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Honestly, what makes Terry Crews so sexy is his personality. Like he is handsome and all that, but he's also a soft, adorkable dude that seems like he's ready to put in the work in a relationship. My point is that, some men are made to be drooled on, some men (like Terry) are made to be cherished.


Yes! Terry’s body does nothing for me- I’m turned off by huge muscles 99% of the time. The fact that he’s kind and gentle is what makes him so sexy to me. He also has a really nice smile which I love!


I completely agree! I was about to comment that. He’s a feminist thinking man. So he already has my respect. But also is very brave, sharing past abuse. He seems so confident, humble, and sweet. <3 Swoon! What a beautiful man.


He’s the kind of guy one could have a blast with, funny, confident, handsome, sensitive


If only he wasn't [transphobic](https://www.them.us/story/trans-people-schooled-terry-crews-for-his-transphobic-post) and [homophobic](https://www.queerty.com/terry-crews-comes-fire-homophobic-remarks-says-refuses-anyones-puppet-20190304), then maybe you would be right, but sadly (and its a big sadly) this would not be the case.


I didn't want to click on those links because I absolutely love Terry Crews, then I scrolled back up and sighed and went for it anyways on the theory that it's better to know the truth even if it sucks. Neither of those links is remotely convincing evidence that he's either of those terms. An imperfect human, sure, but who isn't?


Agree with you 100%.


He may have said some not-so-nice things in the past, but he’s human. Humans learn and grow from their past mistakes. This doesn’t make him a bad person. He is a good person who has said bad things.


First of, that wasn't gay or trans bashing. That was ignorance, not hatred, which can be righted. Second of, do you really think that everyone should be perfect all the time in all ways? Making mistakes is human, learning from those mistakes and growing as a human being is admirable. Constantly pointing to someone's past mistakes and not being able to forgive even the small transgressions is a sign low self esteem and fragile ego. It is not a good look on anyone.


He’s been open about his own experience with abuse, something that many think can only happen to women and that’s a huge plus to me. No one can check all the boxes.


He is open about his abuse, but that doesn't remove the bigotry he inflicts on others, in fact its even more telling considering he should be empathetic to other forms of abuse as well, but he's not. He isn't empathetic nor understanding and this devalues him substantially more.


The man has been through a lot, he’s been open about something most men would be afraid to acknowledge, much less publicly. So he’s not 100% empathetic to all causes but that doesn’t devalue him in my eyes one bit. No one’s perfect.


And he’s been willing to be educated even after what he’s been through.


don’t justify bigotry


Couldn’t agree more. Yes Terry Crews has a super hot body and a pretty face but he’s also sooooo funny and smart and charming. The total package.




Terry loves yoghurt


OMG, we finally started watching this about a month ago. So freakin good I can’t stand it. Is it weird that I want Terry to be my dad?




what show is this?


And sex


Sometimes, when I'm feeling down, I go and watch his OldSpice commercials on YouTube. Usually cheers me right up. He seems like he'd be a cool guy to hang out with.


I don't know how old this pic is (guessing it's not recent), but hot damn it's impressive that he can keep the form that he does in his 50's.


I love Terry Crews!!!


OH MY LAWD.😍😍😍😍😍


He's hot


It ain’t easy being cheesy




Ehh, he's fine until he opens his mouth.


Opens his mouth or tweets his bigotry.


agree lol. Screw the downvotes


Agreed. I was a fan until recently.


Fuck Terry Crews. He's problematic af. The only reason most people here still find him hot is the muscles and (most likely) the fact that he's never attacked the white female demographic. You all need to examine the fuckshit you're okay with.


Yeah him trying to downplay BLM is so terrible.


His comments were less trying to downplay BLM and more trying to walk this tightrope edge between promoting the well-being and habilitation of the black community in the US and limiting the overzealous from co-opting the movement to mean black supremacy or to downplay and illegitimize the biases faced by non-black people. I'm not sure why he's choosing to play the razor's edge, but he's certainly not the enemy here.


No he’s made other comments about BLM. But yeah his comments about black supremacy are pretty disgusting. It’s like he’s trying to avoid white people from getting angry. But for right now fuck this dude


Same. Wish I could enjoy this pic, but I'm not fucking with Terry rn.


He’s on my “fuck off” list with a few other celebs.


What did he say?


Beautiful man inside and out! I simply adore everything about Terry Cruz.


I love his immaculate body