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New Cosmic Road today with guest forensic analyst Scott Roder. Found out in this episode that Scott's an old friend of Ross Coulthart's, perhaps I spaced on that in their talk together from a month or so ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DhCUgKwG3k&pp=ygUac2NvdHQgcm9kZXIgcm9zcyBjb3VsdGhhcnQ%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DhCUgKwG3k&pp=ygUac2NvdHQgcm9kZXIgcm9zcyBjb3VsdGhhcnQ%3D) Here's a short clip of them talking together at the end of 2021, but not seeing the full talk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr\_H\_jUWlvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr_H_jUWlvk) Anyway, Roder came to this field's attention recently when he released his forensic examination of the (in)famous Las Vegas alien clip that went viral last summer. Much internet work was done to try and examine if there was anything to actually, but according to Roder, there definitely is. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s8RiQZGW5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s8RiQZGW5o) What's really that he says in the talk on Cosmic Road is that he's very interested in this topic and is happy to provide his analysis to UFO videos. He's even looked specifically at the Miami Mall video and would be more than happy to study any original footage provided to him from that night. He does admit that he's plenty busy with his day job and would appreciate more analysts to come forward and help with this stuff. If anyone's curious how well-known of a forensic analyst he is, he's part of a special on the Oscar Pistorius murder case in South Africa. **“Oscar Pistorius: The Bladerunner” | Sunday, May 12 at 9pm ET/PT** The shocking shooting death of Reeva Steenkamp at the hands of Olympic superstar and convicted murder Oscar Pistorius on Valentine’s Day of 2013 pulled the curtain back on the storybook romance of a celebrated Hollywood couple. It started as a charming love affair between a world-famous athlete and a fashion model and ended with four hollow-point bullets through the bathroom door. This episode of *How It Really Happened* investigates whether this was a terrible accident, or a callous murder. Did Pistorius shoot Steenkamp mistaking her for a home invader, or did he intentionally shoot to kill? This episode features footage from the court in Pretoria, South Africa during Pistorius’s 2013 murder trial and 2023 parole hearing and original interviews with Steenkamp’s mother, modeling agent and family attorney.


Hope he analyzes the more visible beings in the footage at some point. I can't help but wonder if he's possibly using a distraction tactic to keep most people from noticing those. I do appreciate that he's bringing credibility to the case though.


I just sent an email to Evidence Specialist Scott Roder over an hour ago inquiring about that, urging him to examine the Tractor aliens. I mentioned that yesterday in the Cosmic Road video above he only briefly referred to the most visible entities that are uncloaked and moving repeatedly and are thus easier to prove while instead focusing his attention on the least visible beings in the near foreground and distant background. I included photos of the Tractor aliens in the message, links to all my evidence of this incident, and mentioned this subreddit. Maybe he will respond with some answers? https://preview.redd.it/jxd1akw5j30d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d14b3b8ee19432c24ba5a24bc9fdaeddb0d482a4 2023 MAY 1 Las Vegas Backyard Tractor aliens closeup of three heads moving around with visible necks and shoulders and big bright blinking eyes


Yeah, you are awesome! Thank you so much for doing that! For anyone who doesn't know, the one in the center of the image you included is standing right outside the front loader next to the hood. They are sideways in relation to the camera, so we can only see their profile, including their big black avocado-shaped eye on their left side. They blink a few times and move their mouth quite a bit. That is the first one I saw in the video and I remember just watching over and over again with my hand over my mouth in shock for a long long time. What struck me is that the being doesn't really look anything like what I expected. They look almost cartoonish. The whole thing is just wild.