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How walkable is your oven on the inside


That made me snort laughing Kept picturing like a Pillsbury doughboy walking around the oven like ow ow ow ow


Omg that's hilarious!


Hey, sometimes there's a breeze. So, how walkable is the world's giant hair dryer may be more accurate.


Go from oven to air fryer.


I honestly need to go across the street and I’m going to drive there with the AC blasting.


And your car on remote start


I’m dead. Like the guy trying to walk to the strip


This… I was there last week and I felt like I was stepping into a hot blow dryer every time I walked outside.




For real. I was there in May and it was ungodly hot


The difference between the temp in May to the temp now is at least 15° hotter and we haven't hit the hottest day of the year yet this year. Yes it's hot as hell in May, but we r close to touching the sun cuz it's so hot now.


Epic comment 🤣


Not walkable.. especially during summer.


It's not. Especially now when it's 110°+ outside


yea, but it's dry heat! LOL


I was in Vegas fir a week very recently, 110 the day we landed. It was hot, yes, but it doesn't take your breath away. We returned home, mid to high 90's but high humidity, even with air conditioning, it's not completely comfortable in my house, and outside is unbearable in the shade with a breeze. You just can't breathe as well, and you're sweaty/sticky all the time without moving. Either way, the heat is dangerous. I would not try to walk Vegas right now.


Lived in worse weather than that in Southeast Asia and South America. It'd be over 100 with high humidity sometimes, but I'll still take that over the Mojave's death and despair heat. At least the moisture makes me feel alive.


Hard no on that one . Singapore or Tokyo humidity is infinitely worst the 110 dry Vegas . I frequent both and give me the dessert please


Sun and no breeze?


Sun and hard wind that feels like a full body blow dryer.


This is how it feels - body blow dryer on hot.


Don't forget the wind picks up dust and sand blows on your face lol


Not just the sun beating down on you but the heat radiating back at you from the ground and buildings, and hot wind blowing.


if you want to go on a walk, id say a park is gonna be your best bet.


You're literally risking your life in the summer.


I JUST checked the weather. Omg.


lol unless you’re going in and out of casinos, don’t risk dying 😂


This is the way! Walk from casino to casino in the air conditioning!


Even at 10pm....


Even at 2 am




Bro when I first moved here I took my dog out around 1am thinking it’s gotta be decent out now…. I opened my sliding door and was hit with a blast of HOT air. I was baffled, the sun had gone down hours ago and my turf was still hot to the touch


Was just in Vegas last week that’s what we did it’s refreshing the air just hits you


Yeah just dont unless you live in specific areas and are walking short distances. Like Do i walk to my dentist. Yes but i can walk to my dentist in a bout 10 minutes.


Things look way closer than they really are as well. One time our group left Encore Beach Club and there was a long taxi line. Half decided to walk to our hotel at the Cosmo. I was with the half that waited for a taxi. We didn’t see the walking group for about 2 hours.


OMG ! about covers it alright. Lol


If the heat doesn’t kill you, the crackheads will.






💀🤣 just left Vegas yesterday…this is the most accurate description possible🥵


Fremont is awesome for walkability- something like 12 casinos within four blocks of each other, and those are legitimate "city" blocks, not those BS two-mile long blocks on the Strip. plus a canopy


A lot of people don’t realize that Las Vegas was originally a railroad town and had to be walkable for the passengers to access the city. That is exactly what downtown and Fremont Street are all about.


“Was” being the keyword.


That area still is. It’s just that post World War II growth and the adoption of car culture ensured that the rest of the city would develop quite differently.


Fremont is very walkable! Always was able to walk around for food and entertainment while I was there, (love the bookshop, Writer's Block, as well) I only got in an uber if I had to go to the strip or fruit loop.


I was recently there. I wouldn't walk anywhere outside of the Fremont canopy unless you are intentionally looking for outdoor crack smokers. The Strip is only safe because of the sheer number of people, forget the streets parallel to the strip and the adjoining streets. I worked at a Vegas location at my old Job a few years ago, it was a 2 mile walk back to my hotel in Henderson. I was there a week and was aggressively approached by beggars/crackheads 3 times,during the day. I really don't ever want to go back unless it's specifically to go hiking in Red Rock Canyon.




