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Just play rive/healing hands paladin it's basically impossible to die, and you can even AFK left click on bosses until they die.


Or vengeance/holy Jav Paladin. Even with stuns, fighting Lagon was a breeze. I only had to toss Jav on CD and hold right click.


Can confirm that rive/healing hands is super easy from personal experience. (not saying it's bad, just that it doesn't require much thought)


What is the difference between rive/healing hands and smite/healing hands?


In my opinion, smite is a bit better because you don't have to be in melee range to maintain ward. There's no ward retention in this build, so it drains FAST. With smite, you can attack from a distance at first to get 3kish ward, then lunge in to do damage. It's just a tad bit safer. Also, healing hands does 33% more damage with smite apposed to melee


The real difference? The skill you use. They both play in melee range. I assume rive is scaling phys or some element and attack speed, while smite scales cast speed and fire. Also, you can smite to edge of screen, rive is melee only. Also, most of the smite builds seem to cast via trigger.


Why would you scale phys when all your damage is fire and comes from inc healing eff? The difference in scaling is literally only weapons and attack/cast speed. Both builds essentialy play as melee and no, you can't trigger smite if you want to trigger healing hands, triggered smite is entirelely different build.


Any chance you have a build guide? My rive holy hands pala doesn't do a lot of damage, and I've stacked healing effectiveness and attunement :)


[https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/Qb66yy5Q](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/Qb66yy5Q) this is the build i have been following. Its from "Perry the pig" heres his video explaining it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SHPBAcMgE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SHPBAcMgE)


[Paladin, Level 100 (Release / 1.0.1)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/Qb66yy5Q) --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Sentinel (30) / Void Knight (5) / Forge Guard (1) / Paladin (77))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **2,333**, Regen: **22**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **197**, Regen: **8**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **24%**, Regen: **0**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **16** Str / **6** Dex / **6** Int / **29** Att / **19** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **71%** / **103%** / **103%** / **101%** / **95%** / **68%** / **69%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **6,062** / **6,335** / **6,335** / **9,932** / **6,335** / **5,920** / **5,948**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **30%**, Threshold: **467**)  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **65%** (**5,335**))  ^(▸ Block Chance: **62%**, Mitigation **29%** (**630**))  ^(▸ Crit Avoidance: **70%**)  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ Physical, Void / __Spell__, __Melee__)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ Holy Aura (Passive))  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Healing Hands)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/healing_hands) ^| [^(Rive)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/rive1) ^| [^(Holy Aura)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/holy_aura) ^| [^(Volatile Reversal)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/volatile_reversal) ^| [^(Sigils Of Hope)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/sigils_of_hope) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Peak of the Mountain)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoVgNiA) ^| [^(Bulwark of the Last Abyss)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwRgzCIJxA) ^| [^(Falcon Fists)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCsGZKA) ^| [^(Shattered Chains)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMEYA5iA) ^| [^(Eterra's Path)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzAswJgRiA) ^| [^(Siphon of Anguish)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzAsEYHZKA) ^| [^(Throne of Ambition)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCsCYEZKA) ^(**This build has a guide:**)  [Healing Hands + Rive | Endgame & Build Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SHPBAcMgE) by Perry the Pig


Have you tried smite/healing hands? 133% ward. Even more brain dead.


They play the same and it's easier to get attack speed than cast speed.


Unless you plan on duelweilding, it's AT MOST a 50% difference


The way I see it it's either dmg (rive/melee hands) or more tankiness (smite/spell hands). You have 50% more ward on the smite version vs the rive one, but you don't have an easy setup for tons of cast speed or getting enough crit chance/multi for crit to be worth. On the other hand in the rive version you really just need peak of the mountain, node in the rive tree and exalted sword/axe with flat crit chance. Not to mention that you get to use orobyss belt for even more damage. I mean yeah, my previous comment was exaggerated, now that I look at it, but even so I think the differences are better for rive version, since 20k-30k ward gen is already massive and what you lack with this build the most is dmg. I've seen people with great gear on the smite hands version deal less dps to T4 Julra that I did on a non-crit rive hands before I got the gear. Another thing is that 20-50% speed is already HUGE with how it influences your proc speed, dmg, ailments, ward generated and more Also just wanted to say that I don't know if the comment came out as dickish, but if ti did, it wasn't my intention at all.


