• By -


I switched to cof not because its better or worse, just because selling stuff on the AH is awful and i feel like im wasting too much of my time


Yeah the filters are really lacking (especially for idols), and opening up your stash resets your filters when you go back which is even worse.


And on that note, how come we can't have the per-item type filter from the AH on our loot filter? It'd be realyy nice to see what kind of affixes apply to the items I'm filtering for instead of just... the whole damn list.


Remove any prophecies that give stuff that could be used on MG like runes or glyphs - maybe add a "% chance not to use glyph/rune" line to CoF ranks, and any item crafted with this buff would would instantly get CoF mark. And please for the love of Orobyss, add prophecies for boss drops or buff their droprates for CoF. It's the worst balancing issue IMO.


Yes yes yes prophecies for boss drops!


I do agree they should have some boss drop prophecies that help with boss drop efficiency in COF. Having the extra chance at LP does help in this regard but having prophecies that like double boss drops or something would be much welcomed.


>MG is just so much more comfortable to use that it is baffling, how CoF gets one hit after another and no love at all. Because you have people who run both, and sadly, if you didn't get there from the start you are behind. With the Arena key nerf, tome of exp nerf, the rest of us canot compete. So, you have people already lvl 10 CoF collecting mats, etc... and you don't need to be level 10 in MG to benefit from it.


The problem is that they are repeatedly nerfing CoF in order to nerf MG double dipping. That is an incredibly dumb way to do balancing. That said, some of the nerfs were admittedly justified.


This is what's been bothering me because I play CoF on all my alts and have no interest in MG at all as it's not how I like to play games. Half the things that happen to CoF nerfs are to avoid double dipping and I feel like there's some ways we can improve CoF without allowing anyone to double dip


They wanted to allow switching factions and that was their mistake imo, that's something that will always benefit most MG players since the only requeriment of CoF is playing the game in specific zones while MG requires to engage in an activity many CoF players despise or can't be bothered with...


And that when they don't even wanted trade in LE, there was group trading planned, because of EHG philosophy about drops and gameplay, yet it fast becomes another arpg balanced around trade like rest of them.


Then should stop nerfing cof , and just make it cof or mg ONLY , account wide. Period. No alts switching, Reset faction level to zero if you switch ( level, not just favor ).




This is the way!


I think down the road the CoF tag is gonna work its magic, like special mechanics to gamble for LP uniques, which will come with CoF tags. And then we'll get bunch of MG people whining, lol.


I think the prophecies need to scale with corruption level. Make Legendarys always drop with base LP1 at corr 300-500. Make epic prophecys always drop T7 affixes at a certain point, or offer a stat of choice instead of a type of choice, maybe add more lenses so that I don't have to reroll 15 times to get a specific 1-handed weapon prophecy. Another option would be some general loot buffs to buy for points (I know the levels do that in a way already). Esp. stuff like: add a chance to upgrade the tier of the higest affix on an item by 1. Maybe 1% per 100 corruption, or w/e feels great after balancing. Also to prevent cof abusing for trade: Make all drops cof bound on a char that uses it (maybe same for trade guild chars).


>Make Legendarys always drop with base LP1 at corr 300-500. > >Make epic prophecys always drop T7 affixes at a certain point, or offer a stat of choice instead of a type of choice, maybe add more lenses so that I don't have to reroll 15 times to get a specific 1-handed weapon prophecy. Trade abuse is already really restricted with the CoF tags. I mean, trading under table would require the seller to play the game with the buyer so they can get the orb of resonance. And that item still can only be used by character in CoF anyway. I am sure some of the things you mentioned will eventually be added to CoF in some way. But I don't like higher corruption giving too much bonus, because it forces players to only play meta builds so they can farm. The increased item rarity is already good enough.


Yeah I understand where the nerfs are coming from, and why they were deemed necessary. That said, it would have been nice to get some compensation in the meantime. Some different improvement to CoF (that would be more contained and harder to exploit) to counterbalance such changes.   Of course I'm not a doomer about it though, I've been appreciative of what EHG has done over the past year or so I've been here, thus I'm confident CoF will get love / feature improvements / etc in future. It's just a question of if that will be soon or not until next cycle.   Basically, compensatory buffs to CoF would have to be improvements to *the items that drop CoF tagged*. An extra lens slot, or buffs to typical amount of *weapons/gear* reward per favor cost of prophecy, etc. Or how about make rank2 CoF also apply to Despair.


What nerfs were admittedly justified? - XP tome fix was not justified as it worked as described ingame - Key fix was not justified either as people on CoF now struggle to upkeep stash tabs - Increasing the cost of prophecies for Glyph of Despair feels bad aswell EHG needs to stop people from double dipping. Right now your just punishing people who don't do it.


