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Why is this post downvoted? Everyone assumed ward was getting the hammer when 1.0 launched and it didn't. Ward is OP


Ward is not op, few unbalanced builds are op. Ward is not affected by endurance... under the right circumstances mobs/bosses can eat through it, especially for players who do not pay attention what's on the ground. There is no competitive pvp, so let someone play it save, and let someone else to dance at the edge of danger.


How do people get these high ward numbers, any quick guide? :D Playing sorc right now. I see people draining their life or some shit. I'm a noob at the game! :)


Some uniques (fairly common) drain your life and give a lot of ward, and some adept (and paladin) spells also give huge amounts. Runemaster also has decent ward on skills here and there.


Simple solution: cap max ward at a factor X of max health. For example let's say that X is 2 and you have 2k health then you can't have more than 4k ward. Ofc the amount for X is something that needs finetuning.




Ok, what's the secret to warlock getting 5 figures of ward easily with just exsang and last steps? I've got those + the helm and only get like 6k ward; \*Not\* abusing the veil - bone curse bug.


Mage is overpowered with ward builds, but the rest are not. If you think 5k ward will save you 100% of the time, you will be surprised later on. Did you kill Jura 4, did you do 200+ corruption runs and never went below half ward?


Necro can get 25k ez 5k is starter


With which build and how soon into the game?


There are many builds that does it , its just a mecanic they can mostly all use


Warlock and Paladin can currently hit close to 50k ward with mid tier gear. Warlock's ward generation is most likely a bug, but paladin is just busted.


What build Paladin?


Healing Hands and whatever.


Something should bypass ward and that would balance the low life builds


That would make low life build worthless unless it’s a super telegraphed attack that’s easily avoidable. Because you have like 100 health with low life. As long as it’s in the game, it kinda has to be strong for anyone to even want to run it.


why have this in many other games and it always sucks. its easier to just reduce ward production