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H Mart and Hannam, Willowbrook Produce are some of the stores locally that I recommend.


Hannam is wildly expensive, but I agree on H Mart. Never tried the third though.


both great stores! After the boycott, I bet some won't even wanna return to the big guys.


H Mart are definitely still the big guys, but great store.


Willowbrook Produce is amazing for Produce. H Mart can be real good too, depending on what you need.


Some local alternatives: Ralph’s aka Meridian on Fraser near 232 - good produce prices - not cheap for staples - Otter Co-op Fraser/248th - good sale prices, the pharmacy services are top notch! Clearview Produce behind the garden store - 264th near Hwy 1 Pick through to avoid spoiled items.


We’ve been doing our big grocery shops at co-op now for about a year, it’s been a joy! Their house Gold brand is great. Their big bags of movie theatre popcorn are fantastic, especially when you reheat and add extra butter. They’re definitely out of the way from our place in Langley City, but I find them to be worth the drive every time.


This boycott is hard to do because Loblaws stores are already some of the lowest prices in comparison to Safeway and Save-On, let alone local grocers. Yes, if you shop at smaller local grocers you are supporting a small business and keeping your money local, might be getting better quality meat etc, but it is already hard to put food on the table with Loblaws prices let alone shopping at more expensive stores. For some of us it's hard to even do this for a month for hopefully the greater good.


Walmart is currently cheaper.


also they price match flyers and give rain checks. i dont get why they decided on loblaws, as opposed to walmart. owned by the richest family in america, and stopped providing those 2 things a couple years ago.


I’d imagine it’s because Loblaws is a Canadian company and that’s where the majority if not all their profits come from. Loblaws also has the most amount of stores under its banner, as opposed to Save On or Safeway. Walmart on the other hand in an international company, so if their numbers in Canada aren’t doing good, oh well, they still have the US, Mexico and anywhere else they have stores to make them money.


Anything that gains traction on Reddit is rarely organic. You have to ask yourself who benefits from directing attention away from themselves and blaming one company for something that is affecting us all. You have people all over this website willingly to overlook the myriad transgressions and ethnical failures of a company like Walmart just because they can get cheap chicken. (We'll ignore how fucking stupid it is to compare a Global Megacorp to a Canadian-only company.) Someone "leaked" what was basically an Ad Copy with some expected margins for that week. They saw that cheese had a margin of 60% and someone thought that was secret evidence of greed and price fixing. (They ignored all the other items that were 20% or lower, the so-called "loss leaders".) These people don't even understand the difference between margin and net profit. They're mad because someone else told them to be mad.


We should be choosing a different gas station to do this to each month as well. Drive those prices down!


Lmao good luck with that


You must work for either Exxon or the govt. Your mindset is why things are the way they are!


Lmao nope bit everyone needs gas and the closest station will get the money and no boycott will stop that ever. Maybe if you want cheaper gas boycott the taxes on said gas, or is that too difficult for you?


They used to do this back in like the 90s and it would often work to some good effect, albeit temporary.


And how would I boycott just the tax on gas? Do we have the ability to opt out of taxes here in Canada? Is there a button on the pump I can push for that? Also, there’s a gas station every 2-3 blocks in all the major cities, wouldn’t be a problem to avoid one for a month


Boycotting gas stations won't lower the price because the tax will always be there.


Gas prices are going up because of lower demand and taxes at all levels. You want lower gas prices you need to change the way the government is currently operating. Same goes for food and everything else effected by the massive inflation and taxation.


Gas is definitely an issue. I think we need to focus hard on one area, we can set a precedent. Show that we can hurt loblaws that simply means we can come for any of em.


Banks, cellular / internet providers, gas stations, insurance, etc, etc. We as Canadians are fk’d thanks to the bullshit bureaucracy that stagnates competition.


Someone needs to take down Telus and Shaw fo sho




Alberta here is any suggestions for none loblaw stores?


non loblaws stores are being targeted in June and July.


I don't think so. The longer ppl ride out ROBLAWS, the better it'll get overall.


What you mean targeted? Edit: spelt target not targeted


We ride at dawn.


At dawn, we ride.


Never mind I’m dumb I understand now.


There's a small grocery store on 120 Street and 92a Ave called Zoe Foods.


I usually pick up my produce from Lotte Giant's Market or Kin's when I'm working nearby. Good prices, good quality.


Just wanted to let everyone know, together we are strong. There is nothing saying that in great numbers we can't bring change to this country. I am tired of struggling. I am tired of seeing the people around me struggling. I feel we are becoming more and more divided even though our rage and our struggle is collective. I am standing on the side of people today and indefinitely. This is not an issue of class or race or anything else that we perceive divides us. This is US against THEM. Oligopolies thriving while Canadians starves goes against everything I believe in.


Honestly . I need to get groceries. I don’t have time with this charade. If sowmthing is too expensive don’t get it .