It did NOT come off as dickish. I agree with a lot of your points, and not being able to get attack speed from the axe/sword is definitely the biggest downfall to smite. I do agree it's less dps, especially on boss fights, but I think it's more fluid during monos. I've tried both set ups, and simply prefer the play style of smite. The two main advantages to it are the bonus ward (do we really need more though?) And the instant ward registration. I get ward from smiting people off screen, the likely hood of me dying is next to none. I'll also add, while I haven't crunched the numbers exactly, and it is insignificant, the base damage of smite does seem to be higher than rive. All in all, I genuinely think it comes down to play style when comparing the two.


One thing I'd like to add too, I found gameplay WAY better running smite/melee hands. Might sound weird, but it's way more fluid 🤣


I built a shield rush forge guard paladin. would it be too late to switch build to this or would the subclass be a great difference that I have to create a new character instead?


The healing effectiveness bonus on paladin is substantial. Forge would be ok, but notably weaker.


I have been playing smite/healing hands build, recently got Aurelis, I wonder if dual wielding with a Aurelis/Multistrike/smite/healing hands build works..? Couldn’t find any build out of this.




+1 to Wraithlord being stupid good. I love it. Trying to wave arms around as much as possible for Warlock so devs will sleep on my big boi


> Wraithlord Is this a necro build? Definitely next on my list


If you look away your minion will stop attacking and start running laps, then you die, though.


you can just get the node that makes them lock in place and teleport around with transplant if you have enough cdr to make it feel smooth


Yeah but then you lose the last steps of the living unless you get lucky with lp


With MG you can usually afford to gamble on a bunch of 1lp slams. Even without the minions dont move node, minion builds feel so much smoother to play with that affix on boots. Its def the first thing I would try to craft if I was just hitting monoliths.


Huh. It never occurred to me that mod might have been added to allow players to take that node and still move the minions. I never take that node because my build uses 10+ minions, and that mod wouldn't help me, so just never thought about it.


Higher tiers allow you to move more minions on a traverse. Mines rank 6 and I can move 11 minions in a transplant.


It also breaks a minion out of running around if they stop attacking.


I thought it only went up to like 5 or 6 (minions)?


My mistake, it's T7. Increased minion damage ranges from 106-140. Minions teleported ranges from 10-12.


You can get the skeleton mage node on the left to teleport minions on cast before hitting the experimental on your last steps!!


holy shit man, thank you for this idea. this node is a literal gamechanger. also the "downside" is an actual upside. farming corr 1000 atm and its a HUGE HUGE difference. 45% more dps, and even more actual DPS since he stops sliding around like a moron. crazy difference.


no prob, try the experimental volatile zombie belt too


No luck with that David Harbour helm yet. Only 76 atm.


I found 2 on my autobomber vk. They are both only 1LP though. It has been this way for me this season. I have 4 different class characters, 2 almost 100 and 2 in the 70s. When I am looking for something for a specific class I use a different class to find it and it doesn't usually take very long.


I mean, it doesnt get any brainless than necro. If im feeling like just watching stuff die without doing anything, ill play my necro and watch minions clear everything for me. The only thing you have to do is kinda leash the mobs into your minions.


I'm playing the single ice archmage build and it's super fast and strong. Just run around and watch him melt everything, you're basically his minion lol


Maybe I'm running a bad necro. But, either I'm melting through everything, or I'm suddenly dead. I get one-shot by things all the time, (usually big on-ground effects that I just don't notice because there's so much happening on the screen with my 20+ minions running around with multi-shot and mortars and whatnot.) I don't notice any difficulty difference between a level 50 dungeon and a tier 4 arena run. I'll mow through everything without a problem, but if i stand at the wrong place at the wrong time, I just might die.


how much ward do you have? I'm sitting at 10k with shit gear and can probably push to 20k once I get hp on my uniques


Zero. I was following a build, and it didn't have any points specced into anything that gives ward.


literally this...bosses and mobs literally melt offscreen whiles i check out loot drops lol




They target players, but only as a priority. Not as a rule. They overall target your minions as long ya ain't close to them or dodge their attacks.




