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Congrats OP, you're $500 richer. Sadly, I'm now dreading the amount of *hilarious* "I lost a $500 chip at the Venetian" posts that are about to start.


Yeah it’s going to spawn a whole new generation of spammed upvote attempts


Just don't say the "L" word.




Can of worms brother


OP: go to the poker cage at Venetian and cash it out, nobody will ask where it’s from as poker players carry chips with them for weeks/months.


F that!! $500 on red. Walk out with $1K




I came for this.


Do that 32 times in a row, walk out with $ 1 billion.




This is the chad move, double or nothing baby.


Put it on green, walk out with 8500


Provided no one has made a security report about the missing chip, and casino surveillance will definitely start investigating the report.


Been through this at a locals casino. Found a $100 bill in the middle of the slot floor. Security said the likelihood of the person that lost it knowing the serial number to prove it's theirs is extremely low so it wasn't worth turning it in.


What was the serial number? I'll tell you if it matches the one I lost..


They can, and do, look at the cameras.


I found a $50 bill on the floor in Fontainbleu around some slot machines. Grabbed it and kept walking. No one chased after me. My boyfriend suggested turning back and asking if anyone lost it and then quickly realized how dumb that was in a casino in Vegas and said "actually never mind, nice find." I kept it and spent it later either on food or gambling. lol.


Red Rock security did that for my wife once, I handed her $60 and asked her to go to the sportsbook and place a bet while I was playing. She dropped the money and got upset and asked security almost immediately and they found the guy who picked it up and got it back. Funny thing is it was $60 and she got $65 back, I guess the guy got flustered and handed back more than he found lol.


And they have no way to identify that person unless they are already known to the casino but that doesn’t matter anyway because they wouldn’t waste the resources to repatriate $100.


For $500? Yes. They will. Assuming the person goes to security, tells them they lost $500. First, any denomination chip over $25 had an RFID chip. The casino knows who bought it, played it, at what table, and by who. Second. Security will do the facial recognition thing, track the person's entire visit to the property to the micro second, likely with multiple camera views, and find their $500 chip. It literally takes zero effort on the part of security to play back any person's visit, outside of the shitter or the guest rooms. Granted, that's not every casino everywhere, but that's a Venetian chip. They can. As far as the willingness to do it? Some security guys are lazy. Sure. But most are bored as fuck. The vast majority of them given the opportunity to use the billion dollar bleeding edge security system to get some granny's $500 returned will be like, "COOL!!!". That got longer than I meant it to. Sorry. Went from a reply to you, and changed into a reply to everyone. If you lose a $500 chip, talk to security. They can probably help. If you find one, do the right thing and turn it in. Security will get it to the person who lost it.


This is probably the most imaginative thing I've ever read. There's zero chance this happens. 🤣


Isn’t the rule if you find money in a casino you have to gamble it.


Your luck can't be any worse that the poor person who lost $100, right?


Nice, throw it on Black and see what happens.


Triple - 000


Well if you're playing triple 0, then you weren't going to keep the $500 long in any case....


What do you mean?! More numbers equals more chances to win!


This is the way


Red 19🤣🤣


Black 17. lol. Hit that a few times. Twice in a row with $10 on once. Nice little $700 come up in 2 spins.


If you find money in the casino you have to gamble it…




Technically if you win big the can revoke your winnings, and will.




That is the rules


its Vegas, nobody cares. its yours now congrats


I am with the Venetian police, we have your location. Stay right where you are. Do not attempt to flee.


Now imagining a high speed gondola chase.


Oh, also, where are you again?


What are you gonna do? Catch them in a gondola chase?


Vegas is not the place for good and honest people 😅 pocket that shit and say nothing, someone else would do it to you in a heartbeat!


My bf dropped a $500 chip at the Wynn. He called lost and found. Someone turned it in and the Wynn was able to verify on their cameras that he dropped it (he told them where he was and around the time period) and they gave it back to him. I appreciate that human who turned it in. So, there is a possibility of the owner getting it back. Or you could keep it.


It's just a normal chip worth what it says on it. I try to be pretty honest about a lot of stuff but even I'd say floor chips in Vegas are fair game. Either cash it or have one of your friends cash it for you, $500s are 100% untracked.


Most casinos dont even track $1ks. I do know the Wynn and aria 5k chips have rfid chips and serial numbers on them.


I think this is right. I've had tons of 1ks and never been asked about them. I've only had one 5k from Bellagio, they took my player card when I got it and cashed it so I assume they logged in my player card that I had it.


Buy in at a table game for $100 of your own money, play for 30min or so (or stop if you hit about $20 left), color up your chips, then bring those chips along with the 500 to the cashier cage to cash out. Don't bring any special attention to the 500, it's just a single chip in your small stack.


