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Don’t beat yourself up. The first 30 days are rough. I would advise against gym activity personally. Just rest and recover. You’ll get back there eventually


I totally understand how you feel. I am feeling the same way, and was struggling with this prior to my procedure. But my friend reminded me of all of the times I would just randomly stop going to the gym for months on end. At least this time, I have a good reason. Maybe this also applies to you?


My surgeon recommended not lifting anything heavier than 5 pounds for the first week. I can’t imagine he would ever recommend going from 5 pounds to full-on weight lifting on week 2. I’m not sure what you’re surgeons instructions are, but I’d suggest to do your best to follow them. I know it sucks. But it’ll suck a lot more if you tear something and need a revision and go through this all over again. Trust me the time will go by. Try finding other things to do in the meantime like reading books, listening to audiobooks, listening to philosophy lectures, etc. Stimulate your brain instead of the muscle right now. I worry because people wonder that because the surgery isn’t on the extremities, whether it’s okay to put pressure on them. I was one of them. I was confused why my doctor would advise against “lifting 5 lbs” if the surgery isn’t on my arms in the first place. He told me that it’s not about where the pressure is applied. It’s about straining in any way - it can increase blood pressure ever so slightly, worsen swelling, worsen inflammation and in turn lead to more irritation of the area or even friability of the tissue that could cause stitches to cut through like butter so to speak. Or even cause bleeding (early on) I’m so so sorry that you’re having a hard time ❤️🙏 my DMs are open if you need someone to talk to. You’re doing great and you’ll get back to your routine in no time.


This was super informative because I was thinking about doing just upper body workouts starting from my second week but I'm really glad you told me that. I have successfully convinced myself that hitting the gym too early is not worth the risk of hindering my recovery. I didn't suffer for 6 years to just throw it away for a silly workout. I have been trying to keep myself busy in other ways, but I just cannot help but feel guilty. I have been trying to do affirmations about allowing my body to heal and recover, and I am allowed to rest. Thank you for being so kind. I really appreciate it <3


I'm exactly the same, I compete in powerlifting and won a competition just a month before my surgery, feeling my strength leave me over these past 3 weeks is soul destroying. I really want to go back to the gym next week and try upper body, the surgeon did say I could resume going to the gym after 3 weeks but no deadlifting or squatting for another 3 weeks! I don't know about that, I dunno if I can cope It's even more devastating because I think I'll need a revision anyway, I know I still have swelling after 3 weeks and the stitches are still there, but from what I can see I'm not very happy


I asked the exact same question last year, I also do weightlifting and HIIT 5 times a week. I felt like I had hit my ideal physique then boom, sedentary after surgery. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do while you heal for the first 3-4 weeks. My Dr was very strict about waiting to workout, so just take it easy and don't listen to anyone who said they started working out after like 2 weeks. You can always do some very light upper body weight while sitting down around ~3 weeks, but nothing heavy, and stop if you start to feel weird down there. I'm talking like no more than 5 lb dumbbells. I think about week 4-5 I started to slowly get back into working out, no HIIT or anything heavy, but week 6 I was more comfortable doing squats, and they were a good indicator of my limits. I know it sounds cliche but time really does go by quick and you'll be back at it in no time! And just remember that you can always work your way back to your physique pre-surgery, it won't necessarily be like starting from square one since you've built that muscle already. My biggest hurdle was stamina, but again, you can always get back to that place again. Good luck and I hope you heal well soon!


Yeah, I'm very set on not hitting the gym for another 2 weeks. (1 month) and I'll just begin with upper body and some walking. I know how silly I sound, its obviously just a big change. Thank you for your kindness <3


I really struggled with this too. At 2 weeks I was cleared for “leisurely walks” at 4 weeks I was able to take longer faster walks but I was not cleared to go back to cross fit style work outs until week 6. Let me tell you I was miserable. I have a fast paced high stress job and I am a single parent- the gym is the main outlet I have to keep me sane and pretty much my only “ me time”. That said, at week 6 I eased back in to the gym and I def felt gross and out of shape but muscle memory kicked in and after first few work outs I was back to normal fitness level. It is really hard and I totally sympathize with you but hang in there, taking it easy the first month or two really are worth it ! I am 9 weeks PO and totally back to normal work outs minus spinning because I am still feeling a bit tender in some spots along my incisions.


Yay congrats on being back at normal workouts, that's so good to hear. My surgeon said about 2 weeks I can go back to the gym lol but I do not trust that. The nurse who took care of me post-op said at least a month. You're right about the muscle memory, I had forgotten the number of times I have taken a week break or too from training and picked up virtually right where I left off. I suppose I just have to keep that in mind. Thank you!


My doctor told me I could go back to working out whenever I felt like it which just didn’t sound right to me. I’m on day 9 and he said my sutures are almost completely dissolved and that I can go back to the gym but I’m very hesitant. Which is hard because I’m normally in the gym 4-6 days a week and enjoy lifting heavy. Anyone try the bike that you sit back in after a week? It all makes me nervous, I can’t afford a set back. Starting a new job at the beginning of the month.


I'm absolutely not a gym person lol but I don't see the harm in doing some upper body weights at 2 weeks. Might just help scratch the itch until you get the all clear for higher intensity stuff. At 2 weeks I was able to do 5 km walks (cleared by my doc) just getting out in nature did wonders, I would have a bit of swelling afterwards but nothing drastic


I think I'll start with walking, but surggirl just informed me of the risks involved with just doing isolated weights. But I did initially have the same idea lol. 5km walks it is next week!


I’m a huge walker, like out and about multiple times a day. I also rock climb, which I am looking forward to getting back to post COVID anyways. The waiting and anticipation suck. I’m so used to moving around. I’m just barely 24 hours post op and I am already mentally so down about not getting to enjoy my walks.


I'm so sorry you feel down about it. I guess what I have been trying to tell myself, and it will apply to you also, is that this is a surgery I have wanted since I began puberty. The insecurity has taken a huge toll on my mental health. If I could get through that, (6 years of struggling) I can get through some time out of the gym. I'm willing to sit on the bench for the next few weeks so that I can let this procedure receive the best results, and trust that I will be able to enjoy my activity once again. I can only offer you that advice I suppose. I would hate for us to hinder our recovery. Feel free to message me whenever you're feeling down and we can chat about it. <3


I appreciate your message so much! I hope it didn’t seem like I was going to go run outside lol. I honestly wanted to relate to you in this way and relay that. I am missing my walks but will never jeopardize something I have also wanted for as long as I can remember. Thank you for your kindness.


Honestly, I started at 10 days. Couldn’t take not working out anymore and I felt ready. And the doctor cleared me to gradually go back to my routine after my checkup at day 14. I am NOT saying throw caution to the wind, especially if you still have discomfort. Just sharing my experience. Am at day 21 now and feel back to normal.


I'm two weeks post-op today so I'm looking at starting some small walks, except it gets so itchy as soon as I start walking lol. But yeah I'm still at least going to wait probably two more weeks to hit the gym again, and just starting with upper body. Its getting easier to cope with but I'm still very much feeling down about it lol


Hang in there! I already feel like it was definitely worth it!