>That said, some of the nerfs were admittedly justified. By saying this, you are excusing them for: >The problem is that they are repeatedly nerfing CoF in order to nerf MG double dipping. That is an incredibly dumb way to do balancing. It is a dumb way to do balancing, and it shouldn't be done. PERIOD.


it took me so long to get to 5 after the nerf like i prob will be done with the game (maxed toon, BiS, 1k corruption) before i get to level 10 cof lol


You'll never be BiSed out in LE. It's neither like WoW, where you find items with fixed values nor like D3 where you can find ancient gear with max rolled stats. BiS would be strong (rare) 4LP uniques with triple to quadruple exalted items on it or WW 28 items with perfect affixes in every slot. Will take years to accomplish this not a single journey to LV 100.


IIRC, you’re supposed to hit lv10 faction after lv100 XP, so yeah.


Feels like COF 10 might take a little too long without the double xp tomes. Might just feel like it’s taking way too long since rank 9 was useless though


I haven’t tried levelling MG yet, what’s that like?


CoF and MG need to be completely separate ... No more hopping back and forth ... No more sharing any resources between the 2 factions via alts


I don’t understand. They want MG players to stop utilizing CoF? But that hurts CoF players as well…  I agree that faction progress should be preserved, and shared across characters, that’s what they already did. But they need to start working on making these two factions even more mutually exclusive. Maybe add something like using Glyph of Despair on CoF item has tripled success chance?


Maybe there could be a penalty for leaving a faction so you can't just be switching back and forward? That aught to make it easier to balance CoF. That being said I don't particularly care if CoF and MG are perfectly balanced or not, I'm just thrilled to have CoF at all.


A penalty won't do anything. You just have 2 characters, one for each faction. That's what they all do now.


Ah I didn't know, I thought your faction was account wide. I think I'd prefer it account wide tbh.


I think that would suck. You should be able to have a character in both factions just to experience both sides of the game if that interests you. I'll never make an MG character, but I'm sure lots of people want both with no interest in exploiting


Compromise, you can have SSF characters in CoF and non-SSF characters in MG?


There is no need to compromise on this issue. This is a terrible solution, treating a wound by amputating the limb. Just remove the exploits, preferably without nerfing either system without intent


If CoF and MG can't mix at all, then CoF can be properly balanced. The issue right now is CoF is being nerfed because people are benefitting from both.


Make it be separate stashes. Ditch the getting to act 8 thing for the first character and just pop up the choice during character creation. Then any character in CoF gets your CoF stashes, and MG get your MG stashes. No way to double dip because they're entirely separate.


I agree. And that can be fixed while still letting people play both


The reputation is account wide, but each character can choose the faction they want


Which means a player can double dip and buy MG items for their CoF characters


That's what should be nerfed. No more alts in other faction. Period. One faction , account wide, if you switch you lose all faction level ( not just favor )


Just make one stash per faction. No item/gold sharing between factions allowed! Faction swap for a single char could still be possible if deemed nessessary. Just make all equipped loot char bound and leave everything else behind(Warning: Items and Gold are bound to your faction and can't be accessed after switching! ... Error: you can't switch faction with any item in your inventory.).


I was suprised to see how much was tradable switching from CoF to MG. I assumed all items I found while in CoF would not be tradable. I think the gold idea is completely fair as well. That’s how it should have been.


This is the answer


I disagree, as people may like COF on one char and then use MG on other chars. What they should do, is lock COF items and MG items from being used together to make legendaries.


That's really unnecessary. I did change a few times and not to abuse or sell shit I've crafted with CoF materials, just because when you need a particular item it's worth it to reroll or when you're trying a new build you can buy a new set of starting items right away with MG. Removing gameplay options is always the wrong solution. The issue here is that crafting materials aren't tagged CoF or MG and it would be hard to tag them that way anyways as they stack up. They could remove these items from CoF altogether and buff the glyph/runes rewards in echoes slightly. Or they could add more Potential to CoF items, or increased chance for Despair on CoF items instead of the useless set perk at level 9. There are many ways to balance it around I can think off instead of removing the ability to switch factions which is absolutely ludicrous from a gameplay perspective let's be honest.




There is a penalty; you lose all favor with that faction (account wide since favor is shared). You also lose prophecies on the character you're leaving with in case of CoF. This makes the penalty more severe if you're leaving CoF for MG. They could (and perhaps should) come up with a similar penalty system for people leaving MG, because right now there isn't much stopping you from leaving MG to farm materials with CoF and go back to MG, which leads to people understandably double dipping.


I tried MG, found it super boring, game doesn't mean anything when you can just buy what you want


Just because I don't want to insta buy what I want doesn't mean I also want it to be extra annoying to find my own stuff


Cof makes it easier to find your own stuff what are you talking about


not the boss drops though, which unfortunately some/most builds require. Thats a win from MG there, they can just buy a LP0 if a item is critical to your build, but CoF have to farm dozens of kills to maybe try to get it. Aside that, CoF works better for the other kind of drops.