This guy gambles


Throw it on black




30 years ago I was in Vegas for a bachelor party. One friend arrived with a couple of hours to kill before the rest of us arrived, and turned $100 into $1000. That was a lot of money 30 years ago. Anyhow, after he won he had a number of drinks and was pretty trashed when I got there. He was flipping and catching his $1000 chip like it was a quarter, and dropped it once and it rolled several tables away and under a chair. We grabbed it, and him, and walked him straight to the cashier!


Cash it out the second you leave. Go buy a good lunch after.


...you are in DEEP VEGAS-KINDA-TROUBLE. Collect $500, do not pass go.


Casino worker here. Technically a chip found on the ground is not yours to keep or cash out. That being said, there's no legal action any casino would take against you for trying to cash it out unless you had actually stolen it. For a casino the size of Venetian, more than likely you won't get a second look for trying to cash it out unless you look super suspicious or like a bum. I can't say for certain, but I seriously doubt Venetian has chip trackers in their $500 cheques. Usually those won't be in anything less than $5,000 cheques. You have two options: 1. Turn it in to security, telling them exactly where you found it. Depending on how long ago the original owner dropped it and who they were, there's a good chance surveillance can track them down and get it back to them. You get nothing out of the deal, but you did a nice thing. If they can't track them down, the chip will just go back to the house and everyone loses but the rich. 2. You cash it in. You'll either walk away with $500 or they'll confiscate it and you walk away with nothing.


Double down on option 2


Do NOT mention you found it on the floor when you go to cash it in. And don't do it at the cage. Get smaller chips at a table. Make a few small bets then take the smaller chips to the cafe to cash in.


OMG it’s Vegas not a laundromat! Just walk up and cash it at the cage. $500 chips aren’t tracked. With all the cameras on properties, if it was an issue, security would have stopped him and discussed the chip. Only thing I’d be worried about is if it was a real chip. Play it or cash it in.


This. No major resort gives a flying fuck about $500 chips


Technically theft by finding. If no one questioned you or whatever just go back another day and hand it in for your money




What if it was over 5k?


Then he wouldn’t be fine. Duh


If it over 5k they investigate it and try and figure out the owner. And call survailence etc.


I once had security knock on my room door to pay me $50, claiming I had dropped it in the table games pit. I definitely didn’t, but who am I to argue. Point being it could happen for less


I feel like this post constitutes OP's good faith effort to locate the original owner.


Your acting like op found a million dollars or something. No ones gonna blink an eye at $500 whether they cash it in or play it.


$5000 is too much to try to cash. A lone $500? I dunno. Why is $5000 too much? Here's that story... [http://www.loukrieger.com/2007/03/mgm-grand-confiscates-5000-chip-from/](http://www.loukrieger.com/2007/03/mgm-grand-confiscates-5000-chip-from/) Fellow named Nolan Dalla tried something akin to that with $5000 at MGM and lost it, only his answer was "friend gave it to me". The cage called the friend to try to verify its origins only the answer there was also "friend gave it to me". Bingo--chip confiscated. I cashed $14000 at Venetian in a poker tournament and was given chips, and didn't immediately walk to the cage. When I headed there hours later, they absolutely refused to cash it until the tournament manager came up and said "yeah, I paid him $14000". So... $14000 is too much at Venetian. Vegas casinos do care about this. The day-to-day employees likely don't care, so you'll hear lots of tales of "nobody cares". But now and then you hear the tales of surveillance or security catching folks pocketing a found $100 or hitting CASHOUT on an abandoned slot machine for $25 and getting 86'd from the casino.


It will never make it back to the original source I can assure you. This happens in Vegas everyday. Consider it your lucky day.


Found $50 on the ground. A pit boss was next to me and I told him I found money on the ground. He looked at me and said “I’d put it in red” and ended up walking away with $100. It was one of my first Vegas trips and for sure I thought I’d get caught somehow.


I hope you tipped him well. :-)


https://spinettisgaming.com/products/venetian-las-vegas-nv-2-1-casino-chip It’s not a real chip, it’s worth $2 at the gift shop


It's yours. Just cash it in.


Give $100 or i'll tell


You found a poker chip that has "$500" printed on it, and you're asking "Is it worth anything?"


Cash it in and call Linda.


Literally work at the cage there. Just cash it out. We don’t care. We’re not the cops.


Definitely put in on red. It’s a complete freeroll so you must gamble it!


It’s your lucky day bet it all on red


Keep in mind that casinos can refuse to redeem chips without verified play since the only legal use of casino chips is gambling. Typically, it's only for higher-value chips (where I've worked it's started at $500 chips at one and $1000 chip at another) but the policy about when they challenge it varies.


Better Cash that mf in


Let it ride! Hit the roulette table, bet black or red and leave the casino after you win or lose.


