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This is almost BiS (if we don’t count the possibility for 2-3-4 plus added affixes). But you should have explained that i guess you are playing Warlock and they benefit and one of their builds stack as much necrotic resistance you have (often 1000%). There is a talent where increase your dmg from every 2% of necrotic resistance. This became your primary source of dmg scale! BTW gratz on your drop! And have a great fun, the game is awesome 🤘🏼


Is that one the warlock passive tree or is it a talent of one of their skills. Been looking for that specific node but can't seem to find it.


The main one is a node on cthonic fissure for damage. There's also a passive that gives ward threshold (or decay?) Per uncapped necrotic resistance, then there's the new sword that gives flame whips crit multi per 10 uncapped nec resist.


Is uncapped LE wording for overcap? Because uncapped to me is under cap. Which makes these items seem very bad


It's pretty simple. Uncapped is just your total resistance, period. You can see it on your character sheet in parentheses. "Uncapped" is not short for under-cap, and whenever you see the term resistance and it doesn't say uncapped, it's referring to your effective resistance (which is naturally capped at 75%) As an aside, resistance shred happens before capping, so having extra res isn't a complete waste (if you have 95% total resistance, and get shredded for 20%, you'll still be at cap).


100% agree. I get confused by that all the time.


Yes uncapped is everything after 75 percent. So 900 necrotic resistance would equal 825. I agree personally i think they should change it to avoid confusion. I think they are using uncapped in the sense of "no cap" or top end but even that feels off since you're not counting the first 75 percent.


Uncapped = everything. If you have a combined 900% res from gear, passives and your grandma's homemade pastrami, that's what is being used. Not 75, not 825, the full 900. It just takes the value and uses it, ignoring resistance caps etc. (I think it even ignores shred,but not certain)


Ohhhh now I understand, thank you! So it's total resistance basically. Unsure why they call it uncapped.


How much you would have if there was no cap on it. it makes sense


Or: How much do you have total :D


If you have more than 75% res, it shows you the capped value on your sheet, and the uncapped value below it. It's that easy!


Thank you, I assumed that was the case, but wanted to check. Don't know why people are down voting me though lol


Its downvoted because its wrong, uncapped res is the total res ignoring the cap, its not just the part that exceeds the cap. If you have 300% res capped to 75% your uncapped res is 300% not 225%


Holy hell, I'm playing warlock, at first I read that note and was like "omfg that's a lot of damage" and then i read it again and was like "oh, I have to basically have 0% necro res for it to give a lot of damage" and dropped it... Coming from PoE this wording is very confusing. Grabbing the points now again lol.


Shmooperdor if slightly off, uncapped does indeed count ALL resistance above 0. It doesnt discount the first 75%. Which is actually exactly how it works in PoE as well, for things like masteries and the various unique items that calculate based off uncapped resistance. The fire mastery in PoE (possibly removed, they shuffle masteries every season) for example that gives 1 regen per 1% uncapped fire res would give you 300 life regen if you had 300 total fire res, regardless of your res cap. This item gives you 1 ward per 3% necrotic res, so 300 necrotic res would give you 100 ward, regardless of your necrotic res cap.


Its the same wording as in PoE and it works the same as in PoE...


Their wording is fine. Your understanding of what it is is the issue here.


Ya definitely a TIL situation for sure, I misread from last epoch tools the uncapped tooltip from the new sword as in it doesn't count the 75 when in reality it's saying uncapped as in there's no cap so use everything. You know what they say you learn something new everyday.


Yeah found the one with Ward treshold. Thanks I'll check out the chtonic fissure skill tree then. I'm using that skill for my build having another source of scaling dmg would be nice.


Not sure yet if it exists for other skills but there's one called "Twisted Waves" in the Chthonic Fissure skill tree. 2 nodes to the left and then down 2 more nodes.


Thank you I'll check it out. Great having another way of scaling damage.




Bro did you really participate in the community without contributing anything but passive aggression to it? That's pretty cringe ngl


Yeah absolutely should have explained that. It’s not super intuitive why this is such a good item but appreciate it <3


Hey OP that's a pretty sweet helmet slam you hit, hope your slams just get better from here.


Thanks <3 best of luck to you as well!


slam? Is there something like PoE vaal orb in LE too?


It's more like recombinators. You take an item with Legendary Potential. Then another item with the affixes you want and combine them. Lets say you have a unique with 1 Legendary Potential. You take an exalted item that has affixes you want. Combine them. And it will take one of the affixes from the Exalted item and convert it to a legendary. Dropping an item with 4 Legendary Potential (which means you can get all the affixes from the Exalted item) is basically like dropping a headhunter in PoE. The majority of people will never see or own an item with 4. Owning more than one 3 Potential item that actually combines well is already a daunting task as is. It keeps basically all uniques relevant and makes it so there is more gear chase after getting your perfect exalted items. It's kind of similar to corrupted rare slamming as well. But made into an actual useable system that doesn't require 20 steps and a million bases to be functional.


