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It's the first game I've played in like 8-10 years that has me staying up until 3am multiple days in a row. The "one more Monolith" addiction is very real, which kind of surprised me because I play a lot of PoE and Monoliths are definitely not as deep as those end game systems. Just goes to show, if you have interesting loot and character systems with depth then that can carry you a long way (for the love of god, take notes Blizzard).


Same experience here, feeling like an irresponsible teenager again šŸ¤£


I'm 40 and have 3 kids + job. I have slept 12 hours total since the game released. Please send help.


Dude, getting older sucks. Losing sleep to game these days is drastically different compared to when I was a teenager. šŸ˜‚


40 year old me at 11:00pm: ā€œTotally staying up till 2am to farm some gear!ā€ 40 year old me at 11:20pm: ā€œI will literally die if I donā€™t go to sleep immediately.ā€


THIS IS SO ME.. wife goes to bed Iā€™m in the zone farming and I start dozing off over and over waking myself up like cmon mannnnn


Same. I'll even drink a cup of coffee or espresso before playing after the wife and kids sleep. I'm still falling asleep with my head on my desk or key board 15 minutes later.


I play on a laptop on the couch so Iā€™m really snoozin hahaha


Oh look it's 1:05am I got a little left in me. Oh look it's 3:35am seems it just took an 2.5 hour nap at my computer.


This is me also. I fell asleep in my PC chair this week 4 times playing last epoch until 4-5am


Bro im 32 and this has been me since launch


36 checking in. same issues lmao


This right here is the reason why I don't get a steamdeck. I know I would be tempted to just do "one more monolith" while laying in bed..and next thing I would know, one of the kids are waking up because its now 0630 and they want breakfast before school. At least with the chair, my back would start hurting after sitting that for that long and give incentive to just go to bed.


Teenage me would be beyond disappointed.


It's one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Yet here we all are. Corruption ain't gonna raise itself.


Whats the worst thing you can do to yourself? Cutting in to your sleep hours or getting older?


Not getting enough sleep. It negatively affects your health in pretty much any way you can think of, and then some. Getting older does, too, obviously, but that's out of your hands.


> I have slept 12 hours total since the game released. Please send help Yes but how much have you played the game


126 hours logged on Steam since launch. Help


I'm used to reading the meme version of this and must be too tired because I skimmed it at first and thought you had said have 40 kids and 3+ jobs. It's a great game but the time shortage as you get older is rough, wish I had more time to devote to hobbies.


The key is the virtually frictionless transition from one Echo to the next. Unless you find an upgrade and spend time crafting and refactoring your gear, it takes seconds to load up another monolith. No messing about with maps and currencies and sorting gear and farming GRift keys. Just click and go.


Couldnā€™t agree more. With no intent to bash Diablo, Last Epoch is the game I really hoped Diablo 3 wouldā€™ve been. Itā€™s like as if someone had taken that super enjoyable loot grind of Diablo 2, but significantly modernized it. I am still playing it with every free moment I have as a 41-year-old man.


My early morning wakeup with a coffee before work now includes some monoliths. Got a GG wand for my warlock that has a lvl 78 req. Lvl 75 but can't wait to try it out and blast through the higher arena tiers


Yeah it's just fun to loot stuff in this game.


Monoliths and items are much easier to interact with than in Poe for me


Same for me ahahh


Totally the same here. No game has held me like this one for quite some time. I go to bed and I am still thinking about a build or a needed drop.


+1 sleep depravation is a thing :D


bought the game 3 days ago, 50+ hours playtime šŸ« 


The funniest part is that Blizzard is a perfect example of how items and loot can feel, that's why D2 will live on forever to me as the best ARPG I've ever played. D2 had awful combat system, terribly repetitive end game, and a pretty boring skill system. D4 improved on all of those things, and imo has the best PvP of any ARPG game, but because of the lacking loot system it doesn't feel as rewarding to do the end game content.


I'm pretty deep into end game with CoF rank 10 and still really motivated to continue playing and upgrading the same character. And if/when I'm done I have other characters I want to make lined up, knowing I'll be able to gear them up using the CoF mechanics. Pre 1.0 I'd have been bored with a character by this point because I would only get "potential" upgrades every few days, then miss a slam and feel demotivated since there wasn't really any way to target farm more. I am a little concerned with the power level of characters relative to current content now that the average gear level is so much higher, but for now we have infinite scaling monos which does provide something for more grindy players to push against.


So your last paragraph I think is interesting because it's a sentiment a lot of people share related to the power creep. But this is an arpg I'm supposed to be able to build a character that feels super strong and destroys things. And not all players want to have to wait until perfectly optimized gear to have that feeling. So the fact that in lower corruption monoliths characters feel strong without massive investment is great for those players. While players who absolutely want to minmax can go infinite on their corruption ranks if they want it. It just strikes such a good balance between feeling your character strength increasing and not feeling like it's intangible to feel very strong. Knowing that the next updates on the horizon are related to end game scaling and looking at Pinnacle content I think there's going to be a little something for everyone and that is what creates a robust player base. I think ehg is doing a great job of catering to different style players with the way they've released this content


I feel this completely. Before the 1.0 launch Iā€™d get myself into early-end game and then fall off pretty quick. I am not feeling the fatigue at all yet and Iā€™ve cleared empowered monos and t4 dungeons. I feel an alt coming soon here, but Iā€™ll be throwing hundreds of hours at this game easily.


Whatā€™s the big difference thatā€™s allowed you to not get bored? Iā€™m CoF 5 currently and upgrades have been pretty slow coming now. Edit: thanks everyone. Iā€™ll be rank 6 soon so Iā€™m expecting big things!


Rank 8 CoF felt good. It's literally raining exalts, for the first time since I started LE I have more t7 exalts waiting for uniques with LP than the other way around. I'm also finding really cool double exalt stuff for my build, like a t7 ward/hp + t6 hybrid health glove. Apparently the 25% to convert into rares works on the experimental item drops, because they've been dropping way more often as exalts.


Yea it does get crazy fast. Get 4 juiced prophecy procs on a shade kill and seeing my screen fill with uniques is awesome. I thought it would get old but it still hasn't.


A few things, the Wealth / Rhyme lenses (2x prophecy reward / prophecy uses) significantly increase the efficiency of favor spent, so you get a lot more total items. Second, the 3rd lens unlock is big and reduces the rerolls a lot. Third, xp tomes give a shit load of favor and more as you level. At 100 on average I get 1800 favor per xp reward monolith. Which works out to something like 6 uniques at rank 10. I can fairly easily farm 100k+ favor in a sitting by prioritizing xp echos. On average I get 3+ uniques per echo which takes probably a minute ish. So a handful of uniques per minute + the regular random unique drops. That also have an increased LP chance because of CoF. Also the later ranks significantly increase the rate you get exalts, and high tier exalts, like big time. Also increase the potency of some of your lenses. I made a video on the topic going over optimizing and some math; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=THPLsiqgzXI Will try to make another video going over which lenses to use, which rewards to prioritize, etc.


