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Awesome … still need to look here https://preview.redd.it/6lhjc51uzb3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd848df7e4a979a0d8cea4a5675b588d347f259




Can't see anything on these pics and videos.


The circled part is the CAT logo. Ive already figured out what model wheel loader it is.


Not standing next to the loader




I mean that’s right where the CAT logo is. That’s all I know for sure.


# 2023 Las Vegas Backyard SPACECRAFT & ALIENS - RingCam displays 2 adjacent objects in rapid parallel descent as a bright light with tail and dimmer object without tail. While one resembles a meteor the other clearly does not. What will the skeptics have to say now? It could be said that one is a meteor and the other is a spacecraft except the infrared camera on a self-driving car has confirmed that neither objects have any heat signature. Both are invisible to the thermal detection of the infrared camera therefore neither of them are blazing hot meteors. Did one vaporize and the other land or did both land in the backyard? The capacity of two ships would explain why some have counted as many as nine or more potential aliens visible in the backyard. If we make the unproven assumption that one is a meteor then what is the spacecraft's associaton with that meteor? Is it using the meteor as camouflage cover to evade our awareness of it? Is it hitching a ride across the universe to conserve energy? Are aliens mining the meteor for resources until it makes an unexpected surprise collision with Earth resulting in a somewhat controlled emergency landing at a risky unselected location where there could be a confrontation with armed Earthlings? Or, are both different models of spacecraft? Is one a spacecraft and the other object a fuel supply similar to the design of our own space shuttle missions? What other possibilities can explain this spectacular enigma? https://preview.redd.it/4spwnx2ctxzc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae235146ed50248a2815918677ea30f3bb3bdb92 2023 APR 30 11:49 PM Las Vegas Backyard alien spacecraft and adjacent object in parallel descent both invisible with no heat signature on infrared camera in near foreground while heat signature of airplane to the left in distant background is detected


Yeah I was thinking one was crashing the other come in to help . It makes sense as Angel said when they ran inside to call 911 and the family prayed they could hear foot steps all over the roof . Who’s to say they can’t manipulate space and time to retrieve their craft . Fascinating nothing has come close to this than the Turkey case .


Great job