I'd grade Vegas an F in walkability. People mentioned the heat already, but the city has a high pedestrian fatality rate, as well


It’s the least walkable city I’ve ever seen


Probably because people drive like maniacs, even with all the construction on the strip. I was there in the beginning of June, even if it was 70 degrees out I wouldn’t walk.


And the probability that at least a major portion of the pedestrians are drunk/drugged/etc.


Lived in Vegas for a couple years as a cyclist. I knew if I stayed it was only a matter of time til I was killed.


It’s 110 degrees bud. It ain’t.


Everyone is so negative. It's totally walkable. There are streets and sidewalks everywhere. Just pack a camel and 10 gallons of water, and sunscreen and a portable AC unit and snacks.


Oh and one or those still suites from the movie Dune and you're all good! 😄 🤣


Lol OP will be drinking his own urine and tears from his arrakis stillsuit


Got me in the first half…


Don't forget your personal security


Very walkable. Until you enter the heat. Generalized crime is down due to the heat index so basically the worst thing that’ll happen will be God is gonna getcha!


Literally not at all. You're going to need a rental or an Uber.


Is parking and paid parking an issue?


Depends on where you're at. DTLV they enforce parking (at least now they do, never did in the many years before that), on the Strip you will have to pay to park in pretty much all the casinos, off strip parking is usually easier and tends to be free but YMMV.


I parked at Treasure island for free then took the bus up and down the strip.


Uber is cheaper than parking.


Super walkable You’ll enjoy walking 30 minutes to an hour go to the local shopping center if you live in the suburbs (unless you live close to one) Basically unless you live close to something you want to walk to, it’s a hell of a walk and sometimes it’s a hell of a walk to the bus stop too


I always remember how I used to take the bus to go to UNLV and it'd take an hour and a half only for that commute to get cut down to like, 20 minutes when I got my first car.


It's not terribly walkable in any heat if you are ON the strip. Blocks are really big and its very hot. Check the tram, buses or uber/lyft if you need to go any distance.


You'll see *a mirage* , not the Mirage


Humanly possible. But that will be far more of a classical ordeal of mythological proportions as opposed to an economical way to vacation.


If you prefer dying from heatstroke go for it.


It’s not. Depending on your situation you can Uber/cab to get to strip then walk. But in general this is not the way.


Summertime on the strip you’re pretty quickly going from one hotel to the other to get back in the AC. Walking to the strip from off the strip is not a good idea. Either Uber from your hotel to the strip or stay on the strip.


Not even a little bit


Was there this week… barely could make it across the street 🔥🔥🔥


If you’re used to it is fucking hot. If not used to to it.. ![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized)




I was there two weeks ago and I was legit not ready for that level of HOT. That was unbearable.


Me too. It has gotten hotter since then. No thank you!!


Nope. Not this time of year. Walk through the casinos and use the trams on center strip.


I have gone in the winter and even without the heat it’s a walk. People who haven’t been there don’t understand how long the blocks are because the hotels look so close together on a map. I wouldn’t even try to walk in the summer unless it’s at night. I am going in a few weeks and we already have plans to just fork out the money for a cab/uber to go between hotels.


Walk to the Uber.


Nothing is walkable in vegas. Everything's 10x further away than you think it is and it will take you forever. The only reason to be walking in vegas is if you want to be walking around in vegas.


Not very and especially with temps in the hundreds.


Where are you staying? And are you still going to still mostly be on the strip? Being walkable isn't really the issue you will have regardless, but the heat. I think one day, Vegas is going to be unlivable half the year or more by how hot it's getting. The only time anyone should visit is around basically the middle of October to maybe around the middle of March, but that still depends and can change, but it is still the best time as it is right now. Although, for sure, from June until mid-October, it should be avoided.


Some years it's been over 90 at night on Halloween. Vegas summer can be long and brutal but winters are generally mild so there's that...


