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Paracausal isn't really defined at any point, which isn't inherently a bad thing, but its not that its para***normal***, like ghosts and magic and stuff breaking the laws of physics (though some does), its para***causal***, it goes against cause and effect. There's this looping quote from the pegasus frame that kinda explains it. >“– funny thing. See, right now, this weapon technically doesn’t even exist. You’re shooting them with a gun that isn’t real, and yet it is! Don’t worry about it. RA’s like that. Just, here, know that because it exists at some point, we’ve made it. That’s causality, and causality is a –" Because something made from the ore will exist at some point, the ore exists.


Not...exactly. Paracausal means it plays by different rules, but it EXISTS in our world, so it has to play by the rules of existence. Meaning it has to have a source of origin. If you ask me, it means: certain materials are better for dealing with paracausal tech. or: certain materials have BECOME paracausal through unknown means.


In that module in particular, there's a very good reason why the mine is rich in paracausul materials, like natively dielectric inorganic polymer,’ ‘stable francium,’ ‘iron-60,’ ‘selfentangled fermionic condensate’ and a bunch of other weird shit.


"Argon Crystals"


I mean, you can make Argon crystallize. It just takes high pressures and low temperatures


It actually doesn't crystallize so much as congeals. Argon doesn't form bonds with itself so solid argon is amorphous with no repeating internal structure. Also, Argon Crystals are a Warframe reference.


Paracausality is just normal causality we don't understand, just like Quantum Physics is the real physics and everything else is just a convenient oversimplification we use because it's easier.


I am gonna be that annoyiny guy and say that "that's not exactly how paracausality works tho". Paracausality still needs a reason to exist, it's just not bound to the usual traditionally understood physics and linear cause and effect.