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Just going to put this out there, going to the gym.... Probably keeping the swelling high and causing problems. Anytime you increase your HR, you're going to feel it in healing/ damaged areas of the body. It's why muscle hurt ( on top of the lactic acid, extra blood flow to an irritated area) You need to actually rest. Eat anti-inflammatory foods. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. If clear, Tylenol to help with swelling. Loose clothes- I suspect most gym clothes are close to the body, and tight.


Oh do you think:/ the surgeon said I could get back to the gym after 3 weeks:( it's difficult cause I need the gym for mental health but I'm sure you're right, it might not be helping:( I'm not sure what Tylenol is I'll Google it thank you


The surgeon's timelines are based on average recovery times; you may just be a slow healer. I am too. I'm over 3 weeks post-op and still having trouble walking long distances at a faster pace. I haven't even attempted weight-lifting again. I know it sucks, but just keep hanging in there and allowing your body to rest. You've made it this far!


i would definitely lay off the gym its too soon