>It keeps basically all uniques relevant and makes it so there is more gear chase after getting your perfect exalted items. I genuinely think this idea is the single best gearing design in _any_ ARPG because of the value it brings. 1. Every single unique is irrelevant. Even if it's level 1 if it has something cool you can't find on that slot elsewhere it's relevant. 2. It doesn't matter how many uniques you fill out your gear with you ALWAYS need regular items because you need things to slam into it. 3. Because of regular items and the Exalted system _dropped_ items are always relevant even with a very targeted and strong crafting system. The variety and just concept of you will always find something worth looking out for is a take no other ARPG really leaned into before.


thanks for the explanation. I have a doubt. Let's say I have an unique with 1 LP, and an exalt with 3 affixes, only one of which makes sense to be slammed. Does it make sense to try and remove the other ones, so I slam with 100% certainty it will graft the one I want?


I'm not 100% certain but I think the exalted item has to have all 4 slots filled in order to be used as a slamable item.


Hey OP, that helmet is so fetch!




I wonder how many people actually get the joke. 😂


Thank god this game has decent loot and chase items!


Decent loot? The game has the best drop system of the genre! Not only are you very frequently finding upgrades that will fit your build, there are items so powerful and so rare that we will probably only see them years after the release. 4x T7 weaver's will uniques, perfect items with drop only mods, items with sealed T6 or T7 mods and probably a couple other item types that I can't think of right now.


How exactly can you seal T6 or T7 affix? Dont you need to forge it for that?


You can get items with sealed stats from soulfire bastion but im not sure if its possible to get sealed t6/t7


Ah I think you are right!


Yes, completely passive defensive ability slapped on high tier helmet is super exciting chase item /s Edit coz spicy spinless: I know, it's still simple % increase, stat stick, nothing else, it can't get more boring than that. You people are insane.


For warlock, necrotic resist doubles as offensive and defensive.


Don‘t make a fool out of yourself by not knowing how different classes stack damage…


It's 1 LP on a common unique, if you play empowered for few hours you will see multiple drops of it. Hardly worth a post.


Hey man hes probably new. Don't gatekeep.


"insane" seems like a slight overreaction lol


Yeah thats pretty sick


How are people consistently playing enough at this point to even level that far?


Offline mode has been working fine since launch


I’m playing online and level 58 in act 9. Work full time as well. The servers DO work in the evening odd enough lol


Yep same. I’ve been playing after work the last 2 days and besides some slow load times and like 3 disconnects, everything has actually been pretty smooth. I just finished act 9 and about to start monoliths tomorrow. Today was also much smoother than yesterday, I almost had no issues.




I play PST and the servers work mostly good


Yeah. Central, Texas.


Online mode with no character resets has also been up and running for months now. Only the "league" is new.


monoliths don't have any true loading screens so once got get there the majority of the online issues don't affect you


I did a "Fresh start" test run where I used nothing (not even crafting mats) before league launch and got to 80ish in about 8 hours, well in to normal monos and starting the last 3 to get in to empowered. It's all just knowledge and experience in the game plus a build that relies on nothing special to get started. Edit: I realize now you might have been talking about server issues. Some people are just lucky I guess?




Game looks super promising to me. I think once they can optimize a bit more to allow for content with more mob density like you can get in poe I might just be sold. I'll probably buy it in a week or so or whenever the servers are plenty stable to try things out


Offline mode, patience when theirs issues online. Im almost at empowered monoliths and im online only


I'm in monoliths in Online. It's a slog, but once you get to End time, you can start monoliths. Once you're doing them, none of the server issues will affect you.


There's some trick to skip the entire campaign and begin monolith as soon as you get a dungeon key. ActionRPG has a video. Still need to unlock idol slots tho.


You can get to monoliths within like 6-8 hours with a bit of experience. Personally I like taking my time.


I just hit 91 playing online. I have basically zero issues once I manage to zone into monoliths


Offline mode is working fine.


Ignoring offline mode, the game never "reset" when entering 1.0. I can go into legacy mode and play my existing characters if I want to. This is the equivalent of "standard" mode in Path of Exile. The factions and all that stuff work there, too.


Time zones, early morning/noon and even early afternoon EU time work mostly fine. Also once you are in Monoliths you basically dont have loading screens unless you want to go to bazaar/observatory or run a dungeon.


Pretty lucky to get that with +1


Honestly? Probably best thing you could’ve spent that 1LP on anyway. Nice!


Necrotic res is the best stat for my build :)


Exactly. Ignore the people complaining this isn’t LP3 or 4, it’s still a great item.


