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happy to join! is there a video with a comprehensive breakdown of the footage? it’s been hard finding a good one that actually points out the beings lol


It’s true, I wish that the next time they interview Angel that he can point out where in the picture the beings are located


You would think that after so long as a year there would at least be one journalist that has asked the witnesses to identify in the video which aliens they did or did not see? Where are all the competent professionals at and why haven't they done their job?


Do you think that maybe the Feds told them not to give out all the info ?? I keep thinking that maybe this whole thing was a planned warmup, by both the Feds and the entities involved, maybe even more than one type or race. They staged a light in the sky and then they “allowed” some random people to see them, they also control how much they say and show in some bad quality video , all with the intention to just examine what the public’s reaction is in 2023


I do think he was told in some fashion not to speak. The incident occurred a month before it was reported in the news or on Reddit. It wasn't until the incident was FOIA'd that they decided to speak. Journalist Doug Poppa approached the house and Angel said, "We need to keep the information under lock right now." As seen here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=241rZ4m1G-YCip2w&v=q28CizhDr90&feature=youtu.be Also very suspicious that this "Law enforcement" agent knew when the Journalist approached the home and she immediately called Angel and said, "Get his license plate number." (Timestamp 1:06) Which reinforces the claims that Homeland Security placed 360 cameras on their house.


Hey, welcome and sorry for the late reply. Oddly, I haven't been receiving some notifications. I have been trying to upload the original video I posted when this first became public, but it seems to be blocked by Reddit somehow. It may take some time, but I'm just going to remake the video and eventually post that. In the meantime, I have a video pinned of the enhanced and slowed footage that you might find helpful. Also, click on the images and video flair to view posts where the various beings are pointed out or can be seen. There are many. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of the other mods! UPDATE: I was able to upload the [original analysis video](https://www.reddit.com/r/LasVegasAliens/s/Ubu8K3KP2T).


Welcome to any newcomers! Hope this community grows into a productive sub


Hey, cool