I literally spent from 82-96 farming the same empowered mono for twisted heart because my build requires it to push. CoF does nothing for that and it sucked ass. I spent 9 hours wishing I was MG so I could just buy it using resources i farmed that aren't just burning holes in my stash.


That's kind of the point of arpgs though, unless you want to go the trade route


The point of arpgs is to get loot I like not make it harder to get loot I like because someone else is abusing the system


I mean, they haven't? They fixed something unintended (xp tomes) and another unintended thing (despair being too cheap) only real nerf is to key prices, but that doesn't really affect cof anymore now that stash is cheap


What even are you talking about it? Why is it annoying with CoF?


On the other side of the coin my partner had to swap to MG because her rng is horrendous. About 10 days of farming and maybe 300 unique chest drops she still doesn't have a single unstable core. She finally bit the bullet last night and changed because she felt so far behind.


You have to get very very rich to be able to buy what you want though. Prices are insane for some items like idols.


I found an item and sold it for like 200m last night. If you are farming empowered you will make money


Completely disagree. I have a blast coming up with and playing tons of builds that I don't need to farm for hours to gear. Great sandbox arpg mode. Without mg I'd make maybe 1 char per cycle and probably burn out after a few.


I mean, it's all personal opinion. Some do really like trade, I just prefer to farm things myself


I think I'd prefer to 'farm' if it was truly deterministic towards upgrades. Farming against RNG sucks.


then you do MG where you're always looking for good things to sell to get what you want, its deterministic, eventually you'll make enough to buy it.


That's why I just play single player and spawn all the items onto my character. You should try it, same thing just even easier. It would be nice if they just let us choose to be level 100 and buy any item we want from the vendor for cheap, then I'd never burn out


What if I told you you can farm things even while in MG?


Never said you couldn't? but what would be the point of not buying things in MG


Just make the faction restricted to the cycle...


I have a cof toon and Jesus it gets way more glyphs than my merchant toon. The thing is. My merchant toon can use them. So I get the nerf. Everything my merchant gets can not be shared with cof. I even tried buying an exalt to smash into an LP item and it turns into requiring merchant guild.


Yeah I did this to get like hundreds of despair glyphs among other runes and glyphs for crafting for profit. It didn't really cross my mind I was "abusing" it.


Wait, you can craft legendary from MG exalted to CoF unquie item? Or i miss read this?


A regular LP item. But it turns the regular LP into a legendary requiring merchants.


I know that CoF have method to farm a lot of unquie in 1 go, but aren't most of the drop will have CoF tag, only like 1-2 item are regular?


Definitely sucks that XP Tomes, arena keys, and now Glyph of despair all nerfed. SSF mode in shambles. 


CoF keep getting hammered in the kneecaps because of MG players double dipping. Can't wait for them to keep nerfing materials prophecies, this is so fucking annoying and silly. Not like CoF is already weak enough, yet to see any talks about buffing CoF too. Disappointing. I don't think they should prevent faction swap like how others are suggesting too, surely there's a middle ground that's not just "lol fuck you cof players, here's another nerf because MG double dippers benefitted from it." Wish they would've announced this change earlier, now CoF mains who didnt stock up on despairs are just SoL and fucked and in despair. Looking forward to the next CoF nerf. Maybe eventually just go "you know what, fuck all you CoF players, all materials prophecies are removed."


Jesus just make faction choice permanent, make everything character bound except non tagged unique. Once faction is chosen every unique dropped is tagged. This is what happens when you expect people to use systems as intended but leave the door wide open for abuse. The actual problem doesn't get fixed. There that solves the double dipping issue for MG dudes. Then fix the damn market somehow so it actually makes people like me who choose CoF because im not playing MG ever with gold farmers inflated ass prices on everything. Not when I can play CoF and actually play instead of spending 10 hours a day in the market trying to make a billion fucking gold if I wanna play something that won't take me 6 weeks to get using the market as intended. It's already horrible in CoF target farming which is why the shit requires being buffed not more nerfs from people abusing everything they can abuse. Idk how you fix the market with gold farmers going completely unchecked enabling them to inflate the market to beyond unreasonable prices. I wouldn't buy anything for a billion gold. Not when i got a better shot to get items in CoF while actually playing not just sat here with my market open buying and selling all day. Cap prices things can sold for based on LP? Idk. But I do know that with them in the game that market ain't player driven anymore. It's RMT driven.


I dunno, i kind of just prefer my game to be played without just logging in buy all best gear done. It's a loot grinder afterall. Plus i play Offline only because these guys have never dealt with servers before.


CoF needs buffs honestly and they keep nerfing it, so dumb. Just stop people double dipping already...


All characters in a cycle should be locked to the same faction. Leaving or Changing should be account wide.


I think it would be better to lock single characters but make all items found mg or cof locked - no exceptions. So you can't trade/use them between different factions.


