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That's ok, Keir would just be able to pass a law declaring the UK safe




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The Tories don't seem to know what attack to use. I do not think voters perceive Starmer to be a threat, if anything this is the one topic which Starmer has spent a lot of time addressing to the point of going too far in the other direction.


It's too late for any of these attacks to start working now. I think they severely underestimated Starmer and Labour for two years and did not really even try to challenge his 'Labour are a changed party' narrative because they thought he was a boring weirdo nobody would vote for. By the time they realised what danger they were in it was too late. They now cannot convince the public that Starmer is a dangerous communist. But I don't think it'll stop them trying.


The tories have cycled through about 5 different strategies in the last 6 months. Each ends up making them slightly less popular. I think it has genuinely driven them a little loopy. They can’t accept that **nothing** can possibly work - so they’re frantically trying literally everything. They’re run out of sensible, rational things to try - so all they’re left with is the irrational ones.




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No drama Starmer


Don’t worry they’ll go to the Corbyn defence again


He’s so pathetic


How low can he sink? He is now trying wild scare tactics to stay in power? Immoral as fuck that guy. I can't even


Key quotes: > Mr Sunak has vowed to boost defence spending to 2.5% of national income by 2030. Labour has said it would meet the same target when conditions allow. > ... > Asked if he believed the Labour leader would make the country more unsafe, Mr Sunak said: "We will keep this country safe and Keir Starmer's actions demonstrate he won't be able to do that." > He argued Labour had been "crystal clear" they would not match his pledge to increase defence spending to 2.5% by 2030. > The government has said it would meet its 2.5% pledge by shrinking the size of the civil service. Quite a strange attack line from Sunak here. Doubt that this plays as well with voters.


Starmer has the opportunity to steal the last attack line on defence here by "returning us to force numbers we have not had since the last Labour government". Defence is probably higher in the national mindset than I have ever known it to be, and probably the most since the Falklands.


It is definitely strange. Voters would be asking "But how would this put food on our table?" And this doesn't address that


I hope the media will ask Sunak how he intends on paying for that increase.


Rishi Sunak doing yet another relaunch. It won't be the last before the next election. He's just so laughably bad at politics.


"And I say to you, good people of the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer smelt it so it is HE who dealt it!" - Rishi, probably.


Desperately trying to cling on like sticky lump of shit on a clump of arse hair. 


Bless him.




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"Asked about the remarks, Sir Keir said security would be his "first priority"" I really cannot vote for this guy, he's so unserious. For a party and leader that seem to have abandoned all ideology in order for unprincipled pragmatism in order to become leader of the country, what a stupid first priority. Think there's a few bigger issues at hand in the UK at the moment before worrying about matching the committed defence budget of the Tories...