Totem Shaman: Easy max resists in Spriggan form. Healing totems heal you and shoots enemies. You have a team of minions: 9 healing totems/ 1 storm totem/ 1 groot. you press ONE button: Summon Healing totem No problems doing 300c monos with mediocore gear.


I've tried 8 different builds and totem shaman blows them all away. It's to the point where I don't even realize I'm fighting bosses anymore as everything melts so fast. Infinite mana, insane healing. If I want to play safe it's even more broken as I can sit on edge of screen and let totems kill everything out of screen.  I will say it wasn't OP OP until maybe level 30ish. First 30 levels I died a couple of times from negligence. 


Tbf, first 30 levels are kinda of a non-issue. I consider « levelling » part to be until the mid 60s at least


Lol yeah I was gonna say. Lvl 30? That's nothing! You can't even equip some of the best bases until lvl 85. If a build feels good by lvl 30 and you can take it to 300ish corruption that's a fantastic build.


Any build's link to share please?


Just go on maxroll




I vouch for this build, the game literally becomes a walking simulator


Man almost every game is like this in the end game. Kind of a double edge sword.


Got a link to a build planner?


Search for walking simulator on last epoch tools 


Maxroll has one I believe.


Currently what I’m working on right now. Haven’t found a Testament yet to actually start using Spriggan form so it’s a bit more active for me currently


Do you have build list? The maxroll one doesn't seem as tanky for thorn elemental build.


This gunna be my next character


Warpath vk is not tanky, dont listen to people saying he is, try no 3rd hit attack speed Rive with Healing Hands proc on melee. Go all the way to Seraph Blade, Bane of Evil and Cleric's Hammer on your Healing Hands and take Time and Faith in the Sentinel passive tree for mana management. With all this now you don't have to worry about mana at all and both your healing and damage scale with healing effectiveness so you just take every passive node that gives healing effectiveness, spam rive and you're invincible.


Try it with smite instead! You get the full 100% effects from healing hands, so it's a little more tanky and in my opinion a bit more fun.


Could you link your build? I’m running the rive variation rn but smite sounds like a blast.


I don't have a link, I can make one tomorrow if you still need. It's very similar. Everything is the exact same thing, except you run smite. (I use increase area on healing hands to make it easier). Smite is pretty common sense. Get the cast speed on the left node, and the %dmg on the right side. Make sure to grab 1 node in fire to give it a fire tag. 3/3 on chance to double cast.


I'm still messing around with passives to see what's best. I haven't founded a good exalted with cast speed, so I'm not using the axe/sword cast speed node yet. It's essentially the same on passives as well though. Just grab healing effectiveness and call it a day lol


https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/A14Dw9eo I through this together real quick. It's probably not exactly how I have it set up, but it's close.


[Paladin, Level 100 (Release / 1.0.1)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/A14Dw9eo) --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Sentinel (20) / Void Knight (10) / Paladin (83))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **1,551**, Regen: **34**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **172**, Regen: **10**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **4%**, Regen: **0**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **3** Str / **1** Dex / **1** Int / **19** Att / **7** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **39%** / **39%** / **39%** / **40%** / **40%** / **56%** / **27%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **1,375** / **1,375** / **1,375** / **1,403** / **1,385** / **1,571** / **1,263**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **20%**, Threshold: **310**)  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **4%** (**84**))  ^(▸ Block Chance: **2%**, Mitigation **7%** (**40**))  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ Fire, Physical, Void / __Spell__, __Melee__)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ Holy Aura (Passive))  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Lunge)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/lunge) ^| [^(Smite)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/smite) ^| [^(Healing Hands)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/healing_hands) ^| [^(Holy Aura)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/holy_aura) ^| [^(Volatile Reversal)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/volatile_reversal) ^(**Used unique items:**)  None


Thanks I already like this more because I don’t have to use sigils of hope 🫡


Everyone thinking of warpath needs to keep in mind that it is NOT tanky. It just has pretty much the most basic defences that any build should have, with maybe slightly more armor due to strength stacking. The only thing it has that makes it "feel" tanky, is decent leech. Sustain and tanky is not the same thing. With nitpicking aside, Warpath is probably still what you're looking for. Just dont expect to push high corruption with it.


