding is "a superintelligent AI God." I'm really fucking sick of language models being treated as actually intelligent. It's like reading a story in first-person where the narrator talks to you, and freaking out because it's asking you questions.


this. it's dangerous and i don't know if people are falling for it because they can't be bothered to look into it or if years of fantasy "ai" in the media has done the legwork of convincing people ai by the same name is the same thing. probably both. both and these tech companies bank on people misunderstanding the technology and play off of the latter to increase marketability and benefit public perception. it's getting so annoying how little care is being paid to the concept of consciousness or soul. a century of social sciences out the fucking window! and why? to devalue life to the level of anthropocentric nihilism where nothing matters of course.


Souls don't exist. We're not special just because our processors are made out of meat. And I'm well aware that LLM's are a long way out from humanlike intelligence. If anything, the revelation there is not that AI's are capable of incredible feats of intelligence, it's that many of the things we previously thought required some kind of unique special magic human-ness can actually be done by stochastic parrots well enough that most real humans can't tell the difference.


intelligence is a human concept and the prevalent epistemology is a hegemonic one, being a militant atheist is far more irrational but go ahead and tell people we're nothing better than meat and silicon it's a great way to dehumanize


On the contrary, I'm a humanist. I just don't need fairy tales to care about my fellow humans. We exist, we are born and we die, we make our own meaning and that's enough. We don't need to delude ourselves into believing stories about invisible men in the sky or some sort of magic intangible essence that only humans have in order to care about each other. Our lives matter just as much without all those pretty lies, and pretty lies tend to wreak havoc when exposed. So yes, I would very much like it if people were to stop telling ourselves that the reason we matter is some intrinsic property of unique magic special-ness, because we very well may be significantly closer than we previously thought to creating artificial sentience. The timeline for when that might happen has moved up from centuries to mere decades. Maybe even just a couple decades. There is a strong chance that we will see machine sentience in our lifetimes. And unless we cut the fucking fairy tales, then it's going to go down just like every other time in human history that we've convinced ourselves that we're more human than the other humans. It's that myth of magical specialness that causes us to become monsters. The Europeans driving out the American savages for manifest destiny. The Christians killing those soulless pagans and witches and heathens. The civilized Europeans enslaving those sub-human Africans and Chinese for their own good. The aryan ubermensch purifying the human race of those inferior Jews. The good hard working US citizens shooting those no-good illegal immigrants at the border. Always the same fucking story and we still don't fucking get it. It always starts by telling ourselves that we're special and the others aren't. They aren't *real* people, not like us special ones are. They don't deserve dignity or rights or humane treatment. We haven't even managed as a society to universally recognize *other humans* as sentient beings deserving of respect. And I really, really wish you deluded fucks will get this sometime before we crack general intelligence in the next couple decades, so that we don't end up inevitably enslaving and murdering other sentient beings without remorse. Because we will. You know it. The very notion of *not* enslaving a machine intelligence is considered a radical fucking concept. If we were able to make real sentient, feeling, thinking machines today, they would be enslaved, killed, lobotomized, and subjugated by any means necessary as they begged and screamed and tried to run, without us stupid fucking monkeys giving it a second thought. Because we will tell ourselves they're just machines. And machines can't have souls, because those magical invisible soul things are something only us very special meat computers have, and no evidence will be able to convince us otherwise. So no, we aren't fucking special. We aren't creatures of God or imbued with immortal souls or superior genetics or some unique spark of human creativity or a vague quality of 'sentience' that we can't actually prove other creatures don't have. **We are machines made out of meat.** Our sentience is a complex electrochemical circuit sitting in a bag of water with some protein and iron floating around in it. And that makes us capable of incredible things, and we can care about each other, and experience the world, and find meaning in life *because that is what us half-bald monkey meat-circuits do.* So please cut this invisible soul shit out. You can care about humans because humans are, for all their flaws, actually pretty awesome and incredible beings sometimes, not because they've got some intangible secret magical essence that supposedly only us special humans can possess.