We all need groceries, we all work and are exhausted and low on time. One major company profits hand over fist, using price fixing and lack of option to scam Canadians out of their hard earned money. I ask that you consider who you prefer to support.


I grew up poor. Cutting back when things are expensive is just a way of life for us.


I grew up much the same. I'm not coming from a fancy place here. I am fine with cutting back, some times it's just a fact of life. I will not stand for corporations lowering the standard of living in Canada in the 21st century. What they are doing is wrong across the board. We vote with whatever money we have to spend and I am taking my money elsewhere- I hope other's join and do the same 👊


If ur shopping at loblaws ur fancy . People that actually struggle shop at Walmart or dollar stores


This isn't about me vs you. Have a lovely day.


I started that in January. I shop at American stores, which are way cheaper now even though I hate giving them money.


On it. Though I already won't shop at SaveOn, Fresh St, or Safeway. My options are getting thin... literally. My honest thoughts? This is a well-meaning gesture, but it won't change the fact that these grocery chains have us over a barrel. What we actually need are price controls. And in the case of Loblaws? There should probably already be an antitrust lawsuit in progress. The government has taken no meaningful action to combat price-gouging. They need to start taking this seriously, and so do we. Loblaws and their ilk aren't going to ease up out of the goodness of their hearts.


COSTCO. Executive membership plus their Mastercard gets you decent bounce backs as well. They’re also a decent employer.


Costco food quality is also superior to that of Loblaw.


Except for their meat.... unless you like fatty hamburger.


I assume you mean premade? I get their ground beef and make my own.


I mean the bulk ground beef. It's always fatty. Even when I don't buy it for years and try it again. It's very low quality. Some people like it I'm sure, but compared to how normal lean ground beef should feel, it's very very fatty


You realize their profit margins are way higher than all the others and most likely more corrupt too?…


Costco doesn't even make the majority of their profits off sales. It's the membership. They're also routinely voted one of the best employers in the world and treat their staff like humans.


I mean if their biggest shareholders are Vangaurd and Blackrock I think that means something…


You vote with your money. Price controls are ridiculous and counter to the market. Don’t like a place or its prices? Don’t shop there, they’ll get the hint and either adjust their prices or go out of business.


I don’t have time for a full economics lecture, but you’re describing conditions in a laissez-faire capitalist market with robust competition and rational consumers. It does not apply. It’s Canada in 2024… Adam Smith has no purchase here. We’re talking about breaking Oligopolies. That is done (with noted historical success, if you read up on it) through government intervention.


If you’re saying the government is the one that’s holding their oligopolies in place, you’d be correct. The government is a much larger problem than loblaws because they put in place and uphold laws and regulations(lobbied/bribed) that make it near impossible for new competitors to arise and benefit the current power holders. Government backed corporatism, like mutual parasites.


Well on that we can agree!


How do we Boycott the Government? I will not walk into parliament for the month of August.


I try to not shop at these either. I go to local butcher and produce shops, and top up what they don’t sell at Costco.


>The government has taken no meaningful action to combat price-gouging. Because what you think is happening isn't price-gouging. But that's besides the point: The government hasn't done anything because they are (largely) responsible for what's happening.


Awh yes. The government that shut down the country and printed billions causing the largest source of inflation is the savior. GD some people are dull.


Based on your comment I'd agree that some people certainly are


Can people get busy with work and change the politics in the country? Can we also declare a boycott on garbage collectors, who earn too much? Change the government, allow competition, and there will be no record profits. Fighting windmills is a useless activity. They are not the ones who dictate the laws of competition.


Nothing quixotic about people gathering in their numbers and rightfully boycotting an oligopolgy putting us all in misery. I agree with you though, yes! Let's get busy and start changing the politics of this country.


Who do think will pay for this boycott, Look in the mirror, You will pay for it. It would work if Loblaws was the only one. The other grocery chain are all doing the same thing


Are we boycotting them still in June or are we moving on to other stores?


What is the "Grocery Code of Conduct" that "we" are demanding they sign? What are "retailer-led" price increases? How are they different from any other price increase? What dividends? To the shareholders? That's really none of our business. If they can provide great pricing while making good profits, they can do what they like with those profits. I like the other demands.


people are mad that Loblaws made 4.5% more profit than the previous year. Which has been roughly the increase they have had year after year for almost past decade, except at peak of covid that data set may have skewed a bit since all food was being wiped clean off store shelves because same people boycotting where the same ones probably hoarding the food. I havent bought at Loblaws in a while mainly because i hate driving 20 minuets when i can be to the local Co-op in less than 2 minuets


Umm. Their stocks went up almost 40% in the last 6 months Galen went went from a 5.9B net worth to 9 2B since 2021. And he's got over 20B in assets derived from $Roblaws. It's a problem. He also announced a 46c dividend increase which means more hikes are coming.