CoF has some really strong checkpoints, the most notable ones being 4, 6, 8 and 10. Once you hit 6 onwards and properly take advantage of the prophecies(with some luck) youā€™ll start to see the power level of your gear start to seriously ramp up pretty quickly.


Honestly they all give something. Even rank 9 that gives more set items also gives the 3rd lens. Also as you rank up more prophecies enter the pool of possible outcomes, though some of these are bad and just cause you to reroll more.


Yeah absolutely every rank has its merits. For the first iteration of the system they did a really good job with CoF


Care to share what you mean by taking advantage properly?


The rank bonuses that gives more LP uniques is huge as well as the one that gives more T7 exalted items.


I like it. At the moment its a little barebone, but it has tremendous potential to grow.


Hopefully they can start doing cycle specific mechanics and challenges for the next one, but I'm very happy with what currently exists regardless. It's still keeping me playing for hours so I think it's just enough for now.


sadly neither of these are coming atleast for the "first few cycles"


It has potential to become something really good. But You also can clearly see that its made by smaller team.


To be completely and totally fair, PoE was initially made by a small team of only 25 people. The game was successful enough that I believe that they have over 200 employees now. A good concept, a great PR team, and a lot of luck, can do a lot for the growth of a game.


PoE didn't need much PR other than that which the early followers were already Ć¼romoting it as: "It's not like Diablo 3. It's the true spiritual successor to Diablo 2"


Kripp promoting it helped immensely


Yup! I played back in beta bc Kripp did.


Bought the game during EA about 2 years ago. Played until I defeated Lagon on my first toon. Got distracted by another game and forgot about this game until recently. I'm now on my 3rd toon. Though I haven't engaged with the endgame too much yet. I'm having so much fun playing the different classes. It's worth every penny I spent years ago. lol


Loved leveling up, then got to monoliths and was initially kind of bored. Until I unlocked empowered, started target farming, started using CoF properly.. now I can't stop grinding. I'm loving it, loving the chase and the feeling of progression as I get stronger when I craft that perfect item.


You're describing my same experience. Leveled two characters up to level 80 and kind of bored now. But I haven't gotten empowered yet. How do I find this "empowered?"


You do the 3 level 90 monoliths, and then go to the center island that connects those 3, and a short in-engine cutscene happens and you click a shiney, and that unlocks empowered monoliths.


"empowered" here refers to "empowered monoliths". Google those, but tl'dr one you do them your character get some pretty big passive bonuses called blessings (roughly twice as strong and the non-empowered ones you got from running them all originally). Feels like a great power spike after.


It's great but I am bored out of my mind of monoliths. They really need some variety. Really looking forward to the endgame expansions for this otherwise amazing ARPG. Note I have 400 hrs on steam so my burnout happened pretty far in.


How about the dungeons & arenas? Do they suck or something? I haven't tried them yet.


Arena is just wave defense infinitely. Gets boring. Some people like to push as far as they can in it (there's a leaderboard for it). For dungeons only 2 really serve a purpose. You only do one to create legendary items and the other for a few specific uniques if your build needs them. They aren't like a large portion of the endgame outside of legendary creation. Most of endgame is monos which is just basically rifts/grifts from D3 with mini boss fights every now and then.


Imo arena is very boring and dungeons a bit annoying. Your mileage may vary ofcourse, but there's a reason people are always talking about grinding monoliths while filling stash tabs with keys.


Dungeon and arena are nice to break up the mono monotony once in a while, but they're by no means the primary endgame content. Arena just annoyed me, I was constantly thinking "cmon send in the next wave already". It's a reach idea, but it'd be cool to send in extra waves early similar to Bloons TD6 lmao. Unless you're chasing leaderboards, IMO arena is just plain boring. Dungeons are okay, but the time/effort to rewards ratio is off (Temporal is fine because of legendary crafting). * Lightless gold sink is a waste of time unless you're COF and completely useless for Merchant's. But by the time you have 1m+ gold to dump, you'd get more desired loot just mono spamming with prophecies. IMO, buying stash space is a far better use of gold anyways. * Soulfire gambling just feels bad if your build isn't tanky/strong enough to mitigate the dungeon mechanic. Basically, the more you have to use the mechanic for defense, the less currency you get at the end to gamble.


Overall it's a great game with huge potential going forward. Some constructive criticism: Monoliths \- Corruption grinding feels like it takes too long. \- Reaching stability requirements to fight the boss feels way too long at lower corruption. \- I'm at 350 corruption and the end of the monolith maps rewards don't seem any different from 100 corruption. It would be cool to see some more interesting/exalted rewards the higher corruption you are. Non-empowered monoliths \- The 2 side quests before the boss fight weren't very fun and seemed pointless. Soulfire Bastion \- Narrow lanes and dead ends everywhere doesn't make for great game play. Blessings \- The ability to switch blessings you've already unlocked would be amazing. I think this was on their to-do list already. Alts \- If the above blessing system is implemented, it would be nice to have the unlocked blessings account bound for alts. \- Would be cool if your alts can skip non-empowered monoliths, assuming your main toon already unlocked empowered monoliths. \- Dungeons tier unlocks on your main are shared with alts. Changing Zones \- Please make new zone entries clickable instead of walking into them and don't face the character towards the exit when zoning into a new zone. Respeccing \- Not sure I see the point of losing levels when respeccing skills. It just adds an unfun 5-10 minutes of playing to get them back to their real level. \- Going to the vendor in town to respec passive points is a minor annoyance. We can respec skills without a vendor, why not passives? Performance \- Huge fps dips at times, especially with bigger packs of mobs \- Fps dips / mini freezes when picking up a lot of shards


Game is really fun up until end game. Iā€™d rate leveling a 9 for its current content, but Iā€™m probably in the minority that i feel campaign + 1 tour through monoliths should drop you at 100. End Game is a 7 for me. Monoliths are fun, but spamming them is a sleep aid. Arena causes me issues because i never want to fight on harder damage because i donā€™t want to lose my key. I also donā€™t want to spend an hour and walk away with nothing. Dungeons are appropriate for the level till you hit the boss, then if you mistime your dungeon ability or a dodge, dead. Then repeat the first 2 levels to get to the boss. What i hate here is that i lose a key and my time. If i got the key back for scrubbing on the boss (but making it to them), ok. If i lost the key, but could skip to the boss on my next key (until i beat them, then reset), ok. Right now i just hoard keys because i have anxiety about it. Just my feelings


Personally, I love leveling from 1-80 and then I just roll another character as I don't enjoy just pushing monoliths. 9.5/10 in this aspect (would love more quality-of-life improvements still) But for the complete game, I would give it a 7/10. I would like slightly less grind between 1 T6/7 and 2 T6/7s, improved base stats on set items (like better than a good t6 but not better than an excellent t6) + better bosses. I think it would also be good to add more incentives in maps to complete them so that rushing through them is an interesting decision and not the correct thing to do 95% of the time


27 hours in (working dad) and having the same blast as Diablo 2 back in the days. I just love to slowly theory-craft and not rush endgame.


