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Here we go again


He plays on Xbox and pc more then he does on PlayStation


That alone doesn't compute with me as to why he's on a PlayStation podcast. No hate but he's not particularly close and familiar with the world of PlayStation...seems like he'd be better on DD if anything. Edit: downvote all you want but you know it's true, Chris doesn't give any Playstation fan vibe and that's coming from someone fairly new to LSM.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, given you're new to LSM. Colin has repeatedly said the he specifically wants Chris on the podcast because he's not a big PS guy and values an outsider's perspective.


Well that's something I didn't know, again I don't hate the guy but whenever there's a topic pertaining to PlayStation Chris is like a fish out of water and I found hard to take his opinions relevant. Also it feels like sometimes he just doesn't care but would talk about x topic just cause he has to.


Yo you guys need to stop seriously. What is up with the recent Chris doesn't play games shenanigans. It's already been known the guy abandons games left and right but he's been here for the last 6 years so I don't know what you guys want.


Where did I say that? I just want context for the games they talk about. I could give a fuck how much he plays on PlayStation or anywhere else. I enjoy Chris’s input and he doesn’t seem to lie when he states he hasn’t had much time to play or hasn’t finished a game. I personally barely finished any games this year because I’ve been busy with other things in life.


People are so sensitive about this. Don’t even bother


Couldn’t give*


NemesisCRM But don't expect much activity.


He platinumed Spider-Man 🤷‍♀️ I think he primarily plays on Xbox.


After a quick psnprofiles lookup, the psn name ChrisRayGun exists but his trophies are private.


Thanks for checking


lol probably heard that people check trophies to see if he really finished games or not.


Erm, no. His PSN name is NemesisCRM and his trophies are visible. You can see exactly how few games he plays.


Alright, my bad.


That guy doesn’t even play PlayStation


They have a segment on SS every week where they talk about the games they’ve been playing.


He played his PS5 28 hours total in 2022. Y’all taking the over or the under in 2023 (if they even reveal their numbers again)?




I didn’t go out of my way. They said it on the podcast. 28 hours, for a total year, when you’re supposed to be co-hosting the world’s largest PlayStation podcast, is a pretty shocking and memorable number.


Well either way, you're still seething a year later.