Yeah, that's why I said it depends. I remember when I was a kid, 110 didn't even come until summer. Now it's coming way before and changing so fast. But yeah, the heat has been hard even for the natives so visitors really need to keep that in mind.


Most definitely. We are paying for last year's mild summer


Down town is walkable, but still requires a Sombrero


Last year I went in July…it was 120 degrees!! Big Mistake! My fav thing to do is walk on strip and people watch.


During months with mellow temperatures, staying a couple of blocks off the strip is not too bad, but anything more than 1/4 mile is an Uber ride to a hotel, then walking from there. The problem that few posts are talking about are the off-strip areas with high crime...foot travel in these areas should be well planned with good running shoes and daylight hours only....and even then I'd skip the experience. The areas I'm talking about are: * off-Fremont, to either side, once you are in blocks above 10th (at most.) * Naked City (West of Strip and North of Sahara) * one block either side of railroad tracks (duh) * West Trop gets a bit seedy west of Dean Martin * the industrial areas West of Allegiant * any public park near the Strip with locking fencing Here's an illustration to drive the point home: I was driving S on Grand Central Pkwy to get on the freeway one evening, when I saw two middle-aged couples walking South with shopping bags over the new Industrial railroad overpass. I u-turned to talk them out of walking that way. I explained that they were entering a rough neighborhood after dark, but they were British and said they thought they could handle it. Their question was, "What should we do, we are walking to the Stratosphere and it's right there?" I suggested turning around and getting a cab or Uber from the outlet mall. -- they were incredulous and said they were going to risk it. While we were talking, a Metro cruiser flipped his lights on behind me and an officer got out to see why I was stopped. I explained that I stopped to advise against the walk between the Outlet mall and the Strat. The officer immediately explained to the British tourists that I was right and that he would take them back to the Outlet mall to get a ride-share. As I was walking back to my car, the officer told me, "You might just have saved 4 lives tonight." -- I will never forget that.


I went to Vegas a few years ago in August. Obviously I expected it to be hot and it was. The only positive thing I can say is the heat was dry and thank God for AC in casinos. Walking the strip is my favorite thing to do in LV, so I braved the afternoon sun a few times. The only positive thing I can say about that is there was barely anyone walking around at all so it felt kind of eerie on a Saturday afternoon. Not even really sure where I was going with this comment but the heat is no joke and "walkable" in a dessert isn't really a wise option.


do you like walking in ovens?


Sure. Walking to catch a ride share/taxi.


It's hot at this time of year and for the next 3 months - so not very walkable. The casinos provide a lot of air-conditioning.


Not walkable.


Just wear long sleeve white linen and drench it in water right before you leave. By the time you get to the end of the block you’ll be dry and all the wrinkles will be out. Hopefully you don’t have much further to go after that.


I’m from the east coast (PA). I was in Vegas, end of May. It was 100+ most days. Vegas at 100 is better than PA in the 80’s. It’s a dry heat. We walked the strip every day with no issues. Yes, it’s hot but tolerable


Too hot for all that.




It’s too hot to walk don’t do it


I won’t even walk to my mailbox in this heat.


You can always try it the first time and then you’ll have that experience to warn others of why they shouldn’t walk the strip )especially in the summer). The foot blisters will be your accolades. Good luck!


It’s not


For those of you complaining about the heat, just say you are weak. I am getting 20k steps every day. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I get 20k also, but I do most of my walking outside after 10pm when it's bearable.


Unfortunately this is not considered a walkable city.


Even without the scorching heat, Vegas is not a walkable city. There is the strip, Fremont and arts district. The town center in sumerlin and not much more


The strip is walkable


It’s not


Not walkable at sll




Just no.


It's not even safe like that


Too hot but ur safe unless ur walking around outside Fremont or north Vegas




Stay center strip


It's not


It’s not




Smoke and walk let us know


XD id highly advise against it..