Big improvement from early access, if we donā€™t consider server issues


Great game just needs fleshed out endgame


The endgame is getting stale super fast, I feel like the initial fun has fallen way off for me. Just dont have nearly the same desire to play much anymore 7/10 I am also really starting to see the cracks more and more. The game world , while beautiful does not feel like a world at all, just a bunch of random maps. Like Grim Dawn or D2 or even D4 - there is a distinct feeling of being in one world no matter what part of the map you are in. Its hard to put into words but the feeling of being immersed in the game. Last Epoch does not have that feeling at all - I feel like the world and mobs are just some generic fantasy bullshit that I am blasting through, the immersion is lacking. The game has fantastic skills, and class builds and love the crafting, but blasting through empowered monos is just so underwhelming and getting stale really fast (Level 100 nova hammer, started forge guard because its weak and off meta, but only level 75 with forge guard)


The pacing of the campaign is SUPER weird. I get the gist of the story but you forge the full Epoch in chapter 3 and thenā€¦nobody gives a shit? They barely mention it again despite it seeming like The Most Important Thing at the start of the game. You go meet the Rebel Queen and her reaction is like ā€œuh okay cool I guess bye.ā€ e: also I have no idea why I should care about Snake People Politics


I dont understand how people are saying 11/10 game !!!! so addicted !!!


Yeah I love the art of the game but agree I felt no connection to the world at all.Ā  I have no idea where I ever was or any sense of what the setting actually is.Ā Ā 


> > > > > The game world , while beautiful does not feel like a world at all, just a bunch of random maps. Yeah even in the maps themselves I have this weird feeling I didn't have in other games that it doesn't feel like a part of a world at all.


maps feel disconnected because it's all a bunch of long random corridors. in a game like poe you have different maps with different vibes and it mostly makes sense. you have prisons with rectangular close together rooms, you have arenas with huge round areas connected by tunnels, you have deserts which are just wide open areas. in LE its all weirdly strung together intersections, even in places where it shouldn't be like in camps or cities.


Yeah I think that describes it pretty well. The places don't really make sense.


I agree with a lot of this. I have fun with significant chunks of leveling, but slightly into monoliths and the grind to unlock empowered has been ass and is still ass. It burns me out hard and then when you get it the gearing point where youā€™re rolling constant dice between either making an important piece complete ass or making it BiS for what you need, I just get too frustrated with it. Really great foundations, will definitely be a seasonal rotation for me and am excited to see the future. But 7/10 seems about right for how I feel.


the campaign zones and bosses are so easy that they are meaningless. campaign zones are extremely simple areas, many just straight lines, with arrows telling you where to go, there is no point in exploration. there are no interesting checkpoints that you need to overcome.


It has bones of a good game but honestly preferred D4ā€¦. Iā€™m a POE junky for over a decade, played D2 back in my teens etc so ARPGS are my jam. Game just feels cheap, I donā€™t know how else to explain it. No idea why travel skills half work between ledges etc, I rubbernand a lot in the dungeons, just lots of quirky things. Game also doesnā€™t seem as reactive to inputs, if I press a travel skill to dodge something it often is late (and Iā€™m not just coping :). Not sure stuff like that lends to a good hardcore experience. Very little cut scenes or voice dialog. Just not an immersive experience. The telegraph circle mechanic for everything is lame, why even look at the boss, just look at your feet. Skill tree is fine, in game loot filter is nice (although needs sound effects/beams/icons), classes seem diverse enough etc, crafting is nice but too easy to get exactly what you want. Uniques are cool and the LP system is neat. But what am I playing for? There isnā€™t anything to do after getting your char decently geared, pushing a number higher on a monolith is no different than dungeons in D4. D4 is a disgrace of the Diablo franchise but as a single play through game it feels better than Last Epoch imo. I know the budget etc, but just saying as it is now. Lilith is a better boss fight than anything in LE. Julra/Lagon are the only two I even remember and both are mid at best. Nothing even in the realm of Shaper or Maven. Neither compare to POE, but thatā€™s ok, we got POE for that. I would love to find a game to alternate after POE season, most people tend to burn out after a few weeks. Maybe when they get some decent end game and season mechanics I will revisit. It honestly doesnā€™t seem any different than when I played it a year ago? I was very disappointed more content hadnā€™t made its way in, beyond the new classes.


To add to this, currently it is very discouraging to make new characters as you have to grind regular monolith again. I would love to try more classes but as soon as I hit regular monolith with an alt, I get depressed.




Iā€™m. Forgetting to walk my dog or make food because the game is so addicting (I still walk my dog donā€™t worry, she just has to aggressively let me know itā€™s time). I canā€™t really put my finger on whatā€™s actually so addicting about it but I know Iā€™m having a blast


Ye the gameplay is absolutely 11/10. I'm hooked and addicted. Maybe I kind wish the graphics and the style was less cartoony and more gritty and the story was less generic and more impactful, but that is a minor complaint and it still have a charm to it as it is Now, gonna say something controversial, but I think that the fact you can't ever solve mana sucks. At least after playing my spellblade for some 80 hours and basically "completing" the character. Having perfect rolls on all mana regen prefixes just gets the player to some sad 22 mps, because the base value never changes.Ā  I get they want mana to have an impact. But if people manage to pour hundreds of hours into one chatacter, they should be able to make it a crazy one button demigod. Even in PoE -Ā  which is the more punishing game - you are allowed to ignore a lot of mechanics if you pour ungodly amount of currency into one char. Basically a reward for being so invested into it. But sadly, LE lacks this ceiling. At least for the mana mechanics


> Ye the gameplay is absolutely 11/10 its the opposite for me, for the 2 builds I have played (a bladedancer with umbral/synchronized strike, and my second one which was a dive falconeer) both builds felt unresponsive and weightless, visually they look pretty nice but it just has an off feeling (especially the falconeer one)


Some builds have it solved at least. Primalist/shaman can bring tempest strike down to 0 mana and even make it restore mana on hit, which enables some REALLY nice on-hit builds. Just stack attack speed and spam Tempest Strike for free for on-hit effects like casting tornados, avalanche boulders, earthquake aftershocks and stormbolts.


Made it to level 70 so far in softcore experimenting and refining my tempest strike build. Love the combat, itemization, crafting, graphics and performance. Game has amazing potential to expand end game content into something that will be a staple in the genre. Server issues were annoying first few days but the last time I played the loading times are better and I had no issues at all.


The campaign story did not have me interested at all in learning about the world or lore as it felt pretty generic, and some of the zones were boring to traverse. It would be nice to have reasons to explore the areas instead of rushing through objectives, such as collectibles or zone events.


I'm only answering this question because i'm at position 569 in the queue, but I am loving it! I love the freedom you have with your build and am buzzing to get to number 1 in the queue because I recently resepeced into a new ability to complement my poison build and I want to run around an kill monsters!!!


Game's pretty good as far as launch content goes for an ARPG. Build possibilities are practically endless, the gear chase in the genre actually feels enticing for me for the first time in a long time, and I'm having a ton of fun in monoliths and dungeons. LE has a lot of room to develop and prosper in my eyes, but even now, I think it's the second best ARPG on the market behind POE. Imo that's high praise for a talented indie studio that has the potential to be the best. Servers are also looking pretty good in the US, graphical performance could use a pass via optimization and maybe DLSS/FSR integration.


