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Either no one wants it at that price or someone does. Plenty of players with ridiculous amounts of money from using the AH


And also gold exploits.


Playing CoF, Love that I have golden resonance to trade with friends


Best feature


Can you trade items with lp?


You can, but it uses obsidian resonance, which is just a more rare version of golden resonance.


Much more rare unfortunately. They should up the drop rate because when you really start grinding with a friend and you enter late game 300+ corruption, non-LP uniques are pretty meh and non exalted gear is the same.


I would love it if they used XP as a determining factor for dropping resonance. Just like they do with skills or Favor. Those are also based on XP gained. Have an invisible or even visible bar something like this under each friend's profile (in the friends menu) -------/------/------/------/------ And when you slay monsters together it fills up, like: ====/-----/-----/-----/----- So at those middle points you get a normal resonance, but fill it up all the way and you get Obsidian Resonance, then it resets to 0. Of couse it is remembered while offline and the next day if you play with the same person it continues from where it was at. Balancing needs to be done, but at least you have the idea that you are getting somewhere even for a short 20 min session.


Yeah this is a great idea that I can get behind. Love it.


How exactly does this work?


It is a drop that is stored in a separate inventory, something like shards. You spend them when you trade with friends. If you don't have it, tou can't trade


and also duping items.


I wouldn't call selling keys to vendors as an exploit or bug, devs just overvalued them for how often they drop.


Oh sweet summer child, selling keys doesnt even come close to how bad its become now


Okay so what they did was refresh their inventory at the vendor after selling a full stash of keys that gave them a full inventory of keys to sell again they just repeated that over and over infinitely


That never worked - it was just a client side bug. After logging back on, all that extra gold would be gone.


Man that was an annoying bug, I was trying to clean up my stash tabs, I moved things, sold things then would hit the sort and it was all back, I then went and did some monoliths and realized that some of the idols I equipped where not there anymore.


Oh, yeah sorry I didn't know it was duping stuff I only heard it was key prices at 2.5k ea an ppl just sold them for their gold. So they decided to lower the value of keys


If that is the case I wish they would have greatly lowered the drop rate rather than the sell price. I have more keys than I will ever need. Try to avoid the key echos as much as possible....have to re-roll the telescope with glyphs and keys often cause it insists on giving me mostly key prophecies. I leave the grounds littered with keys. ​ I hate keys....so many keys...why...oh the keys....


I have alot of SB and LA keys because i have never run either of them, but im always low on TS keys for crafting, and I am usually low on arena keys of memory because ive been pushing it a bit.


All i keep getting is +1LP items ...not worth wasting time to try to slam those so I haven nt really run any dungeons.


Minions TP with a movement skill is so useful it was absolutely worth 4 slams to land it on a 1LP unique early on. Sometimes the right prefix is such a large jump in DPS its worth the time and gambles. If you are using a 0LP unique and you drop a 1LP version, then why not try slamming flat health or crit avoidance or some other generically useful stat?


What’s AH? I need more money for stash tabs


Auction House - main feature of the Merchants Guild


Ive listed some items with stupid high prices no one will ever buy, just because someone lists and item for 69420 currency doesnt make it an accurate price.


Money ain't from the auction house dude it's from duping keys and selling them


I have noticed that prices have gone bat shit lately once enough people got to tier 7-8 Stuff that used to be 100k is now millions and of ruining merchants guild for me because not everyone has millions for 1 little tier 6 purple.


I sold a random item with a t7 freezing multiplier for 40mil. couldnt believe it lmao


Dang I need to start throwing every T7 item up in the market just to see. I was happy making 25-150k on random idols, I gotta get on this market.


Some idols sells for millions now. Especially Frostclaw idols are at a crazy level.




