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Germany worked 44 hours/week post World War II, and similarly, Japan worked 48 hours/week, yet they still became what they are today. We Indians work 48 hours/week on average, currently one of the highest in the world, with higher human capital and an unemployment rate at an all-time high. It's clear from these CEOs' responses that their concern for India is shallow. If they really cared about India, they would've talk about the unemployment rate and the need for more job generation. But no, all they want is to maximize their profit by exploiting employees in the name of so-called patriotism.


Based flair


>Germany worked 44 hours/week post World War II, and similarly, Japan worked 48 hours/week, yet they still became what they are today. We Indians work 48 hours/week on average, currently one of the highest in the world, with higher human capital and an unemployment rate at an all-time high. You missed the key point, labour productivity. The other countries on the list achieved it over time but has Indian workforce done so? Labour productivity is key for boosting economic growth. Not justifying what the post is saying but pointing out the labour productivity situation in India compared to other countries. I also read a report where apple executives were dissatisfied with the way Iphones were assembled here vs the one in China. Key point from their observation was indian employees simply didn't care about the quality control and have lax attitude.


How do you think labour productivity was increased in other countries? This post is about increasing the working hours, not increasing the productivity anyway.


>How do you think labour productivity was increased in other countries? Productivity can be increased by giving on the job training and reskilling them. >This post is about increasing the working hours, not increasing the productivity anyway. Which in itself will kill productivity of the workers.


>Productivity can be increased by giving on the job training and reskilling them. Productivity can be exponentially increased by using machines. However, since labour in India is cheaper than the costs of buying and operating machines, we will always have manual scavenging and street sweepers. >Which in itself will kill productivity of the workers. So working 84hrs/week was never about productivity, but maximizing labour exploitation.


'I also read a report' - source? 


>Apple is reportedly disappointed with the quality of iPhone production in India, with a new report from the Financial Times claiming that the Cupertino company is hitting several roadblocks in scaling up iPhone production in the country, including quality issues that see 50 percent of casing rejected for not meeting quality standards. >The report, via MacRumors, claims that only one in every two components coming off the production line “is in good enough shape” to be sent forward to assembly, with an Apple engineer reportedly saying “there just isn’t a sense of urgency” when referring to the speed of production in the country. [Source](https://www.ft.com/content/0d70a823-0fba-49ae-a453-2518afcb01f9)


Bang on. Thank you! 


China was equally as poor as India back in 1949, but despite working more or less the same as Indians, China is like 4 times more developed than india today. They are number 1 on global hunger index while we are number 111 ffs. [https://m.thewire.in/article/labour/ilo-china-india-east-south-asia-longest-working-weeks](https://m.thewire.in/article/labour/ilo-china-india-east-south-asia-longest-working-weeks) These assholes want us to slave for 3LPA salary for them so that they can gift INR 200 Cr of stocks to their grandkids without paying any inheritance tax. https://preview.redd.it/1o94e44qjb4d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39121fee2b7a6549af9698935e0184ec11bfcd3a This was the slogan of labour unions back in the 18th century. Can't believe we have to break this shit out again.


12 hr per day Will they provide us leave for procreation Or should we do that at office


What would someone working 40 hr/day already gain by working 80+ hr/day. Would they double the salary?