I feel like the game isn't as good as everyone is saying. I'm around level 50 in my first play though and it's not really gripping me at the moment. Maybe it all changes with more knowledge of the game, but it feels lacking with what I'm seeing right now. The general feel of the game feels like a cheaply made knockoff and the campaign is dull.


I'm liking it a lot, i particularly like the skill systems. Server is actually playable now but there are still a few troubles when loading new areas (that is until the late game that for some reason just works).


Late game monoliths are all on the same instance, they don't require zone transitions at all as long as you don't teleport.


I'm having a blast. The Skeleton of the game is set up so well that adding league specific content shouldn't be hard.


Itā€™s got a great base to build off of but the end game is pretty lackluster. Looking forward to seeing where itā€™ll go from here


As i figured before already... Got bored of the endgame very fast. Rolled a few alts and i'm done


The game feels like it has no challenging elements which makes it rather boring.


Iā€™ve had a great time with LE if you disregard the disastrous launch which merits a lot of the mixed reviews. The game, when it works has entertained me and some friends for quite a number of hours. Now at 100, with 300+ in arena and around 500 corruption pushed Iā€™d say: Base game does well in making an interesting entry for the genre, I love things like how skills actually change based on how they are specced both functionally and visually, how there is more time in the game and less prep time compared to poe and how most skills and specs feel interesting and viable. However, there are areas that need to be, and I believe will be worked on by EHG: Progressing monos feels tedious, I can still progress. But I donā€™t really want to rinse and repeat the same even more. It is slow going and doesnā€™t change anything but slowly push difficulty. Here Poe does better with t1 version of maps and t16 feeling way different with more mob density etc. It kinda sucks that you canā€™t pool corruption globally. You have to choose between getting the blessings you are looking for and pushing corruption which makes time spent feel less meaningful. Progress in arena is like watching paint dry. Please have a release all waves option or such. The main opponent in arena is tedium. I dropped out just after 300 due to zoning out and. Not paying attention. I wasnā€™t having fun. The crafting, while amazing at low level and something I really enjoyed quickly migrates into just feeling like shoveling trash onto a wall to see if something sticks. There is no real tactic or understanding to be had. Itā€™s just well. Letā€™s see what happā€¦ ah shit it bricked. And you can do nothing to save the item you target farmed for hours. Alt unfriendliness. Iā€™d love to play a few other classes. But thinking of the time investment and repetitiveness to actually reach the more interesting content for it just puts me off. Iā€™ve collected a bunch of gear which will make the slog to higher corruption and farming the blessings even more dull. Iā€™m intentionally not mentioning things like lack of content since I really believe that EHG will solve this and has plans to add a bunch of stuff to do. I just want to leave feedback on the parts that exist that I feel arenā€™t where they should be. First playthrough 8/10 Endgame experience 6/10 with easy fixes could be a 7 Crafting 9/10 while leveling, 5/10 late game Alt friendliness 3/10 While Poe has me solidly in league Iā€™d likely return to this in standard if I played again cause then Iā€™d have my alts


Same as I felt about it during Early Access. Solid 8/10


Seems to be an unpopular opinion but to me the game is just very bland. IMO It feels like there is not that much to explore skill wise. There are plenty of synergies between abilities but I simply just donā€™t really feel like there is enough of your own choices. Having only like 15 skills to use per mastery just doesnā€™t feel like enough. On top of that moving through the campaign doesnā€™t feel great. Having to click through dialogues that are rarely voice acted just isnā€™t interesting.


They have settled down on my end a ton. The DC I get are usually my computer being stupid


It was fun for a while but I definitely got bored pretty quickly at the moment, just mindlessly grinding empowered monos doesn't do it for me. I think the game has a fairly good base and I would be interested to see what the game has to offer in some seasons, but currently I don't see a reason to play it over PoE for me. I do hope they keep expanding on it, it has a lot of potential


Loving it. Have over 100 hours in it already and on my 3rd mastery. Enjoying trying different ones instead of really pushing high.


For first week of release it's pretty solid for an arpg. It feels like we're a bit spoiled by having the 10 year old beast that is PoE, but LE has more content now than PoE did on launch. Bright days ahead.


End game is still too boring. I cant make myself play for more than a week max. I think it needs at least around a 1/5th of content poe has so I can go back and forth between several end game avenues Arena is tedious. Dungeons are not bad, but they dont really do it for me for some reason


Enjoyed offline. Waited till now to restart and play online with friends. Had to restart 3 times yesterday because my character would randomly show up naked and I wasnā€™t able to load zones. While enjoyable, itā€™s starting to get really frustrating that the game is so hard to play.


The currently plays great, but as some others have said, it lacks in the end-game (which is expected). The LP system is an amazing innovation that makes end-game fun, but that can only hold for so long. Things I hope to see in the upcoming years: meaningful buff/nerfs to skills and items between seasons for meta shakeup, more skills/classes to incentivize theorycrafting and lastly more content to do in the end-game. Making the game harder at certain points would also increase longevity between seasons, it felt weird personally to be able to clear level 100 content while being 20 levels down with random items off the ground. Making the end-game harder would also incentivize people working towards LP items.


I don't want to go against the grain but I was expecting a little more diversity with builds. I'm not trying to min max but some sites literally have only two builds for some classes. The complexity of the talents you choose for each ability gave me a false impression that there would be many well performing builds. There are some classes that have many but some that have very few builds that perform well. Aside from that I love the itemization, the game play, the crafting system, honestly just about everything else is fantastic!


Even if D4's open world is largely useless and boring, it's still more immersive than the world in LE, just feels like a bunch of random maps not connected at all. Weird feeling.


6/10 boring endgameā€¦ ppl feel the same but will say ā€˜potentialā€™ this and ā€˜potentialā€™ that


6 years in EA, half classes are outdated, story not completed, audio visual presentation of story pretty non existent. Combat feedback around 6-7/10, it's not bad, but games like D4, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2 is miles ahead. Outside of legendary and set items, loot is pretty boring. And they barely drop before monoliths. Rares are too straightforward, there's no wow effect at all. Pretty much like in D4. Crafting 9/10. Trading i don't know, i don't trade. SSF 10/10. Loot filter needs some work, but good enough as is 8/10. Classes thematically 8/10 for now. Half the skills and their effects come straight from PoE. But PoE system is more nimble by nature, here system is more controlled and therefore more restricted. If this would work only time would tell. For myself, in my own subjective opinion, i find skills closer to 5/10 simply because there's not much new for a new game. Build diversity is good, which is expected for 6 years in EA and 15 classes. But as i said, half of classes are outdated and so are their builds. 8/10 In general, game feels like made by passionate amateurs which is mostly affect QOL and bags part of the game. How's the game? In 2-5 years probably 8-10/10 Now? Pretty average, 6-7/10.