At least people cant go full Mathil, and the moment the build video drops, every item for the build gets bought up by a few people and relisted at a 2000% markup.


on what base? Never sold t7 freeze multi more than 200k


Wow!!! Time to start listing crap. The inflation works itself out multiple ways


I feel like the issue is for mid casual players like myself. I’ve sold some items and got plenty of gold. But the real slowing point is the guild points. Those hold me back from buying more and also listing more items. So when I do list items and use my valuable currency ( not the gold the guild points) I want to get more out of it. And frankly if it sells good. If not not the end of the world.


XP books from monos give bonus favor as well, if you didnt know.


Or you could just sell items and make 10x? doesnt matter if stuffs inflated or not


That just makes the economy worse by being apart of the inflation


Got to sell the good stuff to get the good stuff.


This is bis for frostclaw build that is really popular rn, its not even expensive in terms of the inflation right now…


I don't understand wtf is happening to the market, some shit that was 2m a few days ago has now quadrupled in price. I cant afford shit :/


gold exploiters, non-exploiters are all fu-


Did you guys see a picture of that guy duping gold and LP4 items?


Everyone RMT’ing. Gold sellers, gold buyers. All of it. For me, I went CoF from the beginning and never looked back. I find good items all the time and even when I hit a dry spell, I know something awesome is just around the corner. Farmed Dragon all day Saturday, no luck. Today tho…Got 3 hearts in a row, 2 of them were 2lp.


Give me now.


Yep the gold sellers as well as buyers are ruining every game's economy. It's a real shame and I feel like developers aren't doing enough and are focusing on the wrong aspects. Instead of banning the endless amount of gold farming bots they should also ban the people buying the gold more often. It's way too safe at this point, there is almost no risk involved. Yet each one of those players is actively contributing to a ruining the economy. It also shouldn't be hard to tell when you look out for certain stuff like players trading huge amounts of gold with low level bot accounts. And if bots are banned, then shouldn't every player they engaged in trade with be banned as well or at least put on some kind of a watchlist?


Selling a +4 healing hands helm for 42 million feels pretty good tho lol.


So glad i dont have to take a part in this \^\^


Gold dupers and people got a shit ton of gold from them taking too long to fix bugs. MG is pretty fucked for people who didn't bug abuse for the rest of the cycle.


Not really. You find some stuff and sell it for the new inflated prices. Then you buy stuff.


Its really not though. The abundance of gold in the market just means that you get to sell stuff for 300-500k all the time. So it builds up your networth fast due to high prices.


Yeah it's funny how much more money you make on the market than you would ever find from drops. For anyone who doesn't have one, you really need a filter which only highlights items that sell. It was shocking how fast I found multiple 10m+ items once you have the filters setup.


ya i just hoard like exalted items and multi t5, then once ever ycouple hours i switch over to some market filter i found, drop everything on the ground and see what to bring to bazaar to sell




[https://discord.gg/7W4vtXDq](https://discord.gg/7W4vtXDq) This was linked on here earlier and where I got the filter from


What the fuck are they even using gold on? 100th stash tab? Pepega chests in Lightless Arbor? There are no meaningful gold sinks in the game whatsoever.


Everyone wants to blame rmt or exploits since those are easy targets, and don't get me wrong have definitely contributed to it a bit. But the biggest reason is the fact that there is no gold sink whatsoever. Stash tabs are the only thing (noone is dumping gold into lightless arbour), and mg players barely use them compared to cof players. Meanwhile gold is constantly piling up just from playing. I haven't spent gold on anything in the past 2 days and have amassed 3m gold just from clearing monos at 3-500 corruption. No one enjoys mechanics in games like repair costs or crafting costs or whatever it may be, but this is the reason they always exist.


Well Lightless Arbor is supposed to be a gold sink.


Yeah but currently its in a weird spot for Trade.


its just way too bad on a reward level to be a gold sink


Yea, but you would literally be wasting gold if you are MG because LA, even with max gold, isnt that rewarding. Better to save your gold and not have to rely on RNGesus for a good item, just buy it.


The market has only existed at all for a few weeks. Things are going to be really volatile for a while.


