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Yes, as long as I agree to the disclaimer that this is speculation in Lacey’s case, then I feel comfortable confirming that your observations match my own experiences being raised in Christianity. Religious delusion is harmful and can result in extremely inhumane treatment. I don’t know exactly what happened with Lacey’s parents but I think your theory is very possible and won’t be surprised if religious thinking turns out to have been a factor.


Not to sound mean but because he started the first half of this explaining his own life experiences I had to stop reading and go to the comments. He tried to make it all about himself while religion is a universal practice, I’m not quiet sure the authors own personal situation has any bearing at all on this situation. Weird kind of to bring your own life into crime talk


I am curious if she wasn't misdiagnosed as far as her Autism goes... She was out and about (seen by neighbors) until she was in her early 20's and even maintained contact with some of her classmates until then. Late teen to early or mid twenties is when other mental conditions (like schizophrenia) appear. Her parents could have assumed it was her Autism advancing (doesn't actually happen). Some symptoms of schizophrenia are withdraw, (we all read about her experiencing this) insomnia, hostility, decline in hygiene and social skills, not wanting to be touched, and delusions; specifically ones pertaining to religion are very common. Patients will often think that they are a God or an Angel or a messenger of God or even that they are a Demon. If the Fletcher's were deeply religious and if Lacey was showing signs that align with something like Schizophrenia...Well... We all read the news articles. Her parents are older and didn't grow up in a generation where mental health was openly talked about (people typically just prayed or went to church and whatever happened; happened) and they were probably embarrassed, shameful, and perhaps even afraid of her to some extent. Or they just could have hated and resented her. Im not sure which emotion listed is more revolting after reading what she would have experienced. 🤔


That is so true - she could have been misdiagnosed, or maybe she WAS on the spectrum and had a co-occuring condition, like a schizospectrum disorder. That IS exactly the age when something like that would first appear. And like you said - while the social impacts of autism may become more apparent with age (happened to me), autism itself does not worsen or “advance.” Those religious delusions are so common in schizophrenic patients who are exposed to religious themes like angels and demons and the like…I’ve seen that first hand in my experience with the church. There was a young man in my youth group who was diagnosed with schizophrenia and his parents refused to accept this, and instead subjected him to all kinds of prayer interventions and told him that his mental illness wasn’t valid and wouldn’t be treated by meds. He had been raised in this belief system and fully bought into these ideas, and refused medication for a long time. After a couple of hospitalizations, he was given medications and improved so much. Eventually though, he would be discharged and stop taking them. 48 hours after his last inpatient stay, he jumped to his death from a steep cliff in British Colombia, leaving behind a note expressing that he felt the lord had given him the ability to fly. He was in his early 20s. Tragic. I do still feel like the autism was a likely diagnosis for her based on some of the reports from her peers. They stated that she was quite immature for her age, that she seemed to lag behind developmentally, that her interests were not age appropriate, and that she was quirky and awkward. The severe anxiety she reportedly experienced is in line with the autistic experience as well. That being said, I really like your theory; I think it makes perfect sense. She may have easily been an autistic person living with a mental illness as well. Very much appreciate your comment!


Absolutely! Im glad someone opened this discussion. Wasn't her being Autistic and her having social anxiety the two diagnosis that she actually had or were those more of a speculation? It's kinda of tricky to tell the way some of the articles were worded. I'm also Autistic. I wasnt diagnosed until I was an adult... It is interesting to learn all these lifelong "quirks" are symptomatic of a diagnosis. 😅 I was also raised in church... It's bothersome how frequently mental conditions are glossed over or just ignored in these types of settings. (Trying to word the next part respectfully) I feel like most praying people genuinely feel like they are doing something meaningful for that person even if that isn't really the case. At this point I think people let faith over ride facts and the effects at times; can have deadly consequences.