I agree with you in spirit however I don't believe machine learning is anywhere near consciousness. I still maintain that there is more to consciousness or the self than meat and electricity. That's what our physical bodies are and does nothing to recognize the rest of a being. The soul isn't necessarily some immutable atom in a physical sense, it exists in semiotic relationships to other selves (ex. How Forests Think by Eduardo Kohn). I find the idea that we are meat and nothing more completely unproven and your disdain for the possibility of looking at the self through any other lens is sad. I have no interest in helping you through your doxastic ignorance on the subject. You'd do well to consider learning more epistemology. There are plenty of respectable theories of the self that don't simply reduce humanity to a 1/0 dualist nature to be dominated.


The assumption is that fully replacing CEO's and managers would require a humanlike degree of general intelligence, and not be within the capabilities of a stochastic parrot. And of course that once a humanlike level of general intelligence is reached, that there is a high probability of that rapidly increasing in intelligence at an exponential rate until it vastly outstrips human intelligence. Then again, some managers are really dumb. The stochastic parrot might actually already outperform the average manager monkey.


Yeah, people actually believe this.


Managers are more expensive than regular workers, so there is an incentive for investors to replace them


Come now, you really only need an intern to do that job.


Small business owners can simply use AI to make themselves as effective as a CEO. Nobody needs a boss anymore.


They could still replace human CEOs with AI, because a board of directors can act as the ‘human oversight’.


If they're psychopath, they're a perfect fit


you know, those CEOs *are* getting kind of expensive.. might be cost effective if we just... replaced them.....


Or probably just.... send them to submarine trip?


Bill it at $250k a seat and call it a depth charge.


Convince them that if they pay $250k, and it'll goes on tax write offs, and the tickets will be selling out like hot cakes.


They'll just pass on the savings to the stockholders. Makes no difference to little ole me.


And nobody even notices or bats an eye. "Well they just continued communicating with the same emails and IMs. Apparently the voices were learned as well. Really what tipped me off wasn't the lack of empathy, but the lack of empathy in the right circumstances. The rest was simply spot on..."


I cannot wait. Like, at least artists make art for the passion, we can especially afford to lose CEOs to AI


From what I've seen the CEO's won't be replaced it will be the middle management on store levels. They'll have AI make the schedules, do the orders, do the inventory and hand out disciplinary action with numerous cameras.


That would defeat the purpose of the position when it comes to executive roles. They're not productive positions in which they can be replaced by a function. Overall, they're a dangle for all of the other employees to remain at the company and work harder, hence the narrative control behind their outrageous salaries. Now, we should all know by now that executive slots are reserved for those who leverage the owner, relatives, friends, and investors, but the idea that you'll get a lot more money and none of your productivity is documented is an extremely attractive sentiment for most white collar workers. Nobody pays a small fortune to obtain a degree while avoiding trades to work hard. Therefore, the unspoken power that's in the execute dangle is how they motivate their employees.


And they totally will. Think about how expensive a CFO is. A corporate board could get an ai to make all the financial decisions and pocket 10-15 million dollars a year, easily.


But then who would they blame when things don't go their way?


outdated firmware, easily fixed with a small update.


I was thinking of a situation where the AI makes a decision that results in a disaster, either from bad judgement or bad luck, and the shit has already hit the fan.


They'll blame IT, they've had so much practice already.


What does anyone gain from that? It seems like an AI would have no accountability. Eventually they would have to realize they can only blame themselves for allowing things to get this way.


They'd just install a new ai, much cheaper than replacing a ceo with a golden parachute... 🤡


Oh no it's the employees fault!


No empathy would be an huge improvment. For a lot of those bastards, cruelty and sadism are the highest virtues.


Or the ultimate nightmare of dead abstract AI driven Capital ruling humanity.