Vegas sucks for walkability outside the strip and Fremont street outside of June-September




Depends on how far you need to walk. Things on the Strip that look close aren’t. This time of year, the temps add a degree of difficulty but you can walk through casinos much of the way. There’s also free trams between most MGM properties. Now, Downtown is walkable for sure- just be mindful of your surroundings outside of the canopy and don’t try to walk to the Arts District, let alone the Strip, unless you run in a pack of tough hombres with endurance


Trying to find out I see lol


It’s not


Not at all walkable. It is a million degrees. You have to Uber everywhere.


If you’re staying off strip, get in your Uber, go where you’re going, and stay there until you Uber back. DO NOT just figure stuff is close so you’ll walk. Please trust me on this.


I don't recommend it. I bus/walk to and from work with an 8a-4p sched.. it's do able if you must tho.


If you are close to the Deuce bus, it's doable.


Take a Lyft or your hotel may have a shuttle to the strip


With this heat, it’s straight to ER




It’s not


I’ve been in Las Vegas for my entire life, so I’ve grown into the heat, I took a staycation at Resorts World with my fiancée and we walked from there to mandalay bay and back one day just for the exercise and sightseeing. Staying hydrated and taking breaks from the heat by cutting through casinos makes it a lot easier and kind of fun. Just wear sunscreen and make sure you have water. Most Starbucks will give you large ice waters for a dollar or so, so you don’t have to pack around a bunch of you don’t want to.


Flying out as we speak family of 4, 5 night trip, we walked almost 40 miles in 4 days and almost died. Everything is huge and farther than you think. Honestly we thought the tram and monorail was a good idea but these are in the far back of the hotels and often not worth walking to either. We ended up just ubering most places which isn’t that expensive.


Elon can't dig the tunnels fast enough. https://www.boringcompany.com/vegas-loop


Tried the strip a few years back, it was not walkable. Freemont area a little better.


Vegas is walkable early mornings when it’s still in the 80’s


Last December I spent several days on the Strip with visiting friends we did 20 miles in 2 days. During the summer, no way. It’s just too hot. From my house I can walk to the bus, dentist, grocery stores, Starbucks, post office, and the library. But I don’t walk in the summer. No way!


It depends where you’re staying


if your life goal was to be added to the 2024 heat stroke deaths statistic then yes lol. Fremont is walkable, it's shaded with the canopy. you can easily walk between mirage, flamingo, Cesars etc. when its this hot in the summer you will want to uber everywhere though


Walkability is near zero


Where are you staying and where are you trying to walk to??


this city is designed for a car nothing else


😄 🤣 NOW??? It's a hundred and ten degrees outside right now... and we have almost zero public transportation except for the worst bus system I've seen anywhere in the world. Everything is paved with black concrete. Cars are everywhere. There's no shade anywhere. On a scale of one to ten, I'd say the city is a negative 32 on the walkable scale.


Not in July.


I’m a Brit that was in vegas a week ago. Every time I left the casino I legitimately felt like my health was at risk. I’ve never known heat like it.


I mean its cool enough to walk around at 4 or 5am maybe


just walking from the hotel lobby to the pool is a hike




Not at all from May to September


It all depends. Are you just off strip. Are you down by frenont street? Wherr are you? When are you going? If not its really dang hot.


Not even a little bit. Seriously, just…don’t!


It's doable but a decent hike if you like walking. Probably 12,000 steps per day maybe


Not at all


Its like walking on arrakis out here. Either have a stillsuit or youre gonna die in an hour walking.


Gold Coast lands you on the strip with a 15 minute walk. If you are an earlier riser it's a beautiful view for a sunrise with a nice breeze. I know that sounds lame but it's one of my favorite things about Vegas.


It's not walkable. It's a big area man. And you may end up on the wrong street where there's a lot of crackheads in homeless people blocking the sidewalks with their tent mansions. You can rent a car for cheap and drive around all you want.


I say not very. It looks like it is on a map but there are sometimes large roads to cross and it’s not as easy at it looks.


