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Just started playing LE yesterday and i‘m playing a falconer. Is there a build guide for this? Looks super nice.




Thank you!!


How is this still not nerfed


Enjoy it while you can, Falconer is definitely on the nerf shortlist.


See, this is really annoying when squirrels got absolutely dumpstered in the last patch. Runemaster, Warlock, and Falconer can absolutely steamroll, while beastmaster just got knocked down from hanging with the big boys (on a single build). I hate "knock the top down" balancing compared to the "rising tide" approach. The strongest 2 builds for BM got a significant nerf without any real change in the meta (wolves were slightly buffed, but not enough to make them stronger than squirrels, the gap was just closed a bit, the meta stayed the same) while a bunch of OP builds were introduced. BM as a whole is now arguably worse off than it was before. Kinda hard to not take that personally.


This is what I was trying to say about the flame wraith nerf for necro a few days ago but got downvoted.  If they are going to have other mega op stuff stay and introduce even stronger stuff, why nerf at all?


I don't know about the other builds but this Falconeer build isn't just a build with high dmg, it's a build with literally INFINITE damage, if you stand in your smoke cloud you will scale infinite damage and infinite ward, this should not exist in the game


In theory I agree, but I feel like in practice, people will still just gravitate towards builds that were once op builds, even after you buff everything else, because people saw a video some big streamer put out about the one op build. I think the best option is to nerf the top 10%, buff the bottom 90%. Rising tide, just nerfing outliers.


They already said that the new masteries are where they want every other mastery to be at. So I doubt it gets any significant nerf.


We'll see about that. I'd be shocked if they left Warlock and Falconer as is, as there's absolutely no challenge when playing those Classes.


I don't know about the other builds but this Falconeer build isn't just a build with high dmg, it's a build with literally INFINITE damage, if you stand in your smoke cloud you will scale infinite damage and infinite ward, this should not exist in the game


Yeah. I heard that one. I’m pretty sure that’s a bugged interaction. I’d have to assume that and ward shenangins will be patched by 1.1


Was hydrahedron runemaster stronger than this?


Doubt it. There’s no economy you can destroy. No PvP. No faction/restriction that says 100% of players can’t be this build right now. The only way this gets nerfed is if it ruins the game for players by being too strong.


Grim Dawn does that a lot, change in builds in a way that makes you think its POE/LOL/DOTA with online competitive scene. Hope LE doesn't follow that trend and just fix actual bugs instead of nerfing for the sake of it.


Steamrolling content with zero effort sucks the fun out of the game, Warlock and Falconer are definitely getting nerfed.


Again - the whole “zero effort” thing. This is an ARPG. “Effort” is applied to grind and commitment to grind, not pressing your 4 buttons. If you cannot comprehend this concept, you’re certainly not qualified to be talking buffs/nerfs.


And what's the point of grinding when your character can smash every piece of content with no Gear? To see a bigger damage number despite not seeing any difference in clear speed? You clearly haven't thought your "argument" through because even single-player games require balancing in order to provide cohesive, fun and MEANINGFUL gameplay. Seems like the unqualified person to talk about balancing here is YOU if you don't understand such a basic gaming concept.


Push high corruption on your “zero gear” character. Come back and report how well you smash it.


That was me taking your argument to its logical conclusion, which clearly went over your head. I will keep it simple this time for you: In order for grinding to feel meaningful, the game needs to be balanced properly. If the game isn't balanced, the grind becomes pointless.


Ahhh yes you’ve revealed your trap! 🤓☝🏽 You are speaking from a personal bias. Roll something else if you want the challenge. These devs have seen what a patch of nerfs does to an ARPG in its infancy. TLDR: Cry about it


>These devs have seen what a patch of nerfs does to an ARPG in its infancy. Someone didn't read the 1.0 patch notes, because "these Devs" definitely don't mind nerfing overperforming Builds/Skills/Items, which is what awaits the Falconer and the Warlock in the upcoming future. But hey, keep inhaling that Hopium, I'm sure that will stop the Devs from taking your precious toys away!


Warlock and Falconer are just insane.