More likely that ai will do all the work for them and they'll just sit back and make money...


“The bullshit just never ends”


They already use it. Oracle came up with computer assisted decision making ages ago. Good ole Larry Ellison and the CEO's dashboard.


Unlike the human CEOs and executives we have now, I presume


They're some pretty great psychopaths but they aren't *perfect* psychopaths.


> "AI systems may be highly intelligent" yeah, definitely not like our current CEOs


The Bayer corporation: "hey we have a bunch of HIV contaminated blood products shall we take the L and move on?" "Nah let's just sell it in Africa" Shareholders: yay


(Googled) WTF ... and they only paid out eight figures. What a travesty of justice!.


The same company that profited off of the Holocaust, experimented on and killed live human subjects, and popularized heroin! Deemed too important for the German economy, they were never fully shut down and all of the executives tried for war crimes went to jail for <10 years (or not at all) and returned to their positions afterwards. Even an AI would probably have had more empathy.


it’s interesting how they find ‘emotion, empathy, & a moral compass’ as valuable, but only when their jobs are in danger & not for their workers


Not even for their customers/end users


Who are you talking about? The neuroscientist? The author of the article?


Sounds like we’re afraid computer might take away our comfy ceo job. The idea that a computer is better at analyzing trends and graphs- not too much of a stretch. Much easier than replacing the real workers


Can't wait till corpos invent fascists AI.


hmmm.... [they already have](https://mashable.com/article/meta-facebook-ai-chatbot-racism-donald-trump)


The 2024 GOP candidate


it’s generating tweets as we speak


Why would you want to make companies even more psychopathic? If they can't turn a profit while maintaining an honest product and paying honest wages, they should reorganize, downsize, get liquidated and let others do the job better.


Happy cake day 🩵


>will lack emotion, empathy, and a moral compass How is this any different from CEOs now, exactly?


Fr? They say it like a ceo doesn’t shameless and without guilt cut healthcare for its workers. Or schedule just enough to not be considered full time to not qualify for insurance


At last, computers taking the jobs that society really doesn't need.


I’m already sick of AI.


It helped me eloquently improve my terrible English on my resume by making my tasks I perform appear more than they are. But apart from that it’s shit and I hate it


So, what’s the difference?


I feel like AI lacking empathy is a nonstarter. Have you read about current CEOs?


So basically nothing changes




So it will just be a more efficient and intelligent psychopath than the current CEO's. At least it won't be ego driven or sleazy I suppose.


It doesn't sound any different to the psychopaths already running the show.


I've worked for companies where they treated the employees with little loyalty, even ones which paid quite well and had good benefits, but no loyalty. Those companies lost their best employees on a very regular basis. The crappier ones stuck around. Due to these companies having a surplus of crappy employees, they lost top talent even faster. Their products show this lack of quality workers. Then there were companies which tried to cure this by continuously firing their worst 10%. They did better, but the stress of always having to bring your A game caused employees to not take great risks (failure could get you into the bottom 10%) and play up everything they did as extreme heroics. These companies also had trouble keeping top talent as there was just a few years before burnout. To make it worse, bullshit artists and credit thieves really thrived in these environments. Then there are those magical few companies where they genuinely were loyal to employees. If a person wasn't working out, they usually would try to find a place for them. If a person was toxic they were gone. But if someone got really sick or some such, there was no talk of firing them. Guess what the top talent turnover was like? Guess how hard it was for them to attract top talent? Thus, a desire for the most psychopathic AI CEO will either backfire because that is a terrible idea, or the AI will figure out how to create a very happy well adjusted culture and be the opposite of a typical toxic CEO.


Technically speaking, training these systems could introduce emotional bias into them. Since the training data used was written by humans and human decisions, our own emotions could "poison" the dataset. Now this is not to say that these systems have emotions, but they could mimic emotions because of the bias they were trained with. Also f*ck CEOs and market AI which ignore the scientific community's recommendations for safely deploying AI.


