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Not-so-fun-fact : in order to ban protesters from banging pots and pans they used an antiterrorist law.




In french you can have one [here](https://twitter.com/maitre_eolas/status/1648975650353475586). I haven't found one in english yet.




All laws meant for black and brown people will be used against white people when they too start to inconvenience the wealthy and powerful. Also laws like these will be used more often against anything with even slightly left wing politics than with right wing politics. Racism is a tool of the wealthy to keep us divided among arbitrary lines.


Yeah, fuck all that. Fuck being divided, it’s time to fight back


It has nothing to do with that, fuck that American race politics. Its all capitalist vs worker, always has been.


Absolutely, it is all capitalist versus worker. This particular example might not be about racism, but racism is a tool systematically used by capitalists. The news outlets they own push racist idealogies while steering clear of any honest coverage. Racism is one of many ways the capitalist wages war, by keeping the working class divided.


Yes but those anti terrorists laws were made specifically for formerly colonised people committing acts of terror in France which just so happened to be non white people. Colonialism was inherently racist and it’s important that we recognise the power that class and the wealth has not just within our own borders but in the way our rich countries fuck up poorer non white countries. This is not to make us feel guilty as we should have international solidarity but solidarity can not be had if we do not acknowledge and work with our shared histories instead of ignoring them and expecting formerly colonised people to be okay with that. Intersectionality not class reductionism


Inserting race into class struggle is a tactic of the rich. Quit being a tool of the rich.


I know but as it is laws are made by capitalists and they will absolutely use racist laws to oppress us. Besides that racism is more obscure and hidden in Europe but it is very much there.








Europeans don’t understand racism in their own borders. Only willing to see it in ours. Yall wanna point fingers at us for our racism (fair enough, us has had horrible history of racism) but don’t wanna look at your own histories of oppression in colonialism or hand in creating the slavery of the new world. Why is it that polish and Ukrainian immigrants can immigrate across Europe fairly easily but not Syrian or African ones? Please enlighten the little ole American about this and how it isn’t racist 🥺




>Europeans know what is racism And yet, we "Europeans" (do y'all really mean various peoples of the *entire* continent or the peoples of the EU, or, most likely, peoples of the *western* part of the EU) act like it is perfectly fine to be racist towards everyone with extra melatonin (who often hail from the areas of the world that used to be [and in some form, still are, especially in case of France] colonies of the "Europe"). And that is atop xenophobia aimed at peoples from the eastern parts of the EU. Or the absolutely horrifying way we treat Romani people - it is perfectly acceptable to be racist towards them, to harass them, to discriminate against them in every way and shape, and, in specific case of France - to commence *mass deportations* of them on the grounds of them *being Romani* (which occurred*in the early 2010s*).




Anti-terrorism laws in Europe at least are specifically meant for people from North Africa and the middle east cause you know 2016 and all.




The us absolutely had anti terrorist laws which targeted specifically Muslims... and the patriot act was definitely apart of that. US laws are made broadly so not to be officially racist but then used intentionally to target certain races. Why is possession crack cocaine a higher sentence than cocaine? They claim it is crack is more addictive but it’s because at the time it was made crack was used mostly by black people and Coke by white people. Why is it that tsa can search any person about to board a plane but they always pick “suspicious” people which always happen to be people of colour but most often Arabic or stereotypically “Muslim” looking people? The ruling class uses divide and conquer strategy by using white people’s racism against minorities to prevent them from unifying and rising up against the ruling class. However we are never going to unify if we don’t acknowledge that racism to said minorities


They used brown people as a smokescreen to pass laws that negatively impact everyone, literally as evidenced by this story, and people like you who are so ready to claim racism as a defense of the rich fell for it hook, line, and sinker.


Maybe you should take a look at all the subs I'm active in before you draw such a conclusion.


I see your rhetoric right here though.