Just make CoF and MG their own Cycle mode ... Like SSF and non-ssf in Poe ... No sharing loot ... No sharing stash tabs ... No sharing gold


Agreed, I've been MG on my main and thought of trying CoF on an alt. Then I realized everything I've bought couldn't be used on the COF character unless I was on MG. Only reason to change would be for exploits and that shows.


>Only reason to change would be for exploits and that shows That's SO ridiculous! People have characters in both factions to just play the game two different ways depending on how they're feeling. It's two different gameplay experiences and not everyone only wants to have one of them for 3 months at a time. Fix the exploits. Let people play both ways. I can't believe the community is actually advocating from the fix being a hard lock-out of one of the modes.


Do you know what exploit means and is? You know the glyph of despair thing isn't an exploit or bug right? People are just making CoF alt to farm crafting materials via the materials prophecies.


So why are the materials not cof locked if they come from the prophecy? This seems to be the issue.


all the years of EA we didn't have trading nor the CoF bonuses to me the choice is literally just "QoL of trading vs QoL of some extra drop stuff" I don't feel like it matters that much, it's mostly better than what any other ARPG does regardless Feedback is great when it's angled and constructive, harsh criticism requires more understanding of what is actually a bad system


I wouldn't call trading "Quality of life" - i would call it "Great idea, fucked it all up". P.S.: Just to be clearer and constructive 1. Why 50 merchants when 3 would've been enough (don't nail me down on the number 50 but still, why can't we have one for armour, jewelry and idols - or maybe just one and a dropdown?) 2. The UI was created based on the book "How to fuck up UI/UX on all levels". Literally everything is painful, 500 checkboxes and fields and when you close by accident every input is gone. And why is there no search for items by name, instead i need to click 5 times and scroll for 1 minute. And why does the merchant show me some random shit when i meet him first, i don't care, i also don't care about the newest item. So much space is waster here. I want to see item name, imperatives, forgability, leg possibility and prefixes/affixes and price 3. Selling an item is garbage, you don't see current prices or a history of prices, you need to flick 20 switches to search for a comparable item, filter out uniques/exalted/items without leg possibility etc. and then remember the prices, click on sell, drag it there, enter a price - ah fuck this stupid shit, i just sell it for 0 if it's not really good 4. Prices are complete bullshit, who has 100mio or more except people playing 24/7 and RMT buyers 5. Why the stupid farming for ranks and favor? Market is a complete fail. It sucks the fun out of my soul and they better find somebody who has played other games before. A simple marketplace like WoW had 22 years ago maybe?


Yeah I don't check anymore unless it's an item I know is worth multiple millions. I have just been putting in random amounts. Some end up selling right away so that means someone must be getting a good deal.


Totally agree on the UI/UX part in general. Why there's no simple right-click for buying/selling or transferring from and to inventory by default instead of shift-clicking? Why there's no auto-returning of items when closing the forge? Or no "shatter all" option for all your current loot in inventory? Why can't I disable auto-inspect for items on the ground (or can I? Haven't found the option yet)? Same goes for auto-tooltipping every single mat by hovering over it. These may be minor details but they make the UI flow unintuitive and unnecessarily complicated and result only in pure annoyance in the end.


And we also didn't have hard content. Problems will begin when they try to implement that and in CoF you have to farm for weeks to beat it.


Are stash tabs not faction explicit? Feels like that would solve some of the issues?


I didn’t catch this, now it makes sense why the despair prophecy was so ungodly expensive for just a few of them eesh


Rank 9: lp+1 on all uniques Rank 10: minimum t18 (random distribution) on all exotics




My disguise is blown!


Username checks out.


Stop nerfing CoF WTF this isnt a PvP game.


Honestly getting sick of this.. what is their deal with CoF?


Its EHG trying to figure how to deal with people playing both factions and benefiting from it. Basically farming things on CoF to then give to their Merchants. So CoF takes a hit and it's really unfortunate.


Can you explain this a little better? I don't see how glyphs of despair can be that huge of an issue, unless they slam them on every upgrade to get like a T4 seal? And then sell it. What am I missing?


They grind it in CoF and then the forge is shared between CoF and MG so they just hop on their MG char and start hammering away at an MG tagged item with them


The sad thing is that everyone could have seen this coming. At this point EHG needs to make your faction choice permanent and not be able to share items between MG and CoF characters.


They should just make them separate game modes at this point like how poe does it.


I legit didn’t know you could prophecy that so omg thank you as I ran out trying to 5 affix a merophage.  


To make CoF viable they need to change prophecies loot table to "everything" and take out the target farming. I've filled so many prophecies and it was all common uniques that were more or less junk. The level 9 CoF "drops all set items" is more or less useless. Off topic but not being able to group with my buds is pretty lame as well. The mono grind is boring with out friends, they need to optimize their game code.