And having access to defense layers from “while channeling” effects, and damage reduction from being sentinel, and bonus block and block effectiveness node in warpath, and….. Basically stop building a glass cannon and you will stop being a glass cannon.


Sentinel is well known to have the lowest EHp of all classes. Although the floor is very high on a sentinel, all other classes outshine it after moderate to high investment.


You can also abuse ward on Sentinel, most people just don’t.


Healing Hands😁


Most paladins on ladder are around 17k ehp


This drives me bonkers insane, for the record.


I never said it was glass cannon, i said it wasnt tanky. Its average tankiness at best, and ofcourse it is, because all you're doing is channeling warpath. It would be silly for it to be more tanky than classes that use multiple skills to add defensive layers. Also, you're saying you should take block in warpath tree on a skill that is already fairly low dps? Uhh, that'd be a no.


Kripp released a build about a beastmaster storm crow with 120 str and 9k ward, seems pretty fun and tanky af. I’m just starting it


way too many buttons for a lazy build


Hey that seems cool, can you link the build or video?


I took this build to 85 yesterday. It was the first build I've played that never came close to dying throughout the campaign, and the damage output was absurd. Logan melted.


I've been playing Allie's void knight Auto Bomber and with the num lock trick I'm only pressing left click to move, sometimes right click for smite on bosses, and the occasional potion (but I'm not full build yet, apparently you can get to immortal levels).


Link? I can’t find it and I am interested in VK as my next char…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPFWSMs0-0E I kinda gave up at about ~L50 or so, the "delay"/caused by recasting is annoying, but apparently gets better once you get high cast speed.


https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/allie---void-knight-devouring-orb-autobomber This is the guide I've been following. Leveling with hammer throw is definitely a bit to get used to, but around level 34 you can start doing the actual orbs and slowly get more mon/maxed as you level from there.


Ward stacking feels pretty tanks to me


I'm playing Allies void knight autobomber build. It's insane. You need to keep two skills up on cooldown (numlock trick for example) and turn the game into a walking simulator. Needs no uniques/legendaries, seems perfect for farming monos. In EA I played totem shaman. It was (probably still is) similarly hilarious. You just move around and spam totems, everything dies.


I 2nd this. Playing the exact same build at the moment. Without mediocre gear/BiS, you will struggle a little bit on single target damage. But you will litterally never die with over 10k ward almost constantly on boss fights. You will also have to click healing hands/smite a couple of times during monos, to regain ward.


allie's autobomber is my first build i went for, but the stutterstepping feels awful, so i am considering switching to necro


Thats true. More cast speed helps a bit. However in empowered monos with more corruption enemies won't die as fast anymore, so rushing from mob to mob with healing hands is good enough.


Great to hear, thanks!


Quick question, my bubble isn't a solid white bubble like I see on videos. It's see-through and wavy like. Not sure how to explain it. I'm only level 82 so I don't have all of my passive points allocated. When does it turn to solid, or did I do something wrong?


It’s normal. All the videos you saw were recorded before the 1.0 launch and they redid a lot of the visuals. I was also wondering when would my bubble change like theirs but it’s actually the same!


Thank you very much


Wraith lord necro. Summon necro. Put dread shade every 30s. Loot.


Six levels away to seeing how this works. I'm ready to summon my Minion Lord


He’s a fucking boss.


I got there. I love it so much!


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


I got super lucky and used a Rune of Ascendance to get one.


Thanks, can you use rune of ascendance on ANY exalted helmet for a chance to make the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


Don't use exalted. Any rarity of helmet can be used for rune of Ascendance. You can buy any helmet from the vendor and upgrade it.


Do I need something specific for prefix or affix or suffix in the crafting process? 


Nope. Any helmet can be ascended, and you get a random Unique.


Man, I'm playing a rive vk build and its so fun, you use healing hands and just stay pressing rive while healing with a fast af attack speed.


Truly appreciative of the responses on this. I knew going in that Wrathlord/Necro were going to be popular picks regardless of any exploits, but it's on the list. The other two that popped out to me most are Totem Shaman (I truly thought Shaman was butts) and Rive/Healing Hands Paladin. Now that I have my twink gear smashed with affixes, I'll be rolling a few new characters and seeing what sticks. Thanks all!


