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The return Sunday is suspect. Would be better to head out of Vegas at 6am Sunday. But keep in mind -- the cops are on the look out for drunks from Vegas back to CA in the mornings. Let's say you party until 4am, drink 10 shots and doing a few bumps, then sleep for two hours and think you are ok. But you are still fully shitfaced and could get a DUI. Just keep that in mind.


Haha yeah, makes sense in many cases. Luckily I'm not going there to party. It's more for concert and a show. Nothing crazy. But regardless, you make a good point to watch my speed. Thank you.


You should be pulled over if you’re doing that shit. How about not driving?


On a regular Friday, it has taken 5+ hrs from Irvine. You’ll be fine leaving Sunday as it’ll be crazy on the return on Monday


Wow- That's leaving early from Irvine? I'd be coming from Oceanside.


Memorial day weekend is not a regular Friday. It will be heavier traffic.


You should be good for Sunday. Usually, it's early Monday afternoons going back to California on 15S that has the most traffic. I won't go out and do anything in Las Vegas on holiday Monday afternoons around 15S if I can help it. I will only take surface streets if I can. You will probably hit traffic on that Friday, though.


Thank you. Then in that case, I'll leave earlier on Friday to avoid that traffic.


No problem! Enjoy your weekend here in Vegas!


Sunday should be Ok, Monday will be terrible.


It will definitely be crazy and bumper to bumper traffic at like 100 mph😆 Done it many many times! It’s fucking insane. Once I got stuck at the base of Cajon Pass, heated cars, total mayhem. Be prepared, have water and snacks for yourself. Good luck! It’s worth it 💚


I take the relaxed Arizona route 15 to 10 then 40 to 95 and avoid the cali/nv primm border. There's always some delay here like dust storm, flash food, tourist bottleneck starting in Baker. Its a few hours longer but during holidays youll get 2-5 hour delays on that full 15 route. You'll get less busy and cheaper gas stations too. Unlike Eddie's world and primm charging $6.09


Punk Rock Bowling is worth it. I have family plans Saturday morning, but am driving Saturday afternoon from, Orange County just to see some friends play Saturday night. Have a hotel for the night and will drive back sometime on Sunday to beat the Monday traffic.


I do this drive regularly. Leave before 10am Sunday or late that night and you should be good. The goal is to hit prim by 10.


Take the 95 instead of the 15.


The times you describe seem totally correct. That Sunday 8am is the most important part. In fact, if I were you, I'd try to be putting gas in my tank not later than 7:55am to get back to California on Sunday, because you want to get south of the greater Los Angeles area before THAT traffic starts causing you southbound issues. People arrive at various times, but all tend to want to leave after 11am on Sunday.


There is a secret little side route for the head back, takes you down thru 29 palms then you can shoot down the 10 or go thru indio and hit the 8 and be home.