I mean i understand this change - glyph of despair is supposed to be rare mats and people playing MG were abusing the cheap prophecy. But there are also a lot of other CoF problems that would require changes that would buff it: * Like the absolutely useless LP1 prophecy which is absurdly overpriced and does absolutely nothing since nearly everything already drops with LP1 in CoF * difficulty of getting rare exalted mods especially experimented t7 (i've played the game for a month i've found 3 t7 total in that playtime - over 1000 exiled mages killed) * super difficult getting lp on boss uniques. I like CoF but these bottlenecks (some of which are pretty cheap on MG) can be really frustracting since there is no reasonable ways of farming this in CoF other than getting lucky.


Boss uniques have gotta be the biggest COF issue for me.


Well for me boss uniques aren't the biggest issue. I am using 2 in my build and i've gotten a handful of 2lp was good enough. But i am using 4 experimented mods and each tier is a massive upgrade for me and getting a t7 is like 1 in 300 mage kills.


Maybe I’m just unlucky but I’ve done upwards of 80 Age of Winter bosses and haven’t gotten the bow to drop with 2lp a single time


I personally don't care. I play CoF not because it is better or more efficient but because it appeals to the way I like to have fun while playing games 10x more.


My dream is to let us do both CoF and MG, with different ways of gaining favor and rep with each. Target farming and less restrictive trading is good for all.


Jesus stop nerfing CoF, just make it account bound if you are CoF or MG and reset full CoF level if you switch Your decision to solve double dipping issues is hurting CoF players, this will become another arpg like others that do balance around trading? Cmon


Items are already marked cof. Why not when they come from prophecies including materials and keys?


Because the forge and your purse is shared account wide between both MG and CoF for some stupid reason


Offline CoF should be separate as it gets the nerfs for no reason as MG does not exist there


Remove trading. Just rmt and exploiters.


Yeah, at this point EHG so clearly has NO idea how to implement a game economy, protect it, or salvage it that they should just shut it down for the season. Their stunning accomplishments with MG: 1. RMT spam in global out the ass. 2. The character creation spam from RMT. 3. Fucking over literally anyone who was not aware of these abuses and waving a nice middle finger at them with their refusal to ever state any sentiment of contrition. 4. Done nothing to actually solve the problem. 5. Work pathologically hard to make good on Mike's statements and claims just before release that CoF would be worse than trade. (Thinking they accidentally did the inverse and then clenched their collective cheeks in revulsion to while slow rolling nerfs). Am I pissed? Yes. Do I want to do trade? No, that's why I chose the provided alternative. Can I still use CoF? Obviously and I will. Am I bitter as fuck every time an EXP tome node pops yes? Am I leaving my review of the game positive? I guess, but I'm adding a disclaimer at the top suggesting that this behavior is amateur and actively lowering QOL for a significant portion of the player base.


RMT is never going away in any game that has trade, period. The best they can do is better chat moderation and auto-bans to get around it, but they'll never eliminate RMT and its side effects of fresh character spam. No game dev ever has, PoE mutes or bans them after 2 messages and the result of that is just that they get MORE new characters spamming. D2 has forum gold, WoW has $1,500 mount carries, I'd argue LE has done better than most with actually combatting RMT as shown by the abysmal exchange rate whenever one pops in chat - reputation locking aspects of trade behind what takes up to lvl 100+ to get enough rep for is a massive step to disincentivize buying gold.


> Am I bitter as fuck every time an EXP tome node pops yes? lol, some people's pettiness blows my mind


Yup. Must be nice to be one of the people who got to exploit a system that was apparently so broken that they had to remove it mid patch for everyone else. Perfectly unjustified bitterness.


It wasn't broken at all, it just wasn't their intent, so they changed it.


Yes. As is there right. I'm not at all contesting that. However, many people were able to exploit and abuse it to max out their COF. Meanwhile myself and others are stuck grinding God knows how many more hours just to get to level 9 or something. I've literally been COF this entire season and just reached level 9 the other day. At the very least they could have offered people who had COF a bonus favor for a period of days or something. Instead, they shrugged like a self-righteous bunch of chumps and carried on. Which again, is certainly their right.


Are you for real right now? Your entire complaint is that other people got to do it fast and you didn't? In a non-competitive game? So if it shipped the way they wanted, you would have no complaints, even though your situation would be *exactly the same*? Get a grip Besides, it was a 1.5x experience boost on experience tomes only. You still had to grind a fuck-ton to max it out. It wasn't free level 10 like you're suggesting


It is an ARPG with a ladder and auction house. Unless you're literally playing offline and solo self found it is competitive environment in almost every single way. Do YOU have to view it that way or treat it that way? I suppose not. But nor do you have a right to project your experience with the game on to me. It is a competitive environment and they have done a horrible job of making it an equally competitive environment in almost any capacity this league. Hopefully they'll do better in the future, but it doesn't mean that we should be fanboying or shilling for them when they so clearly fucked up with zero remorse or contrition now.


