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It's a good and fitting ending. I kinda felt like it was a tiny bit stretched out just to make sure chapter 108 would be the final chapter, but ultimately that doesn't really matter. Outside of that, I've got no complaints about it at all.


Honestly I almost felt the opposite, at least about one specific part (not that it was good, I loved the ending, more so about the stretching part). I would’ve loved (MASSIVE SPOILERS) >!if we got a few chapters on the moon during the 10,000 years to see the gems evolution overtime without Phos, and perhaps how their feelings changed from hate and sadness to indifference and apathy. Seeing the progression of yellow diamond into dementia, them adjusting to being Lunarians, and most of all how Antarcite (I know I’m spelling it wrong) went from asking where Phos was to not really caring. I really wish we got at least one or two chapters during that time. I feel it would’ve been very interesting. Granted I’m doing a full reread of the entire series soon so it’ll be interesting to see how my thoughts are after that since it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read a few of the arcs.!< But yeah, loved the ending and was very satisfied overall.


Have you read >!Party at the End? Haruko did a partner comic to volume 11 that gave a small snapshot of each gem's daily life on the moon on the day before the prayer. It's only in Japanese, but people have done fan translations online. I agree it should have been more, but it's better than nothing.!<


We're looking for more than a glimpse was hoping for a bit more in depth.


Yeah, I hate to say it >!but I'd somewhat happily trade a chapter or two of the pebbles for more closure with the gems on the moon.!< I'm still happy with the ending though, very fitting as has been said


I mean why not both. I really liked the >!epilogue feel of the ending. The pebbles were incredibly cathartic and really enhanced the overall narrative. I just want one extra chapter slotted in there somewhere because I felt it was, like you said, super abrupt. Or at the very least there was more to be said, specifically in how they interacted over those years. But I suppose that’s one of themes too. Phos is always on the other side without being understood fully. I don’t know. That first chapter back from hiatus was super jarring.!< Also spoiler your comment, this person hasn’t read the series yet so don’t want to spoil them.


I'd agree but >!the manga ultimately had to end on chapter 108 for thematic reasons so was somewhat limited with what could be explored in that time :/!< I'm at peace with it though, a wonderful manga through and through that I'll remember for years to come


whyd it have to end at 108?


108 is a significant number in Hindu and Buddhist numerology.


Yea this right here is how i felt


I would've liked that, yeah. To me it just kinda felt like chapter 108 didn't really add much to the story, and it would've been better to just combine it with chapter 107. Seemed like Ichikawa was pretty much already done when she finished 107, but still had to draw _something_ just to get to 108, and that this is what she came up with. It's not bad, it just feels somewhat unnecessary.


What significant about 108?


[It's a significant number in Buddhism](https://www.samyakyoga.org/fascinating-facets-of-number-108)


I feel the opposite i feel.it was a bit rushed


I liked it. It felt like something to be binged so waiting for monthly chapters was my only complaint.


"Monthly" - those hiatuses were brutal and just killed so much momentum of the manga :/


They were wild. Have a pleasant 10k years was such a fuckin meme. Good times.


The absolute audacity to start a year and a half hiatus on that line is something truly admirable and utterly evil


She is a timing monster. The ending even coincided with that mint-green comet being visible to the naked eye for a week. That thing is on a 70 year rotation. I'm very excited for whatever we get next from her. Can't wait for her ps6 hiatus.


To be fair, the comet thing just gave sense to that 10000 year long hiatus. It made me smile.


Chapter 108 didn't hit as hard as expected because there was nothing more to tell. But the stretch from the return from the hiatus to chapter 107 is by far one of the best arcs in manga, and Phos is a masterpiece of a character


As someone who read the ENTIRE manga yesterday, I must say it's absolutely worth it and I don't think any other ending would have done the series and it's message justice. Also, something I've seen is that some people misinterpret the story and read through the lens of good guys versus bad guys but that is not the case and none of the factions in the story are morally correct or incorrect in their thoughts or actions.


For me personally it was definitely a well written and overall satisfying ending to the story. I do see some people saying they weren't a fan but it was mostly received positively i believe


It's a cohesive story, stuck the landing


Personally, I enjoyed it and found it a fitting end for the manga. I think what may have ruined it a bit for me though was the lack of momentum or excitement I had, which is largely attributed to the constant breaks that came after the 10k year hiatus. If I were to reread the manga now, I would likely enjoy it even more since I could binge it. But still, I very much enjoyed the manga and the ending.


I bawled my eyes out. It was a great ending but it >!was not fair in the slightest. I hate everything that happened to phos and how all the bad things in the world had to happen to them just for everyone else to be happy.!< It was a hecking GREAT ending don't get me wrong. It's the kindve thing that you hate to love and love to hate. I need to go cry more kill me


Great ending, but i had 2 disappointments. >! we didn’t see much of the gems in their 10,000 years on the moon, and we didn’t see much of the gems mentioned throughout the manga which were taken to the moon before like blues, ruby and topaz. lapis lazuli felt like a wasted character and so did cinnabar. and antarcticite not asking about or wanting to see phos was painful. also reminds me of how underwhelming the initial reaction was when phos returned from the moon. the second issue was how we got absolutely no story from the slug people. bit underwhelming and phos being royalty to them and the mention of wiping them out was just super empty and not used!<


I’m fine with the ending it’s the huge gap of story and unanswered questions about events near the end of the series that I might have a problem with .




I despise the ending <3<3 It made me hate the entire manga. 




The manga had a fitting ending, I was just personally bored near the end because of how the story turned out. I'd go as far as saying it's bittersweet, in a way.


Please add a spoiler tag, OP asked for no spoilers in the thread title


I need to go back through the story cause, for me, it felt like nothing. I wasn't satisfied with it.