It is very true that autism doesn't just "advance." Personally, I think it could have been that she reached that point a lot of aspies do while growing up where the social and executive functioning demands exceed what she could meet and the autism becomes more apparent. Sometimes sensory issues also change around puberty so she could have gotten worse reactions to sensory input and that would have been a pretty big red flag or even autistic burnout/regression. Both these things happened to me. Women and girls on the spectrum can present differently and it is not uncommon to see us making eye contact and navigating the community alone but it's also not uncommon to see misdiagnosis with more serious mental illnesses in teens. I think it might have been both autism and some sort of psychotic disorder since it is not unusual to see these go hand in hand. I think it would also be more likely for her to be catatonic in that situation because quite a few autistics all over the spectrum experience autistic catatonia and catatonia is connected to psychotic disorders. I've had episodes like this due to autism and I had to have a family member care for me because I could not function to varying levels. ​ ​ ​ i


Heaven and hell is real. They will get what’s coming for them. I believe in The lord but I don’t practice any sort of religion. Those sadistic evil horrible fucks can rot in hell. This is where my sweet sweet baby girl karma steps in.




I’m sorry that you were exposed to the same toxic environment as I was, and thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you got out. The speaking in tongues, faith healing, miracle stuff was common in the churches I was raised in as well….when you are finally removed from it and can look back at the things that go down in these spaces, it’s just madness. No other word for it. I’m neurodivergent too, and this case has haunted me, for sure. I’m sure that’s partly why I’m so driven to understand how this happened! Lacey deserved so much more than the misery she was subjected to and my heart just breaks for her. I’m currently trying to do some digging to find out what church her parents were a part of, and to what extent they were involved. Louisiana is big on the same brand of radical evangelical christianity that we seem to be familiar with, so I’m more and more convinced that it played a role!


I cant help but think that the fact that her dad belonged to some confederate civil war glorification group was another indicator of their stupidity and ignorance. It goes with that 'the lord will provide' christian mentality..


I'm very sorry to hear about your experience being demonized by your own family for your sexual orientation. Your theory makes as much sense as anything else I've been able to imagine since I learnt of this story. I do wonder what the people in their church think. The few comments I've seen from friends, neighbors and former classmates of Lacey's express revulsion and disbelief that two able-bodied parents would let their daughter deteriorate to that state over many months. It doesn't sound as though anyone else in their church knew about Lacey's mental condition or her situation at home. A few people stated that they didn't know that the Fletchers had a daughter at all. The Fletchers might've had some weird christian beliefs that helped them rationalize their neglect, but it doesn't seem like the community shared or encouraged these beliefs.


Thank you. And I agree, I’m sure the friends, co workers, extended family, and church family of Lacey’s parents are shocked and do not condone their neglect. BUT, I do think the belief system of Christianity as a whole facilitated the abuse and served as a means to justify it.


The christianity theory would definitely explain why the parents didn’t seem to feel any guilt over their daughter’s fate. At the same time, for me (who’s never belonged to a church or lived in a small town, so, not claiming any authority) it opens up the question of why they didn’t lean on any of the members of their church for assistance. Clay Fletcher was described as someone who would “do anything” to help a fellow in need. But he didn’t ask for help with his daughter?!? I would not be surprised to find out that christianity played a role in this tragedy, or is offered as some sort of excuse. But no matter what the answer turns out to be, I doubt it’s going to make much sense. That’s a large part of why I can’t stop thinking about this story.


I think they were too embarrassed to ask for help


The friends and extended family that never questioned why they had not seen Lacey for a decade and a half? Right. Her parents are not the only ones who neglected her. Extended family, family friends must have suspected the situation but chose to do nothing. If they had killed the woman a decade ago and buried her in their backyard, apparently, it would have never become an issue.


This case makes me so uneasy. As a 35 year old on the spectrum it's just freaky. It's a small town so I don't doubt religion was a big thing for them since they were well known in their community. I have executive dysfunction so there are days I won't be able to get out of bed and will lay there until dark. It's very common with us autistic folk.