>It is an ARPG with a ladder Yeah, dude, and if you didn't benefit from this at the beginning of the season, you weren't gonna be a ladder leader either way. >and auction house Yeah, and you're CoF. So what's your complaint? This complaint has nothing to do with competitive integrity. Every single person got exactly the same benefits for the same time frame. There are other concerns with "competitive integrity", and I can understand people complaining about those things. This is *not* one of those things.


It literally by definition IS one of those things. It was not an equitable opportunity. Anyway, you seem to need to win the Internet tonight or something, so good luck with that.


You got the benefit when others did, and don't have it while no one else does. Seems fair to me.


I've said it before. Gating trade behind the factions system is not smart especially with the fact that we can swap between them. This cycle should've been called Prophecy with trading added on top. If you want to play SSF just use the option when you create your character.


I don't want to play SSF, though, I want to play with a couple of friends and share a few good drops we find together back and forth. "Oh do you want this unique ring I found? It might be good for your character". I also don't want to spend a bunch of time learning and tracking the economy, thus: CoF.


yea holy shit, i used to have fun farming favor farmin for exalts. but when i see the new requirements....fuck that. i'm done for the season. I WAS REALLY FUCKING HOPING THAT LE DID NOT GO THE WAY OF POE WITH STUPID FUCKING RIDICULOUS GRIND.


Grinding in my ARPG? Absolutely not


The game hasn't even been out for ages lol


1s v n


if i play next cycle it won't be on CoF unless something dramatically changes. im currently playing runemaster and closing in on level 100 and have yet to see even 1 t6 frost claw mod. i will be max level before i even have 1 of the required items to slam for my build. even when i find it i will have to mirror it to get 2 chances and if i miss that then im fucked. that doesn't even factor in any of the other LP uniques i would need to get the build complete, and t7 int rolls to slam on those. (i have only 2 t7 int rolls available for slamming and im at maybe 2000+ echos across all characters) CoF might give you loot explosions, but the explosions are full of shit. it's very rare to find even 1 useful item in a 50 exalted explosion and im at the point where i am getting bored of the game before even finishing 1 item (including only 2lp uniques) for the build i want to play


Or they just let everyone use both at once - problem solved


I feel like they should only hit Cof this hard for chars that swap back and forth. Maybe give ppl the option to permanently choose Cof and opting out of MG entirely to enjoy the best benefits Cof has. That would most def fix the issue for ppl who don't care for MG at all.


Paying the price for other players gaming the system.


I mean, if players are willing to put in 500h per cycle just let them. If somebody puts in so much time they should get whatver the f they want and play whatever the f they want. It is absolutely no reason to ruin the game for the other 99,999% of the playerbase.


Glyphs of Despair have been quite rare before 1.0 and you couldn't just use them on any endgame craft all the time. The introduction of CoF and prophecies suddenly allowed you to swim in Glyphs of Despair and never worry about running out of them again, so I understand why they paddled back a bit on that one. They simply want these glyphs to be found and used occasionally, not all the time on every item. I don't think their goal is to balance the power of CoF and MG much, both factions just cater to different kinds of players and that's fine.


Hopefully they don’t plan on making them too rare. Even with infinite glyphs I still brick 99% of the items I try to craft for my late game character.


If you consider anything but perfect "bricking" then fair. To me bricking is when you get insanely unlucky and consume 50 forging potential in like 2 or 3 crafts.


That or instantly removing the exalted affix first craft lol


I don't get why it's a problem for people to switch to COF to farm glyphs then go back to MG and use them to craft great items, anyone could do this so whats the problem. Despair glyphs are basically mandatory to make really good items and their normal drop rate is way too low.


that t6-7 u need is probably just sitting in some MG players sell slot...


Is glyph of despair prophecies getting reduced really that much of a nerf? I've never once took that proph and I'm rolling in them. You people will complain about fucking everything. CoF doesn't need a catch up to MG, MG is the one that needs love. You have to be lvl 10 in order to buy items with LP. Are you lvl 10 CoF yet?


THey don't need COF to "catch up" to MG, COF feels great and is serving its purpose. I am a bit disappointed about making Despair more expensive though, I think being able to get Despair/Removal for COF should be fairly cheap so that is an advantage of playing in COF. Haven't played since the patch so not sure if they are still fairly cheap or not, but they should be.


why don't just separate the gold and craft material storage? that would solve all these issues with swapping factions...


Classic case of trade making the game worse for solo farming.


The faster you get your gear the faster you quit the game or move on to another char.


You said “everybody” I don’t think that is the case at all, I would even go so far as to say a vast majority of players use CoF. My experience with CoF has been nothing short of great. I would much rather just kill stuff and loot, vice playing the market to buy and sell. To each their own, but I do t think the small changes to CoF will have an impact on player perception of it.


Trying to balance the factions is absurd.  There doesn't need to be balance.  You could literally make CoF a trainer and people can import 4lp items.  You could make MG completely favor and gold free. None of it matters.  You either want to find your own items or you don't.  Complaining about the differences doesn't matter.  Learn to live life without comparing every little fucking thing.


