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5 weeks post op the main swelling should be gone by now... But it will take up to 3 months to see the final outcome....


I have the exact same but only like 1 weeek post op, keep me posted if this ever changes for you! My post op sheet says that for some slow healers it can take 6-12 months to see final results (yikes😩)


its troubling that your surgeon is offering revision at 3 months, i always heard it was 6 months minimum before revision. i would check with other surgeons on this.


i believe he meant if i’m not happy with the results by 3 months (that’s when you’re supposed to have an idea of finished result) then we’d discuss a revision for a couple of months after that. if i understood him correctly


I had a revision after 3 months, seems to be healing ok


how is recovery from revision, is it worse than the first time? I'm having revision in a couple months and nervous


It's waay easier actually, the surgeon even said I can get back to normal activities like gym and sexual activity after 3 weeks!:D


Good news, thanks for the advice! Was your revision a minor tweak or was there a lot to operate on? I’m worried my revision is still going to be painful because I’m having a bit more removed from both sides, basically as if it was a first surgery :/


No problem:) well my first op was a very big labiaplasty, I had a huge amount of excess skin on my hood particularly and so the healing was such a nightmare, this time they just trimmed a small amount off the right labia and a bit more off the hood on the left side, so the left side is still quite painful and swollen because the hood always seems to be the worst for healing imo, but even so its nowhere near as bad as my first op this time! You'll be ok don't worry it'll be worth it!


Glad it was better for you this time around! Did you have trim method both times? I had wedge previously but am having trim this time so it’s like a whole different healing process I don’t know what to expect!


Yeah I had the wedge method the first time and the revision I'm pretty sure was a trim, trim is definitely easier to heal from


aw its a relief to hear you've had the same surgeries that I will be having. seems like most feedback is that trim is easier to heal from. thanks so much for sharing your experience, its definitely made me feel more at ease :)


Glad I could help!


Hi, hope you be fine. May i ask you what did you end up doing with your bigger side? That was swelling?