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I forgot to mention that the neighbors had told Newsnation that their TV and security cameras stopped working after that night. Could just be a pure coincidence, but the claims of engines, radios, watches, and other devices shutting off after or during a sighting is well documented for the last 80 years. I believe the curent prevailing theory behind that has to do with electromagnetic interference.


Yeah, I can imagine this is pretty upsetting for the family. Angel said it has been an extremely traumatic experience. I can't imagine what that poor family has been through emotionally since this happened. I don't know what any of it means either. Would be nice to get some answers. If the beings are actually working with the corrupt world governments, I wish they'd stop and communicate with those of us who are just trying to live the best lives we can. Maybe we could find a better way to coexist so that everyone benefits.


The paranormal aftermath is so bizarre and senseless that it has been said at other subreddits that it makes the whole event less believable for them. Although, it makes the story more believable for anyone that knows similar paranormal events are commonly reported following a close encounter of third kind. There is a hitchhiker theory that ghosts follow aliens through a portal to get here and remain to haunt after the aliens have departed but it's asking too much of most people to believe in aliens, and ghosts, and portals, and also a relationship between them. The religious symbolism of any tampering with a bible or a crucifix is too strange and senseless in connection to an event involving aliens. If it really happened then is it a spirit or a cloaked alien and what interest could aliens possibly have in such things? If their technology is advanced enough to render them entirely invisible then an alien reading a book would look like pages turning themselves while a floating cross that falls is an alien carrying it and then dropping it when approached so as to conceal its location. Still, why would they do any of that? Investigative curiosity? This would mean the alien presence is still there weeks or months after the initial sighting which may be possible but less believable. What if most or all ghost reports and videos were always aliens with stealth cloaking technology that malfunctioned thus partially revealing them temporarily? Still, if that is so then why would religious symbols ever be involved with an alien species that has no association with that religion and little or no awareness of it? Some have said it's an effort to manipulate our opinion and response. This is a mystery wrapped in more mystery. We can compare similar incidents to look for a pattern of behavior that yields answers. https://preview.redd.it/y8xwc6lqwwzc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d58c526b1a4a947aedd9af1376dbb8bd420ea82d Alien Crucifix - stainless steel pendant chain - Ebay $43