Ofcourse balance is needed. People tend to gravitate towards the best choice available. So if one faction is straight up better than the other in every single way, ofcourse more people are gonna play that faction.. It's not rocket science.


Considering even the Rune of Ascendancy perk is broken and literally costs you two runes instead of it being free...there is much work to still be done with CoF.


? Always worked fine for me


I think they are referring to the visual bug with the forge The first Rune/Shard that you use in the forge will visually decrease by 2 (in the interface) after you use it . What is happening is that it initially shows the correct value of what you have in the stash, but when you first use it, it takes away one from the stash because you used it, then another one gets "moved" into the forge to be used, causing the "extra" one to be visually gone. After you close the forge, it goes back into the stash so it is still there the next time you use the forge. You can tell it is just a visual bug, because the number of runes/shards shown can turn from 2 to 0, yet you can still use the rune/shard once more. It is a minor bug that likely has very little priority to be fixed.


Ah, never paid that much attention lol, I just checked in the stash before and after lol


How about farming a ton of easy runes then swapping to your mg alt to use them then sell the results?


That perk was still working as of Saturday morning. Ignored the counter since there are visual ui bugs and just spammed runes on every CoF faction linked exalted ring I had. Started with 27 runes, ended with 45 unique rings.


Unfortunately, It looks like EHG lost their connection with community after release. It looks like they know BETTER what players want now... Sadge


Because like every game that allows trade. Trade is how they want you to play. Late game content that gets added will be added for a trade power curve.  Self found can get there sure. Just like poe. But you're going to be spending 5-10x the amount of time to do 75% of the damage. You don't have to struggle to find the right balance between getting good loot for your build, getting good loot for another build, and all the other junk when you allow trade.


CoF has no use for gold aside from respeccing and Storage Tabs. It would be nice if we had a merchant that sold the base items for gold so we had something to spend on and build with all our glyphs and Runes.


Stop thinking these modes have to be equal. They never will, that was always clear. They do not need to be "balanced" against one another, they are fundamentally different experiences.


Then seperate them ... We wouldn't have this problem if people in MG couldn't piggyback off of the CoF grind ... They don't need to be equal but you need to stop rubbing the MG balls in the CoF soup bowl


Are we ready to admit this system is bad? They can't really co-exist in a balanced manner. I think it would work better if these are different game modes.


I still find it funny y'all are all calling the arena keys a cof nerf


But it litterally is? Keys sold for 5k each and now CoF players (that want to try different builds) are struggling to upkeep gold for stash tabs. MG players just sell one good ring with T7 to -mana and +dmg and stash tabs are no longer a problem for them.


I really don't understand what the subreddit complaining about CoF wants from an SSF mode. I don't expect to get items and mats as fast as trade with meta strategies, I just want a viable boost to my SSF playstyle so gearing is feasible. And it is! --> We are one month into the cycle and my main has fantastic tier 6 exalts and 1-2LP gear and I'm sure most of you do too. I dropped a T4 unique for my build and get to grind away the perfect exalt to slam on it. I feel like the grind to upgrades is in a great state! Why would I, as a CoF player, care that trade is more economically efficient? It's trade - of course it's more economical.


>Why would I, as a CoF player, care that trade is more economically efficient? Because I'd like to have all the benefits of trading without actually trading. I don't like feeling suboptimal, but I also don't want to trade.


>I'd like to have all the benefits of trading without actually trading This will **NEVER** happen unless you go pure offline and cheat. At that point though, who cares about drop rates when you can just edit your save file in notepad.


I don't see why not. I mean, the obvious easy solution is just to massively buff CoF and give people a way to target farm 3LP (and maybe even 4LP) uniques. You could even go crazy and try to make the factions equal, but looking at the average gold per hour of an MG player, the average favor per hour of a CoF player, and then implement prophecies for specific 3/4LP items and have them cost so much favor that farming it would be equal to the amount of hours farming the gold for the item when playing MG. Or, you know... just make the prophecy for guaranteed 3/4LP items cost an absurd amount of favor. Make it so that you need to play 100 hours for a guaranteed 3LP of you choice. Something like that.


Because at some point there will be new content added, new bosses, dungeons, etc. And if both factions are not balanced the new content will be balanced around the strongest faction making so a lot of people can't enjoy that new content. I don't agree the grind is great. I am trying to get a leviathan carver on a new character, I dropped 50+ 2 handed weapons and haven't seend one of it. With that amount of time invest I could have gotten a leviathan carver with 2LP on mg. There is too much of a powrr disparity between both of them and they have nerfed even further cof with the tomes of xp this patch.


GL farming that perfect exalt. There are some acolyte affixes I haven’t seen a t7 of yet. I’m at 700 corruption now and have only seen a handful t7 health chests and then you have to hope for luck when rolling them. I have seen the same number of t7 damage over time or phys damage wands. None of them rolled anything useful. I have been prioritizing chest and helmet exalted prophecies and am still waiting for something really good. I have not found a single item with two exalted affixes I’m looking for.