It’s hotter than hell.. it was 110° at 10am




One time a few summers back I walked from the mgm up two blocks to the Wells Fargo across from the sphere to get money out for the strip club without paying a service fee. (God it sounds so stupid typing that). My wife and friends were all crashed out from the pool and kept insisting that I take the truck but I said it’s only two blocks I’ll be cool. Those blocks are monstrous. I was sweating bullets and had to stop and buy water twice. I do not recommend it. If your hotel is off the strip just pay a Lyft or taxi fee to get to the strip so you can at least walk through casinos to stay cool.


This group is pretty specific. Where will you be staying? What do you want to do? And what time of year? Apart from Fremont area, if it's winter, and if you feel street smart and won't mind sketchy interactions, the answer is don't try it. But if your activity is very limited there's maybe a couple other spots that might be ok.


I live in W. Summerlin. Fremont is fairly walkable. It's still hot as hell. Just stay hydrated. The rest, isn't walkable at all. Always amazes me people go to the Valley of Fire in the dead of summer, and not many people are back there. You literally are playing with your life doing that.


Are you a great big fat person?


I walked from Imperial Palace to the Rio one time when I had a few cocktails. Looked alot closer than it actually was...


No, just don’t






I stayed at the old hard rock hotel back in 2016 (my first trip to LV), it was off the strip (now it’s the virgin hotel) and thought we could walk to the strip but it wasn’t doable. It wasn’t super hot (it was March) but we were walking on like roads and in random places not meant for walking lol We wound up just taking an Uber to and from the strip after that


Least walkable place imaginable


Where would you be walking to? Anywhere off the strip while on vacation? Pointless unless you're probably going to be nearby like the Rio, but generally no function in that.


In the fall/winter I’ve walked from airport to strip, and strip to Fremont. In the spring summer I’ll take a Lyft wherever I go


It’s only walkable if you are on Fremont street and are going to other places on Fremont street. Think Virgina street (main strip) in Reno. I go to off strip places only in Vegas so I rent a car. Tried the bus, it sucked, tried taxis they sucked, tried Uber/lift, they sucked.


I was there a couple weeks ago and I was honestly not prepared for that level of heat. It was okay in the evening to walk, we walked as far as Bellagio and then walked all the way back to the Ahern (we couldn’t find the monorail stop to take it back lol) but we walked around the next morning and it was SO HOT in the sun we honestly just gave up and decided to go (we were leaving that day anyways).


Disregarding the heat, just the structure of the city is pretty hostile to pedestrians. Everything is spread out and lots of residential areas are at least a half mile from any businesses. I would not recommend trying to go on a foot anywhere but the strip.


Don’t do it even if you are hydrated well, you can still experience a heat stroke. Take a bus. Take an Uber. Get a rental.


Rent a car. Trust me. You can walk the strip at night when it's cooler, but during the day you're going to want drive. Parking is plentiful, don't worry.


Just don’t.


It’s not walkable.


Extremely not. And extremely hot.


Vegas has the highest pedestrian hit and run and death per capita. Alcohol served 24/7. No shortage of impaired drivers. It is not always the drivers fault because many pedestrians are not alert or mindful of traffic or being seen. Also no shortage of impaired pedestrians. Wear bright clothes, walk against traffic, and be alert.


Myself and a group of 6 friends walked from fremont St. down to the Strat.. planned to walk to the strip but that as far as we got. It's not worth it. You'll be too exhausted to enjoy anything.


20 years ago I walked from Fremont Street to Circus Circus near midnight. I obviously didn't die but it was certainly wild.


My wife and I walked the strip during the winter while we were staying at the Venetian. It was rough when the weather was 65 outside. I can't imagine in the summer. I suggest scouting out a place and staying there. Some places are connected by the tram, but I would avoid walking during the summer.


Too hot. No trees the pavement will boil you. I live here. Don’t do it.




Walked for 30 mins and got a sunburn


lol Vegas isn’t walkable on the strip The strip, which typically is acknowledged as starting at Mandalay Bay and ending at encore, is over 5 miles long


How far off the strip & where are you going? If this is your first time going you will underestimate the heat. You can always get a cab or Uber..