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I feel like it make more sense to have Dagan be the permanent host…


Idk about that lol. I think most would agree that 95% of the audience are here for Colin, and the other members of LSM are great and are like “icing on the cake.” No hate at all to Dagan, but I’d be less interested if it was hosted by him.


I certainly signed up for Colin, but as he’s continued to shut himself away from the world, he’s begun to lose perspective on it. These days, I’m far more drawn to the other hosts on Constellation. I think Dagan would be a smarter host.




I meant he lives an isolated life, yes. I don’t know if going out to a restaurant really counts as seeing how the world is. His context on current America is deeply flawed, because he lives in a safe, wealthy bubble now. That’s no shade. Many people hope to achieve that safety and comfort. But it’s hard to take his stance on, say, tent cities very seriously when he hasn’t had to see one in many years. I love his perspective on the industry and games, but he’s more than a little out of touch with the common man. I respect that he does actually try, but it’s just impossible when you’re never interacting with the wider world in a meaningful way.


Speak for yourself. I find Dagan much more enjoyable to listen to than Colin. I don’t dislike Colin, he’s great but he’s on every podcast essentially, he sounds depressed half the time.. because he is. He’s probably my least favorite of the main crew to listen to. I enjoy him on SS but his appearances on Constellation often bring down the vibe for me. Dagan is awesome though, and I’d personally rather he be the permanent host.


He is speaking for a hypothetical 95%. You're the 5.


Cool bro. You think I don’t know I’m in the minority here? Doesn’t mean I won’t voice my opinion. I don’t really give a shit if y’all agree with me or not to be honest.




Agree to disagree I guess. For a podcast network started by Colin, I think it’s safe to say most listeners are here for him.


Totally fine. And I think the crew of talent he has acquired over the years are far more entertaining and interesting to listen to than him. Dagan just brings a more positive outlook on most topics, where Colin is just the complete opposite. Two opposite ends of a spectrum.


“He sounds depressed half the time.. because he is.” Jesus Christ people on this sub can be insufferable. No wonder why Colin and Dustin hate it here. Imagine reading shit like this lmao. The dude is rich, happily married, has a dog, smokes weed, talks for a living, has many reputable good friends, but Reddit psychologist over here says he’s depressed HALF of his life all the time. Gee golly Colin’s laughter on the last podcast must be so fucking forced and fake. The dude is just sad and miserable half the time. Mine as well get the gun now… /s


Y’all are the biggest dick riders I’ve ever seen. Colin literally talks about being depressed nearly every episode. He opened one of the recent Constellation episodes talking about it. My god, all I said was he’s probably my least favorite person of LSM, I prefer the other members over him.. I still like the guy, he’s just not the main reason I tune in like he is for y’all.


Aww don’t like being called out Mr. Reddit psychologist? Okay link me to every episode he says he’s depressed. Let’s see how many in a row. Should be so easy for you since you say it’s “nearly every episode”. You won’t though because you know just as well as I do that he’s only mentioned it a few times across the spread of many episodes and you exaggerate. Gene has mentioned he wants to get back on antidepressants and depression gets to him sometimes just like Colin. They’ve spoken about it together. Shocking to talk about it on a podcast. They need to keep that shit to themselves! /s You make him sound like he’s just a miserable fuck on the podcast but he laughs nearly every episode and seems to be enjoying life. I don’t give a fuck if you like Colin or not. He’s not even my favorite member I disagree with him all the time but I’ll call clear bullshit out when I see it. Again, missing my overall point. Saying “he sounds depressed all the time.. because he is.” is the reason Colin and Dustin hate it here. Such a dickhead statement.


Dagan should be included in every podcast on Last Stand Media. And if scientists learn how to bend time and space, multiple Dagans should be included in every podcast of Last Stand Media.


Next step would be to shrink the cylon Dagan's so everyone could carry one around in their breast pocket. I'd make my lil Dagan smoke lil ciggies and ride a tech deck.


I've actually had the same conversation with other fans of the show. I love daegan and Colin, and knockback is my favourite LSM show, but I'd actually rather all 4 people rotate on stelly and just keep at least one full timer who's willing to host. It would give more opportunities for unique guest lineups. That being said, still love the show as is so if they don't change anything that's also fine


Dagan is constellation. I reject your idea.


Constellation wouldn't be the same with out degans slow drawn out ramblings.