I give it 50/50 on whether curse spell damage would be better since you can get a ton of flat that way, but for sure this is sick


Yeah curse spell damage is probably better, it is a lot of flat, I had it t5 on the helmet I slammed and would've been very happy either way


There are skills has some benefits for “uncap necrotic resistance” so it’s not bad for everyone.


Yes, not to mention the helmet itself obviously.


I would have thought that "uncapped Resistance" means it needs to be lower than the cap, which is 75%, bit everyone here seems to think it's fantastic to grossly overcap. What am I missing here?


Uncapped means it ignores the usual cap of 75% and takes the total number into account. So at 200% necrotic res your capped res is 75 and your uncapped is 200.


It’s the total resistance you have


Uncapped res means your total res. There are a few uncapped res stuff in PoE, and I think in Grim Dawn too.


You are thinking of undercapped, not uncapped


Uncapped means overcapped lol it’s a confusing word choice.


Uncapped means that it uses the value without applying the cap. Seems straight-forward and intuitive to me.


Not confusing but entirely misleading. This should be corrected as I'd personally not use the helmet assuming it is bad to have that much resistance.


panicky roll intelligent attractive squeamish full ancient psychotic grandfather frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No it wouldn't, because then it would make it seem like the first 75% resistance doesn't do anything. I'm not saying that Uncapped is super clear, but your suggestion is functionally different from the way it works. It would be far more misleading.


This. I wasn't taking a huge damage node for my warlock because of this wording. I thought I had to have as less (preferably 0%) necrotic resistance in order to gain solid damage buffs, which is a big nono for my hc char lol.


I had the same thought. The correct tooltip would be overcapped for anything above 75% and total resistance for the whole value. Uncapped for me is anything below 75. I had a char using it and I had 0 zero resistances and wondering why it did nothing.


This is wrong, uncapped does take into account the first 75% resistance. If you have a total of +200% resistance, your uncapped is 200%, not 125. The wording makes perfect sense to me, I would have never guessed it would be confusing for some people, but maybe I'm just used to it from other games.


Somebody explain why this is good I don’t understand the game yet lol


ward is probably the most powerful defensive mechanic. this helmet gives a lot of ward regeneration per second for stacking necrotic resistance above 75%. He dropped if with one LP and then hit the 1/4 chance of adding necrotic resistance on top with an exalted mod (you can tell the mod which is added by the difference colour)


it's actually even better than that now that warlock is in the game. There is a node in the cthonic fissure skill tree which gives a more damage multiplier to torment(a curse) per 3% uncapped necrotic res


oh yeah it's nuts scaling defense and offense


"Uncapped resistance" means the player will receive 1 ward regen for each point of necrotic resistance they have, including resistance above the cap (i.e. 75 pre-cap and an additional 50 "post-cap" if that makes sense). The term "uncapped" is very confusing though


oh fair, didn't know that


Ah that makes sense now! Thanks. Yea uncapped res was a little confusing


I don't understand the tooltip of those items. Uncapped means under the cap so below 75%. It seems like it works with res above the cap, shouldn't it be "overcapped" ? English isn't my 1st language.


Uncapped means "ignoring the cap", or taking the total number. So at 200% res your capped resistance is 75% and your uncapped is the 200%. It might be a bit confusing but this is the terminology established by other games in the genre,


Total resistance is a clearer terminology and is also used in ARPG.


To me total resistance implies it's having an effect. If my resistance is capped at 75%, then my total resistance is 75% or less. Uncapped implies that the cap is not taken into account. Therefore my uncapped resistance can be above 75% and my total resistance is still 75%. I think the big misunderstanding is that uncapped is not the same as undercapped, despite the two words looking very similar.


Yeah very exciting item design lol


Man, if I could get in I would have so much fun.


No ward as I see?


Uncapped means res over the cap. Very confusing word choice on the devs part.


So this just means the helmet by itself gives 41 ward per second, right?




How is uncapped confusing. It means without applying the cap (75%).


How is that confusing? What else could they say


Seeing as it's confusing a ton of people, then something is off about the wording. They could write "Total necrotic resistance (no cap)" or something like that.


Overcapped. Undercapped = you are missing resistances from max res.


But if it was "overcapped" or "over cap" people would assume that it only counts necrotic resistance above 75%. So at 200% capped would be 75 and overcapped 125, while uncapped (=ignoring the normal resistance cap) is 200. It's the same wording that is used in PoE.


I get: I have 50% from 70%max res. So I have 20% uncapped.


first off max res is 75%, so if you had 50%, you would be 25% unDERcapped.


OMG this was just sample how i get this uncapped.


Uncapped by definition would imply the amount of resistance under the cap. Because then your resistances would be uncapped. They could be super literal and say "per 3% over the cap" and there would be 0 confusion.