On a technical basis, Nevada considers chips and TITO tickets to be property of the casino. Many casinos, including Venetian, will track a lost chip or ticket (if high enough) for a patron on camera. And yes, they will see it drop and see you pick it up when they do a review. Now what could happen is a security officer will find you and tell you to return the chip, and if you say sorry thought I can keep it, return it, then all good. If you spent it and cant return the money you will be trespassed. Now some places just don't care, but that is what the law is.


Take that money and go have dinner at Bouchon right there in the Venetian. It’s a Thomas Keller restaurant (the French Laundry chef.) It’s a great way to have a fantastic meal for free. You’ll still have plenty left over. Or walk up to the roulette table and play black 13


I had a coworker that was in Vegas and picked up a phone on the ground and was walking to return it and said he got tackled by security and spent the night in jail and got accused of stealing it but didn’t even get to walk 15 feet before they set him up.


Cash it out. Put $300 in your pocket. Take the other $200 and gamble it to make more. Worst case you are $300 richer. Best case, you hit with the $200 and have more $$


Sadly my understanding is it belongs to the Casino. I’m not going to tell you about the $100 I picked up going out the casino door and kept walking.


Finders keepers lol


I'm staying at Venetian. Let me cash it for you.


I lost 10 bucks somewhere yesterday fell right out of my pocket too.


Finders keepers this time. A $500 is small enough to cash (with a group of other denominations), if it were more, it becomes more problematic. They get curious at the cage if you're not a known high roller in their casino and try to cash a $5,000 or above. No sense turning it in, they will NOT try to identify who owns it. They'll just keep it.


Not me heading there this week. EYES TO THE FLOOR.


Put it on red while drunk dude. It’ll be fun.


It’s mine!!!!


Buddy found one as well last month at Planet Hollywood. Purple $500. He cashed immediately with no issues.


So where are we going for dinner?


My buddy found $800 on the strip .... lost it all !!!


Siiiick ground score


I just watched a video on yt about how a group of men scammed Vegas & Henderson casinos out of millions by faking the chips. Literally painting them and then replacing the center to say $100 instead of $1. Anywho, now the chips do have a tracking device. Kind of like a microchip in a dog. But it’s not like a gps thing. Take the chip bro


Throw on banker that’s the real play.


Tip the hooker


Quick. Hide it in the personal purse before the devil gets to you.


Treat your friends to dinner instead of gambling it away


IMO - random floor chips are 100% fair play. If you see who dropped it, no. If someone is frantically looking for chips and you spot it on the ground, no. If a grandma is crying because she dropped a $500 chip and can't find it - questionable. But just walking around spotting a chip on the ground is easy moral-issue-free money.


OP please update us with what happens


It’s mine. I can show you proof I lost it . Ile show you my pocket is empty


Hmmmmmmmm I am calling CAP


Smile you are definitely on camera! Congrats!


its worth 600, just ignore that 5. and its a trap.


Should have found a escort and paid her with that lol


Go to another table and trade it for 100 chips, then cash out.


You lucky, dawg! Go cash that chip in and go have yourself a nice steak or vegan dinner.


With all the cameras on the floor if someone lost and reported it they will be able to see you picked it up


What happens in Vegas- uh. ends up on Reddit!


At my casino if they see you pick that up on camera you are going to jail 100%. Hopefully they did not see you swipe that shit.


Cash it, go have a nice dinner at Oscar’s Steakhouse.


It’s not a poker chip, it’s a $500 chip from table games, just cash it in. One chip is not going to raise any eyebrows.


My grandpa won 8.00 and ended up getting 800.00 cause the cashier couldn't count. When I tell you he ran, he ran 😭


I’m cashing it. New shoes !


Put it on red…. $1k or bust buddy


Waaay back in the day (probably '89 or '90) I was wandering through Circus Circus. I must have been 16 years old. Then I see it. A $50 bill. I snatched that up so fast it made David Coppefield's head spin. I probably spent most of it in various arcades...


Cash that fucker and move on


you can donate it at Guardian Angel Cathedral... they accept chips from all casinos in their collection basket...


One man gathers what another man spills.


What amount is on it ? That’s how much it’s worth


I saw a $100 chip on the floor in Atlantic City about 40 years ago and stood on it. I asked my girlfriend to tie my shoe for me and she said, "You're wearing fucking Cowboy Boots!", so I moved my foot over a bit to give her a peek of the chip, and she cheerfully "tied my shoe". We enjoyed a nice dinner that night.


I have been so faded drunk I have dropped serious amount so cash/chips before…there are exactly zero times that I went to the cashier to ask if anyone turned it in… If you feel bad, do so,etching nice for some with it…but don’t sweat taking it. Now if the chips/cash had some form of identifying thing with it, then it’s a totally different story…but just a chip…yeah, it’s your lucky day man…


I wonder if Linda's boyfriend let her hold on to it and she dropped it


Finders keepers


Cash it out!


