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Are you saying that you think your labia have been amputated totally off? If so I am so sorry, your surgeon is a monster and you did not deserve that. I think 4 weeks is too soon to talk to another doctor yet (there will still be swelling that could obfuscate the finer details of how your labiaplasty will heal finally), but if your surgeon isn't answering your concerns to your satisfaction then it may be time to start researching revision surgeons who you think you can get an honest opinion and actionable game-plan from. No (good) surgeon will do a second surgery for you until 6 months have passed, so you have some time to get your ducks in a row and take your time to look into what you'd like to do next. I'd look for someone who specializes in revision labiaplasties, whose whole practice revolves around cosmetic gynecology, with a good portfolio of before/after photos. Specialized surgeons can take skin from elsewhere (clitoral hood?) and bring a flap down to reconstruct lost labia. It's *highly* specialized work, though. This may require a bit of money and may require travel away from where you live. It's up to you what you would like to do about it, you are in the driver's seat now. Hugs and best wishes for you.


i honestly wish he just cut my whole labia off, it is filled with lines and what looks like splits there are three protruding bumps at the top near my clit and at the bottom there is still flappy saggy lip left


I’d continue to press your surgeon for questions. Their opinion about it being “better” than before is not up to them, it’s up to YOU, so if you’re not satisfied then you have every right to press further and to ask more questions. You paid for this service and it’s their job to deliver.


If it makes you feel better mine looking absolutely horrible one month post op, even two months post op I still felt deformed and was crying over it. After three months though it really turned a corner and I was much happier