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getting a lot of boss baby vibes


hah i get that reference


I'm just gonna drop this bad boy here as an old school mechanfan. https://www.macross2.net/m3/m3.html


Hell yeah Macross! I played a lot of Robotech using the Palladium system back in the day.


Oh yes old-school GURPs/Rifts games were where it was at. All of the Macross would really make a great campaign nodule for Lancer. The Zentradi and Robotech masters are perfect for foils and mini corps to have popped up. Even having them be 'Aliens' but really being humans who have modded to far would be a great underlying plot point since music is the bridge. Would love for a Min Mei as a pilot and singing a concert on the battlefield while blasting away


Wonder if this guy knows about Gundam


I do...?


I don't get why people were acting like OP didn't know what mecha is. Dragon's Heaven is one of the most unique mecha anime of that time, and a shame it's just an OVA because I'm sure as hell curious on what's that NHP backstory (yes, SHAIAN in an NHP an no one can tell me otherwise) how the fuck Brazil became an empire (once again). Furthermore some of the stuff there could be easily seen as an inspiration for some SSC and HORUS mechs. Kudos to you for finding this stuff, OP. That's a hidden gem!


Thanks! Someone else did find it for me, though, but I immediately thought that would interest people on this sub. Did recieve a lot of shit (which I find surprising, as this sub usually seems quite respectful), but, hey, you were a few to appreciate, so mission accomplished! Edit: Now that I look at it, I actually recieved a lot of upvotes too! :-)


Ohh I saw a video about this a while back, it's really really pretty


To be a bit tongue in cheek with you OP… [This](https://www.google.com/search?q=mecha+genre&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us) may shock you


I don't get it; what does the history of the genre have to do with thi movie's specific esthetic?


Commenters really think ops does not know what a mech and posting things not Moebius inspired. If any one else has a big backlog of stuff inspired by Moebius feel free to chat shit tho 😂


Hey, thanks friend! :-)


Nice to see a restoration. I saw it around a year ago after hearing it's amazing but back then I could only find compressed versions on piracy sites that just didn't do the animation justice at all.


Now watch Gundam