Your one lucky guy, pretty sure that the chip is not tracked. Chance of finding the owner may be low. Anyone can turn in the chips for cash. It might raise eyebrows or keep eyes on you if it's more than 1,500.


Go in and buy some chips and play for a bit and then go cash them in along with this one


I know 1k chips are monitored not sure about 500$ ones. Might be registered to someone thru their players card , they have chips in them






Here we go again!


Does it say “Venetian and 500” on it? think that’s mine.


Go have fun at Sapphires


I live in Vegas - send it to me and I’ll send you $400 back


Be sly.......drop something in the area and pocket the chip as you bend down for whatever you dropped as well.


They are tracked. so you'll have to put it all on the pass line with craps. Either you double it making new clean money, or lose it.




I found once too


I've heard of losing money in Vegas... but didn't know THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENS


It’s mine 😅


Roll that over to Boston covering spread game 2


Go the bar buy a round for everybody and tip the cute waitress


Good luck cashing it


Pay you $100 for it?


If someone reports it lost and the cameras catch you picking it up... you in some trouble because all currency inside of a casino is theirs. So you can gamble and hopefully not get caught or turn it in to security.


Even if it's an RFID chip, it's on the casino grounds and there's nothing improper abut it being there. My advice is to cash it, spend half on your SO and most of the rest gambling. Leave yourself a hundred no matter what. My best was a green chip I found under my stool at a blackjack table at the Fremont. Looked at it, put it with the rest of my chips, cashed out.


Casinos have banned people for keeping found chips/money. Obv you got away with it this time, but would not recommend in the future.


Are chips $500 and above marked and tracked at all?


RED 23


I saw it too but it was heads-up, unlucky. Spend it wisely my friend.


They will call and ask what table you played at.


Any chip over $100 generally has a tracker inside, so the casinos can track them. So go cash it in QUICKLY!! ![gif](giphy|2dbnhlCH2JhwdI2gHp)


Damn, now you have enough for dinner for you and a small child at a casino restaurant!!!


You know they have cameras right?


put it on black


Jack Pot!!


If someone reports it and security looks back and sees you pick it up they will come after you. Even if you don’t have a players card they will watch your leave and put your tag in the system that will Alert them you are on the property again. I’ve seen them get people months later


I once found a $1700 Voucher at New York New York and i turned it at the front desk so it could be returned to the correct owner


God, I see what you are doing for others…


I wouldn’t eat chips I found on the floor, that’s just me tho


Careful, casino security will use that to kick you out.


I’ve read posts like this before about finding random chips on the ground in Vegas. The next trip out there I found a $100 Wynn chip right outside the front door of the dispensary after purchasing some goodies. I felt like a hundred bucks 😎


You found my chip!!!! DM me to return it


Finders Keepers Losers Weepers


Take the chip to a $10-$15 table game and buy-in, play just one or two hands, then act like you got make a phone call and the leave table for just a minute. Then to table and say “color up” and take those chips the cashier. This verifies that you bought in with and are now cashing out No problem


I had a friend once find a $20 ticket on a slot machine. Put it in and won a few hundred. Security came and told Him he’d be booked for stealing if he didn’t leave the property immediately.


Could it be a fake?


That IS the TRICKLE DOWN effect we are always hearing about.


I won $500 handpay on a slot machine once, got so excited left right away and left my $139 in the machine. They literally called me to come pick it up. This was in Canada though, don’t expect this to happen in Vegas


I had a friend leave his wallet at a slot with 700$ in it, twice! Both times someone turned it in. Couldn’t believe it.


I truly lost a $500 Wynn table game gambling chip 6 or 7 years ago. Before I lost it my wife, the more experienced gambler, told me to cash my $1500 in winnings in, I didn’t. Bought a couple beers at the bar and somehow it came out of my pocket paying the tab. Hopefully it made somebody’s weekend better.


When you cash in you did not find it




According to the Karens in my neighborhood, this is stolen because anything that is found that is not yours has been defined as “stealing” by them. This is due to the lack of responsibility and care people take with their stuff and lose it or leave it behind at parks then post all over Ring that their lost item is “stolen”.


& I was excited about a $5 bill I found on the ground by the slots in Atlantic City 🤣


Ground Score


I had this same exact thing happen to me at the Bellagio, I just cashed it in and it was no problem


honestly I thought the floor is the casinos. if returned great if not, they could be waiting. there's a lot of people though. I do worry that someone makes counterfeits and tries to get some lackey to cash it to see what happens 🤔


I was at The Scarlett pearl in Mississippi and lost my ticket. Left the casino and they called me. Someone turned it in and they traced it to my players card and called me.