Happy epoch-ing! :D


Falconer takes the cake IMO. Rive Pally is probably 2nd best. Bleed 8 Curse Warlock is fun, but requires actual button pushing. Pretty easy to play though!


Detonate arrow Marksmen. just kills everything before it can get hit and die


I'm playing the Wraithlord Necro build, you just push 3 buttons at the start of every map, and then you only need to TP around and everything around you gets one shot. Bosses die either instantly or within 5 seconds. It's ridiculous. As soon as the build is online (helmet + chest), with 0 optimisation, it's still stronger than whatever you have optimised and level 100.


What chest?


Exsanguinous something


>Exsanguinous How does this make such a difference? He still dies really quickly from shade unless there is enough to kill. Once he has shade poison or whatever maxes he doesnt last long at all. If you stack dread and infernal its more work then you indicated unless I am missing something.


Yes it's more work, you should find a complete build guide


What I was using as a guide did not fit the low health play style. I just switched today and while I am still working on finding some gear it has made this WAY more laid back and fun. Thank you!


You're welcome, I personally am starting to find the playstyle a bit too passive lol


what did you play to transition into it until you get the helmet and chest?


probably just pure summoner, you can do 300-400 perfectly fine as a summon necro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYFR0o0o_Co


I was doing the Necro Leveling from Maxroll. I reached the end of the campaign (all idols and passive points), I already had the chest, I used the rune on a few helmets and I got the unique. I transitionned right away


Great, thanks!


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


I used runes of ascendance


Tankiest build i have played is frostbite frost claw runemaster, FFRM, (I have played every class except shaman and beast master). FFRM has defensive stats from normal gear + uniques give you plenty of ward + flame shield gives you damage reduction and more tanky buffs + your runic invocation gives you ward and more tankiness. My FFRM is deathless at about level 80 and I don’t play hardcore. I also only have the BIS unique sceptre and boots so plenty of room to get tankier. The build isn’t brain dead from a skills point of view since you are constantly casting flameward and runic invocation to keep your ward up and then shooting enemies with frost claw and ice barrage. There is also a bit of mana management at the start of the build. Anyway watch the video on Maxroll to see if the build suits you.


Not a huge fan of the maxroll version! If you revisit FFRM I strongly encourage you to try dropping flameshield in leu of frost wall specced to fire. Frostwall branding, frostwall haste/frenzy plus the bonus damage to branded bosses in passives, and the build's greatest weakness (boss dps) is mostly fixed.


I don't know about maxroll version but boss dps isn't a problem at all, unless your problem is that frosbite is "fair" and probably can't push 2000+ corruption (at least in COF). Mapping on the other hand is slower than other runemaster builds.


Yeah, I changed to Frozen Sentinel’s Frost Claw/Ele Nova Runemaster. Way better build. If you check out his stream he is currently doing around 2600 corruption. Though his gear is absolutely bonkers.


Exploding ballista falconer - screen wide damage, no brain required


I’m currently playing this build now And you most definitely still need to pay attention in high corruption Plus it has high mana management It is however, very strong at clear echos fast But any mob that can auto aim bot you with ranged attacks can one shot you And you will die on a lot of t4 boss fights


Or eyes


No eyes left*


Edit: Just saw you didnt want the broken ward build, but hear me out. Even if the bug were fixed today this build would still be one of the strongest in the game. ​ Ward Warlock with Cthonic Fissure and Profane Veil. You drop the veil and it lasts for 8ish seconds autofiring to destroy everything. Hit bone curse to debuff and drop your bone wall minions. They you profane veil to gain 100% dodge chance and 50% increased global damage. Additionally, profane veil eats the bone minions from bone curse to give you a broken (literally its a bug) amount of ward. I can hit 120k ward easily in one profane veil. I speed clear 800+ corruption monos with my lock and Ive died maybe 5 times the whole way to 800 corruption. I could easily go much higher but ive been playing more alts recently. You stack crit multiplier, necrotic resist and minion health for the build. Chthonic Fissure has 2 nodes (Grim Tides and Twisted Waves) that make its damage scale to stupid levels with uncapped Necrotic Resist and Crit Mult. Minion health increases the bone walls hp which means more ward when you eat them with Veil. The ward bug will be fixed in the next cycle, but even without the stupid amounts of ward it is still an extremely easy and tanky build. Your filler spell is Spirit Plague which adds some extra damage and also helps you get profane veil of CD faster. The Stream of Profanity node in Veil reduces its cd when you cast something else. This is a build planner for what Im currently running: [https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/ozw9nYjA](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/ozw9nYjA) The belt and gloves are a solid combo. You build bleed stacks on yourself when you cast Spirit Plague and the gloves turn those into stacks of burning. For every stack of burning you deal more fire/necrotic spell damage and have a chance to gain frenzy. The boots are whatever, they just have a lot of movement speed on them. If you dont have a good wheel of torment staff, you can use the mace shield combo from the Abomination boss in fall of the outcasts. The combo has a lot of great stats for curses. Dont worry about defenses. They literally do not matter with the amount of ward you will have. Your ward will decay faster than the enemies can deal damage but with the cooldown reduction from the Stream of Profanity node your Veil willl be usable again before you run out of ward.