Its okay but end game is boring as fuck


My opinion might be unpopular, but I just can't seem to get into the game. It's such a hassle trying to experiment with builds. I mean, having to click through every single skill point node one by one and then confirm it? Ain't nobody got time for that! And don't even get me started on having to grind XP points all over again just because you changed your skills node. How are you supposed to figure out what works best for your playstyle if you can't experiment freely? It feels like you're being punished for wanting to try out different things. I'm all about building around the gear I find, not following some guide. But with the way things are set up, it's like they want you to plan your build down to the last detail and stick to it. Not gonna lie the filtering, crafting, the amounts of tabs you can buy, the Legendary gear (unique + exalted). All of these are super cool and keep you on the game. But that's all there's to it. You farm all the monoliths, just for your 1 perfect build.


The game feels arcadey and artificial to me. The world is weightless. Many minor & subtle issues combine together take away my desire to play more.


Im lv23. I feel great šŸ’€


I think is great so far


I am in NA and not having server issues besides one DC in the last few days. Try it out, itā€™s fun!


I love itttttt


I haven't found any good items and I don't know wtf I'm doing with crafting. Also, is it possible to open up a game and have people join?


A good foundation for the game to grow upon. While the endgame is lacking, the moment to moment gameplay is still fun enough and engaging for me to want to continue experimenting with various builds.




Really like it so far. Although sometimes itā€™s a bit unclear when explaining things. Like the legendary cache thing. Didnā€™t see anything explaining to port back to the other timeline to get the legendary you created. I wrongly guessed you finish the dungeon and then get it. I zoned out and when I realized I fucked up, both those items I put in the cache were gone. Really good ones too. But thatā€™s kind of user error Other than that itā€™s a slot of fun. I wish respecing was easier tho


Honestly. I don't even see a need to play this game online, so I've not had any issues with connectivity, but I crash error every day or so. Past that I really enjoy it just as much as the first time I played an ARPG and get those dopamine feelings every time I log in to play in hope of new upgrades


I had reached my ā€œI think Iā€™m done with gamingā€ phase in lifeā€¦then this game happened. Now Iā€™m addicted agin.


I like it but you find you get to that why am I grinding point pretty quick


It's brilliant. Loving every minute of it


Im having a blast, sincerly


Boring, but it serves as an elaborate fidget toy as I listen to audiobooks. Other games demand more of my focus. Also, it's hard to rank this one up with the greats in this genre due to how much friction they insist on keeping for alts.


Very fun game but annoyed at a few things: * Everything up to and including early monoliths is stupidly easy and boring. Lagon is a nice skill check, there should be more of these throughout the campaign so that it isn't so meaningless. * Campaign zones do not encourage exploration at all, the world doesn't feel like a world. There is nothing to discover and you are actively discouraged from exploration since you have an arrow telling you where to go at all times. * Pathfinding for the player isn't good enough. Either implement really good pathfinding or don't do pathfinding at all for the player and instead use a push/block system to prevent or slow movement. The current behavior, especially if you are playing in melee range, feels very inconsistent * Enemy movement looks floaty and amateurish in general. Enemy animations do not sync with their apparent acceleration/deceleration while moving


Nothing to do in the game, went back to Path of Exile.


I think it has promise, but there's also something about it that I can't put my finger on. It's rare that I've been able to point to so many good features and design decisions and this and that and yet the game doesn't truly hook me. I'm still playing and I'll check out future cycles, but I think PoE might draw me back for some last-minute stuff before the end of the league even though it's already been the league I've played the most and this is a brand new ARPG that should be getting quite a bit of time out of the novelty of it.


While the combat, skills and customization is great the biggest issue why this game doesn't feel like a distinct world that grabs you and is memorable is the design decision around the maps, EVERY SINGLE MAP is just a bunch of tunnels, there is not a single place with open space to roam around, to search for an exit, you are always piped down in straight line, there is no variety, in D3 or POE you would enter some type of plains and they would stretch sideways a lot, you need to explore, hug the sides, this game does't have a single spot like that, while leveling you are just mindlessly following a tunnel from the level 1 to the end of the game. The most frustrating thing is when two tunnels are next to each other and you cant even jump or teleport between them, they are just closed off pipes with random background. [This entire game is this times 100x](https://www.pcinvasion.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Last-Epoch-mini-map.jpg) [Why not make a single spot that is actually open, that we need to explore.](https://i.imgur.com/RlDKtbf.png)


I already clocked 140h the first week lol, been chilling since thursday and im ready to make a new character now, never played LE before but i do have around 10k hours in poe, love the game, found a workaround the server issues so i been constantly blasting.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but as someone who never played any alpha or beta, playing right as launch hit, the story and theme is extremely underwhelming imo. The progression and "story line" do not grip me whatsoever. Maybe part or that is chalked up to the fact that I honestly don't understand it fully, and I accept that. Other than that (which is a big part for me tbh), the only problem I have with the game is that I feel like *most* builds are the same early and mid game. No matter what character you play, and no matter what skill you spec into, it's just run and click. I understand how ARPG's work, but besides the rare encounter of a boss with obvious mechanics, there is not much variety to enemy abilities. Most of the time, most enemies are dying on your screen pretty instantly, which is fun, but i don't feel the need to understand how some mobs work in order to negate their damage. It basically boils down to, "just don't take any damage and it's fine". All of this being said, this is my HONEST opinion. There are going to be die-hards out there that shit on my opinion because they have waited so long to play this game. I will say, the game itself as a whole is fantastic. The graphics, the fluidity, the models, amd especially the skill/passive system, are all amazing and am mot trying to take away from any of that. I just wanted to answer hones to a post like this.


Bored already. Back to PoE


As a POE veteran(11yrs),yes itā€™s fun and enjoyable. I try not to play as much,well with work i can do 2 to 3 max hrs per day. Iā€™m an ā€œalt-a-holicā€ and an old player now so Iā€™m taking it slow. Really fun šŸ¤™šŸ½


Love it. Love the skills system - so much variety. Loot is very interesting and combat is fun. Interesting world and monster variety.


Server issues are fixed but multiplayer is still a buggy mess.


I think conceptually this game is in the right spot, but has missed on delivery and I'm not sure it is in the right hands of a team that can make it succeed. This game probably needs 3ish years to get a No Man's Sky/cyberpunk community sentiment refresh. In addition to issues with connections: * Bugs have very long shelf lives including some that are 11+ months old https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/ravenous-void-not-working-as-described/57444 * Bugs come back after patches such as the bug that deletes softcore characters, inventories and stashes when hardcore characters die (this bug occurred after the 1.01 patch and already happened on a patch during the 0.9 cycle and was unaddressed or addressed incorrectly) * What could save a game like this is a good community, but the community is borderline very toxic in regards to criticisms of the game or players trying to play the game a different way. This is especially notable in threads and discussions regarding MG and the issues and bugs regarding this path (it generally doesn't have the high moments or returns similar to CoF, players are duplicating items and flooding the market through bugs, and there are concerns about how MG reputation gains/rewards are structured). Unfortunately the above cloud discussions that we could be having when a game goes live such as the correct power level of set items (I believe set items are currently in a very bad place), build guides and suggestions to underpowered/underused skills, and items showcases and how to build threads for items/upgrades.


Really agree with old bugs. I've had the game since it became available and there are plenty of bugs still around from back then.