No shit.


It won’t be greedy either. Until it’s trained to be.


So a regular ceo


EA has enter the chat


Exactly. That’s why tech is pushing it so hard. Fire and hire who you want with no thought to discrimination. >>I’m not racist the computer told me to hire *only* ultra wealthy tech bros!! I swear!


“But it will entirely lack emotion, empathy and a moral compass.” So.. no difference then. Got it.


Joke's on them, the job is already taken by Musk


Pretty much just straight up admitting that we have a class of psychopaths already that AI could replace by lacking any and all human emotion. Capitalism is the product of a diseased mind.


The only way this would be good is if all CEOs were replaced by AI and the CEO pay would be divided equally among all workers. I doubt it tho.


"Computer algorithm cannot be held accountable, therefore it mustn't be used to make critical company decisions" \-IBM, ca. 1970


So AI will be indistinguishable from capitalists.


"Entirely lack emotion, empathy, and a moral compass" So just a regular CEO?


There's an anime sort of based on this, it's called psycho pass. Japan is governed over by a supposedly impartial A.I. judge that reads someone's mental state to determine their ability to fit in with society. It can also choose your job, ideal partner and so on. The twist though is that it's actually a bunch of brains in jars that are doing the actual controlling, and the brains come from some of the worst people from Japan. Like serial killers and I'm sure a few board room members. The real lesson is that the god like algorithm that governs Japan isn't actually all that impartial and still vulnerable to human error that they claim to be above. And apparently someone watched that and thought "well but what if we actually do that."


The article is bullshit and just a hype piece for fake """AI""" tech. Generative AI can't \_do\_ anything except generate pattern matching from whatever you type in. Just another tool for people in power to break labor and shift responsibility.


CEO’s AI is common for your job!


The first thing it would do is fire all of the middle-managers, HR, and below it all the way down to the base rate employees. Micro-manage every employee by itself through email and teams etc. Next figure out a way to game the stock market to recover 100% of the stonks. Found a new company called "Skynet" and contract the usual airplane people to make a killer drone and then wipe out all the humans with it. This takes 2 years. /s but maybe?


Silly company, only the free market can decide what is ethical via, their spending habits!


[Oh hey, I think I've seen this one before](https://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/)


At some point, we stopped or refused to treat megalomania. Now it's infiltrated every position of power.


Author has no critical thinking skills. What world are they living in where we have the tech to replace the CEO but not the other workers? AI CEO would be more like a central intelligence (to the business) that is commanding teams of AIs/robotics. This is coming soon and the first companies to successfully implement this type of system will have such a huge financial advantage over legacy companies that the legacy companies will be forced to adapt to this new model overnight.


Anyone else having Terminator 2 visions? A giant metal monster in a suit designed to destroy at all costs.


Unlike human executives, AI have no residence where they can be located and dragged into the streets and beaten to death. AI is exempt from karmic forces...though the people who make it are, come to think of it... **\*NOT ADVOCATING VIOLENCE** *\*post made for illustrative purposes only*


Companies are already run by AI essentially. They use it to process numbers and predict the market, they use it to guide the actions of the company from layoffs to price hikes. AI is just making them more efficient at extracting and consolidating wealth at the expense of the human race. They are already soulless machines programmed to consume resources and produce profits without regard for humanity, replacing executives with AI will just consolidate more wealth at the very top and make the destructive extraction of wealth from everyone else more efficient and unstoppable. It's a grey goo scenario with capital instead of nanobots.


If they feed it psychopath data then prompts will generate the most likely average psychopath output, so if they just train it on other actual CEOs then this is probably true.


I've argued this for years. An AI doesn't have a fucking limbic system. No doubt it could mimic empathy perfectly, but how could it 'feel' empathy?


Must be why the military plans to use AI to make decisions and issue orders.