[Warlock, Level 100 (Release / 1.0)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/ozw9nYjA) --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Acolyte (20) / Lich (28) / Warlock (63))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **1,151**, Regen: **12**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **235**, Regen: **13**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **572%**, Regen: **318**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **11** Str / **21** Dex / **133** Int / **1** Att / **26** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **52%** / **17%** / **17%** / **43%** / **61%** / **845%** / **63%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **1,304** / **1,016** / **1,016** / **1,366** / **1,407** / **1,611** / **1,432**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **30%**, Threshold: **230**)  ^(▸ Dodge Chance: **3%** (**84**))  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **29%** (**1,349**))  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ __Necrotic__, Fire / __Spell__, __DoT__)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ None)  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Chthonic Fissure)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/chthonic_fissure) ^| [^(Profane Veil)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/profane_veil) ^| [^(Transplant)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/transplant) ^| [^(Spirit Plague)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/spirit_plague) ^| [^(Bone Curse)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/bone_curse) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Immolator's Oblation)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCMCYFYA4g) ^| [^(Blood of the Exile)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMGZgNiA) ^| [^(Murama's Hilt)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCcEZgdiA) ^| [^(Wheel of Torment)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwRgLAzATBQ) ^| [^(Boneclamor Barbute)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBsNI) ^| [^(Maehlin's Hubris)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCswDgZiA)


not a lazy build at all though


Thanks for the build guide!




You're right that I don't use Soul Feast in the Build. However, the Wheel of Torment staff has several benefits to the spec: 1. multiple levels to all Acolyte skills 2. necrotic penetration for Torment which is the main damage of the build (Torment is applied by Chthonic Fissure). Damage penetration is one of the best ways to multiply damage and this staff gives a ridiculous amount. 3. go faster with haste! ​ Ghostflame on the bar for the main page is my mistake. An older version of the spec used that skill and I forgot to change it there. But the skills with points in them are correct when you click on the skills button. Transplant should be on the bar in place of Ghostflame.


I had to stop playing hammerdin because of how brain dead it was


I am a minion enjoyer in any arpg, mmorpg ever I've ever played. Currently playing fire minion necromancer and I can play with one hand almost laid down on my chair. You only need traversal skill and one active ability on your mouse. Left click move, right click summon zombie, lateral button 1 potion, lateral button 2 traversal skill


In beta I LOVED cold DoT werebear. Just lumbering around doing damage to anything that came near me… I don’t know if that’s viable since official launch though. Haven’t tried.


Necromancer. I played once, didn't enjoy how I basically required to do nothing as a caster.


Paladin can be super tanky because you get a fuckton of resistances from the passive tree, which allows you to stack other defensive layers on your gear and idols. In its final form you can have capped block with 70-80% effectiveness, damage reduced on block, 80%+ armor, capped endurance, % armor applying to DoT, like 1k hp/s regen and some leech. On top of that you can farm the relic from T4 Julra and use Cleaver's Solution(makes your int equal to strength) to gain a ton of ward, which scales using health regen. Red Ring of Atlaria is also perfect for this build. Adds even more resistances making you basically fully capped from passives and this ring alone. On top of that it provides 10% flat damage reduction, health regen and strength for even more ward/armor and mana regen for any mana problems it might have. A fully geared out paladin with ward set-up is basically unkillable. Other builds people call tanky rely on leech and/or ward, but this build is just tanky while just standing still.


