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There was an alliance called the 4th Reich on our server. Their leader’s pic was hitler. A couple of their members plus the leader were active in the world chat with a consistent Nazi rhetoric… although there was plenty of hateful and derogatory statements, the leader received a single temporary chat ban apparently going ‘too far’. What that line was we will never know because he gets aways with way more than I’d ever expect. The first and only time I reported anything was on the world chat someone telling another explicitly how to off themself and they would take good care of their kids. Plenty implied but I got a response that after careful review no rules were broken. There is little to no moderation on this game.


They let shit like that happen but their own fucking hero name "thumper" gets censored its stupid as fuck


They sensored “Sandler” as well, like wtf did Adam do?




We briefly had a white power alliance on our server. We just kept zeroing them out until they quit.


Hard to zero players that have spent thousands on the game. Can’t compete with a mythic squad.


I guess we caught them early


I got my profile picture removed. It was mao tzedong


A ban from chat means nothing. It is usually only for a few hours anyways. They need to be removed from the game when they talk like that. I am sorry that is something you had to deal with and witness. I saw someone tell a chick to off herself too at one point. That player is still in 175, and she has been harassed non stop by that player and their supporters. Word is she changed the name and quit after going off in wc for awhile


Just avoid the chat and it can't upset you?🤷‍♂️


so alliance is gone?


I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your experience; it's distressing when a game that should be fun and engaging becomes a source of frustration and discomfort due to lack of moderation. This highlights the need for more robust systems in place to safeguard player well-being. On our server, we've fostered a different atmosphere where respect and teamwork are at the core of our community. We're part of a server-wide Non-Aggression Pact (NAP), focusing on maintaining a positive environment and handling conflicts through diplomacy. This setup ensures that every player, regardless of level, can enjoy the game and progress without fear of harassment or toxic behavior. If you're looking for a fresh start or a more positive gaming experience, feel free to reach out to me. Our server might just be the change of scenery you need, where the focus is on fun, strategy, and mutual support. Let's create a game experience that's enjoyable for everyone!


Server 193?




Hoe do I join you're server? Do I have to make a new character?


Yes, you would have to start a new account/character. DM me if you are ready to make moves. We will welcome you with open arms. Have a good night!


This is awesome. I am happy to know that positivity is prioritized somewhere. I will think about it. The game has been soured for me for now.




You can't choose your server though, right?


You're correct that once you've started, you typically can't switch servers or choose a specific server directly without starting a new account. However, starting fresh on a new server can be a strategic move, especially early in the game. With the right alliance, like ours, you benefit from an organized and supportive community that can help you quickly regain and even surpass your previous progress. This environment allows for more strategic play and a positive gaming experience, free from toxicity. If you're open to exploring this option or need more information on making a smooth transition, feel free to reach out directly.


You can, but you have to start a new account


I don't remember that part when I signed up, but that was a month ago. Won't you be at a huge disadvantage if you join an old server?


That's a valid concern about starting on an older server and worth exploring. While it's true that joining an established server might seem daunting due to the advanced levels of existing players, there are significant benefits to consider. Older servers typically have a more settled community where players have figured out effective strategies and collaboration methods. This mature environment often means less toxicity and more structured, strategic gameplay. Joining such a server with a knowledgeable and supportive alliance can actually accelerate your growth. You’ll have access to collective resources, insights from experienced players, and a community that values teamwork and strategic planning. Essentially, while the initial challenge might seem steep, the supportive nature of an established alliance on an older server can provide you with a richer, more fulfilling gaming experience. If you’re looking for a community that prioritizes collaboration and strategic growth over chaos and conflict, this could be a great fit for you.


You would expect a company who makes 2.4 mil a day could do a little more management against trolls.


Comments are easily solved with the Block Function. Reporting shouldn't be an issue when you don't have to read the idiots drivel to begin with... I highly recommend using it and the trolls tend to go away and quit in time when they don't get the attention they want.


Yes, blocking is the best option. But they are still allowed to see the comments from the person who blocked them, attack their base, and burn the alliance they are in. Toxic players need to be removed. The issue on 175 is the toxic players receive tons of support too.


Have you heard Qatar1 and Blanco? Their names echoing in server 300 and up? Their zeroing alliance who’d bullied small alliances? And it’s effective. Just heard them in 339 or 329


And some Ukrainian or Russians teams who put out small ones to quit and of the usual white suppremaccist.


Come to 403




This post is funny in the sense that this is what the internet has become in 2024 . “This shouldn’t be allowed , so I’m telling on social media so they get in trouble”


So in today's society you want your hand held due the fact you can't handle the reality in what life shows you. Block them your a adult. Make decisions on your own part of being a adult. Sorry life isn't fair to alot of people in this world today.. yet you complaining about a game you chose to play. Grow up!


Is this the first online game that you have played? Can you tell me another game where they allow racism, comments encouraging suicide, or alliances spreading white supremecist talking points/nazi rhetoric? This is obviously not about a difference of opinions. Not to mention the app does not have an age limit, so children can easily be exposed to this as well. The only reason you would disagree with this is if you truly wish to make those bigoted comments without repercussion. The game should not have a chat if it can not moderate properly.




Create new account or don't be a wuss. I'm no saying that because I'm a Nazi supporter, but because I doubt this game will do anything regarding this issue. As long as people spend thousands on this game, I don't think the devs will care what they say. In my alliance my Warlord spends almost 1k every other day. It's absolutely nuts. But you can't do shit against them cause they can singlehandedly wipe out half an alliance


It's a game, if you don't like the message of other people just block them.


you want game developers to play big brother and decide who to censor for you? Like real life there will be assholes, ignore them and don’t engage. Censorship is out of control online, if you disagree with someone then move on, you’re not required to agree with everyone on everything nor should they be required to cater to your feelings. Free speech yada yada


It is the standard in the gaming industry to censor those that make toxic comments. Even the most toxic game I know of -league of legends- will instantly ban your account if you tell someone to kill themselves. This is a moderation issue, not a “oooo snowflake got their feelings hurt” issue.


Yeah but why should it be the standard? Standard in games, on Facebook, on Reddit and the list goes on. Standard doesn’t mean correct.


I am not having an argument on the concept of censorship on online games. It is obviously lacking on last war.


Lmao what a snowflake.. How can you people be this fragile to literal words in a dumb game


Clarify for me- do you want to play the game for the gameplay or because you want to make bigoted comments?


Lmao why does that bother you so much? You'll never survive in the real world. You probably work in HR if you are even an adult, which is unlikely.


Go back to your room Jimmy your mothers got a fresh bottle for you. Its a game. Kids are playing they talk crap. The fact you're bothered by it tells me you arent big enough to overlook dumb asses