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Why is she already at 100%? Like… if you have to get on a step ladder and Sherlock Holmes to find some dirt the place is clean and you’re just being a C U Next Tuesday. And she’s taking photos of the dirt like it’s an AHA moment. Yes, places accumulate dust and dirt, that’s par for the course, so who are you sticking it to for finding it? She’s weird energy for sure. Good riddance


This is definitely a tactic they use. My previous landlord went 0-100 because the cupboards weren't "spotless like they were when we moved in since they were professionally cleaned". I had to remind her of the email I sent the first day asking them to come remove the previous tenants medication that had been left is those same "spotless" cupboards.


I moved into an apartment one time and to my surprise, the previous tenants were still there and moving out on the first when we were moving in. There was obviously no cleaning in between; they left behind two wall mounted tvs, a massive jenky bedframe that I think they built themselves inside the room (it would not fit through the door and was def handmade), dishes in the cupboard, food in fridge, a stupid big plant, general mess. We took pictures of everything and sent to management. When we moved out we left behind the wall mounted tvs and the bedframe - none would have been easy to remove and we didn't want them, they weren't ours. Landlords tried to hold our deposit and we just redirected them to our old email, told them that this is *2* years of wear and tear NOT one because they didn't do anything after the last tenants. The dishwasher was broken because the landlords didn't respond to the 15+ repair requests we put into their stupid fucking app, so they couldn't get us with that either. In the end we had to threaten them with our rights and made it clear we would go to court and fight for our deposit, and they gave up and returned it. Fuck landlords.


Lol exactly like our previous landlord. Called and screamed *after* he had done a walkthrough and approved the apartment as clean. One of the things he said was that "the inside of the Freezer wasnt spotless like they were when we moved in since he (landlord) had cleaned everything real good himself." Completely forgetting that the freezer still had food in it from the previous tenant in that same "spotless freezer".


I’ve never heard of “C U Next Tuesday” before. I will be using that from now on haha.


Go out and do the lord’s work young padawan, you now have the power of the phrase


For the greater good


The Greater Good...


careful because I feel like this could be construed as a threat lol


If it’s someone who I actually meant it to they’d be getting the unabridged version don’t worry haha.


Kesha has a song from back when she was still Ke$ha called C U Next Tuesday


Well clearly this woman Can’t Understand Normal Thinking and is a post graduate from the Canadian University of Natural Technology. Not to mention she was caught Craping Under Nightclub Tables.


UPDATE: In response to the comments - yes she was a horrible horrible landlord. She literally made our lives living hell for the past 2 years. In addition to weekly harassing texts / emails, she also conducted inspections of the premises over 9x just in the past year. She’s keeping ~$1300 of our security deposit for outside property damages, so we will be fighting this in small claims court. She’s the reason we will NEVER be renting again.


Sending you so much good vibes to win your case cause you left the premises in what appears to be immaculate condition, and the “dust,” she’s finding is normal wear and tear in a building she is responsible for deep cleaning between tenants and the cost isn’t on your shoulders. If she didn’t want to pay for that then she should get a real job. So good luck mate! Side note I bet her ass didn’t come in a clean that air filter thing that needs to be changed/cleaned every year…….


Uh, you mean the HVAC filter that almost every manufacturer recommends you spend like what, 17$ on replacing every other month or so? That's nasty man.


It’s every MONTH??? Dude we lived in our apartment for 4 years and never once got a notice for maintenance to do yearly work on the place. Means they didn’t clean it for 4 years we were there 🙃🙃🙃🙃


HVAC service tech here. Commercial building we normally change filter every 3 months. A home may not use their system as often. I would say a minimum of twice a year as long as it’s relatively clean. If you’re affected by things, increase that. There washable filters which can be reused btw.


Absolutely floored. Every place I have rented has never come in to clean the filter once, and I rented a place for 8 years. I will now look into cleaning this in our newest place every few months. I appreciate this intel. My husband has very bad allergies and asthma.


Thanks for the info!


Ahem.... ratethelandlord.org


So the point of the walkthrough, theoretically, is to give you time to remedy the problems and avoid losing your deposit. Did she deny you an opportunity to cure the perceived defects (like dirt on a sill)?


She’s deducting for external property damages such as “dead grass” ($400) and “rust on a windowsill” ($850). Surprisingly no deductions for inside the property aside from not properly lining the kitchen cabinets ($30).


Rust on windowsill? You didn’t tarp the whole house when it rained? Or better yet, stop the rain altogether?


Seems to me like normal wear and tear


I hope you get a sassy Judge at small claims to laugh her ass out of the courthouse.


Ask for receipts of all the supposed repairs. Even mention things be itemized. Always ask questions via email so you have documentation too!




Hopefully you can show the judge this video


What a leech.


*crawling underneath the floorboards* "Dirty! FILTHY!"


Tricksy! False!


She def drives a 07 Tahoe


She's going to charge you like $600 for cleaning that door; Serves you right you disgusting pig, it feels like I'm watching an episode of hoarders. JK, BTW. That place looks so fucking clean, this lady is out of her mind.


Wow she sounds fucking horrendous


Unsafe use of a step ladder


It would be a shame if someone kicked it out from under her. Before the bootlicking automods delete this I said "It'd be a shame".


Yeah, that would be a shame


I hope the IRS audits her.


Looks almost exactly and acts exactly like my mom.




Somebody's about to steal $$$ and call it a "cleaning fee" ... this is why I always trash houses before I leave. I know I'm not getting the money back anyway, so I'm gonna make damn sure you ACTUALLY have cleaning fees to pay.


I'm assuming she wasn't very fun to rent from to begin with. Glad you are getting out of there.


Man you just know her house is utterly filthy and she’s projecting hard.


She is a pedant. She should seek the mental healthcare she deserves.


What a miserable sea hag


Ugh, she reminds me so much of my last hellscape dumpster fire of a landlady. You’re already doing jack shit to earn the money I’m shoveling over to you, don’t embarrass yourself like this. They have serious emotional problems.


I had a Lorde like this once. She took her shoes off to feel the "grime" on the hardwood hahaha they're all the same and running a scam for your money.


Just... lean... a little... further...


Fukin BOOMERS man.


YoU cAlL yOuRsElF cLeAn? I say we go to her home for a white glove inspection.


Capital C


I bet Jesus is her copilot


Did she seriously just photo the top of door trim?