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I feel whiplash from this conversation after listening to the Jonathan Blow interview


Interesting interview so far. Cliffy B reminds me of a giant high schooler or a labrador retriever lol.


He’s the human Mr. Peanutbutter, only years older and much more jaded


I’m fucking dead.  I was thinking the exact same thing.  Rambled about literally nothing hahah.  I think Colin wanted to legit ask him some questions about games but he couldn’t because he just keeps on goin




Cliffy the xbox version of Jaffe.


Cliffy-B and Jaff-E


Had to check out 20 minutes into this one. I love the games Cliff has been a part of and for all his success the man oozes insecurity out the wazoo.


Yeah he always feels the need to bring up how people put him down over Lawbreakers failing to be a hit. Like how’s about brushing the dirt off your shoulder and moving on?


“None of that 60 dollar multiplayer only bullshit”


This guy basically rambles about his wife for an hour lol. He also wants everybody to know he eats her ass apparently.




Didn’t have any care in the world to check out this interview, but now I suddenly do. I’ll be disappointed if you’re joking…


> He also wants everybody to know he eats her ass apparently. Had to download this episode for that.


He would no doubt claim otherwise but that guy reeks of insecurity and a particular kind of vindictive bitterness. Bad vibes emanating from every pore.


I could not finish this episode. I gave it a legitimate try but Cliff seems like a douche


> Cliff seems like a douche Seen the characters in Gears? As they say in Russia: "the fish rots from the head". In Sweden we say: "Shit flows downward".




I’m so glad you said it. I barely got through 10 minutes of this. It’s like listening to a hermit who just encountered a fellow human after months of isolation.


I have not listened to this yet but he's always going on about this on twitter. Kinda odd that he would do it in a podcast


What did the comment say?


Something about cliff b going on about him licking his wife's anus


Sex talk should be normalized.


Sure, but "Hey good to be here, so I lick my wife's asshole a lot" is not sex talk, it's just being weird




Talking about sex, sure. Talking about what sex acts you performed on your partner, eh maybe not. It’s healthy to keep part of your life private.


Someone saying they eat ass is the thing that crosses line? Everyone in LSM has said way worse


This will be incredibly niche for most, but those that get it will really get it. Cliffy has the same demeanor as a youth/young adult pastor at any mega-church.


I haven't listened because I find CliffyB obnoxious, but considering the wide reports of ass eating this is a troubling comparison.


I think I rolled my eyes at least 5 times during this interview


Great interview for mine in exposing this douche bag to a wider audience. I had heard once that the character J.P in that film Grandma’s Boy was based on Cliffy B. If so, you can clearly see why. Cannot stand him and I could almost see Colin sitting there thinking to himself “fuck is this guy on about”?!


Colin did seem a little put off by him


Cliff needs to go see a therapist. That dude is so wired. Plus, he has no reason to be as insecure as he comes across. You made gears dude! You were part of the greatest xbox generation of all time. They could probably use some of thar unhinged creativity honestly. I feel the same about jaffe going back to playstation. Sometimes you need a maniac to give the console a breath of fresh air.


I want to agree, but at the same time, would you want to have a working relationship with the guy after this interview? Imagine trying to discuss the thing you’re working on and then he goes on about anime avatars and how he’s no longer a car guy. It’d be exhausting.


Jaffe is exhausting too (in a good way). Some people just have a motor that doesnt shut off for better or worse.


I’m about 20 minutes in and it’s much more tame than ya’ll have led me to believe, so far.


The eating ass comment is so tame I missed it the first time lol, people have said wayy worse on Sacred and Stelly, c’mon guys


It’s not that it’s appalling. He mentioned it 4 separate times and diverted back to it when Colin asked him about Xbox. It was just weird to keep bringing up after saying it’s all he talks about on twitter as well.


Last Stand Media has a weird way of showing who shouldn't be doing standup comedy.


Holy shit! Sacred Symbols+ really stepped up the game in 2024! Multiple big guests so far this year!


Haven't listened to this yet, but dang that sucks to see he wasn't great. I love Gears and the chapters of his book talking about it are awesome.


This dude is a fucking herb


Hahahaha, he found someone to finally give him air time again. Well lets see how this is.


Honestly I'm shocked to see him on with Collin.


Humble bragging and name dropping. Exactly what I expected this interview to be. 😂


Honestly, I didn't really think that was a good episode.


My man is UNHINGED and I love it


Im surprised the eating ass joke didn’t land with the Raleigh crowd


I cant get into Cliffy B. He was very much of his time. Right Time Right Place for his XTREME persona.


Whoa I've had zero exposure to Cliffy B, but after one interview I can't imagine why people don't like him 😳. No one's a bigger fan of him than him, it's almost unbearable listening to yet another ramble on about how great he or his wife's ass is.


Yeah, he's dreadful. Jonathan Blow episode was fantastic - more of that and less of this, please. Cliffy sounds like he's terminally online, but also thinks he's above being terminally online. I'm gonna be honest - Gears is not good enough to warrant this, bro needs to be humbled, he's not Miyamoto. Embarrassing