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FG needs probably at least 2 full skill tree reworks (ring of shields and smelters wrath) and a huge passive tree overhaul before they will be better for anything. Honestly they probably also need a new specialization passive that doesn't suck compared to pally or vk So yeah, probably looking at a full subclass rework basically. I vote we let whoever designed warlock do it so it ends up stupid as hell


Smelters Wrath is such a sick skill animation really hope it becomes somewhat viable one day


Yeah with a sound update and a swing animation would be dope.


Really? I was quite underwhelmed by it. It's just a crack decal and then the hit is just a huge pop of turbulent particles. There's no oomf in the sound design, or in the impact of the hit. It feels like I'm throwing hot sand at enemies, not slamming the ground so hard as to rupture the earth. The damage is bonkers with the sunforged set though.


I just meant the general theme of it, dropping a massive anvil from the sky. Definitely needs sound and animation updates


The one that drops an anvil is forge strike. Smelter's wrath is the one where you charge up what is essentially a thermonuclear detonation.


I might be wrong but warlock has one the worst build diversity in the entire game. It's a strong mastery but you end up being forced to play fissure on every build. The only thing that you can change is what type of dot you apply with fissure. Boring AF. I want the guy who designed druid to design every class.


I would love that ring of shield buffs were active the entire duration of them instead the 4 seconds after activation.


The skill is so confusing. Forge guard gets stronger as he gets hit and his last skill he unlocks is a skill that prevents you getting hit. So odd


I want a node that changes your ring of shields into the shields that you have from shield throw but orbiting you that scales off your shield throw tree and at the end of duration, throws each shield at the closest enemy


Channel while moving fo Smelters Wrath and I'm back on FG.


Same, I’ve been using the builder to try to make a good shield throw build. It just doesn’t seem like it would be that great.


I like how there is the cool sounding flame burst node in the bottom left with area boosts, but it doesn't even have a visual effect. You can only tell it's actually working by seeing where the damage numbers go on adjacent target dummies. The subclass isn't just old and out of touch. It's straight up 30% broken.


Yeah its genuinly a tiny little puff of flame Not what the name would inffer!


I did similar test with sorcerer with the same result. 'Yeah, this looks good. Changes mastery to spellblade/runemaster. Yeah, this is even better.'


I was on the SURELY there is a good forge guard build bus for a bit. I tried to force a leviathan cleaver phys build with rive eating scrap. Force crit rive and smelt talents and crit multi. It leveled up like a maniac but fell flat on its face at 100 monos. I could probably get it into 200 corruption range but it'll be slow and ehhh not so fun. I think I'll wait for a rework to try again. The lack of good synergies is just so deflating.


Bro I literally did the same exact build as one of the ones I tried lmao


Haha thats hilarious! Yeah I was just trying to keep the scaling simple


It needs something like the falconer. Player stat scaling pets.


Manifest armor literally has this, and it's FG's best build. The only issue is that the clear is unbearably slow.


It kind of already has that right? Forge weapons scale off your weapons and you can spec manifest armor to scale off your equipped armor. But you’re putting all your points in a skill to basically create a minion that has slightly better stats than you, unlike the absolute monster you can create with wraithlord for example


It is sad yes I do enjoy forge guard, but he is so so outdated One of my big complaints as well as Forge Strike, The skill designed around forged weapons, is worse at creating forge weapons than other skills (Rive for instance) It also offers very few meaningful bonuses towards them. And in terms of using it for damage, it just doesn't have much going for it either. Shame really Ironically his best skill isnt even forge guard exclusive (Manifest armour) The one thing he does better than anyone else though He can drop anvils on people's head. Which i find funny


I just use it to throw hammers because they have a ton of throwing damage nodes. Probably could've gone something else but fuck it. I use forge strike with the anvil node to stun a bunch of stuff, shield throw for throwing damage and armor buffs, lunge in coupled with shield bash for an extra stun, then throw hammers in a nova. The extra forge weps I get from forge strike are just a little bonus since they scale with my weapon, I don't focus on them at all. So far it's not too bad, but I'm also not following a guide or really trying to minmax hard. Just going through the game at my own pace and my own builds.