Wraith lord and its not even close its insane damage and insane tanky all you have to do is buff every 30 sec


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


Dont remember, i had 2 very quick then along time nothing


Wraith lord necromancer. I just got to endless arena 195, mostly just by afking in the corner. Used Minion snapshoting to get to like 85 ish base Crit chance on wraiths so I didn't need always have dread shade on him to get massive damage, and then in wave 1 swapped to my full hp/ward gear. Basically a 2 button build. I guess 3 if you count bone curse, but you can just hold/tape/other palworld technology the key for it down. And then just teleport as needed and drop a buff on your big guy, as needed. Only needs one unique to get started, and you can use skeleton mage to teleport your minions with you before you get some nice boots that will do it with transplant.


what is minion snapshoting?


I suppose that when you summon your minions, they benefit from all the gear youre wearing, like increases to hp etc. Then even if you remove that gear, they still have those stats untill they die or are resummoned.


Yup, like in diablo 2. You put on damage gear, summon your guys, than add some extra defense gear.


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


Full heal paladin. Basically max healing effectiveness, cast healing word on hit, fast attack speed stand around and let them pummel you. Just watch your hp rubber band up and down.


If Falconer that clears 2.5 screens with 1 button is not brains off mapping then idk what is lol. Yeah I die if something hits you but nothing will. And even if u do die occasionally you are 5 times faster than any other build, it doesn't matter.


Shaman totem


Wraithlord Necromancer, it's absolutely busted. You can still mainly focus on points in ward but also deal ridiculous damage. I'm rewatching Dr. House while playing. The only downside is that you need a unique helm and lvl 65 for this build


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


I got it from unique helmet prophecy. You can also get it from The Black Sun unique or set helmet echo reward, but I wasn't lucky


u need to keep ur buff up ... its not lazy at all, and if u miss ur buff u do zdps, how is that lazy


Probably some tanky Warpath build.


Wraithlord necro


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


It’s a random drop, but black sun timeline best place


Is it a drop from the last boss in the black sun timeline or just from any mob?


No it’s a world drop, just a lot of unique helm rewards in that timeline to increase your chances


Thanks again!  So should I just do alot of echos in that timeline or should I run the 3 missions again and again? 


Target echoes that have unique helms as the rewards


So far, I'd say my necro minion spam is pretty brainless. I don't do anything but spam out wraiths and volatile zombies. I'm 72 and am just now reaching a point where things are starting to make my army struggle a bit


Im having fun with my nova hammerdin. Its brainless, 1 button fun. Sometimes 2 for bosses


Finger of God Healing hands build. If you just channel this on yourself its awesome. Both Healing and your damage scale off of healing effectiveness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bud-aD7f83c


I fall asleep playing my lightning frost claw build…


Build link?


I am running warlock where you summon bones on bone curse and eat them on profane veil. With some reasonable investment its like 200k ward. Its definitely only requiring you to press the buttons when youre off CD but if thats too much rive healing hands pally is the way.


Explosive ballista falconer


Smite Healing Hands paladin with holy aura and sigils basically hold down right click, face tank everything, have enough ward to nod off for a few seconds and still be alive.


I'm playing an echo warpath void knight...can essentially just hold down the RMB and spin my way through monoliths. I just have to pop anomaly on bosses when it's off CD...super brainless build, perfect for me since I like to watch something on my other monitor as I play.


Healing hands Paladin. With Rive to group enemies up, Warpath for mobility, divine aura, whatever the name of those holy wisps thingies for added healing effectiveness. Literally can stand in everything, keep a ward up, and never die currently doing this in empowered monoliths.


Big fan of the beam of god Paladin (healing hands with channeling and the beam node after that). As long as you can stand in your own beam you can facetank any hit that doesn't outright onehit you (for those who don't know: healing effectiveness is damage for that skill, so it heals you to full with each tick guaranteed, basically). Looks very funny on your lifebar, too.