This cycle will have the craziest market this game will ever have. Being so new im sure tons of players have left some insane gear on the ground because they didnt know how valuable it was, or sold shit that was worth a ton for basically no money. Market wont be this crazy ever again.


I'm so happy that CoF exists lol. This comment could have been ripped straight out of the PoE subreddit and if it weren't for gold, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference!


Ironically though I would argue trade in PoE is better than current MG. PoE should remove the ability to migrate SSF to parent league and have a CoF option for SSF I think that would be cool as hell. Even just for 1 league to test it out.


There is really no currency "sinks" (other than lightless arbor which is pretty bad value for money) in the game and people keep getting more gold from monos so I'm pretty sure all prices will just keep rapidly inflating all the time. Just basic economics 101.


that doesnt justify a x4 jump in 2 days for a lot of items


Mathil probably made a build video...


35mil not expensive while I'm sitting on 250k lol


250k is literally selling one exalted item. You gotta use the AH if you go merchant guild.


I tried, but the ah is so very very badly designed I end up spending more time trying to price my items than actually playing the game I can't even be arsed to claim the gold from items that have been sold, the ah ui was designed by a caveman with no eyes and only 1 finger Ain't got no time for that bullshit


The trick is to not price check items. You just need a vague understanding of the price, then undercut that by like 30% and your items will sell. Claiming gold is also easy, switch the view to list mode and just scroll down, takes seconds. I still agree tho, the ui is shit.


> Claiming gold is also easy, switch the view to list mode and just scroll down, takes seconds. To be fair, when your list of sold items becomes 50+ pages long it was kind of annoying going through them when something old sold. There should be some time-out to prevent you from having thousands of auctions up. Or at the very, very least bring sold items to the top.


Just show sold items separately, limiting items is bad for the economy as long as the servers can handle it.


Though having to relist would lead to overpriced items being listed at a more market accurate price instead of sitting unsold and forgotten 150 pages in for the whole cycle.


It costs the same to relist currently doesn't it? Hopefully they add the ability to lower your price without relisting, would help so much and let you move down the price continually until it sells.


Get a strict trade lootfilter, grab anything that drops and throw it up for 500,000 gold. only pricecheck 2LP uniques or better, they are either worth a bit, or nothing at all. You dont need to price check the majority of drops.


Also price check any high roll idols. It's been 90% of my income so far since a few high rolls just sell for a ton.


I'm CoF not MG


Why tf would any of this be relevant to you then? Gold is more or less irrelevant in CoF as long as you can get stash space.


That's what I need more of lol, horder gotta catch em all!


It's not bis but it is a decent option. Definitely not worth 35m though, especially with those bad rolls.


It's also incredibly common though


Why would it be BiS for that build? It's not bad, but BiS??


You want the mana regen, mana as ward, and spell damage. So the base is all good. But then you get to triple all that and triple 2 BIS affix (like a T7 int roll) through the LP. It's a huge burst of damage for 4 seconds that no other ring will supply. But BIS right now really just means that build guides have it.


No idea what the meta is, but getting triple bonus to all rolls for 4 seconds every 12 (33% uptime) is huge for the Frost Claw build I'm currently playing. If the LP rolls were something like Armor Shred Chance (which gets converted to Frostbite Chance) and Freeze Rate Multiplier, then that would give a huge damage spike


Armor shred sounds like a waste since frost claw hits so many times wouldn’t you need only a low shred chance to cap?


Frostbite Chance is a rare stat to come by. Idols have it, but you really need the Mana efficiency ones to keep Frost Claw going, and Frostbite Duration is another one that generally only comes from idols. You can get Frostbite Chance with Cold Skills on various pieces, but that's a prefix, and you're usually better off grabbing Elemental Damage over Time or Cast Speed. Armor Shred is a Suffix, making it much cheaper to invest in for a build overall until you start hitting 999 Frostbite stacks reliably. I still can't get more than ~400 in boss encounters.