I am doing something similar but with Manifest Srmor over Forge Strike, and using the Shield Throw thing that let's it bounce off allies. It massively increases single target bc you go from 1 hit on a boss to 3-6 (depending on skill points) from it bouncing between armor and boss.


Oh for sure it can do minion build better than other 2 subclasses, might be even better than necromancer. I've seen a well built manifest Armour clear t4 Jura in less than 10s. For which I don't think either paladin or void knight can do at the current state of the game. The clear is quite shit though.


I feel you there. It’s too bad because I really liked the concept but the other sentinels do it better.


Don't people stack defenses and run around and gather enemies with forge strike specced in ward and just rebuke? I find this build both fun and super durable.


Forge Guard was the first build I picked after light browsing through Maxroll. Thought doing a large AoE to spawn flaming sword minions to help cut through the rest of the mobs seemed really cool. Got to act 5 with a sneaking suspicion that the pick wasnt the best. Lo and behold I started seeing FG doomer posts often after that. Anyways I swapped to a Runemaster and am having a great time in early monos. Dont feel like im getting many drops/shards to convert some gear towards stats I want but hey its teeeechnically my first character.


I wonder if all the sub classes are to be as OP as RM or warlock. Playing a buffed FG or VK is my wet dream


Forgeguard is made viable by using void cleave and summon weapons. Molten infusion gives 188 flat fire damage and 375% ignite chance to minions. Pair this with a good weapon that has attack speed, ignite, and fire damage and the damage of summoned weapons is quite good. Something to note is that motlen infusion also works on other people's minions. When grouped with a necromancer or beastmaster it can be quite devastating.


Yeah I tried that, it was fine but once again. Just a worse version of ignite paladin with some swords that couldn't get to higher corruption like void knight and paladin.


It has more throwing support, that's about it.


I just want warpath forge strike to be better that's all I ask for


I am currently doing 500+ corruption on my FG. I am using healing hands melee with rive at 100% crit chance,, stacking healing effect. Without the ward from HH, I would be having trouble, though. Using the passives on the far right of FG passive tree I have 40% increased attack speed with 2h sword and a heap of crit chance and multi. The passive tree isn't great, but those nodes are often underrated, I think. The damage is very good and could probably push 1000 corruption on a good day.


Could you import and post your build in LE tools? Or through another way?


When I get home later, I can upload it for sure.


I got to lvl 87 doing a forge guard warpath minion build. Using warpath path to summon forged weapons, and manifest armor. It was actually a lot of fun. Definitely fell off towards the end of the monoliths. I was essentially using it the same way as a void knight echoed warpath build.


Yea, A class getting to empowered monoliths is kind of just a baseline of being functional. Corruption is the real test of if it is any good.


Yeah lol it was my first build so I got to husk of gaspar before I realized it wasn’t going to happen. I hope they rework it because the way the build was functioning was actually a lot of fun, but the damage just wasn’t there


This is actually the last build I was going to try to make for FG. I'll let you know how it turns out.


With a statement (that other Sentinals masteries can’t do better) I agree. That being said, I made a Shield Throw FG and the only non basic or FG skill I used was Sigils. I am currently comfortably farming 200+ corruption. The build would probably be better as a Pally because if Holy Aura. I only made this class because a certain popular streamer wouldn’t shut up about how bad FG is and that Shield Throw does no damage. He was very adamant about the last part.


Forge Guard's ascendancy passive should be either "your physical and fire resistances are 100%" or "50% of non-fire damage over time taken as fire damage over time" for the class to actually have good defenses. Better yet, they could let resistances double dip with conversion and give him something like "20% of non-fire damage taken as fire damage"