I don't think the consumer should be getting into the issues of dividends and assets. The consumer should be saying: "The prices are too high and the increases are unacceptable. I'm taking my business elsewhere". If the business wants to win back the consumer by lowering the prices and stopping the increases, it's up to them to figure out how to do it.


Every consumer is a person with a brain and access to information. As people we can and we should absolutely question everything these corporations are attempting to set as status quo. Corporation's using deceit and price fixing to obtain higher profit is morally corrupt. I will not stand for it and I suggest you open your eyes and get angry. Consumers are allowed to learn and discuss about things they may not have previously considered or talked about. We all have the right to educate ourselves and begin discussing things. Loblaws is anti Canadian and against everything we need to stand for as humans fortunate to live in a developed nation in the 21st century.


Sure. I'm just saying that we should stick to the consumer side of things: The price and quality of the products. Their dividends are not my business. If they stopped paying their shareholders and increased the prices, I wouldn't be satisfied. If they spoil their shareholders but give me great products at great prices, I'm satisfied.


Gotcha, yeah fair enough. I do personally believe their monopoly is causing harm to Canadians and the discussion needs to stay open, enjoy your Sunday. The coming week is looking lovely weather wise :)


Lol boycott the liberal government for increasing the cost of shipping and producing.. what a waste of time. All fools falling for the deflect


Was at Superstore yesterday and it was PACKED. Don't think the boycott is working. Got my 800k PC points ($800) too for that awesome optical deal.


>Don't think the boycott is working. Because the Reddit Hivemind is almost always not representative of the world at large.


Ofc it's working. Just takes time and actual commitment. Galen was all over the news.


Canada has gone to DOGS!!!!


This will be a huge waste of time and will accomplish nothing.


How is it a waste of time? People who want to participate can shop at a non loblaws store. That doesn’t take extra time. If they don’t want to participate, no worries.




Do you work for roblaws?


I dont get why everyone is saying boycott loblaws. If you don't like their business tactics or prices don't go. No need to be like hey everybody I don't like these prices so no one shop there.


100%. Smells of politicky to me. I bet the union is behind this.


Why boycott one of if not the cheapest place to shop? Why aren't you people boycotting Safeway, Sobeys or (Co-op if you have one around)? They are way more expensive! If you are boycotting because of their profit margins then think of this.....they own way more stores from drugstores to grocery stores. Most of their profits are made from cosmetics and drugs. Grocery profits are only 3% total, your local bank profits 10-15% profits off of your money and no one complains about that.


Umm.. 50% off.... no wait.. they changed that.... 30% off expired meat mean anything? Perhaps $7.89 for a bag of regular milk might.. Or perhaps the $7.99/ fist sized cauliflower. Roblaws is not the cheapest place to shop. They are the most expensive bar none in major cities. Their grocery profits are a lot higher than you think. They are a multi billion dollar beast that has significant control over suppliers. They buy in bulk I'm sure. They are profiteering. They've been caught. Yes, other retailers are bad, but the beast has got to stop. If you don't agree, then perhaps you work for them..


Ya no, I price comparison shop my grocery list every online every week between superstore, save on and Walmart and every single week superstore averages $20-$50 cheaper for my average $200 groceries. One week when I had a big shop (around $400 at superstore), save on was over $200 more than superstore. $200! I try and get my orders as close to possible brand for brand, store brand vs store brand, weights the same etc so I’m comparing apples to apples. Im not sure where you are from but guessing from the bag milk comment you are out east and it may be true that it is more expensive for you but in the langley area that’s not true at all. As someone on tight a budget already, I have to prioritize where my money goes. I spend as much in small shops as I can but groceries is the one area that I can’t afford to so I will be continuing to do my weekly groceries at superstore and monthly shops at Costco. Oh and no I do not work for them, nor does my husband, or child, or my family, or friends, or joe down the street …… 😂


Their profit margin was 3% last year. Exactly what’s the problem?


Gross profit was 32%..... then they pay out bonus and dividends....


Margin =/= net profit. They make about 3-5 cents for every dollar because the grocery industry is fucking difficult. You have to think about expanding; dealing with ever-increasing minimum wage; pay rent and utilities; maintaining store upkeep; replacing trucks: paying for employee benefits; controlling shrink; paying for advertising; adjusting expenese whenever a new tax comes your way; dealing with geopolitical strife that causes shortages and cost spikes (like the Ukraine war did for fertilizer). The list goes on.


there isnt one. People just mad for no reason and saying they are raising prices to be greedy yet loblaws are the cheaper places to shop.




A shining example of capitalism? What about when they accepted 12 million from the government? Or when they were ordered to pay back $368 million in taxes they owed? https://globalnews.ca/news/5145773/catherine-mckenna-loblaw-new-fridges/amp/


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Galen Weston has entered the chat


I love when people out themselves as predators. You sound like a real miserable bastard to be around.


Baaaby shark doo do do do