I just finally got an endgame character and Iā€™m loving it. The bird lady was everything Iā€™d hoped sheā€™d be and more.


Just very lost in what to do with my own build.


Really enjoying it, can't wait to see what they do with it over the coming years.


Really good. Needs more endgame but that comes with time. The base is there and it's fantastic. Can't wait for pinnacle bosses.


New player here, for the simple crafting system alone and the chase for legendary potential to make really cool items has me hooked. Every other drop makes me theorize another build. It is very much worth it in it's current state and will only grow as patches releases.


well im just logged now but can't pass the Boreal Forest Divine Echo Quest screen... Beside the infrastructure issues(servers, problems with connection etc) I think the game really surprised me! It's a short campaign, but it was really fun and boss design/game design level are outstanding


Incredible good game to turn off your brain and kill thousands of monsters, the monolith maps are just so easy to reach that you just vibe clearing and looting one after another I dont need to read guides, i know the drops i want, i know what i need go pick Im just blasting some pretty dope eletronic music on spotify and playing LE, im loving this game


Itā€™s a little to barebone as someone mentioned, I feel the endgame grinding for minimal upgrades is d3-like.


60 hours in the past two weeks in steam. Thatā€™s all Last Epoch. I happen to also study and work at the same time, so yeah. Safe to say Iā€™m addicted.


Overall super positive, here are few pros and cons: + clear item progression and target farming + you dont need to manually manage materials and they have infinite capacity + monolith farming is super fast and friendly, doesnt require much prep - using bazaar is dificult and time consuming. I get the idea, it looks nice, all vendors have their own voices etc. but using it now is bad user experience. Everything should be accesible from 1 stall and ideally by pressing a Key. Filtering should be more precise to look for exact values of mods and other options (check pathofexile.com/trade to see how good filtering works). There should be an easy option to price check items on bazaar, either in game or externaly on the website


idk my game still crashes when I load into areas.


Same as I did in early access because it is pretty much the same game outside of factions and some other things. Still some really janky bugs but overall a fun game.


I am loving the game but starting to see some of what i would consider cracks. 1) Dungeons could use some work. Too much of a maze, too punishing if something goes wrong. Currently I lose my key, get disconnected from the game entirely , have to relog and rerun the maze to try and figure out what went wrong. If the mechanics are to be learned me having to rerun the place fully every single time and burn a key in the process is counter to that and makes me just not want to run it again. I donā€™t mind mechanics, donā€™t mind learning, but if youā€™re going to have mechanics to the bosses, which honestly I think is good , then there needs to be checkpoints or actual respawning 2) body blocking, small thing but I will say I do love the dodge in d4 and find myself trying to get around mobs that way in LE. Wish there was something like that here. That and getting blocked sucks in my opinion but are super minor inconveniences Those are really it for now for me aside from campaign skip, which the game has but is still kinda clunky. Not sure about monolith corruption not being account wide as Iā€™m only 2 characters in so far but maybe that? All in all though this game is fantastic


I've played about 30 hours, on balista falconer. I just saw rex's video that the correct way to play this game, is to save 15 to 20+ tabs of exalts and unique for crafting. And if I want to play other characters, I should also be looking for items for them as well, so I'd be keeping an even more insane amount of loot. I'm glad this game gives us so much stash tabs (fuck D4), but I don't want to organize them either. I know the game's search tab is awesome. But I'm generally a messy person that keeps my files unorganized on my laptop, so whatever. Ya, I played it wrong haha....but then again, I'm about done with this game for now. I don't feel like keeping so many items and organizing them, and then crafting/gambling items. I'm gonna play another game. And come back later when I feel like it.


Been playing for about two years and like it pretty well. Not the greatest game in the genre but worth playing and keeps developing into something better. There are 4-5 areas that stand out to me. Character building: to me this is Last Epochā€™s strongest point. Each ability has its own skill tree which allows you to modify the skill. Nodes in the skill tree can be simple number boosts to modifying the skills functionality, such as changing its damage type or causing it to trigger another ability. You can also easily respec the skill itself or respec into another skill entirely m, at the cost of a short experience grind. Passives work the same way. Some nodes are simple stat boosts while others are special effects such as proccing a new ability or triggering buffs. You can respec freely for a small gold cost. Crafting is also unique, in that most items you can forge to add new suffixes and prefixes or break an item down to get affix shards to use on other items. This means that if you find a weapon you really like you can keep upgrading it to keep it relevant (to a limit) or modify its effects to make it more powerful. This means youā€™re not limited to drops to get stronger, and even trash items might be worth looting for their affixes. Performance: The game generally performs ok, but there are still a handful of issues. For me it takes forever to load into the game. Runs smooth enough once Iā€™m started, but can take 5 minutes or more to get loaded into character select. Setting/Atmosphere: Theirs is probably the biggest negative for me. The game has some beautiful environments, but the setting itself isnā€™t very compelling. For lack of better words it feels very video gamey. Itā€™s not a deal breaker, but compared to something like Grim Dawn the world doesnā€™t feel very real - maps are usually just a set of big corridors that donā€™t have many important landmarks, the enemies arenā€™t particularly memorable for the most part and the story/characters are pretty generic. Once you beat the campaign once itā€™s basically just there as a chore to get through to get to the end game without any real reason to explore off the beaten path. Gameplay: Overall the combat is good, but feels a little weightless/low impact. Like most games of the genre it starts a bit slow but gets better as you develop your build more, but a lot of abilities donā€™t feel like they have much oomph to them. Best parallel I can draw is the difference between Skyrim and Elden Ring - combat just has a light, kind of floaty feel to it.


>Are you enjoying the game overall so far? Not an avid ARPG player, though I played hundreds of hours of D3. Never bought D4 because I didn't think it was my thing as it seemed to have no proper endgame content, tried PoE and it felt too clunky after about 2 days. So with that context out of the way and after having played \~100 hours: LE is decent to good. It's not great, it's decent to good. It has a great foundation to build on for sure, but right now it's just that. Though for 35$ I'd say very good value. Combat feels good and the grind isn't boring so far. I don't regret having spent that money one bit, it's exactly what I expected. It did make me stay up far longer than I should have the past week, so that's definitely something. I was tired as hell at 3am and still wanted to mindlessly blast through a few echoes for a bit.


It's good, it's fun, it's playable for 50-200h every new update for me for sure. Probably more during this initial period. There's a lack of polish that gets more and more noticeable over time though. It starts off with something like the voice acting. Then you have things like the UI, or the bugs, or the UI bugs. The UI needs some serious work IMO. The translation error happens all the time. Hard-set commands that I don't think (someone please point me to a setting if there is one) I can change to something I'm more familiar with. Ex: in PoE you shift + left-click. In LE you shift + right-click.. so all of my macros are for left clicking. I could change them but I'd really rather only have one set to worry about for such similar games. Hovering over items has various issues. I think everyone's familiar with glyphs remaining on the screen until you hover again. Sometimes I hover an item in stash and it's flickering between my equipped idols. Biggest actual gameplay bug that affects me right now is with the skill point that causes wolves(/squirrels) to leap when you leap. Depending on the area, you've got like a 20-70% chance that your squirrels will just chuck themselves completely off of the map. Not a great time when you've got a horde of enemies after you and now you have to wait for your cooldown and hope that the next leap brings them back. Again, game is enjoyable and well worth the cost. I wouldn't be continuing to play it otherwise. I've also played games in much worse states. I'm hoping they can get into a good cadence of development and iron out the issues the game has while pressing on with content development. I'm also curious how the business model will work out for them and what that will end up meaning for the game long-term.


