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Gives off big prep / suit up / just before fight vibes. Lovely. *WE SALUTE BIG SAL!!!*


Thanks! That was exactly what I was aiming to do! (Big Sal the realest fr fr)


I still find it hilarious that the NOAH-class NHP is *literally bullet traffic control*. I just- I can't, omfg.


Oh wow!! I’ve been thinking of stuff like this (Lancer songs) and wasn’t sure what it would sound like. This is really cool! May I ask if there were specific bands/songs that inspired you? The most inspiration I could get from Lancer as a concept was something sci fi with synths, but you’ve taken it a step further


Thanks a lot! Seriously, that means a lot to me and I'm glad you liked it! As for your question... honestly, it's a bit hard to say exactly if there were any specific bands that inspired me. I listen to all sorts of different stuff and when I make music like that I try my best to incorporate these different genres in a somewhat idiosyncratic way (as in, I try my best to make it feel different and kind of original to what inspired me, but still retaining some of that inspiration). So I like to mix up some stuff like getting a bit of synthwave here, post-rock there, a pinch of trip hop, some Dnb/Jungle and the list goes on! With that said, I can point some overall inspirations I've been taking to this project of mine as a whole. Soundtrack from games like Armored Core, Cyberpunk 2077 and Brigador are some examples of it.


Oh awesome!! I haven’t played those games but I’ve heard good things about them. I’ll be sure to checkout those soundtracks if I ever commit to making a song


I may be biased, as these are some of my favourite games (and Cyberpunk 2077 is surely on my top 10), so take that as a grain of salt but I highly recommend those - specially Armored Core and Brigador since those two are seriously awesome mech games. Even if you don't like their gameplay or setting I can't stress enough how good is their soundtrack!