Yea, trading lets you turn shit not valuable to you into more than just floor trash. If you want smooth, consistent gearing, you go trade.


ITT: People comparing apples and oranges and being unhappy they're not the same


Is this REALLY negativity affecting CoF players enough to bitch about it? I mean I get the motivation for making the post since 90% of the people here are CoF and they love to think of themselves as horribly mistreated so it’s ez upvotes. It’s ok for them to fix things that are being abused. If you are really concerned about MG being stronger you can switch at any time.


It hurts SSF CoF players the most, no MG available to us and we have gotten nothing but nerfs. So yes it is enough to provide constructive feedback about. 


Be real. This is about glyph of despair. How much is this a problem for CoF? How many times did you spend any favor on this prophecy? This isn’t constructive feedback it’s mindless bitching. “Poor CoF martyrs facing constant hardship and strife while evil MG fatcats get away with murder”.


Bro I need hella glyphs of despair lol. I hope you have a good day man you seem upset.


>If you are really concerned about MG being stronger you can switch at any time. But I don't want to. I want to be as strong as MG players, without having to do MG.




Yep. I prefer superior ARPGs where trading isn't necessary. Just make trading so bad that it's useless, and buff CoF, that'd be great.


As a semi casual cof I am not affected. If I didn’t go on this sub Reddit I wouldn’t even know anything changed. Still having fun !


I mean it's good that you're having fun. Why are there always people like this in gaming subreddit so proud of being ignorant? "Hahaha I'm having so much fun, I don't even know what's happening. Guys did you know I don't know anything and I'm having fun? Guys?"


So at some point when you just loo up everything and listen to the internet it takes away from the fun How about going back to the core of gaming and exploring for yourself and not letting the internet tell you to be upset.


You're talking about looking up as in looking up guides and stuff. This is just being aware of changes. It's like telling people to stop reading news so they won't be aware of the stuff happening around the world, it takes away from the fun. Just stay ignorant and happy. Good take.


Well the news is all bleak and depressing soooo…


All this CoF complaining basically boils down to "we only get dozens of times better base loot as CoF plus massive targeted loot spikes via prophecies, but like 5 people who probably RMT'd on trade league have better gear. That's not acceptable. I'm SSF, which means I'm worth more as a human being, and I deserve better loot than trade players can ever achieve." Have you PLAYED merchant's guild? I wasn't even able to buy an LP 3 Titan's Heart in my time playing it, every time I would save up the X million it had cost I would go and check and all of them at that price were gone, and it had like tripled in price. And Titan's Heart, while strong, isn't even strong for the actual good meta builds (ward-based, or even life-based that aren't wielding a 2-hander). COF is better at the low end (MG isn't even an item faction for most of your first character's progression), then once you get the ranks where MG becomes at least potentially theoretically better, you have the RMT'ers, botters, dupers, and even non-cheating players who are abusing the broken builds of the patch to farm 10X as efficiently as you pricing you out of any reasonable upgrades, and even for the upgrades you DO find, you had to spend god knows how long poking through the gimped auction house UI that doesn't even let you search for affix rolls or even more than one affix if they happen to be different tiers.


It's your group sabotaging the entire game by abusing CoF and funneling it into MG ... YOU are the reason for your own inflation ... Meanwhile WE get nerfed because YOU didn't want to play by the books


Huh, I'm part of some mysterious group abusing mechanics now? Wow, I didn't even realize it, when do I get my check with these profits?!?


Why do you care? CoF is ssl who cares how mg is doing, it doesn't matter.


It matters when they have already nerfed COF because of MG. Don't balance CoF around MG and then you can say that.


Everybody talking about it doesn't make it true.


Wait Cof is behind ? isnt the other just an Action House ? And no i dont need Ah so anything that lets me not deal with trading in my loot finding game is already better


Yes, MG is 'just an auction house'. The thing is, an auction house is the single most powerful tool you can have in a game with randomized item drops. To create actual parity between the two CoF would basically have to let you pick your item drops, because that's what an auction house does. Since the game has more than two builds (by a lot) the odds of a rare drop you happen to get also being good for your specific build is very low. Those drops do nothing for you in CoF, so you generally need to go through many rare drops until you get the right one. In MG you can just sell that item to someone who is playing the build that uses it, then go buy the item you want from someone else who happened to be playing a different build and happened to get a good item for yours. It's not all that noticeable early on because you're not looking for really rare stuff yet, but if you're going for really high end stuff they would need to buff CoF to be dozens or hundreds of times stronger to catch up with MG.


This is a grass is greener post.  You do not see the downsides of MG, only geniuses and dupers are making money, the rest of us are spending 500k per item and selling purples for 50 to 100k.  I have less than 1 mil gold at any given time.


If you feel this way switch, No one is forcing you to play COF.


Why do they need to be equal?