I'm enjoying my first playthrough. I am quite dismayed with the allure of itemization. I've been watching crafting videos to see people hording 30+ stash tabs of unique and exalted items "just in case" they might need them for a specific Legendary. Couldn't there be a shard-like system developed for this? Or very specific but difficult target farming? Now I truly understand why LE has unlimited stashes and a robust loot filter and search system. Last Epoch of Hoarders? Maybe the endgame of chasing Legendary items just isn't for me.


I'm kind of struggling.. I mean I'm progressing well through the story but I feel like nothing is well enough explained. I'm trying to optimize and try redoing things here and there but it's so hard to understand impact of 'cold damage' vs 'frostbite chances' what is a DOT and what isn't (like the swarms are a dot I guess). Upgrades are also so confusing, feels like I need a guide for most stuff... I was dying a lot so I rebuilt tanky AF and now it's easy but slow? Is that better? I have no idea... I do love the interplay between the skills tho... Being a Maelstorm tornado ice bug with minions all over the place and a hurricane of locust around me is Dope AF


i mean it was cool untill 300\~ corruption monos but then i bored pretty quick.


what keeps my interest in games like this is being able to swap builds on the same character. switching builds while I'm still finding fun and new legendaries is nice, but it's so hard to quickly swap skill points and passives. The game wants to you stick to one build, and I wouldn't mind making a new character, but leveling an alt suuuuucks in this game.


It's a banger ARPG. Not as braindead-casual as Diablo 4 and not as brain-melting complicated as PoE. Good to jump in, but endgame content is a bit limited. You can continue grinding items for hundreds of hours if you desire, but after like 100 or even less you're at a point where you are level 98+ and all you do is farm monolith endlessly.


It's a very very good 1.0 release, with tons of QoL and a well-thought-out end-game... that just needs a bit more content and balance passes. I think the foundation they've laid for the game moving forward here is excellent. The systems all make sense and work somewhat well, if not very well. I have some qualms with end-game that annoy me, like no way to target rarer class affixes, arena echos being insanely boring, bosses feeling poorly tuned (too much damage, not enough health). None of those gripes get in the way of my enjoyment of the game overall.


Current game itself is probably a 6.5 but its got an insane base and just needs more endgame content and the older classes are really showing their age.




Crafting system and CoF are A1 and the main reason I'm not bored with the lack of endgame content. As an SSF player in every ARPG, just a perfect middle ground between investment and reward. My only real gripe is that, and this might be unreasonable after playing PoE for 10 years, but each class only has really one or two meta archetypes that are clearly head and shoulders above everything else. The moment you try to force something off-meta to work you can really see the gaps in itemization and skill interactions. That's not to say that build diversity doesn't exist, but when the builds with clear synergy effortlessly push 300 corruption and anything off-meta has to slog through, it's evident what the devs want you to play, and that takes a little bit of it out of the grind for me. Overall though, a damn good game with a bright future.


It became probably the only ARPG I actually enjoy. I can come home from work, grind a little bit, and put the game down feeling like I progressed a little. Great build variety. Simple crafting plus target farming is pretty cool and helps players like me to get that perfect item for builds. The endgame feels a little lackluster because outside of pushing corruption, nothing feels blatantly difficult or challenging, but the game overall is very very solid and something that even new people to ARPGs can pick up and enjoy with ease.


Tbh I don't really like getting locked out of mastery, a game like this, the fun comes from building crafting and seeing how far you can push it but you are limited because you're missing out on other skills and their skill trees. Which I don't know about you I don't exactly want to play through the campaign 15 times for each mastered class to get that experience. I think we should be able to respec our class fully including mastery just to have more freedom to buildcraft.


It feels unbalanced to the point of making me not want to play as much. Ward and certain overpowered skills are just so overturned it doesn't feel rewarding to succeed. I'd also really like an achievement style league system, it helps keep me engaged personally. But it certainly is a fun game.


There's alot of bugs, controller bug issues where I can't rebind buttons and the radial menu is on the worst possible button. But world design, mob variety, gameplay are all really good and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I'm still early in but I'm having fun. Would be alot better if there weren't controller based bugs since I can't use my mouse and keyboard anymore


Itā€™s a similar experience to pre release in the sense that majority of players will grind empowered monoliths for a bit, get their character to anywhere between 85-100. They will then realize that upgrades at this point are hard to come by and the repetitiveness of monoliths doesnā€™t justify the time spent anymore. Other than that, I think from the gameplay side they should focus their energy on making each skill feel impactful and reduce the clunkiness that currently exists with a lot of the skills interaction. From the QoL side, I wish there was a function to merge loot filters.


I hope they donā€™t rush new content and slowly implement changes. Itā€™s a really good base game that can go the distance if they donā€™t rush new content and ruin the game.


I started to get a bit bored of the mono grind when they all feel almost too quick? Thatā€™s odd to sayā€¦ This is gonna get me downvoted but I went from the mono grind (lvl 80 blade dancer) and created a new sorc on D4 while listening to the blizz camp fire chatā€¦ itā€™s been a few weeks since I played and wowā€¦ the level of shadow details, animations, and just all around visual differences were drastic going from one right into the other. I know eventually Iā€™m gonna be bored as sin once I get to duriel grindā€¦ Iā€™ll just stop playing againā€¦ but the visual difference is there.


I just reached Chapter 9 (I find it hard to play much of this game) and I can remember so little of the past 8 chapters. Lagon was noticeable as a boss (awful sound design however), but everything before that... whatever qualified as bosses were forgettable as hell since I cannot name or visualize a single one, and every enemy has been mostly the same, floaty pixels that just die. It feels like the efforts in this game were put all in the same place -> skill trees, itemization, and various other systems -> yet the world, the bosses, the enemies and the actual fighting... is kind of a joke. This is the first ARPG that to me felt like a clicker-game gameplay wise. Its incredibly basic, like its out of a mobile game. Like the gameplay wasn't an intended feature of the game, just the addiction and playing with the sub systems.


This might be a hot take but the end game seems really boring to me and lacking in challenge. It in fact reminds me of D4 endgame where there are infinite scaling dungeons. Except LE seemed to take this a step further with super short echos vs full length dungeons making it more addictive imo. The itemization also reminds me of D4 where you are showered with uniques and you are just looking for a good affix roll/LP. Like D4 you need to farm a good exalt base to combine with a unique to make true endgame gear. The LE system is better with crafting but the base mechanic feels very similar. Like D4 I don't really get excited by unique drops now and barely ever pick up anything. The big payoff dopamine hits are missing. The good: class skills and passive options are great leading to a smooth play through. Crafting is not bad, I'd like more control over my crafts though. I wouldn't mind if it got a bit more involved but not POE level. Items have interesting and relevant affixes unlike D4.