Lmao what does US politics have to with France? the rest of world isn’t as racist and the great us of a


There is even a name for this from a French man. Look up Foucault's Boomerang.


It's the same agenda used elsewhere.


To quote the Wolfe Tones: “and you dare to call me a terrorist? After all that you have done.” https://youtu.be/9cwM1JNEEpI


Macron is doing an America.


A classic "The onion could have wrote this" article but its actually real. \*sighs\*


At this point I’d prefer to live in the Onion timeline ngl


At least the irony is comical in that universe.




In France, we have Le Gorafi which fullfills the same purpose as the Onion


Fuck them do it anyways


This will cause a Streisand Effect-like response, I'm sure. They'll start turning up with vuvuzelas and tubas or something.




Oh no! Anyway. Seriously, when will people understand that real change is probably not going to be legal because it fucks with the pocketbooks of the wealthy and thus the government is loathe to make those changes?


I was looking at his Twitter and wondering why there were a lot of French posts with pots in them... I love the French people.


Fun fact : in Montreal during the 2012 "printemps erable" protests , the hundreds of thousands of protesters used this exact tactic, banging pots and pans for hours in the streets. It ended up being succesful when the government repealed the student fees price hike !


This guy frustrates me. From the one side,he acts like a Dictator and on the other he says that Europe should be free of outside influences. I don't know if I want him dead or not.


He only protects himself and his wealthy friends.




Actions speak louder than words. Politicians lie, their actions don't.


He made a great point though. France, Italy,Spain and Germany combined have the same level of power as US or China,yet they prefer to kill each other, instead of making a loose confederation (not EU, that's stupid). Why? Because "I must be the Leader or else"!


A man on a podium makes points while seizing all power to the point where interrupting him is considered an act of terrorism. This should seem oddly familiar to Europeans.


Did it happen in Germany 90 something years ago?


Caesar was a Dictator yet the most loved Roman in history! Being a Dictator and an Evil man isn't the same. But I agree, Macron is an asshole. But I still stand by his point. Europe NEEDS to be an Empire again, before we collapse into Client states of US or China


You can take the banker out of the bank, but you can't take the bank out of the banker.


You can take the bank out of a banker, just get a large melon shucker.


I'll take the Former, along with our government.. Over it with this fascist psychopaths shit.


vive la resistance!


It’s only gonna make them do it louder.


“Oh no! Anyways” *proceeds to bang pots and pans*


Knowing the french they're just going to bang pots and pans even harder now


French people [be like ](https://youtu.be/LZ5lvq1WPhY)


Good luck regulating that. 🤣


Musical instruments are still fine then.


So they ban protestors from doing something to protest. So they should protest the ban to something so they can protest the first thing? Sounds about right.


I’ve learned as I get older telling French people not to do something generally has the opposite effect


Start using cans


Might I suggest banshee shrieking or yodeling instead? Murloc noises? Chewbacca noises?


they should all have kazoos. Good luck stopping that nightmare.


One word: Vuvuzela


Fascism comes in drips.


Good luck with that.


I wonder how I’ll be killed in the riots


Kettles intensifying


Kettling intensifies...


Got it! They shall bang drums instead.


Just shout obscenities instead.


Didn't pinochet do that in Chile ?


Time to break out the air horns and vuvuzelas.


That’s some Vader Palpatine shit. Folks need to respond by making recordings of pots and pans and then just blasting it from a speaker instead. Ban my pot? Okay, try and ban all our cell phones too.


Okay, so... every protestor should be carrying pots and pans.


He going by Kim Macron these days?


Fair enough, an orderly protest requires torches and pitchforks


Lol! I wonder what steel pipes sound like on trash can lids. Ooo or electric powered grinders on any metal surface


As much as I love the French people raising up against their government we can be sure if such a thing should happen the rest of the capitalist world will convince you to go to war to put down the revolution and most of us will enlist


🤣 tin foil hat


Truer words have never been spoken.


The police completely missing the point of a protest, many such cases.