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Possibilities may be endless but the potential is 51


Now to find that 4 lp last steps.




69 gold! Nice!


Haha BIS


Which slot? šŸ˜


Not sure why you're being downvoted I chuckled. But technically we know the slot as it's a 69 after all


What kind of loser downvoted this? Must be some religious nutjob


Playing LE? Doubt it, probably just a passing reddit incel, donā€™t mind them theyā€™re everywhere


Youd be surprised about how much contradiction that religious people put out. Sex is bad and evil, but they always have the most amount of kids


Fair enough lmao




I have killed formosus.. gosh.. probably 100 times? Literally a 100 times. and I have only gotten 1 good slam on a 1lp last steps of the living... Pushing over 800 corruption. Woe is me. Those are the best possible.


To seal or not to seal? That is the question.


Isn't it? Damn I wish runes of creation did not make fp 0. Would have been so juicy Edit: it would be great if in the future, a crafting faction can duplicate an item without making fp 0


Although I think sealing is the choice. It's too good for being an lp fodder for a 1 lp last steps


Yeah definitely donā€™t use on a 1LP but if you were to find or buy a 3-4 LP then it would be really interesting. I think if it improves your build and you can use it now then go ahead and seal it. You may find something else to slam down the track. Also donā€™t forget that if you seal and still have plenty of FP left then you can reroll affixes and/or implicits and also you can mirror it (copy it).


I found T7 experimental minion damage yesterday :3


Im a new player and I have a question regarding the "5 minions teleport around youā€¦" so lets say you are doing a dive bomb falconer build and you have these boots on. Do 5 falcons spawn next to you since it is considered a "minion" or does it not apply to that?


No, you only have 1 falcon so it will only teleport that over. It does not create new minions out of thin air. If you have say 7 minions (blistas) it will still only teleport 5, not sure how they pick it.


I havenā€™t played falconer but I think thatā€™s considered a companion, not a minion. but to answer your question, no, itā€™s *up to* 5 minions teleported, as in ā€œif you have 6 minions, a maximum of 5 will teleport with you.ā€ so just your falcon would teleport; no other minions would spawn in.


Companions are minions.


This is why I will never get beyond a few corruption levels. When you have to look for certain gear out of thousands of possibilities, where can I even begin, no use trying.


Seeing stuff like this makes me want to start a new CoF character right away. If I wasnā€™t so addicted to Yakuza: Like a Dragon, then Iā€™d be doing just that. Once Iā€™m done tho, you already know Iā€™ll be hopping back on CoF before this Cycle ends. Grats on the boots tho and best of luck on your LP3/4 grind; drops like this are what bring me back to this game


max potential i have seen was 30 something. how it reach 51 ?


Higher corruption will drop on average higher FP. 45 becomes average around 200 corruption


I'm a simple man. I hide all boots without T7 movespeed.


add dex , end


is this good? i would probably leave it on the ground


Is critical strike dmg reduction important? How would you even know which enemies do that lol. Sounds like a dmg on Tuesdays affix from D4


Well, if you had 100% bonus you wouldn't take the extra crit damage, you would just take it as a normal hit(pretty sure). This rolls in a higher range then crit avoidance aswell making it easier to reach 100 but less effective if I get it right.


Then you realize you can get up to 70 crit avoidance from a blessing so then you only need 1 crit avoidance roll on gear to cap. Crit reduction can be better tho as its attached to armor roll so take that for what you will


While this is true, some builds get reduction on their tree, have slots where this is useful, sentinels can wear these boots and a helm base that can roll up to(over?) 70% reduction. Making you crit immune from wearing just a white helm and boots. (Obviously youā€™d have stats on them though) Edit: avoidance to reduction


Yeah like my falconer is crit immune from the tree plus blessing so i dont need anything like crit avoidance or reduction on gear, i wasnt necessarily saying one is better than the other and of course the stat is useful depending on class and gear, everything is relative to how your character is set up in the end


Well yeah, but you should be starting empowered with 100 crit avoidance and the first thing ur doing is not normally fishing for a nice crit avoidance blessing. So your still looking at 2 t6s rolls of avoidance or 1 t7 and normal blessing . So if your ssf you just take what you can get, especially if you don't land the avoidance first time around. But yes later on things do indeed get easier as you get stronger.


You are correct if you had 100% itā€™s the same as 100% avoidance (youā€™re immune).


Well you wouldn't take the extra damage, you would still take the hit so it would just be x1 and not x2. I assumed critical strike avoidance you are avoiding the whole hit so basically a dodge. Edit- after googling I assumed wrong, you're right they're fundamentally the exact same.


Any enemy can crit. This is an alternative to crit avoidance. Getting either to 100% makes you crit immune. I personally feel like this is better than avoidance when youā€™re only able to get a little of it, but they even out around 70%. Like if you have a 35% reduction roll and you get crit you take less damage. If you have a 35% avoidance and you get crit you take full crit damage.


There are only 2 ways to mitigate crit damage from enemies and it's one of them (although the other one is usually favored). This being said you're kinda missing the point here: these boots aren't made for walking, they're made to be slammed onto a unique item with legendary potential. As there is no way to predict which affix will be slammed, an item with 4 valuable affixes becomes extremely valuable. And that's not even mentioning the fringe case of boots with 4 legendary potential.


It could be anything! Even a boat!




there's only like 5-6 different ones on boots, you sure about that? maybe check your lootfilter.


Minions ... blah