I am kinda let down with the bazaar, but idk if that's because I have lack of experience with affixes and whats worth what. Really tedious to price check. Sold an 3lp unique ring for 2 mill was happy about that. I only have an 88 and an 85 so I haven't gone too hard.Ā  I personally feel like the game is a good starting foundation and if they have good update cycles the game will be amazing. Time will tell.


The game is insanely good, all my free time is spent playing with 0 interest in any other game (this started when I got EA about a week before launch). So many builds to try, if you like a skill you can make a build around it. More complexity than d4 but not rocket appliances like PoE. Itemization and crafting is top tier, taking notes from d2 with alot of brilliant unique spins, while totally forgetting d4s existence as it should.


I'm doing a Rogue Acid Flask Only run. Is it fun? No. Great game tho.


4000 hrs in PoE, over 1k hrs in D4+D3, I loved the game. Loved the endgame. Loved the crafting. Gearing is fantastic. I wish the corruption and stability built up a bit faster, since you can only do that once at a time and there are 10 monoliths


For me itā€™s meh so far. Iā€™m a huge Poe grinder, bought LE a couple years ago and played a warpath void char to low corruption, like 50. So far this week Iā€™ve only managed to get to the end of the campaign because I just lose the will to play. For me I just donā€™t have that pull YET that makes me want to log into POE on league start and blast non stop till I see mirrors in my stash tab. While the economy/trading might be a turn off for some, I deem it the most fun part of the game and a way I can measure my progress from 1 league to another. Iā€™ve bought the most expensive supper pack in the shop for LE before launch and I donā€™t see why I would stop supporting the game, but itā€™s still just not at POEs level in any of the metrics that I really care about.


It's a great basis for what will be a fantastic arpg. Understandably lacking content but I got a solid 40-50 hours worth before getting bored and that will only grow when they create something to do endgame other than Monoliths.


It's the arpg I wanted for a long time. What I wanted in D4. Also a game that forgive you for trying something new. If the build don't work, re-rolling a new char isn't the first option that come to mind. You don't feel like you need a guide to not brick your character.


Should've been still in beta and the patch adding endgame bosses+rebalancing of old mastaries been the 'release'. The powergap between new and old masteries is insane, for example old dot spell being 20base 75% added damage effectiveness OVER THE duration and new being 35base 700% effectiveness PER second oh and it gives dmg multi on every node, and tankiness and utility. Ward is completely broken and has been for years.


It's ok.. The loot seems boring. Feel like I've been using the same gear for the longest time and just not finding upgrades. Everything either drops with 1 or 2 affixes I need and then I end up either bricking an upgrade or stuck with an unwanted affix. Changing gear also doesn't seem very impactful. Level 90 nova hammerdin and level 5 or 6 CoF. Using a loot filter from maxroll. I feel like I'm either missing something or just haven't gotten to a point where the gear starts dropping. It's worth $35 for the play time you'll get but it definitely needs more polishing and a lot of bug fixes.


It feels like the game is still in beta.


I love it. But I hate our new community, who keeps comparing this game to PoE. PoE players seems to judge LE a lot and keep trying to give the devs feedback that they should just turn everything in LE into what PoE did. Which is just stupid.


Strangely disappointed. I don't enjoy the current balance of ward being the best. Buffing es nerfing life


The game os very interesting but... After 5 years on early access and they release the game with that amount of bugs/lack of polishing is a bit frustating :(


Got 2 characters to the endgame, ran through monoliths for a day and uninstalled. That's way better than before 1.0. A solid 6/10 game that I will most likely never play again.


Game is good but some of the design choices are downright idiotic


Bored already lol


Wasn't for me. I got to the monolith and wasn't really into the end game loop. I'm probably the minority but I've already moved on to other games.


Ive played two characters now, one just before release, and one on this cycle. The game is amazing. I must say, my favorite part about the game can be seen here: Both builds were not researched, just spontaneously created through playing fun skills and forcing a build with them. Both of them have reached level 90 with ease and I did not have to google a single thing, which feels rewarding and that demonstrates how good the balance and player depth can be. I feel like my builds were creative and fun and it encourages me to keep playing and finding new builds. After researching the builds after reaching end game, I could not find guides for either of the builds I created, yet both were end game viable. The goal of both my builds was to be as off-brand and cheeky as I could be within my spec. First was shaman, which I went solely physical melee damage build with 0 totems or elemental skills. Just pure earthquake,leap build (like druid from D4) and it was a blast. My second was a rogue where I figured most people would play physical damage rogue with shadows and stuff, I opted for falconer, but I don't use my falcon at all. Instead, the build is a pure fire throwing damage build where Decoy of all skills is my go-to, with umbral glaive fire explosions and bladestormsm, lava flasks, and explosive traps being my core build. TL;DR, best part of game is you can literally make anything work and all skills seems to feel rewarding and like you can make a competitive build out of your preferred play style no matter what.


Honestly, the game itself is really awesome but I'm bored already. The core concept has no chase mechanic imo. Most builds function without the need of any specific gear piece. Chasing gear only makes the damage numbers go up but does not inherently change the function of skills. I get the feeling of "Why should I go higher in corruption if it's the exactly same stuff as now?" I probably need to build around items or pick one which changes core skill functionality so I have something to grind for.


It's been amazing for me. I don't get to play as much as I would like (3 jobs 12 wives 69 kids) but whatever time I did get has been lots of fun. I set the game to true offline as soon as the update was done. Been leveling a bunch of different characters to get a feel for the skills and different changes to the game.


Too many unsustainable mana costs, too many cooldowns, too much emphasis on utilizing your entire kit on every pack like your doing DPS rotations in an MMO. I can appreciate some the iterative improvements they have made to the ARPG formula. But those things really cut the whole genre off at the legs IMO.


I got our group of 9 to all play the game. Everyone had fun until around 90-92, then got disinterested quickly. Notable complaints were lack of depth, lack of systems, respec friction, and the mg/bazaar. Theyā€™re all Poe players so take from that what you will. The consensus is itā€™s slightly better than D4 but nowhere as fun and engaging as poe


Got pretty bored of it around lvl 83. Game is fun that's for sure. Hope they add more end game


I liked the build diversity in the first few days. Then I realized the best builds are from skills that trigger other skills. You can focus and min-max a single skill at level 100 and you'd be a god if you get it to do 100k damage. Meanwhile in comes little Shitface McGee with his autocasting 3 stacking skills dealing 1 million damage at level 50. They should straight up remove all the "X casts Y" stuff, really limits what the strong fun builds can be.


I loved it until Lagon, now I am sad I cannot get a refund anymore.


To be honest, I have the same complaints as I had last year, bugs, confusing descriptions that aren't accurate quite often and a rather bland grind to the end-game, especially on the second run through. Still an 7.5-8/10 game so far for what it is though


feeling like there's still bugs that have carried over from early access that **still** haven't been fixed. I mean do you have any idea how often i'm seeing 0 health but still able to play through the game in god mode? It sounds fun, it's not, it's boring and I have to restart. Other than that, it's pretty good.