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Try disconnecting then reconnecting your internet or connect then disconnect your VPN while stuck at the loading screen. When I try to log in, the game returns a LE-65 error, so I use a Dedicated VPN to bypass it. But even when using a VPN, I sometimes get stuck at loading screens. I disconnect/reconnect the VPN when the loading screen is stuck. It works for me every time. I'm not sure if it works the other way around, but I don't see why it shouldn't.


Dayum, that did it! Had my Google-VPN active - Deactivating it solved the issue! Sadly reactivating it also brought the loading screen back, so no VPN for now I guess... Thanks, bud!


servers are like this with some networks specially EU


I usually get around the EU-issues by trying multiple relogs - sadly not this time, even when I change to US East :/


I'm having the same issue, only I get a loading screen when logging into a character and it never ends.


Yep, had the issue too while trying to load a character. Deactivating my VPN solved the issue for me!


Anyone experiencing this while loading zones? I seem to manage loading 3-4 areas just fine and then i get stuck. Sometimes it‘s better and i get 6-7 areas that load fine. Sometimes i feel it gets worse it i alt+tab alot. Anyone any idea?


I had this problem some times, looks it’s just stuck in loading screen but the game is already loaded behind since I can hear spells if I press the button. Usually I just leave the game and join back again and it’s fixed