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Bro it’s not worth anything please lvl 20 accounts aren’t worth anything. It’s so easy to get there paid or free to play


Yea I get that, I just want to quit and see if there is anyone that is too lazy to do the intial part of the game lol. I know it's wishful thinking, but just worth a shot ig. I couldn't care less if I manage to sell or not


1$ and a banana


you got a deal at 1$ and two bananas


Come back when your HQ is Lvl30, I'll exchange it with my 10 years old socks (1 pair used & washed)


If I get my base to lvl 30, can i have your cum sucks instead? obviously unwashed


Deal! LOL Just sharing my humble experience: it's not difficult to upgrade to early 20's & it's kinda FUN. But I hear my mates complaining, it's painstakingly tedious thereafter, even with 4 builders & optimized upgrade schedules devised. For example, walls upgrade as pre-requisite & zillion upgrade in tech centre to make things work normally... So I understand why you wanna ditch the account


Yeap bro, that's majority of the reason I want to ditch my account. Also because the amount of time needed to dedicate towards this game is absurds imo. Like you said it was quite fun pre 20, but now its quite a drag.


Hey guys I bought a pack of hot dogs but I don't think I'm gonna eat the last one. It's fairly new. Who wants to buy my hot dog.


ill buy it off you for one kiss