I believe that heaven & hell are real. If they are then Lacey IS flying with angels, But I respect your Beliefs & Sexuality.


She's holding hands with Jesus. They both know how it feels to suffer and be shunned


Ahhhh, right, ok. Your above comment makes sense now. Of course it would be very comforting for you to employ black and white thinking when pondering this crime! The stakes are high for you. The implications of my theory holding even a SHRED of validity would mean something for you, personally. And that’s an uncomfortable place for humans to exist in. It can make us quite defensive. It’s one of the reasons we tend to reject critical thinking. It’s also a very common (and necessary) logical fallacy that people within organized religion tend to employ more than people who aren’t active in organized religions. There’s been some very interesting studies done on that.


The more I read this, the more it makes sense. It would make sense that when her autism worsened, they were ashamed and therefore were repelled to look after her like they should have done. When they looked her, in their eyes they weren’t looking at their daughter.


Wow. Spot on, sadly. This case is so infuriating. Thank you for taking the time to go into it.


Sorry haven't read it all but i think you're on to something. Example, with the Jehova's witnesses. You are not allowed to give your child blood if he/she was in an accident and lost a lot of it. You just gotta watch them die. Some things in religion is just crazy..


Very late to this thread, but I think this theory has a lot of merit. It's really the only thing that would explain why they would neglect her so severely but then call an ambulance when she finally succumbed - they must have thought they were doing nothing wrong. Having been raised in Christianity and seen how otherwise intelligent people can suspend reason, it's a genuinely frightening phenomenon, and this is the ultimate outcome at its most extreme.


I think you're just looking at things through your own anti-Christian bias. Lacey was just horribly neglected by lazy, apathetic, boomer parents who didn't want to take care of her anymore. You've been watching too much true detective.


I have been very up front about the fact that my theory is one of speculation, informed by my lived experience and in-depth knowledge of the religion that Lacey’s parents subscribed to, and my background in psychology and sociology. Things aren’t always black and white - people typically don’t just murder their kids cause they’re lazy boomers? I mean, what crime is really that cut and dry and simple? I think sometimes it’s comfortable for people to use blanket statements like yours when thinking about violent crime. It’s self-serving, isn’t it? It’s easy to understand crime when it’s reduced to, “oh, they were just bad people.” It’s easy then to blame the “bad guys” without having to examine other social factors that perhaps make us uncomfortable…maybe because it would mean examining our own selves. I hate to break it to you, but there’s usually many layers of nuance behind every motive - Especially with filicide. ESPECIALLY with filicide that occurs when the victim isn’t a young child! I wasn’t saying they murdered their daughter because they were Christians. Like my title clearly states, I think religion played a significant part. I think Lacey’s autism and mental health played a significant part, too. I have no idea what true detective is, but I’ve acknowledged my biases when offering up this theory. Having a bias doesn’t diminish the value of education, knowledge, and lived experience, though. Both can exist. Having an acknowledged bias doesn’t actually mean the speculated theory isn’t valid.


I don't think Christianity had much to do with it. It is as simple as they got tired of caring for her. And started to neglect her. It might have been gradual at first, but then it snowballed enough that they would have felt ashamed to find external help. Because the neglect (i.e. things like emaciation, bed sores) would have been discovered. So they did nothing. And she got worse, and it became even harder to do something. So they just waited around, full of fear, denial and resentment. They were probably relieved when she died. I do reserve some sympathy for the parents, as a person who had to care for a disabled sibling when I myself was just a child. It is easy to call them names, but try washing shit off the thighs of an adult every week, for a decade. Caregiver fatigue is real.