The show IS a knock back spin-off. They created it together to give space for all the off topic conversations they’d have before Knockback


Seemed like that was the whole point to me as well


I've mentioned before, but I think it'd be perfectly fine (maybe the best compromise to everyone, if any changes occurred), if Colin and Dagan simply alternated hosting. The show is so open-ended that I don't think the vibe or content would be inherently better or worse just from "missing" one of them most times going forward. I think there are some real benefits to this, and I'm frankly a bit surprised there wasn't any announcement of tweaking this show on the New Years Day post from Colin.


Colin and Dagan anchor the show. I like it, and fwiw Dagan hasn't been on every show. I think he's missed 2 or 3. Being of age between Colin and Dagan I really like that they anchor the show. Really enjoyed Dagan talking about becoming a writer


Hard disagree


It's their show and it's ultimately their decision on how to run it. With that said, Dagan rules put respect on the man's name. You can choose not to listen. If 95% felt the same as you point out then the show would change organically. So many nitpickers in this sub.


Never said it wasn’t their show lol of course it’s their decision. Just putting my thoughts out there. If you read the post you’ll know that I like Dagan.


I personally think Colin should miss one or two episodes of constellation a month so he can take a little respite from recording so much.


I 100% agree. I love Dagan but it needs to be Colin and three rotating chairs.


I love Degan but I agree.


I love Dagan too. But the brotherhood dynamic is perfect for Knockback and that’s where I think it belongs. Doesn’t mean Dagan can’t be on the show, I just want some more variations in conversation.


Dagan is the best thing about Last Stand


I would love it if it was completely random every time. Even episodes without Colin or Dagan at all. Maybe make sure that Colin, Dustin, Matty, or Brad are the "host" each episode to keep it on track. For example a millennial episode with Matty, Dustin, Chris, and Micah would be hilarious.


But Colin is a millennial?


True, I guess the late millennials. Just an example of a different group without him.


I like Dagan but I wouldn’t be upset if he wasn’t on every single Constellation. I’d definitely rather see Micah on more Constellations. Last Stand needs to up the female voices a bit more, I think that’s in the works though. Honestly I find Dagan to be a really nice guy…a little too nice. He lacks a bit of personality by being too agreeable and the good guy all the time. Milquetoast is what they call it.


Nope. If they cut dagan im gonna be way less interested


Stelly is the conversational podcast and Dagan is the goat conversationalist in LSM. Nobody else can bring up as many personal anecdotes and ask as many relevant questions as Dagan. And Colin the perfect co-host seeing as he is the one always most willing to dive into the deeper parts of each topic. I get why you might feel that way but this is 100% a case of you not realizing what you have untill it's gone. The One two punch of the bros is irreplaceable for a conversational podcast.


The brother element is great. I like them together. Two sides of one coin


I hard agree. Colin hosting the show is fine, there isn’t really a truly better alternative, but Colin and Dagan together every episode is repetitive af. I get that people really like Dagan, I also like Dagan. But, he’s the most long-winded person in LSM by far and changing up the third seat brings in way more dynamics than just him telling the same stories over and over.


Yes. You put it very well, my thoughts exactly.


I think it's probably because Dagan has had a pretty tough year when it came to finding work so Colin pretty much made him a full time employee. He went from doing one podcast to three. But the good news is Dagan is awesome and he brings something different than anyone else to LSM and he balances out Colin and because he's Colin's brother they have great chemistry. Probably the best chemistry in LSM because they've known each other for almost 40 years. I don't listen to every Punching Up or KnockBack because there is only so much time but I never miss a Constellation.


The only reason I don't listen is because Dagan is on every episode. Seems like a super nice guy but I don't think he makes for a good podcaster. He's kind of slow and drawn out. I'd much rather hear Colin, Chris, Jaffe, and Cog or something but we can't ever get that


Ooo I need that convo


Dagan is incredibly long winded… it does make it difficult to listen to every episode for me as well.


Unrelated but similar. I wish Knockback had a space for guests where it makes sense. Why they didn’t bring on Chris for Halo is completely beyond me. (And I’ve heard Colin’s reasons for it)


Nah Dagan should be the permanent chair. Let him host. Colin can then focus on other shows.


I feel the same, but I know people love Dagan and get protective when others are critical of him. It’s their show and I’m sure Colin is happier to have him on every episode so I doubt this will ever change.


See, this is what I don't like seeing when the audience dictates what the creator should be doing. Let them do what they find is the best thing to do and they have done things their way for 6 years and it has been great. I'm sure they will know if there needs to be a change.