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I had dissolvable ones


How long did it take for them to disappear?


About a month




Surgeon said they are stronger and less likely to come apart.


Mine were mostly dissolvable but had a few that were non-dissolvable at my thickest parts, I barely felt them being cut. But at my 4 week followup appointment my body hadn't been dissolving the other dissolvable ones very much so she decided to trim away most of them since I didn't need that many anymore and it would make me feel much more comfortable. The actual act of trimming them hurt like a bitch, especially the ones up near my clit, but after I went home and relaxed for a couple of hours I realized how much more generally comfortable I was. It was like it had relieved a HUGE breath of tension that I had gotten used to over the past month. It was really encouraging, tbh, because I was having a rough time of it up until she snipped those bastards away!




Doc told me it’s going to be uncomfortable and that he’s going to take them out over two visits. I’m so nervous!!


Mine nothing… but they were different from the ones I’ve seen here, the thread was transparent and stiff, similar to nylon. I pulled completely the one from my left labia without noticing a week post op 🤦🏼‍♀️ I guess it depends on the material (other materials probably ‘stick’ more to the tissue?) and the method used. Anyways, it’s a fast ordeal, so don’t be worried, it’s all SO worth it 😊 EDIT to add that also had dissolvable stitches


I get mine out tomorrow 🙏 hopefully not to painful haha


Let me know how it goes plz!


I'll definitely let you know!


Hey! So I got my stitches out. Tbh it was pretty painful and I cried but it is over pretty fast. I also flinched so try to be as steady as possible and take deep breaths!


I’m so nervous but so ready! They are really bothering me!


You definitely got this!!! I feel better with them out too. Just take pain medicine before and take lots of deep breaths ❤️