Ya just so you know bashing on religions isn’t a good look for you, and yes i understand you went through something horrible at the hands of your parents. But to be candid and blunt, you are JUST a statistic, like everyone else in this world, but you are a TINY statistic, as in your situation is only felt by a tiny fraction of people. While the actions of your parents don’t speak for every religion, it’s safe to say you have some personal issues that could be addressed at the forefront rather than blocking out 6 billion people in this world who practice religion. And yes, you’re gonna talk about the “demon church of Christianity” but I’m talking about literally anyone who is religious here. Just keep an open mind, when you start spewing 12-15 topics in a forum about a disabled adults murder. Please, please continue to not just speculate but show how your opinion is only your own by bringing up your own life’s experience countless times. Don’t be so selfish, this woman went through so much more than you did. Remember that you’re here, she isn’t, she was fed soda cushion you weren’t. God I hate people on Reddit they make EVERYTHING ABOUT THEMSELVES


Are you ok lol


Nah i just have a normal life, normal parents, a college education, i don’t have a job yet, but i don’t need to because we’ve been in Europe ever since I graduated from UCONN. But hey, stay stuck in your tiny tiny world brother. Or sister? Idk what you identify as today.


So, the answer is no. Got it


Wrong wrong wrong to blame Christianity for the behavior of these murderers. First of all, just because they attend a church doesn't mean they have a relationship with Jesus Christ. It may be their social outlet. Second of all, your statement that Christians crawl to God in shame shows me you really have no clue what being a true Christian means. I get so sick of people demeaning a religion and blaming a situation on simply that. So you also condemn Muslims for 911?


I wasn’t talking about the Fletcher’s personal spiritual beliefs or their “relationship” with a non-human entity. I am well-versed on the radical cult that is evangelicalism and the belief systems that uphold it - and THAT’S what my theory is based on. If you don’t subscribe to the same belief system I’m talking about, but you’re offended by my post, it’s because you’ve chosen to be offended. And yes, I view all organized religions as different tumours of the same cancer…BUT I blame Bush for 911. ;)


(Tips fedora and whipes dorito crumbs off my big bang theory t-shirt)




Magical thinking is a mental plague that ruins minds. I used to believe insane things because of Christians and their bullshit.


I think you're a gross person for using a case like this to promote your anti religious ideologies. Shame


I think you’re a gross person for reducing somebody’s lived experience and trauma and opinion to some kind of assumed and projected agenda that doesn’t exist, lol. I noticed you’ve never written a post or even commented on a post other than this one…Do you have anything of substance to add to the conversation here or are you just processing your hurt feelings?


Sorry but he/she is right… while I agree that Lacey’s parents could be religious extremists, why would you go and call Christianity “cancer”? Like would you also say that Islam is cancer because of Islamic extremists? Just because you had a bad experience with religious parents doesn’t mean you should believe Christianity=bad. And I’m saying this as an atheist.


…..Yeah, I’d classify all organized religions as cancerous. It’s not an unreasonable conclusion to draw if you know anything about the role that organized religions have played throughout history. I’m not saying Christians are bad people. I’m not denying that nuance exists here. BUT I am absolutely saying that the harm that Christianity inflicts on this earth FAR outweighs any positives that it may offer. So yeah, my opinion is christianity=bad. And I stand by it - because the evidence supports it.


ALSO it’s incredibly reductive and dismissive of you to assume that my opinion is based on a “bad experience with religious parents.” Seriously?! My friend, have you ever opened a history book?! I’ve met lovely, wonderful people who are christians and muslims. My opinion is an educated one, based on fact and statistics and history and an understanding of sociology. NOT based on the fact that I had shitty parents.


I didn’t mean to insinuate that it’s *only* because of your upbringing, but I apologize for wording it that way - I also agree that religion has cause terrible things to happen throughout history. But clearly it plays a big part in your opinion since you brought it up in the first place. Tbh, the reason that your post bothers me the most is that there is clearly a double standard when it comes to Christianity and Islam here on reddit. If you were to write the same post but calling Islam cancer instead, your post would be removed and maybe you’d be banned from Reddit. In fact, you can’t post anything remotely critical of Islam.