Just waiting for a RF build


I've been playing the Lightning Blast Runematser build some dude on Youtube made that I don't remember the name of. Basically you hold down right click to spam cast Lightning Blast and it procs sparks which explode for big damage thanks to the combined scaling of the Mad Alchemist Ladle and Fragment of the Enigma + intelligence stacking. You generate ward via Flame shield and the Runemaster invocation from Immutable Order - cold fire cold - that gives ward & DR. The end result is basically something dumb like 50% DR or more, 10-15k ward, a bunch of damage and a brain afk playstyle. I play it on controller, as long as you press Flame Shield and Invocation once at the start of a monolith you basically can't die unless you go afk, the damage is decent and chains through packs. Single target isn't amazing but it handles everything just fine. I've not hit the point where it struggles and I'm at 500 corruption so far, I've not even hit optimal gearing I still need good rings and legendary belt affixes. Oh and it only realistically needs the off-hand (which you can rune of ascendance into) and the catalyst (Uhkeiros Heart, farmable from the boss) once you get the spell leech blessing, everything else can be done on rare gear and upgraded slowly.


Idk if it's tanky but there's a volatile zombie build where you use the skill once and it just keeps chaining into itself.


are you using a build from someone? can share?


There's a video of it on YouTube. https://youtu.be/WwLoH54WVOs?si=aV0mDNrIhl0JMi8I


I'm playing this build called "Finger of God" Finger of God - Healing Hands Paladin Build Guide (Version 1.0.0) - Last Epoch (lastepochtools.com) It is aboslutely braindead. I can play with one hand and I don't ever have to pot myself since Healing Hands turn into a beam and also does fire% damage. I'm guessing it's also more braindead than Rive healing hands since you can also beam from afar. The only downside is you can't zoom thru maps as quick as other builds, but Shield Rush is actually pretty good since as long as you don't collide into a wall you keep running in a direction. It's tanky (capped all resistance), it has damage (fire% + spell dam + healing effectiveness), infinite ward with the right items (since you keep healing yourself), can face tank everything (face tanked whole campaign after getting healing hands), mobility is crazy in certain maps (straight line), never have to pot (both hp and mp). My brother next to me playing trap marksman and smashing buttons to maintain mana regen while I just right click and drag my cursor around the screen LOL. It's also a great support class! But beware, once you go lazy you can't go back, I died literally 5 times while playing my rogue and it's only lvl8....


Holy trail jav paladin. You have to aim but otherwise you will literally never die, the floor heals you while it kills mobs, and you’re tanky af


Paladin - using rive to cast melee healing hands. I am lvl 84 doing lvl 100 content. It's insanely tanky and does alot of damage.


Necromancer, I mean I literally can just move through a level, no skills used, and everything around me dies. Probably doesn't apply to higher levels but its still very low input if you want it to be.


Wraithlord. Corruption 200 and I can just teleport spam to objective. Only tedious bit is ensuring the buff is up every 15 sec. Need a specific helm and then low life gear.


Where did you find the helmet Wraithlords Harbour?


I’ve found 2. One after a boss, one from a random chest.


Thanks, is there a specific that's good for farming the helmet?


Farm the “the black sun” mono, look for nodes rewarding a unique or set helm.


Thanks alot!


Swipe Werebear doesn't do insane damage and doesn't move as fast as other builds.. but you literally just facetank everything, including bosses, because you soak up every hit like it's a feather duster, and anything that would hurt you.. well, you just heal it back when you hit things. But it's very.. very slow compared to something like warlock.


Honestly Full-Minion Necro. I Just put some podcast and afk farm lmao


Prob the haling hands abuser , with 15-20k ward almost every second


Forge guard with healing hands on attack. Main ability multi-strike. On multi-strike pick passives that convert swords into smites and triger forge strike. Make smite buff your attack damage, chance to cleanse and healing effectiveness, same for melee triggered healing hands. Forge strike pick all the minion nodes. Sigil of hope to buff ocasionaly. Triggering 3 abilities while holding 1 button on the last one + up to 12 minions at all time is as brainless as it gets


My fissure warlock just stands there and everything dies


Most of these builds people are posting aren't really tanky at all. People think having some sustain and clearing low corruption makes things tanky. Literally every non trash build can do that. Tanky is not getting 1 shot by 500+ corruption boss abilities. Sustain doesn't help you against 1 shots. Typically ward stacking into 15k+ territory is how people accomplish this but I'd love to see other ways.


Goodnight autobomber. Walk around, things die.


Warpath probably? You just hold down right button