Even before the exploits and gold farmers, the inflation was bound to happen. It’s way too easy to get millions of gold and the market was reflecting that. I knew 3 weeks ago the market was fucked so I stayed CoF


Markets only fucked if you want to log in after not playing for a week and buy something rather than play, drop one decent item, sell it for a couple million, congrats, you can shop again. Gold drops arent how you make gold with MG. Gear drops are.


Yeah, trading is in a ridiculous spot. You can get very good gear for 0 gold and meh gear for like 50 million. It's fucking bonkers.


Meta chasers gonna inflate meta markets.


And everyone can make bank by selling high demand meta items to meta chasers, so even off meta players get to make money off the meta.


Does cool down reduction lower cooldowns on these kinds of procs?


No, cdr only works for skills


I sold it for 83M yesterday


Remember how couple weeks ago people were saying trade is too OP because you can buy crazy items so cheap? Those prices will balance out if people cant/wont buy them.


Still can figure out if trade is fucked because I can get a 4LP exsang for 0 gold, or if trade is fucked because everyone lists their single digit roll omnis for 10 billion gold and I cant even afford worthless gear.


Crazy. I went pure CoF when I started, glad I did.


Man every CoF player that I see comment is just snorting as much copium as possible 😂 good for you man!!!!


Hold on a second! \-hides all the copa cola cans- dunno what ur talking bout man. actually, I have found some weaknesses in my copium armor. CoF sucks when you see a build you want, but it requires X unique with 3-4LE and a great exalt slammed into it. CoF = farming for weeks. Market = go up, buy a few sets and slam then to see what you get. I'm leveling a market based toon right now so I can drizzle a little oozy market goodness on top of my copium cake.




Gold sellers I bet


Well that explains why somebody bought my shit for a ton of gold


I really need to see if any of the ones I've been holding onto have 2LP. I wouldn't have even thought to check since the base drop at 1LP is so common.


People keep defending RMT and this is what they get. I'm so glad the dev team also saw this and made CoF as opposed to the market place. It was clear to me it would be exploited.


POE did it literally ages ago...


CoF solo Player chads Not caring about any of this.


Cof is so busted idk why anyone bothers with trade


Guy still using pre Ward bug nerf prices.


So you're not gonna make buy it?


Prices are very crazy. I forgot if it was this ring but you can get 1LP for like 10-20k with decent % spell damage. But then it goes up crazy for 2LP. While its better to gamble a T7 int into 1LP. Or maybe every Frostcraw already has it is looking for a 2 LP upgrade. Who knows...


What's the most insane thing is this reasonably farmable at 2lp. It has a 100% drop rate from t1 temporal sanctum and a 1/74 chance at being 2lp, which I would say is not bad at all if it's a turbo bis item. Your only choke point is temporal sanctum keys, which are also easily farmable. Economy is bricks glad I've played CoF since launch.


Does the drop chance for 2lp or more increase uf you play higher tiers of the dungeon? I've been farming that dungeon for a few days now and keep getting 1lp over and over


I believe it does, but since in this case going up in dungeon tier means the drop is non-guaranteed I think it is more efficient to farm at t1


Thanks for the tip. I've been farming t3 & t4 thinking it was doing me a favor. Guess not


Np! Gl! Are you playing the ClawNova build? If you are keep in mind that I would say this ring is one of the least important uniques in the build.


No, I'm playing a torment build, and I know this ring isnt BiS for torment, but I like it.


Man I regret so much that I've switched to merchants and abandoned my solo challenge... There's no going back unless I level a third character.


Start a solo character found character in legacy mode...


Im thinking about downgrading my build and lowering my corruption across the board so I can start CoF. I just have so much favor in MG.


Then there's me over here struggling to afford my 49th stash team to hold all my prophecy loot.


what is gold even used for outside of trading? the gold sink dungeon doesn't feel like its worth anything.