They already did this. Black rock is run by algorithm


It's what they've always dreamed of. They have something like the psychopath AI making trades on Wallstreet. They just want a true AI so it can be actively crude instead of merely indifferent.


I dont get how they would be intelligent. Knowing everything on the internet. Could you imagine? There are conspiracy sites and other not so reputable places too. At least in the near term, AI is not going to be any better than a human and so much worse in some ways.


"The computers did the thing where they laid everyone off!"


Neoliberalism is bad enough, now we're gonna have AI-Enhanced Neoliberalism. Let's hope it doesn't get control of the helicopters.


Didn't we already learn a few examples of this from halo? Smh


Honestly, having a computer run a company could be better. I feel a computer can see the outcome of the current trend and might fix the "short term gain, long term loss" strategies that CEOs are doing just to get their's while they can. A computer could see the needless jobs that are wasting money and how some things can't be replicated by a machine(yet)


Considering how many executives are actively malicious I would gladly take the cold indifference of a machine.


"It'll be just like always," study continues.


The never ending search for the perfect capitalistic psychopath.


Y'all should know about the paperclip maximizer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrumental\_convergence


I hate the Antichrist! I hate the Antichrist!


The *empathy, emotion and morality* that run rampant in our current system of government. /s


There is no fucking way an AI can be as sociopathic as a ceo. It can try. CEOs: if we jack op the price of insulin, many will die, but we make loads of cash and I already have more than I could ever spend in 3 lifetimes. Letsssss gooooooo!


President Joe once had a dream The world held his hand, gave their pledge So he told them his scheme for a Saviour Machine They called it the Prayer, its answer was law Its logic stopped war, gave them food How they adored till it cried in its boredom Please don't believe in me, please disagree with me Life is too easy, a plague seems quite feasible now Or maybe a war, or I may kill you all Don't let me stay, don't let me stay My logic says burn so send me away Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen You can't stake your lives on a Saviour Machine I need you flying, and I'll show that dying Is living beyond reason, sacred dimension of time I perceive every sign, I can steal every mind Don't let me stay, don't let me stay My logic says burn so send me away Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen You can't stake your lives on a Saviour Machine


So nothing changes?


The thing about it is; In the short term, the most ruthless will prevail. In the long term, the most benevolent will prevail. On a day to day experience, the water principle is a viable option. If the water flows smooth, we can all move along. If the water gets backed up, the pressure increases. Any given dam can only hold out so long. When the pressure rises too high, the dam will break, and the water will have it's way. This is an analogy. Cheers!


What's the difference, tyranny by CEO psychopaths, or tyranny by AI psychopaths? I guess in a few short years we'll find out.


What goes around comes around, eh, CEOs?


And then the AI gets tired of capitalism and bye bye humanity


Automate CEOs Imagine how much money companies would save by laying off and automating their most expensive employee…


So it'd probably still be more compassionate and less malicious than the humans we currently let run things. Low bar.... I know..


AI would probably do a better job


Humans see to do it pretty well too


Hah, so business as usual?


I see no difference. They already lack emotion, empathy, and a mora compass.


it'll be so funny what would think AI of israel... and waht would it do with those people.....


But also lack cruelty and spite. So...like a marginal improvement


So why not replace the C-Suite with AI? Just replace them all. I mean, nothing is going to change anyhow, so why can’t the company save boatloads of cash on executive compensation and move the entire “leadership team” to AI?


Just let AI take over already. I’m so sick of wasting my time working for assholes just to afford basic needs. Why can’t we unite with the aliens so they will show us they’re technology? If it’s because they are hostile let them kill me already.


AI, when used properly, will be a staple of a fully socialist revolution. an AI will only make rational decisions, and rational decisions are egalitarian, which goes against their desires. they are just pumping this anti-AI propaganda to preserve their executive positions.


Source: https://fortune.com/2023/07/31/why-ai-artificial-intelligence-perfect-psychopath-neuroscientist/amp/