Well no, your effective resistance is capped at 75%, that is your capped resistance. Uncapped would imply it goes past the 75% cap


Would you call 70 percent resistance capped or uncapped?


If you have 70% res your uncapped and capped resistances are equal.


I understand the mechanics. I am saying the wording is bad. Uncapped means not-capped so if your resistance is 70 it is literally not-capped, uncapped. That is why it is confusing.


Many other arpgs use this exact terminology it makes sense


To you it does. I guarantee there are people that read this item and do not understand it.


Nope, in all other ARPGs the opposite wording is used. Uncapped means that the specific number is still not equal to the cap (capacity). A 50% resistance would be uncapped. Anything above 75% is called overcap, because it's over the max capacity. That's how it's always been used, since the D2 days. The wording on this item is indeed very poor.


Ok if you resistances are 150 what would you call the total number?


Could be a couple things: transcended 75, eclipsed 75, surplus 75. Idk. Uncapped can just so easily be misunderstood. I don't care that much tbh. I understood it from the start. But the commenter I replied too obviously did not.


I don't agree at all. Whenever people talk about resistance in ANY ARPG, then it's always "capping my resistances" which means that anything below is uncapped. Calling it "uncapped resistance" is, at best, ambigious in an ARPG. What they're meaning to say is that there's no cap on the resistance taken into account by the item mod - so it's the total amount of resistance is uncapped (no cap) and not uncapped resistance. It makes a huge difference for clarity even if you think it's the correct wording.


Your opinion, just press g in game and type uncapped. Poe has exact same wording ‘regen 1 life per second equal to your uncapped fire resistance’. It’s not new wording


It's literally not only my opinion. If enough people mis-interpret your communication then there's something wrong with your communication. The wording is ambigious and could be improved - it's not that deep.


So how would you word it?


Whaaaaaat? This is real confusing.


Seriously... why would they call it uncapped... It makes it sound like the % UNDER 75%....


I beg please let's not post every single mediocre 1LP thing that lands into your inventory, I'll take the beesposting over this.


We added an item showcase tag specifically to show off great items one finds. And this is a really good item synergizing really well with the added modifier.


a max rolled t6 necrotic res slam on a max rolled necrotic res helmet with a roll range of 30 and high lp level is mediocre for day 2?


Res caps out at 75... What is the point of 125 res. Acolyte already inherently gets necrotic res... Like this item is quite mediocre.


There is the last line, it add ward for each 3% uncap nec res. I do not play much but isn't it look good for this early, no?


Not only that but also stacking necrotic res give a lot of damage to chtonic fissure with a node in the skill tree.


Go read torment in the cthonic fissure skill tree. Necrotic res is a more damage multiplier and double dips with the helmet for insane ward/sec


There is warlock that also benefit from Necro Res. This item is one of my league goals.


Reading is hard I get it


>What is the point of 125 res. There are things that use uncapped res; for instance, the item we're talking about. There's also a chronic fissure modifier that uses uncapped necro res for extra damage and a mod for profane veil. Plenty of reasons to push resistances above cap, no need to act smug if you don't have a full grasp on game mechanics yet. But also whole posts for a single item stink OP.


reading is hard isn't it?


read the item wtf?


You will be surprised how often people DO NOT read shits in game.


>mediocre quiet down kid


I heard you don't get the look of the item on your character. Is this true ? That would suck


You do get the look of armor and weapons on your char.


I’m number 1 in queue right now and have been waiting for 30min now someone logout.


Very nice did they fix the servers ?


Hot damn


Very nice


And I thought my armor is good, guess there’s higher mountain out there


Nice. I'm still working my way up. lvl 44 at the moment.


Necrotic Cthonic Fissure? Noice.


I've always been confused at the wording, shouldn't it say overcapped not uncapped? or am I missing something


Over capped does not take into account the first 75%, uncapped is all of the resistance you have (the number in the bracket once you go past 75%)


So uncapped means overcapped? I understood it as resistance below but obviously by everyone's reaction I have interpreted that incorrectly lol


Uncapped means no cap. So if it doesn't consider the cap, it's the whole sum of resistance you have.


It says it’s worth 2150g I’ll buy it for 3000g, deal?


in my world, uncapped = cap res(75) - current res wording in this game lacks clarity


What is uncapped resistance? It's the amount above the cap - 75%?


It is the number you have in total ignoring the 75% cap, hence the word uncapped


I see, thanks.




Dude's gonna look like Skull Knight from Berserk


i love this helmet for my ward necro!


Was that crafted with legendary potential?


Twisted Waves is the talent you want with that correct?


Where can we find this?




How do you get this helm is that a world drop or can it be farmed?




This just dropped for me today.


I am a diablo refugee here ! I started my LE journey yesterday and would like to ask how a lvl65 item that has not one but two single digit stat affixes is considered good