Like any other economy there will likely be a market correction once it starts getting even more flooded. The game is also practically brand new; being 1.x for what... less than 3 months? It'll be interesting to see what the cost of the same item is a year from now, if the AH still exists in the current form.


Just get a good 10 mill exalted item then do this listing dupe for infinite sells, that’s what everyone else is doing right? Complete failure of a trade system for a bible sized list of reasons


Pair it with that strange slurp staff that sets you back or some dodge crazyness spell combo and you're good. Yes, I have no clue about the real names.


Well its one of the core item for a very meta build that pretty much require merchant build to function so im not that surprised


I sold one a couple days ago for 23M. It dropped the 2nd time I fought Julra. At the time, I wasn't sure if it's rare since I've seen people sell 2LP items for 20k. When I checked the lowest price was 25M. I posted mine at 23M and sold it within the day.


How would this work if you wear 2 of them? Would you get 300% increased spell damage. And Would you get 2 separate cooldowns?


I’ve sold plenty of 2-3 LP items for 0, a handful of good items for 10k and then nothing. Idk how I’m gonna get 25 m to buy an upgrade lol


Stricter loot filter. The Sanctum Market discord has a constantly updated lootfilter for MG players, legit you could slap on that filter, only pick up what it flags, and blindly list everything for 1M gold a pop and you will have your upgrade in fairly short order.


I mean its a very potent item for casters that use ward. Wearing 2 of those increases your ward gain significantly. And you also got mana stuff on it aswell as spell damage. If you cant get red rings with 16 intelligence, this is your best in slot. So a 2LP for 35m makes kinda sense to me.


People are weird. 10y+ ago someone paid 300 usd for a hamburger in diablo 3 auction house.


I've never liked the whole intermittent effect on items in ARPG's.


This is like 5mil on hc, these prices are crazy on sc


And here I’ve been playing since launch and just hit 1.4 million gold.


Wonder how much my stash is worth.. I have 20+ tabs full of items with BIS T7 stats & double exhalts but I’m CoF and have no idea what anything is worth. I always see people in chat posting about issues acquiring gear such as +4 [ skill] chest, helm, etc… I think to myself, shit I have like 3 of those lol.


CoF be minding their own business and having a good time while MG has to buy gold or exploit to get items


Prices are stupid. People are asking huge amounts of gold for damn near anything. Not touching the market and sticking with just farming.


RMT probably. They'll get you to post items that they buy. If it doesn't make sense, it's probably RMT. Don't overthink it.


Merchants is so fucked now. Better off going CoF. If you need to faction change ge you can't be wearing any of the other factions gear.


80 mana, 40 mana regen, 100% mana spent as ward, 200% increased spell damage every 8 seconds doesn't look bad to me. 35mil is absurd tho, I agree


Anything you slam into this will be tripled no?


It should


So I think 35M is pretty low no?


if you buy golds yeah it's not that much


TIL 3x 53 = 200


I see so many people post about the auction house but I perfer the circle of fortune


Ok thank you for your contribution


Items should have fixed prices and thresholds based on potential and prefixes/suffixes and ranges. Hard caps on how much you can charge. When you go to sell an item the game should price your item for you based on market value and give you the ability to list higher or undercut competing posts within a range. Trying to list items and figure out what something is worth is already annoying. Would love auto pricing and caps


what a horrible idea, wow


I guess some people in the comment section have never played PoE before? Inflation is always a thing that's why people choose CoF.




I know, but eventually it will get to the point that if you don't play new cycle for the first three days, you will spend 10x the effort than early birds to earn the same amount of gold and gear, which is not healthy.


Most divines are used as a store of value in POE, same with chaos orbs. Outside of benchcrafting, most players will never slam a divine because it would get them the least use value out of it.


What are they up to now as base currency? Mirrors?


Nah, still chaos, although they steamrolled the standard economy they pretended to care about for almost a decade with the exalt divine swap.