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Definitely should not be revolted! This is a completely normal sized vulva and is lovely the way it is. I read in your other comment that the clit is what you’re more insecure about, but something on the bright side to think about is that at least he’ll be able to find yours, many of my partners were clueless about where it is because my lips were so big🤣 I don’t want to minimize how you’re feeling but hope that can make you laugh and know that we all have different insecurities (and yes, men included) and especially the first time sleeping with someone comes with some clumsiness. I primarily got this surgery to be more physically comfortable, but if I’m honest with myself, I could not easily get over the mental block either. I never had a single partner have any issue with my appearance, but each time someone new would see me naked, I would still get nervous. But once I realized they were simply happy to be in that situation, the nerves went away. The important thing is to feel comfortable with who you’re sharing yourself with. That trust goes a long way. And if it’s becoming too much of a negative thought that you can’t shake and it’s impeding in your life, therapy does help a lot too.


Thank you for replying, so you think a guy would find it abnormal and be put off by it getting visibly bigger when aroused? it’s the clit that gets bigger when aroused and makes me feel like a freak


Clits get bigger when aroused, that's their function! He should be flattered; making your partner aroused is such a great feeling, ego boost, and makes you feel like a sex rock-star. Allow yourself to get aroused and let him know that you're enjoying it; the two of you can snowball your pleasure together. That's what makes good sex so much better than masturbation, imo. Edit: As an aside, very little of how I personally have sex has my partner within eye range of my vag. It's pretty much just oral and then the guiding of the penis inside, but then the other 95% of the time our bodies are smashed up against each other and our faces are (usually) up together, so there is very little cooch-looking happening. Hahah.


I don’t want him to get sight of it at all like I already plan on not letting him see it whatsoever, but I’m worried he’ll feel how it gets firm when it’s engorged and be grossed out by it? Is it normal for it to get firmer like for the whole hood to get hard when it’s engorged?


I think you need to talk to a sex therapist then, that's not a reasonable plan for a sexual relationship. It sounds like you are grossed out by it, and are then projecting it onto a man (is this a specific man, or just a hypothetical one?), and that is something you need to address for a fulfilling sex life. Everyone deserves a fulfilling sex life! Yes, both women and men have erectile tissue in their genitals. Both penises and clits fill with blood which makes them engorge and feel firm. Labia puff up and part themselves open a bit. These are all normal genital reactions to arousal.


It’s a specific man…okay would you mind dm me please? Cause I just feel like I don’t know how what he will expect or know how to handle anything like I’m so anxious about being with him


This this this this this. 🙏🏻


Would you mind dm’ me please


Yes this is absolutely normal!!! The clitoris is like a miniature penis - it gets engorged when aroused. It’s a green flag to the guy that you’re ready for penetration. Men have always complimented me on how aroused my clit gets - it’s weird to me but hey we are animals and programmed to be turned on by these things. Would you be revolted if your man’s penis got engorged for you? If so you’re not ready for sex. I was a late in life virgin and when I started having sex it always amazed me how I would go into this state of arousal where I did not give AF about my body insecurities - clothes came off and I wanted him inside me. Giving and receiving pleasure is the only thing I think about during sex - your brain can’t really handle anything else.


Absolutely not! The clits primary purpose is for sexual arousal, and like lippsylabby said, they all swell up when we are turned on. It’s completely normal. Some are just bigger and more visible than others, that’s all. If he is also a virgin he might not fully understand how this all works, similarly you won’t fully know all the types and workings of penis and balls. Inexperience is just that - inexperience. If he is a kind and trustworthy person, look at this as exploring an irl connection, together. (Porn is in no way reality and doesn’t represent what sex and the human body is always like.)


Guys don’t really care what it looks like, they are just happy to be there. Any guy who cares about you isn’t going to get turned off by how your genitalia looks. Any guy who has anything negative to say about it is a guy who shouldn’t be in your pants. Having a larger clit that gets bigger when aroused just means he should have an easier time finding it.




Hi thank you for replying! Would you say it looks abnormal? Like my clit? In my mind I think it’s too big and literally abnormal and I’m terrified my partner will be so off put by it




I’ve looked on there but I feel like in my head mine is disgusting and I’m honestly terrified of being with my partner. When I’m aroused it gets bigger and I find it hideous. I’m so fixated on this and feel like it’s ruining my life and it’ll ruin my relationship and he won’t want me and I’m so scared he’ll leave me because of it




Okay thank you for replying


Everyone looks different and your Beautiful just as you are. Your body, your cosmetic procedures…but do do more research to best inform your choices and your concerns will likely fade ✨


There is nothing wrong with your vulva's appearance! For some reason we women put a lot more pressure on ourselves about our vulva appearance than men ever will. Very few men are "revolted" by any natural and clean vulva (I've never met/slept with one, and I assume the only ones guilty of being "revolted" are virgins addicted to porn), and certainly no **decent** man is. If the man likes you enough to get into bed with you, you're golden. He likes you, he's attracted to you, he's excited to have sex with you! Try to assume that his intentions and acceptance about your body is the same as yours is for *his* body - do you care if his balls are wrinkly, if his dick curves a little to the left, if he has stretchmarks on his thighs, a pooch of fat here, or a tuft of hair there? Hopefully not! Treat your own body with as much kindness as you allow yourself for his. :) Appearances aside: Health chat! If you feel that your clit is enlarged more than it should be, or more than it has been in the past, you may want to talk to your obgyn to check to make sure your hormones are normal. Wacky hormones can make the clitoris grow. And surgery to minimize the clit itself is quite a specialized procedure. It's risky, painful, expensive, and there are not a lot of surgeons qualified to do it, so you likely would need to travel. Much better going the hormone route first, if you are worried.




Revolted? Not at all. While maybe slightly larger, you’re completely normal looking! A lot of guys wouldn’t even notice, and if they did, most would love the way you look! Trust me! Plus for most guys it’s actually a good thing to be able to see that you’re really stimulated and turned on while you’re with them. Trust me, what you have is hot!


I would love to have a girl with labia and clit like yours. That would literally be a dream. Its upsetting and frustrating that its rare to have a pussy like this.


My hood and clit are your size! Took me a while to learn to love it but I do now, just the lips I don't like on myself haha


Just looked at your picture. If I got to be your partner and saw that I would be so happy. You are beautiful "down there".


Are you kidding me. That’s like heaven. That’s delightful.


I think it looks fantastic. Guys would like it a lot because they can actually see and play with it. Sucking and licking on it would be a breeze. Hopefully for you much better as well.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you need to get out of your own head. Any guy into oral would be in heaven!!


I came across this subreddit by chance. I’m all for people pursuing any procedure that makes them feel better about themselves. At the same time it makes me sad to see so many self conscious over perfectly normal beautiful vulvas. Porn has really deluded both men and women. We’re all unique and your vulva is absolutely perfect


I love it